So, I just got back to Columbia after my first tourney and thought I should describe how it went. Actually, its still going on(and prolly will till at least like 2 or 3 in the mornign), but everyone qwo was DQd was kicked out. Before I continue, I was DQd in the pools. Be warned that I have a BUNCH of johns for my first tourney =P
Anyways. It was alot of fun, I met tons of cool people. But the actual tourney was... Wow.
There store is small. Long, but very narrow. Up until later on, there were about 10 total setups. 8 on the first floor, aranged side by side mostly, and 2 on the bottom I believe.
The turnout was expected to be like 30-60 for singles, at most 70.
We had at 170+ register for singles, last time I checked. 60+ teams for doubles. All crammed into a small narrow store, playing side by side. The TO himself said it: "I am never advertising on AllisBrawl again." Lolaso. The fire department apparently came to check stuff out, because it was a fire hazard. They made people get out XD.
Doubles took some hours to complete. It was a good thing there were 10 setups. But still, except for the 2 setups downstairs, everyone had to stand up because there wasn't enough room. Because twas double elimination, however, it still took a long time. Note: I didn't participate in doubles.
Registration started at 11. Doubles started at about 1:30. It wasnt until 6 or later that singles started. We obviously had to be divided into pools, but becuase there were soooo many people, the pool rules became quite cheap(explanation later). It was originally supposed to be two 3 stock round against everyone in the pool, so that you faced everyone once. Out of 10 people in the pool, it was supposed to be that the top 4 advanced. However, as I will explain later, that was not the case.
I had to wait until about 9 oclock till my pool would actually get to play. Standing up, for hours. By then, some of the people in my pool actually left. But now come the johns:
1) I am a WiiChuck player. It just so seems that with all these Wiis in close proximity to eachother, there was tons of interference with my Wiimote. It fels worse than your average frame-laggified match on wifi, because not only was there input delay in sporadic moments, my actual INPUTs were distorted at times. I would input sideb, it would do downtilt. Yea. Or I would Dair edgeguard, with PLENTY of height to recover, and then, I would just not spring at all(MarKO can attest to this XD). Plenty of weird sitches with, wifi lag. What was worse, my opponents didnt feel any type of lag at all. I asked them, and it felt fine, while there was a visible delay with my inputs. Booo.
2) Because of the humongous turnout, Matches for the pools would have to be reduced to only one round, and a 5 minute time limit. At least half of the matches I saw came close and one opponent won because time finished, and he was only winning by a slight percentage. Remember how I said we were supposed to play two 3 stock matches against everyone in my pool, and the top 4 would move on? Ha. Instead we were forced to play a single 3 stock round against everyone in out pool. Furthermore, as mentioned it was originally supposed to be that the top 4 moved up? I wouldve made it to those top 4. But guess what? After several pools had already determined their top 4, and mine was in the process of determinging our top 4, they decided to change it so that only the top 2 advanced. So when I was taking it easy the later matchesbecause I woulda made the top 4, instead it turns out I was eliminated. ='(
Nevertheless, I think the TO did the absolute best job he could have with such an unexpectedly humongous turnout.
Whoever wins first is going to win aloott of money. I'm guessing that the venue fee doesn't go into the money actually given to the players, but still. First place gets 50%, so 5 dollars x 170 is 850, divided by 2 thats 425, which is petty darn sweet.