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St.Louis Area Discussion Thread


Smash Master
Sep 4, 2006
St. Louis MO
lol why does zig come in here and talk all this **** "OH FRIENDLIES DONT COUNT CUZ IF THEY DO IM THE BEST"

well we know that you are terrible so... im still confused on the whole friendlies dont count business.

plus werent you the fool that wouldnt shut up about how you beat jiano in all these friendlies before SGAB? good thing they didnt count for **** so I could hear about it every time i beat your *** with my falcon LOLOLOLOLOLOL


Smash Lord
Sep 3, 2008
lol that's still not correct
i has a well grammer, iz look correct 2 meee

Google: define sarcasm
witty language used to convey insults or scorn; "he used sarcasm to upset his opponent"; irony is wasted on the stupid [read: over the internet]"; "Satire is a sort of glass, wherein beholders do generally discover everybody's face but their own"--Jonathan Swift


Smash Cadet
Feb 3, 2009
St. Peters, Missouri
when are people getting to your place tonight, metal? or are they already there?
they're already here-- you in the area or something? that would be sweet! text me if you wanna stop by-- can't go too late though cause i have to work in the morning.

also OOPS this is Metal I accidentally posted on my room-mate's account ;P


Smash Master
Mar 27, 2008
Hannibal, MO
Wish I could come... someone better spike Nicole a bunch during Falcon FFA's for me! :p

Edit: I think I may be able to come to St. Louis Saturday night. Anything exciting possible?


Sleepwalk our lives away.
Aug 8, 2007
St. Charles, Missouri
Oh yeah, if anyone cares, the pseudo-tourney results are something like:

Singles pseudo-Tourney 2
(first one didn't have all entrants so I'm not listing it, had similar results though)

= Entrants =
1st MetalMusicMan (Will) - DeDeDe / Metaknight / Falco
2nd Legan (Corey) - Link / Marth
3rd Nyus (Seth) - Fox / Luigi
4th Mahony (Kevin) - Lucario <<<< WTF LAWL 4th sooooo funny.

*** I don't remember the exact order after this but I think it was something like

FutureWrestler (David) - Ice Climbers / Yoshi / Lucas / Mario / ROB
UnevenPavement (Kolby) - Pikachu / Lucas
Soma (Patrick) - Shiek / Marth
Radium88 (Rauleen) - Kirby
Alt F4 (Steve) - ROB

= Winners Finals =
Legan vs Metal - Best of 5 - Legan wins 3 to 2

= Losers Finals =
Metal vs Nyus - Best of 5 - Metal wins 3 to 0

= Grand Finals =
Legan vs Metal - Best of 5 (1) - Metal wins 3 to 0
Legan vs Metal - Best of 5 (2) - Metal wins 3 to 2

Teams pseudo-Tourney

= Teams =
1st - Future / UnevenPavement - Lucas / Lucas
1st - Legan / MetalMusicMan - (Link / Marth) / (DeDeDe / MetaKnight)

3rd - Radium / IronBoots - Kirby / Game and Watch

Soma / Alt F4 - (Shiek / Marth) / ROB
Nyus / Mahony - Fox / Lucario

= Winners Finals =
Legan / Metal vs Future / Unevenpavement - Best of 3 for time - Lucas/Lucas wins 2-0 >_< wtf lawl

= Loser's Finals =
Legan / Metal vs Radium / IronBoots - Best of 3 for time - Legan/Metal wins 2 to 1

= Grand Finals =
Legan / Metal vs Future / UnevenPavement - Best of 5 (set 1) - Legan/Metal win 3 to 2 ... ran out of time for the 2nd set so considered it a tie... Lucas / Lucas is ****ed annoying, hahaha.

It's really a shame that we didn't have access to a camera tonight :( Everyone played really well and we had a blast.

Awesome memorable sets were Kolby (Pikachu) vs Future (Ice Climbers) -- very sexy. Also. the matches between me and Legan in singles winner finals and grand finals was intense man love buttsex hawtness, pretty much.

Teams I think Corey convincing me to go double Ike verus Kirby / G&W on RAINBOW CRUISE takes the cake for ******** MOMENT OF AWESOME SAUCE. Yeah... we failed hard. Also all of the Lucas/Lucas matches were impressive.

Oddly, Kevin somehow placed 4th even though he has officially been playing Lucario for like a week and competitive smash for like 2 weeks tops, lol. Kolby killed himself or something during their match and he ended up knocking Kolby out of the tournament, which was freaking hysterical.

All in all very good times, if you didn't come, you missed out :p


Smash Lord
Feb 21, 2007
St. Louis, MO
Eh? I only played one Pseudo-Tourney and it was the first one. I didn't play against Soma at all except only during friendlies.

Btw, that was too fun. I am super pumped for Apr. 4th now. Must. Practice. Moar.

Grah, next time Team Grrl? Squad plays together again, rapage will commence. I think that was the first time we teamed right Ironboots??


Smash Ace
Apr 1, 2008
It was really fun last night, although nothing reminds you that you are the worst in the group like taking last place in a tournament.

I swear to god 3 things are going to happen:
1) I will make Legan take me seriously
2) I will get good enough to go even with you guys
3) I am going to learn a new character in secret so one day I will just pick them in friendlies and no one will know what just happened after i start doing good with them

That is all


I'm just glad it wasn't me who took last place! =P

Had some good matches and admittedly got lucky with Kolby SDing on his last stock to knock him out on the second stage. But I'll take what I can get for my first friendly tourney!


Sleepwalk our lives away.
Aug 8, 2007
St. Charles, Missouri
It was really fun last night, although nothing reminds you that you are the worst in the group like taking last place in a tournament.

I swear to god 3 things are going to happen:
1) I will make Legan take me seriously
2) I will get good enough to go even with you guys
3) I am going to learn a new character in secret so one day I will just pick them in friendlies and no one will know what just happened after i start doing good with them

That is all
Hahaha, Steve, you'll get better in no time. :)

Just keep practicing-- but like I have said, I think that for you you to get better, you have to drop ROB for a little while so that you can learn how to play without being so reliant on his ridiculous recovery.

Also lawl Kevin is on the forumzzzz


Smash Ace
Apr 1, 2008
Hahaha, Steve, you'll get better in no time. :)

Just keep practicing-- but like I have said, I think that for you you to get better, you have to drop ROB for a little while so that you can learn how to play without being so reliant on his ridiculous recovery.

Also lawl Kevin is on the forumzzzz
yeah i know its just so hard to start fresh, and start out getting destroyed again.

The Milk Monster

Smash Champion
Dec 31, 2007
Collinsville, IL.
Eh? I only played one Pseudo-Tourney and it was the first one. I didn't play against Soma at all except only during friendlies.

Btw, that was too fun. I am super pumped for Apr. 4th now. Must. Practice. Moar.

Grah, next time Team Grrl? Squad plays together again, rapage will commence. I think that was the first time we teamed right Ironboots??
What's your name, I need Kirby exp, so I know to look for you.
You'll be able to find me, I'll make announcements that day probably.

The Milk Monster

Smash Champion
Dec 31, 2007
Collinsville, IL.
Wait a girl who plays Smash?
You sure it isn't Sam, back from wherever she moved to?
Well Radium, I want to play you, and you again Metal.
Corey I always have to play you, basically everyone needs to play me in friendlies!
Metal in our Samus Ditto's gimme' a match to get my swagger back, I haven't played in awhile.
Also, anyone who is free Saturday, having a bunch of people over at my house, if you wanna' come hang, all day.

Teh Future

Smash Master
Apr 6, 2008
St. Louis, MO
Milk where do you live? I have to work at night but if you guys are playing during the day I might stop by

Also the second tourney me and kolby Lucas dittoed the whole set and I would have won if I hadn't have SD'd twice the second game and I only lost against Nyus cause I tried to use Pikachu just to be an a-hole lol</Johns>

Team Lucas is too good, but I dont think me and Kolby would have won even I had been playing good and we finished.

Also I think Diddy might be my best option against Meat knight, since Im really bad using Ice Climbers against him. So I need to get better with Diddy. Plus hes fun.

Im pretty much done with ROB. Last night I used Ice Babies, Diddy, Lucas, Mario, Jigglypuff, Bowser, Yoshi, and Pikachu (lol this doesn't really count though) and I did good until I had to face Williams and Im just like lol I still don't know who I want to play against Meat knight.

Character diversity >>> maining one person.

So much more fun too. lol it makes it so hard to counterpick against me.

*Nyus counterpicks Norfair*

*picks Bowser*

lmao, my favorite part of the night.

But yeah Metal I think you should do the whole tourney set thing like every other week or something, as they are a lot of fun and I definitely get better when we do that since I don't just pick falcon and gannon every other match.


Sleepwalk our lives away.
Aug 8, 2007
St. Charles, Missouri
Character diversity >>> maining one person.

So much more fun too. lol it makes it so hard to counterpick against me.

*Nyus counterpicks Norfair*

*picks Bowser*

lmao, my favorite part of the night.
TRUTH. My philosophy exactly.

But yeah Metal I think you should do the whole tourney set thing like every other week or something, as they are a lot of fun and I definitely get better when we do that since I don't just pick falcon and gannon every other match.
I absolutely LOVE doing mini tournaments. LOVE IT. Hell, I will do them every week if you guys want to and we have the people. Haha.

I think I remember Legan saying he didn't want to do sets because he "felt like a tourney ****", but I'm pretty sure he just doesn't wanna get R-R-R-R-R-RAAAAAAAAAAAPPPPEEED :p /hug

Seriously though, what's the vote on that? Because I am so down for tournaments more often.


Smash Ace
Apr 1, 2008
TRUTH. My philosophy exactly.

I absolutely LOVE doing mini tournaments. LOVE IT. Hell, I will do them every week if you guys want to and we have the people. Haha.

I think I remember Legan saying he didn't want to do sets because he "felt like a tourney ****", but I'm pretty sure he just doesn't wanna get R-R-R-R-R-RAAAAAAAAAAAPPPPEEED :p /hug

Seriously though, what's the vote on that? Because I am so down for tournaments more often.
I vote yes on more tourneys it was fun, and i do think i was doing a little better last night than usual (i hope).

Teh Future

Smash Master
Apr 6, 2008
St. Louis, MO
I think its a good idea.

A couple posts ago people were discussing whether or not friendlies counted and it definitely depends on what the mindset of the people playing are. Sometimes when Im playing friendlies I want to take it seriously and other times I dont care if I win and I just want to have fun trying weird stuff. The Problem is, even when people are playing their main (especially if they only play a couple characters) you can't just read their mind and know if the match is supposed to be serious or not. Playing sets establishes boundaries of whether or not the matches really count and if you still just want to mess around we have plenty of setups for playing friendlies in between rounds.

Plus when you are playing friendlies you actually get to play more than one match in a row even if you're messing around and loose because other people are playing sets or doing other stuff and aren't going to kick you off for loosing one match playing as Gannon (seriously this annoys me sooooooo much when we play lol)

Although you should probably just do one singles tourney and one doubles a night I think, by the time the second tourney came around I didn't really want to play singles much more and just wanted to do teams (which were awesome once they actually got started)

So yeah </longpost>

Hope some good news comes out of GCGDGCGDG or whatever video game conference is going on. I wants me some moar info on Mass Effect 2 and Alpha Protocol :)

Edit: lmao Jigglypuff vs R.O.B. is hellarious. No combos in brawl my ***.


Sleepwalk our lives away.
Aug 8, 2007
St. Charles, Missouri
I agree that playing people in friendlies vs playing them in a tournament mindset is totally different. I don't usually try my hardest in friendlies especially with Metaknight and Falco. It's just different when results are on the line-- I love the pressure and the stress and the competition. :)


Smash Master
Mar 27, 2008
Hannibal, MO
Sure. Let's DO ET.

Do we want to involve a small pot / entry fee so it's a "real" tournament? What's the consensus?
Meh, I'd be fine with a couple bucks I guess. Bragging rights is also fine with me. Just nothing more than like $3 for singles and $3 for doubles.


Sleepwalk our lives away.
Aug 8, 2007
St. Charles, Missouri
I am available Saturday after 5 PM and would love to come to such a gathering. As for money, I don't think it is necessary, since the real tournament is a week from Saturday.
Meh, I'd be fine with a couple bucks I guess. Bragging rights is also fine with me. Just nothing more than like $3 for singles and $3 for doubles.
Yeah I was thinking like $1 or $2 at most. Not required of course, just thought it might be fun and plus we could report it as a tournament on the boards.

Show up around 5pm-- please post here if you are coming / who you're bringing so I have an idea of what to expect.

We can have 3 setups no problem like we did this last time, 4 even if necessary but I doubt it will be. Hopefully we can get Kolby to record this time :p

The Milk Monster

Smash Champion
Dec 31, 2007
Collinsville, IL.
I live in Collinsville.
However long it takes you to get to Play N Trade, add about 10 mins to that and that's how far my house is away, and we'll be playing all day.


Smash Ace
Apr 1, 2008
Yeah I was thinking like $1 or $2 at most. Not required of course, just thought it might be fun and plus we could report it as a tournament on the boards.

Show up around 5pm-- please post here if you are coming / who you're bringing so I have an idea of what to expect.

We can have 3 setups no problem like we did this last time, 4 even if necessary but I doubt it will be. Hopefully we can get Kolby to record this time :p
I will be there, and like a buck or 2 wouldn't be objectionable (maybe i will tap into some unknown prowess with money on the line). Now I'm racking my brain trying to figure out which characters to try to pick up.

Side Note: 7000 **** YEAH
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