i suggest that we either:
1. start from the beginning and reevaluate all the matches in the same order. or
2. take votes on which characters to revisit.
cus theres no way that we can just leave this thread after we finish the last match.
i suggest number 2 because that way we can be sure to get the oldest matchups recovered first.
And SL, try not to be a **** and contribute to matchups like Rick did, or just don't post at all.
at least im not the only one saying this now.
I think Sonic is sexier than Peach.
P.S., how unsafe is it for Lucario to get his Forward Smash shielded?
I think it mgiht be possible to get a FTilt tipper on him at worst.
Lucario's Fsmash has IASA frames and he can just do another.
not really.
I play lucario and my old teams partner mained him. I definitely know this match.
If lucario double f smashes, you can punish with just about anything as long as its fast. dash grab, dash attack, fair...
but if the lucario follows a shielded f smash with jab or spotdodge, you can him hit with anything. not even a instant dash attack out of shield with hit him. at the very best you can clank with his jab, which will reset both players and if you are expecting that, you can have a f tilt ready.
thedisjoint on Sonic's Uair is enough so that if w trade hits, you'll be on the worst end of it since we'll usually have the second strike out during the first hit of your Dair.
I still wouldn't advise it.
this is why you cant just ignore everything somebody says. Everybody can get it right once in a while...
first of all, a perfectly spaced up air from sonic, will beat a perfectly spaced down air from lucario. BUT that perfect spacing will almost NEVER HAPPEN. first of all, lucs down air, is a five frame, Huge Lingering hitbox. In order to beat it, you have to space an up air to hit with the second hit, (frame 13/15 i believe.) with an attack that doesnt linger at all.
So all in all for all intents and purposes, lucarios down air beats sonics up air, its better off not to try to beat his down air with anything, unless you are a masochist.
A MUCH MUCH better idea is to act like you are going to act from under him (if hes in the air, either run all the way under him or short hop under his down air range) and bait the down air, so as to give yourself a pretty large, defenseless stationary target to hit with either n, f, or b air.
55-45 lucario.
lucario is harder to gimp in the hands of a good player, and therefore, he will get a lot of aura boost and it can be hard to kill him.
I see the matchup being very even, with both characters hitting 150% multiple times, but lucs. aura boost will a lot of the time get him the stock kill before you. and dont be surprised in that happens every stock.
also, from what I remember, frigate is lucarios best stage. Is that still the case?
if you can, CP to GG or corneria. if you cant... maybe delfino? or PS1?