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STARFURRY 3! Results are up! Thanks to all who came out.


Smash Ace
Apr 12, 2008
lool bug with the **** talk already haha
if ally doesnt come ill come 1st with ambrose 2nd and probably percon or jl 3rd and 4th sorry bug LOL


Smash Hero
Apr 25, 2006
Thunder Whales Picnic
yo so I JUST found out about this. I wanna go

raynex or whoever knows, we dun need passports do we? last time i went to Canada they asked me for a bunch of ****.


Smash Lord
Apr 14, 2007
yo so I JUST found out about this. I wanna go

raynex or whoever knows, we dun need passports do we? last time i went to Canada they asked me for a bunch of ****.
I'm pretty sure it's driver's license + birth certificate.


Colonel RTSD
Aug 14, 2005
Corneria, Lylat System
yea corneria, GGs and JJs shouldn't be banned.

I wonder how this tourny is going to turn out.

edit: When we went to BFWNY 5 we showed our passports. But a birth certificate and driver's license should be enough.


Smash Lord
Mar 28, 2008
Canada, ON
I'd appreciate it if the stage list was SBR-approved in any form.

Or, consistent with the stated objective of "eliminating the ******** from tournament play" that "people shouldn't have to deal with."

I say I shouldn't have to deal with Brinstar. Tell me I'm wrong, but you're right about Pirate Ship?
You're right to ban Corneria but not Rainbow Cruise?

You're the T.O. so it's all about what tourney you want. And I'm coming to this one, because my options are limited. But I want the ability to cope with those CPs to matter.


Smash Lord
Sep 26, 2006
(KoJapes) Rochester, NY
Completely agreed.
We need to get mad melee friendlies in. I might actually play brawl too.

yea corneria, GGs and JJs shouldn't be banned.

I wonder how this tourny is going to turn out.

edit: When we went to BFWNY 5 we showed our passports. But a birth certificate and driver's license should be enough.
I'm bringing my passport.


Smash Master
Oct 22, 2007
Oshawa 905
KoJ you don't need to force yourself to play brawl. We can play melee, prepare to have your shield multishined and get combod to 92%.

Tuar helped me get better this weekend xD


Smash Lord
Sep 26, 2006
(KoJapes) Rochester, NY
KoJ you don't need to force yourself to play brawl. We can play melee, prepare to have your shield multishined and get combod to 92%.

Tuar helped me get better this weekend xD
First off, 92% is so arbitrary. Just kill me instead. Second, TUAR WAS AT COT4?!?! Pass his teachings onto me.

i'll **** you niko :)
Can you **** me too? I play against Marth a lot. But I get the feeling that won't matter.


Smash Champion
Jan 16, 2006
Plymouth Rock, eating Thanksgiving dinner
whats the venue like?

will it hold this massive influx of people that are coming out the woodworks?
We've had 100+ people in there before, so hopefully.

alright titans rolling up in this biatch.
we're getting a ride there but not back. well i'll try to.
1. Me + TV & Set up
2. Kyle + Set up
3. Peter + TV & Set up
4. Open Spot - I prefer someone with TV. Im not trying to take peoples spots away im just saying I want maximum tv in this tourney and I know people wont bring TVs if they dont get a ride.

also if anyone can bring extra tvs that would be nice.

alright kyle =D
Yay for TVs!

what's up with green greens and corneria being banned in melee singles but not doubles?

Might as well ban FD and put hyrule temple on neutral.
That's just me being stupid and not double checking things.

I'd put corneria and gg off. It's a really lame stage because matchs on this stage always has a fox pulling gay **** on a lightweight character. It gives too many advantages to Fox, it's gonna be a whorehouse filled with ****** foxes. I don't like japes personally, I'd put it off. my two cents.
I agree with greens and corneria. I'll probably take them off. I dunno about Japes, though. It's almost an important counterpick for some people, but Fox can be really stupid on it. I'll leave that one open to discussion for a bit, but you're probably right.

Why is corneria banned?
Have you ever played DK and tried approaching a super campy Fox on that stage?

If those stages are off, why not ban Brinstar as well as it ***** fastfallers? Stages need random more CP imo, fighting without a little bit of random is gay.
I'm getting a lot of conflicting opinions. I think I'm going to have to think about these stages much more carefully. As for that, we should have a stage discussion and come up with some widely accepted stage list for Canada. mIRC anyone?

Why is none of the montrealers listed? lol.
Because I'm an idiot. Who exactly is coming?

EDIT: also do you need me to house you guys?

`Jammin' Jobus

Smash Journeyman
Oct 26, 2006
yo, so i'm currently going to school in kingston. I'm from the Yukon, and have only ever been in the toronto airport so I have virtually no understanding of the GTA. I have a ride back to kingston but not a ride to Missisauga. I'm assuming my cheapest means of transport would be a one-way bus ticket to toronto. How close is the toronto bus station to missisauga? Would I just hop in a taxi and say take me to whatever the venue is or is there some sort of cheaper way. Do the subways go far out of toronto? Is there a skytrain? these questions may sound stupid but I'm just not sure.


Smash Master
Nov 24, 2007
Come By Chance Mews
i'd be fine with corneria and japes on. gg is a bit much, and especially bad for my character, but i like it despite that. but what with the falling blocks and bombs and fox's advantages there it should probably be off.

can great bay be on in teams?! it's so fun. completely stupid though. let's ban that.

don't ban brinstar, mike will be mad. it's not that bad anyway, the lava isn't any more dangerous than falco.

japes is just...kind of campy. not really enough reason for a ban. for klaptrap, maaybe...but most people don't seem to mind that. it's easy to avoid too.


Smash Champion
Dec 22, 2005
To anyone planning on getting housing with me: I WON'T BE HOME UNTIL APPROXIMATELY 6:40-7:00 PM ON FRIDAY. PLEASE DO NOT COME BEFORE 7:00 PM EST


Colonel RTSD
Aug 14, 2005
Corneria, Lylat System
yo, so i'm currently going to school in kingston. I'm from the Yukon, and have only ever been in the toronto airport so I have virtually no understanding of the GTA. I have a ride back to kingston but not a ride to Missisauga. I'm assuming my cheapest means of transport would be a one-way bus ticket to toronto. How close is the toronto bus station to missisauga? Would I just hop in a taxi and say take me to whatever the venue is or is there some sort of cheaper way. Do the subways go far out of toronto? Is there a skytrain? these questions may sound stupid but I'm just not sure.
Once you get to the bus station, the subway is really close.

Go into the subway and ask someone that works there for directions and help.

Basically what you'd be doing is taking the subway west all the way to islington station.

From where downtown t.o. bus station its about a 2 hour commute to the venue.
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