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Sonic The Hedgehog: Community Matchup thread

What is Sonic's worst match up?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Smash Hater
Mar 22, 2008
Video Games
once again, sigh @ everyone in australia only maining popular characters like wolf and marth. I played an olimar yesterday at a mini-smashfest but skill level gap doesnt make it worth much lol.


Smash Master
Nov 23, 2003
Staten Island, NY
Your a very funny person and a girl will definitely marry you with with your attitude.
yeah i know no need to remind me. it's good to know you stopped with the sarcastic comments. im sure you are in a good position to talk about someone you never met in real life especially since you have like 2000 posts in like a 6 month span and spend all your time getting ***** in tournies in a game you take so desperately seriously :bee:


Finally a legend
Aug 26, 2008
London, England
yeah i know no need to remind me. it's good to know you stopped with the sarcastic comments. im sure you are in a good position to talk about someone you never met in real life especially since you have like 2000 posts in like a 6 month span and spend all your time getting ***** in tournies in a game you take so desperately seriously :bee:

So is video games. Sorry, I was too busy getting 100% in my grades and having a social life to play a single series till now. Maybe if I waste all my time on tourneys and trash talk like you I'll get some where in my life.

Oh wait.


Smash Hero
Apr 3, 2008
Do a Cat combo Spinshot overhead (springs hits them and pops them in the air), D-air (which hits them), run away and taunt.
and if the spring gets shielded?

you're in a position to get hit.

Pit's fsmash is WAY too fast to DI out of without inhuman reflexes. If you know it's coming, you can jam the control stick back, but otherwise, it's not going to happen. The same thing goes for Sonic. His multihit attacks are either too fast and thus too difficult to DI in time, or impossible to DI out of completely. If you're going to argue otherwise, then you need video proof that you or someone else does this consistently.
Sonic's U-smash is kind of like Zelda's U-smash in that it's hard to SDI or DI out of. If it hits you with the first part of the attack (rise), it will tend to add a bunch of knockback during the move so it doesn't lock you in, but if you fall into it during the move, it will keep you in it.

I can't test atm but I think Sonic's F-air has some noticeable hitlag, so I think it might give you time to SDI out of it. If people can SDI out of MK's 3 hit F-air, I'm pretty sure they can pull it off on Sonic's F-air.

Don't be silly of course you aren't just going to drop straight down to the ground.
sonic can and will chase you and plants a ground spring beneath you.
If Sonic chases and plants a grounded spring beneath you, then it suffers from the 'Anthinus combo' opening where Olimar can just go ahead and start an attack and nail you as you're rising/falling.


Smash Hater
Mar 22, 2008
Video Games
thats why you DI sonics fair instead of just moving into them, follow the enemies movements. You wouldnt FF a wario dair right into the ground now would you.... that would make it esacapable too. you can di out of mk fair since hes like literally 3rd or something slowest movement in the air


Smash Hero
Apr 3, 2008
thats why you DI sonics fair instead of just moving into them, follow the enemies movements. You wouldnt FF a wario dair right into the ground now would you.... that would make it esacapable too. you can di out of mk fair since hes like literally 3rd or something slowest movement in the air
Sonic can't float upwards if the opponent SDI's up while his opponent is falling, which is the usual case off stage, making it a weird choice to gimp with (you have to do an early F-air to minimize chances of that happening)

on-stage, it's usually a rising F-air, but Sonic's aerial acceleration is pretty crappy, so it might as well be like MK if your opponent SDI's the opposite of the direction you were originally moving.

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
If Sonic chases and plants a grounded spring beneath you, then it suffers from the 'Anthinus combo' opening where Olimar can just go ahead and start an attack and nail you as you're rising/falling.
the point is to do this when he has no pikmin.
ths forcing him to nair if he wants to do anything.

and ill take the nair hit if i can get an opening on him while hes pulling pikmin

Xiivi personally mods this board now, so if yall eff around, you will be punished for it.
keep in line nyggaz


Smash Lord
Jan 10, 2008
with all those facts you dazzled me with I can't help but agree

cith: try again xd
Any intelligent Olimar main knows it, I'm not going to go into detail about Olimar vs. Peach when I'm in a Sonic vs. Olimar discussion.

you're good at this game and you play a great character
And now you have to bring up that they use a Low Tier character because you can't make a valid argument or an intelligent post to save your life.

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
normally id say this is the sonic boards, go off topic as much as you want but now im paranoid that that new mod guy is watching me, so ill just say i heard peach does well against oli, adn so does sonic


Jun 2, 2008
Las Vegas, NV
It's okay I guess...

I'm willing to compromise for a 55:45 disadvantage on Sonic, is everybody else cool with that?


Smash Master
Mar 25, 2008
nxt to Dphat wit all dem azn biches
I can't even believe it, Olimar is the best character in the game. End of story.

All you have to do is grab. Just grab, that's it. What about killing? Oh don't worry, his grabs kill too.

This is amazing, and I will sig it in a second. I <3 you for the humungous lulz you just gave me.

Also dangr, we don't need to spam the sonic section - I'm moving this debate to the olimar forums.
I hope you still check there, I dunno... you missed my reply showing how jumping for momentum canceling kills you faster >_>



Smash Hero
Sep 12, 2005
Middle of nowhere. Myrtle Beach
If Sonic chases and plants a grounded spring beneath you, then it suffers from the 'Anthinus combo' opening where Olimar can just go ahead and start an attack and nail you as you're rising/falling.
What's he gonna do? Nair me?
With Olimar you can take that risk because even if you get punished for it, the worst he can do is Nair you which you can DI away from.

@malcolm: He believes Olimar's Fsmash>Sonic =\


Smash Lord
Aug 11, 2007
For full out details of the -basic- way the match goes.

Grabbing is bad for Olimar. Sonic is fast enough that a GOOD sonic can run in between two grabs. Yes, if they are good at it, EVERY time. Not including purples.

Pivot grabbing is fine, but it's a bit annoying to do at times for Olimar as even if you pivot grab, Sonic will put the distance to nearly nothing in short time anyway.

Fsmashes will beat any spindash move, dash attack, MOST shield grabs (Sliding it via momentum can get in sometimes). Fast falling fairs, occasionaly bairs (AoE pikmin hurt your bairs).

However, when I said that fsmash wins this match, I don't literally mean JUST fsmash all game.

I mean, fsmash all game until they decide to angel in bairs or dairs.
If the Sonic uses dair, you can hit his behind him to damage him. You can grab it with proper timing, fsmash SOMETIMES will hit.

If the Sonic uses bair, just step closer to his head and upsmash him.

Basically? Fsmash till he goes into the air. Once in the air, aim for the head or his back.
Only latch purple or white, don't expect to get much damage from it.
Dont grab as much as a sonic who plays plenty of Olimars can and will more than likely run THROUGH your grab and be able to dash attack or grab you.

MK and I believe Falcon can do the same thing (Run in your grab).

60-40, Olimar's favor. This is giving Sonics credit for being able to run in between grabs, if not for that, it would be worse.

Jim Morrison

Smash Authority
Aug 28, 2008
The Netherlands
Seems fair, but you're right about the air F-smash. However if Sonic stays at a reasonable distance you can Spinshot and B-air behind Olimar. Spinshot lets you travel trough the air at running speed. Olimar has to react pretty fast.


Smash Lord
Aug 11, 2007
Which is pretty much a gimmick.
In the way that you have maybe two good things to do (I think the footstool B button combo is really nice)...
So yeah, just do what I put up, Olimars and they can get in -some bairs and grabs and footstools-


Smash Hero
Sep 12, 2005
Middle of nowhere. Myrtle Beach
However, when I said that fsmash wins this match, I don't literally mean JUST fsmash all game.
We're heckling you dude don't worry.
I mean, fsmash all game until they decide to angel in bairs or dairs.
If the Sonic uses dair, you can hit his behind him to damage him. You can grab it with proper timing, fsmash SOMETIMES will hit.
Why will a Sonic use Dair against Olimar from height below spring height?
Thats a terrible thing to do unless there is an opening that we know we can capitalize on. It will be mostly Bairs or a Nair, never the laggy Dair.
If the Sonic uses bair, just step closer to his head and upsmash him.
So I tos out my Bair you hypen smash a Usmash?
Seems too cookie cutter to me.
Can you show a video please?
Also what about the ASC?
Basically? Fsmash till he goes into the air. Once in the air, aim for the head or his back.
Only latch purple or white, don't expect to get much damage from it.
Dont grab as much as a sonic who plays plenty of Olimars can and will more than likely run THROUGH your grab and be able to dash attack or grab you.

Can you explain that part? or do you mean running after Olimar makes the grab?
MK and I believe Falcon can do the same thing (Run in your grab).

60-40, Olimar's favor. This is giving Sonics credit for being able to run in between grabs, if not for that, it would be worse.
What about grounded spring to deprive Olimar of pikmin.


Smash Master
Mar 25, 2008
nxt to Dphat wit all dem azn biches
Okay, so kinzer and I had some matches and here's my intake on the match up.
Basically, neither of us had high level experience against the other character. Accouting for this we played 3 friendlies to learn the match-up. After the 3 friendlies we did 5 matches. Here are the results:
3-2 Fino
Lylat: Kinzer
Corneria: Fino
Pokemon Stadium 1: Fino
Frigate: Fino

Battlefield: Sonic
* = stages Kinzer picked
* = Fino pickes

Here's some things I noticed. Sonic moving around takes a LOT to get used to. Learning timing is something that I was un-able to learn, which is surprising. Normally it takes 1 match, and I can whistle characters attacks when I need to, but sonic has a lot of options. Also, I have to admit - I fell for the spring under spawn spot way more than I should've ^^; Even though I saw it coming I fell for it. The sneaky thing is, a lot of characters will stand around the spawn spot waiting for olimar, knowing he has to pluck pikmin, so it's something that as an olimain I'm used to seeing. It's tricky to keep in mind ^^; Another thing I noticed was the sonic take complete aerial priority with the exception of olimar's uair, and occasionally his nair. The spring gimp that sonics seem to hold dearly "worked" once, and by that I mean he hit me with it, at a point where I was going to be unable to recover in the first place. Actually, when he hit me, if I had whistled, there might've been a chance the the spring would've saved me.

Anyways, that being said Olimar still holds the advantage. fsmash won against every appoach kinzer through at me, and grab was almost equally as good. ASC, it's a good move, however... it should only hit if you catch olimar off guard. Kinzer, I think, tried to anticipate my fsmash and grab range with his approaches, and in doing that his ASC didn't have an opportunity to hit, nor attacks he did afterward, provided a platform was present. Platforms greatly help olimar, but they aren't game changing. Kizer was able to combo and use the platforms JUST as effectively as I could, hence the reason he won on battlefield and lylat. As for pikmin toss, it didn't work - as we knew - but I made kinzer attack to get them off. I think 1 time I was able to take advantage of this, the other times he was too far away and I knew he would be able to capitalize on me approaching him. One thing I happened not to like is that usmash is almost worthless. Unless I mindgamed kinzer and abused something he did or had a platform, there wasn't much of a shot of pulling a usmash off. It's his best KO move; however, I was able to pull off dsmash more than ever, which is also a great k.o. move for olimar. It seemed like I beat out a lot of things sonic was able to do with dsmash.

I dunno, 60-40 olimar from top level play, but I think it could be argued 55:45 olimar with more practice. It's arguable, but I'll leave it up to you guys. I'm sure I forgot like a million things I wanted to say, but I'm watching a movie right now ^^;



Bodybuilding Magical Girl
Mar 11, 2008
I would like to personally thank the entire Sonic boards for their tremendous amount of input in our matchup discussion this week!

I shudder to think of the conclusion we may have reached had the Sonics here not come in and corrected us on our misconceptions on the matchup. Imagine it not being 85:15 Peach. LOL


*wipes tear of laughter away from eye*

So yes. Thank you Sonics once again! This character community is truly one of the most helpful and outreaching of them all.


Jun 2, 2008
Las Vegas, NV
So with that said, who wants to help me bump this thread to the next page to discuss...whoever is the next matchup?

I dunno.
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