Alright, before I go off-topic, I'll start by saying that I'll be going to the Play N' Trade weekly next Monday, because my mother will be taking me. I'm tired of having to rely on my father who never wants to go because "it's too cold!". @#$%, if it was too cold, I'll just bring a sweater and @#$%, but it wasn't cold to begin with! I'll see if I can do better this time around going all Sonic again. There's going to be doubles as well, and I might just go Ike/Sonic or just full Ike since he seems to do better for me in teams.
As for Umbreon:
Welcome to the Sonic boards, A.K.A. the back-alley of SWF!
But seriously...
This place would be very boring, and Sonic as a character doesn't roll like that, he goes for excitement, and that's what we're having everytime we go to this place.
That's good that you disagree, because we'll probably never let the junk about Sonic's "priority" and stuff die. I mean that stuff was too golden.
I'm glad you see it our way, just because we go a little off-topic doesn't mean we can't be productive. the posts about that kind of stuff just keeps us optimistic. It's really depressing to play the 5th worst character, you know. Also we already have a place to escape infractions, it's called the Editted: You'll never find our secret hideout, yeah boi!!, you should know what that is.... I think.... hehehehehe....
I dunno about Tenki becoming a mod, AFAIK, he said he never wanted to be a mod, and by this point, no Sonic boarder has a ghost of a chance to acheive mod status. It's true, we have a bad rep, and even if any of us did have a shot, we would have to work extra.