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SQUAT Mafia - Game to Restart

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Smash Lord
May 17, 2006
Afterschool Alleyway
SQUAT Mafia​

'Twas a long summer day in the land of Queens, under the roof of the Queensland Sport and Athletic Centre Stadium, even though the summer had just started. Australia does that. Many people had arrived to SQUAT, and though many were confused by the name and thought it was a squatting competition, many more were there for the Brawl and Melee ready to errupt, but they couldn't have possibly known how close to correct the names of those games would be to the events ready to happen.

Though Australia's best, the reigning king Corpsecreate, couldn't afford to arrive, many others had arrived to challenge the title for second place. Sure, they couldn't usurp the king, but why not aim for the place as his jester? The best of the best other than him (though sadly Sieg's son couldn't afford to come as well, leaving the father/son couple seperated in a heartbreaker) all arrived to duke it out, but after a particularly gruesome match, where both competitors had hung on by the skin of their teeth, one man walked away angry, having thrown his controller to the ground. Now things were more than a game.

After many attempts to find him by the people of the tournaments, his body was eventually found, tossed aside like trash in the Street Fighter 4 area, the last place anyone thought to look. The Street Fighter players, assuming it was some weird Wii game, merely left the body, and resumed their much better game. As the Smashers returned their body to their hallowed ground, somebody noticed the fact he was covered in blood, and there were six bullet holes in his chest. "By god, this was no accident! This was murder!" Someone yelled from the crowd, as the body was dropped in shock. Who could do such a thing? Why was it done? There could only be one culprit: the mafia!

The commentator's body was now surrounded by mourners, but they quickly formed up into a mob, knowing they would have to lynch the mafia amongst them, and quickly, before they, too, became like S.D. They knew now not to get greedy.

S.D., the Commentator Who Got Greedy, has been shot several unnecessary times to death! Oh, and hacked and slashed.


1) Please enjoy this game and do not act in a manner that would make the game unenjoyable for others! (This includes personal attacks!)
2) The game mod is the game god. However, if you feel the game god happens to be testing your faith by placing an error in the game, then please feel free to point it out!
3) Editing your posts is not allowed, and multi-posting is instead encouraged in its place. Any and all edits will be reversed!
4) If you are allowed to communicate with another player outside of this thread, then please follow the communication instructions within your role PM!
5) Do not quote role PMs or any other form of communication with the Game Mod. Failure to comply will result in a modkill. You may paraphase your role PM as you see fit, but keep everything in your own words!
6) Please follow the confirmation instructions in your role PM!
7) All votes must follow the format of "Vote: NAME".
8) You are not required to unvote, however if you do, then please use the format of "Unvote".
9) You may vote for No Lynch.
10) A lynch will occur when a majority of votes has been reached.
11) If a majority has not been reached, then there is a forced No Lynch.
12) A) Deadline for the Day Phase will equal a time of ten days.
12) B) Deadline for the Night Phase will equal a time of two days.
13) During any day phase a player may perform the action "Request: Deadline Extension". The deadline will be extended by 2 days. Each player may do this once time throughout the course of the game.
15) Twilight Phase will occur between Day Phase and Night Phase. All living players including those about to be lynched will be allowed to communicate in thread until a death scene is posted.
16) After your death you are allowed to select one of the following as a final remark:
"I got greedy."
"Go town!"
"We love you Luigi!"
"The mafia will get you yet!"
17) You are expected to post at least once every 48 hours. If you are not active for a period longer than 48 hours, you will receive a prod. If you do not post in thread with-in 48 hours of prod, you will be replaced. Multiple prods will result in replacement at moderator's discretion. If you have pre-planned absence, then please notify the game mod ahead of time and you will not be prodded.
18) Failure to adhere to rules will result in replacement or modkill based on the moderator's discretion.
19) Please avoid using HTML and coloured font in your posts.
20) Example Role PM:
Vanilla Townie Role PM said:
Welcome to SQUAT Mafia, {Name}. You are {Role Name}, the Vanilla Townie.

Though you have come to this tournament with high hopes, you are left now powerless, with nothing other than your determination to claim glory from the jaws of defeat and death.

Win Conditions:
You win if all threats to the town are eliminated and at least one town-aligned player is alive.

Please confirm your role by quoting it back to me. You can find the game thread here: http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?p=9466501.
  • All roles are assigned at random
  • Alas, there are no Jesters in this game
  • Nor Politicians or Survivors, but they're not as cool as Jesters.

Players: :) = Confirmed
1. Lord Bowser :)
2. SummonerAU
3. Muzga :)
4. Sieg :)
5. Vlade :)
6. Shaya :)
7. Arrow
8. Leisha :)
9. Melancholy :)
10. Moose :)
11. Toshi
12. Zero_ :)

1. KamiStriker (13th man to sign up, sorry)

Important Posts:


Faith, Hope, Love, Luck
Jul 6, 2005
Brisbane, Australia
Sieg's son is legit.

I've stickied this for you and Pete, can you PM me the setup so I can double check it for you :)
After this I think Melancholy wants to run a game, but if not, I'm thinking of designing an epic game.


Smash Lord
May 17, 2006
Afterschool Alleyway
Okay, so now that its full (with 2 psuedo-reserves :p), all I need to do is have the role pms checked out, give Vyse a copy of the set up and randomize roles. I.e., if all goes well, the roles will be sent out tonight (though, remember I am from the backwards land of Perth, where DST is bad, so I'm 3 hours behind Sydney. Give me a little slack timewise. :p)


Smash Ace
Aug 7, 2009
Newcastle, AUS
Sieg's son is legit.

I've stickied this for you and Pete, can you PM me the setup so I can double check it for you :)
After this I think Melancholy wants to run a game, but if not, I'm thinking of designing an epic game.
Yeah I've got my roles sorted out, just need to finalize some stuff with Xiivi. I was going to run it after Xiivi Loves America, but town screwed me over by being too quick, and I was lazy :p

It's only a 9 man setup, going to base it on Sydneys most recent tournament, 'This Is It', since mafia games based on tournaments seem to be the thing around here.

Don't let me deter you from hosting an epic game though :D


Smash Lord
May 17, 2006
Afterschool Alleyway
Okay, roles have been randomized. Just a few more things to set up, and Day 1 post will be up soon. :)

EDIT: And all the PMs are out. :)


Faith, Hope, Love, Luck
Jul 6, 2005
Brisbane, Australia
It is now the confirmation stage!

Everyone please confirm that you have received your Role PM!


Smash Lord
May 17, 2006
Afterschool Alleyway
So, since 11/12 people are confirmed, we can get this party started!

Day 1

The group had formed as quickly as it possibly could. 13 people, armed with a noose and riding crop, ready to take down the mafia amongst them. Vyse, the Tournament Organizer, had been elected leader of the group, as he knew the list of people coming to the tournament, as well as being totally awesome. However, God was not on their side this day, and as Vyse opened his mouth to say who the mafia probably were, a lightning bolt struck him dead. In awe of the coincidence, the remaining 12 decided to just get to it before any more of them died from forces they had no possible control over.

Vyse, the Tournament Organizer, has been godkilled by mod! I promise no more flavour kills from here on out!

Day 1 Begins

Vote count:
Lord Bowser - 0
SummonerAU - 0
Muzga - 0
Sieg - 0
Vlade - 0
Shaya - 0
Arrow - 0
Leisha - 0
Melancholy - 0
Moose - 0
Toshi - 0
Zero_ - 0

Deadline for Day 1 is 15th Feburary 10:00pm(2200) AWST (sorry guys, but I won't be able to keep track well in AEST :p). With 12 players alive, it takes a vote of 7 to lynch!
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