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Something bothering you?

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Smash Master
Oct 1, 2006
Crybabies annoy me.....so, so very much.
I hate people that talk to me simply to complain.

Superstar, my guess is that 90% of your posts are one-liners like the ones in this thread. Nobody is forcing you to post every single thought that pops into your head, and I think most of us would rather people not post that way.
On the flip side, I hate people who's lives are absolutely perfect and they think everyone else should do as much complaining as them.

Heh, complaining about complaining about complaining.


The Old Lapras and the Sea
Mar 20, 2008
I'm cold. There has been like 2 days that have been hot so far this year.
Okay, thread still broke >_<

And I would much rather be cold all year than hot. At least you can always put on more clothes or something. You can only do so much outside to make yourself cooler. Cold for us down here is like 70. And that's for maybe a week out of the year >_>


Smash Master
Oct 1, 2006
I love being cold and surrounded by blankets. It's prolly the second best feeling in the world, right after flopping onto the bed after a long, hard day.

I'm bothered by my weight. I'm eating well, and excersing like crazy (biked 17 miles in the last 3 days) but I don't look any different and the scale still reads 'omghippo'


The Old Lapras and the Sea
Mar 20, 2008
I love being cold and surrounded by blankets. It's prolly the second best feeling in the world, right after flopping onto the bed after a long, hard day.

I'm bothered by my weight. I'm eating well, and excersing like crazy (biked 17 miles in the last 3 days) but I don't look any different and the scale still reads 'omghippo'
"Eating right" doesn't necessarily take care of everything, the same with exercising. There are certain foods that are better for losing weight than others and are still considered "right" for eating. I'm not exactly sure what they are though. You could do some research on that or look for a nutritionist. Just one example: milk. Milk is the perfect food, for a baby calf that wants to become a full grown cow in 12 months. The protein content is more than three times the amount of breast milk which is intended for the period of growth in which humans grow most rapidly. Protein is for growth and you shouldn't be taking in too much of it if you're not trying to gain weight/muscle. I'm not saying that's your problem, but it could be among other things like that. Also, if you're exercising, you have to remember that you're probably burning fat and turning it into muscle. Muscle is heavier than fat, but still smaller, so you won't be losing weight, just fat.

^that's something that's been bothering btw. The fact that nobody in this country can eat right because either they're selfish or because food companies are selfish and brain wash you and that stuff :mad:


Smash Master
Oct 1, 2006
Thanks for the response. I eat primarily fruits and vegetables, along with a multivitamin and some whole wheat tuna bagels. I know the carbs make you fat but they aren't bad for you, per say. I do need to find a healthy dairy souce, now that you mention it. I try to find bagels that don't contain high-fructose corn syrup, but they're usually really expensive.

I don't look any different. If fat was turning into muscle I'd start seeing hidden parts of my anatomy at some point, no?

Meh, there are surgical alternatives to excersize and a helathy diet. I just need a great source of income.


The Old Lapras and the Sea
Mar 20, 2008
You don't necessarily need a dairy source. The only thing you can get from dairy (that you really need) that's really lacking in other foods is vitamin B-12, but that's naturally produced in the body and it's rare that people develop a deficiency and if you do it usually takes about 20 years of not consuming any of it, but it is found artificially in soy milk as well as other places. I knew this Australian nutritionist who could explain really well why you shouldn't take multivitamins, but I don't recall at the moment. Anyway, I've been on a strictly vegan diet for 8 months and I've lost about 15 lbs. purely from diet. Considering my weight, it's fairly significant. It's really a lot healthier than it's made out to be so long as you plan your diet around what you need and eat a lot of variety in colors. I've also found that I don't get sick nearly as much. You could try something like that. I don't know, I'm just trying to help out here :) May I ask how long you've been on this diet?


Mar 6, 2009
Halifax, Nova Scotia
All the way home tonight I was singing to myself a vaguely tuneless song about how unduly stressed out I am. Lythium, at sixteen, would have written free-verse on her livejournal about it, waxing melancholic. As I am now, at twenty-two, I’m fighting the urge. At 24, I’m sure I’ll regret them both equally. I was fearless of consequence, then. Once. Before the world came for me.

I used to have no concept of a future, of a life past eighteen. I dyed my hair black and wore collars and listened to Evanescence without irony. I didn’t feel lost; just sad, and without reason. Now every day is threaded through with anxiety attacks and worry. How did I get here, and where am I going? Was going back to school the right choice? Why am I so paranoid? Is this apartment a good idea? What career am I actually trying to get into? Why am I not as good at makeup as I thought I’d be? Why can’t I keep a job? How do I stop being poor and make something of myself? Why do I care, when I’m so young and have a good 70 years left to live and will just up as dust and earth anyway? I often refer to myself as having a ‘Catholic sense of guilt’ and I hyper-analyze my decisions as if the fear of God was in me, yet call myself agnostic, if not atheist. I hope, at 28, I’ll look back and be thankful that I got over this paralyzing uncertainty.

I miss waking up and listening to This American Life and all of the storms we slept through, but I also miss wearing stupid swirls of eyeliner and living for Improv practice and really, I’m supposed to be learning as I go. I’m an unbeliever waiting for a sign that may never come.

It’s not normal to be this anxious, I’m sure, but I don’t know how else to be.

Mini Mic

Taller than Mic_128
May 5, 2007
Now every day is threaded through with anxiety attacks and worry. How did I get here, and where am I going? Was going back to school the right choice? Why am I so paranoid? What career am I actually trying to get into?

I often refer to myself as having a ‘Catholic sense of guilt’ and I hyper-analyze my decisions as if the fear of God was in me, yet call myself agnostic, if not atheist. I hope, at 28, I’ll look back and be thankful that I got over this paralyzing uncertainty.

It’s not normal to be this anxious, I’m sure, but I don’t know how else to be.
I can relate to these. To me there's nothing scarier than the thought of a future in which I don't know where I belong... well that and spiders.


Mar 6, 2009
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Spiders, ****, cephalopods, and uncertainty. Yep, that's about it.

I think a lot of people can relate to some extent, seeing as we all have moments like these. But yeah, I just needed to rant a bit.


Smash Master
Oct 1, 2006
God I love this thread.

I rode over a nail on the peak of my route, so I had to walk my bike home three miles on one wheel. My left arm is so dead I can't even touch my own shoulder with it. I totally don't know the mechanics of purchasing and installing a new tire, so I'm feeling a wide range of emotions, none of them emotions that I would like to have given the option.

Edit: well, except love for this thread :p


The Old Lapras and the Sea
Mar 20, 2008
Just go for it man, if she likes you, she'll like you for you. Some girls like the shy quiet guys. You can try to be original, but make sure it's something that's still you. Don't pretend to be someone else. Just tell her what's up and if it's supposed to happen, it'll happen.


Smash Rookie
Jul 27, 2009
So I'm having a problem here. So on the last day of school (Middle of June), some(9) friends went up to me and said they did not like me, and did not want to be my friend anymore.

(Time Goes On)

Just recently, two of those friends have said sorry for their actions and I accepted. Now, just 2 hous ago or so, one of them said they needed to talk, he said that many of the people who
said what they said on the last day of school, were not talking to him, because he told one friend they he is friends with me again, and that went on to the others. They were not talking to him cause they were pissed at him for being my friend again, and he told me that he does not want to lose 5 friends over 1 friend. I talked it over with him and I told him this: "Look, this should not be a big deal, those guys should not care weither or not you are my friend. This should not effect them what so ever. They should just treat you like they did when they were not ignoring you. This should not effect them at all, and this should not be a problem". He just agrees with me and told me that he is going to talk to them about it.

What I want to know is what you guys think, what you think I should do, what your views on this topic are. I don't know what to do.


Smash Lord
Jan 16, 2009
Fennimore, Wisconsin
I've felt like that. But you have to learn that "People are *******s and you can't do anything about it, so be an even bigger prick and you'll succed." I mean, look at Barack Obama
Jul 13, 2009
I've felt like that. But you have to learn that "People are *******s and you can't do anything about it, so be an even bigger prick and you'll succed." I mean, look at Barack Obama
Or later in life, they shall fail, and you shall succeed. Then you may laugh at their inferiority.
I may not act worse than I am now, or I shall be banned from the forums. Although I am hardly acting bad at all, people simply hate my opinions.


Smash Master
Oct 1, 2006
Been there. I don't think its a big deal that people hate what you say as long as you can provide a good argument to back it up. The problem is when the mods ban you anyway, which seems kind of fascist, but whatever. It's their forum, and you can always post somewhere else.

I know people who are literally better than me at everything, excepting things that don't matter, like Super Smash Bros. It's making me really anxious about future job prospects. I wonder if I can grow food in my car.

I hope I don't end up with one of those "****ed for life" bills from a catastrophic emergency, but I'm really not sure if there's any active steps one can take to prevent that from happening.


Smash Lord
Apr 25, 2008
The Forest Temple
Well, take a closer look at what you say. Try to read it as another person, and see if you come off as a jerk, or if what you're saying is stupid or wrong. While I recognize your name, I don't recall any of your posts, so I don't know whether it's that what you say is just unpopular, or if the problem is in your presentation or something. If I had to judge I'd say that you seem to assume that anyone who disagrees with you is automatically inferior going on what's on this page alone. People don't enjoy being talked down to. Yes, it's true that people are jerks, especially online. But I've also noticed that, at least here, they generally don't abuse someone unprovoked. I'm not trying to say anything other than that you might unintentionally come off offensively somehow.


Smash Ace
Jun 30, 2009
So I'm having a problem here. So on the last day of school (Middle of June), some(9) friends went up to me and said they did not like me, and did not want to be my friend anymore.

(Time Goes On)

Just recently, two of those friends have said sorry for their actions and I accepted. Now, just 2 hous ago or so, one of them said they needed to talk, he said that many of the people who
said what they said on the last day of school, were not talking to him, because he told one friend they he is friends with me again, and that went on to the others. They were not talking to him cause they were pissed at him for being my friend again, and he told me that he does not want to lose 5 friends over 1 friend. I talked it over with him and I told him this: "Look, this should not be a big deal, those guys should not care weither or not you are my friend. This should not effect them what so ever. They should just treat you like they did when they were not ignoring you. This should not effect them at all, and this should not be a problem". He just agrees with me and told me that he is going to talk to them about it.

What I want to know is what you guys think, what you think I should do, what your views on this topic are. I don't know what to do.
IMO, you should find some new friends. They all sound like gossipy little *****es to me and those aren't good people to be hanging out with.


"The snake, knowing itself, strikes swiftly"
Jul 19, 2008
Australia | Melb
Eating in general when I've got braces, especially Rice...they manage to get in every tight spot. :(


Banned via Warnings
Jun 17, 2009
Lets see the fact my parents wont pay me the 400 dollars they owe me so I can buy meself a wii and the fact that whenever I say I wanted Mcain for president they say that thats because Im racist when I really liked his opinions. I also got this killer back ache from my bed


Smash Champion
May 10, 2007
detroit MI
Lets see the fact my parents wont pay me the 400 dollars they owe me so I can buy meself a wii and the fact that whenever I say I wanted Mcain for president they say that thats because Im racist when I really liked his opinions. I also got this killer back ache from my bed
the same thing for me...... people say that i vote for Obama because im black lol. I did not want to vote because various reasons.

Black Waltz

Smash Champion
Jan 27, 2007
My gorram neck hurts like hell.

*punches a baby*
You sir, have just won this thread. And some IcyHot should help that neck of yours.

Everyone on Smash Boards seems to be going against all of my posts and insulting me.

Ah, more people hate me now, do they?
Inferior the people are, who choose to hate someone.
It's probably because of your join date.


Smash Hero
Jan 3, 2006
Or later in life, they shall fail, and you shall succeed. Then you may laugh at their inferiority.
I may not act worse than I am now, or I shall be banned from the forums. Although I am hardly acting bad at all, people simply hate my opinions.
Maybe your opinions suck. Have you ever considered that?


Smash Lord
Apr 25, 2008
The Forest Temple
I've been pranked, and it bothers me. Not so much that I've got a nice pink name, because it's kind of cute. But it just doesn't match my new avatar at all, and I just picked it like within the last week. They clash pretty terribly, and that makes me sad. I guess I need to either deal with it, get into a user group to change my color back, or change my avatar to a matching TWEWY pin. Or I go premium and go green, which I do want to do once I get a check from my new job. So yeah, that's what's bothering me now.

DtJ Jungle

Check out my character in #GranblueFantasy
Jul 29, 2008
I left my gf's house today :(

I lived with her this summer and it was the most amazing two months ever. But now we have to go back to school :(


Smash Ace
Feb 17, 2008
up and left
I left my gf's house today :(

I lived with her this summer and it was the most amazing two months ever. But now we have to go back to school :(
Aww.... I'm sure it's healthy to feel that way, though.

I realized today that I have an English paper due on Saturday. I'm bummed out now. :ohwell:


Smash Champion
May 10, 2007
detroit MI
one of my closest friends asked me out and i couldnt answer her and she ran. I tried calling her and visiting her but she wont have nothing to do with me. I didnt know what to say. she asked me out the blue and now she glares at me when i see her at the mall. i dont know what to do -_-


Smash Ace
Feb 17, 2008
up and left
one of my closest friends asked me out and i couldnt answer her and she ran. I tried calling her and visiting her but she wont have nothing to do with me. I didnt know what to say. she asked me out the blue and now she glares at me when i see her at the mall. i dont know what to do -_-
Just keep trying to talk to her and eventually she'll listen. Explain to her what happened before and that you were caught off guard. Then say yes. :)


Smash Lord
Jun 9, 2009
I've been pranked, and it bothers me. Not so much that I've got a nice pink name, because it's kind of cute. But it just doesn't match my new avatar at all, and I just picked it like within the last week. They clash pretty terribly, and that makes me sad. I guess I need to either deal with it, get into a user group to change my color back, or change my avatar to a matching TWEWY pin. Or I go premium and go green, which I do want to do once I get a check from my new job. So yeah, that's what's bothering me now.
You could wait the prank out, or get a temp. avatar to take the current's place until you're un-prank'd. :ohwell:
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