I'm just going to repost what I said to Puffball in the tournament thread.
i would definately recommend you try, as there weere times I saw you directly above nado and a spring would have killed him, but you went for the bair instead XD
Another thing, I saw you hit him out of nado quite a few times with bair. Most of the time the nado beat your bair is because you oft tried to hit with the front part of the bair, rather than with Sonics foot.
As of now how I see it, Use spring when directly above. HA when above and to the sides, or parallel with the top of the nado. Bair to approach head on from the air, but so that you are not facing MK, hitting him with the foot of the bair. Its disjointedness will stop you from being hit. From the ground, fsmash.
Watch the videos closely. There are times where puffball had no options, but he actually could have beaten out Nado several times if he made different choices. again, he wasnt use to that kind of spam. Unfortunately, intelligent spam. When espy actually used the right moves, he handled the nado very well. If he takes into account this advice we've been giving him, I'm sure he could win, because he almost did last time.
we have already exusted all of our options on how to beat these moves and the long and short of it is that, those two moves(among others) **** sonic and there really is not super secret highly (or even mildly) effective way for sonic to combat it, other than, as champ said, just running away. or relying on(once again) mindgames to get through it. thats why sonic is so bad, and so incredibly hard to play, every single move he makes requires mindgames and prediction and setups
Shuttle loop does not vpwn Sonic. In fact, it probably pwns Sonic less than it does to a large percentage of the cast. Not to be rude, but this is an extremely pessimistic view that I don't think represents the reality of Sonic vs MK, or even Sonic match-ups in general. Sonic is one of the few characters that actually has the speed to punish MK for missing with the Nado.
Basically, espy missed out on a few things that could have turned the match for him. Imma summarize:
1) Bair, spaced adequately beats out nado. You just have to hit with the disjointed part, his foot. Spacing is hard, but espy did this quite a few times. His problems usually arose from trying to hit MK out of nado with a bair, while hitting with Sonics body, which wont work because its not disjointed at that part
2) Tilt fsmash up, to hit the center, where MK is.
3) SDI more. There were several times where puffball was caught at the top of the nado, which just from looking at it it seemed like he could escape by SDIing upwards as M2K suggested and spamming spring. If wou are caught at the top of the nado, SDI upwards. If you are caught at the sides, the down and away I believe works. After which you can escape to safety with spring.
4) To puffball: I saw you try to punish or hit with SideB too often, and be hit out of it. I think you may have been trying to use the invincibility frames, but that generally isnt a good option against MK. Because the invincibility and high priority only last for about a third of the hop, before the apex is reached. After that its priority is absymal and thats why DMK punished you for pretty much every SideB you used in his general area.
5) Shuttle loop is not a problem. You cant really avoid the initial hit wel from the groundl, because it comes out so quick. but you should not be getting hit by glide attack at all. Just fair/uair. If he shuttle loops from below you, or if you expect him to, just spring to Dair.
6) Use homing attack if you are to the side and slightly above or parallel with nado. If you are directly above use spring.
Overall, it is my strong belief that against a spammy MK, Sonic has to revert to more noobish tactics. Fight noob tactics with smarter noob tactics. I think the reason why puffball got hit so much with the nado is because he was so "technical" about it, trying to space too many head-on Bairs/fairs when a simple spring or HA would have sufficed. Bairs work, if you trying to hit with the foot, as it is disjointed. Espy managed this pretty often. But he failed when he tried to hit him out of it with Sonic's body using a bair. I think RAR bairs would work quite nicely. after mk has finshed nado, go and powershield the imminent attack, and grab the bum.
Go and watch the vids, you will see that probably most of the time, espy could have beat out the tornado. The problem is that its hard at first to think on the spot of what is your best option. But I think with enough practice, this will become second nature. So that you will find yourself hitting MK out of tornado, more than he hits you with it, therefor making it a less viable option for MK.