Gum, if you answer this post, I won't bother you again. But read carefully.
Several posts have gone by and my simple inquiry of "How did you place at C3" has yet to be answered. You are having difficulty reading my posts. You're blinded by anger. My post said that merely attending C3 is not an accomplishment. It's open to the public, anyone can attend. Get it?
So then I ask how did you place? How do the people you beat place? Where is your proof of all your claims? You say, roughly, "I play samus and I attended C3. This tournament had lots of pros". But you don't say how you placed.
From what I have gathered through extreme effort exerted on reading your posts, it seems as if your "Opinion" is the basis for all your arguments, including Samus's supposed prowess in this game.
I'll drop it down to keep it simple. 2 questions.
How did you place at C3?
What players have you beaten and have they placed at any brawl tournaments worthy of recognition? If so, which ones?
That's all I'm asking. That's all i've been asking for my past few posts, in this thread and out. Call me elitist or whatever, but this is not elitist behavior. I'm just shunning you for misleading people and claiming some sort of superior knowledge on a character through accomplishments that you have yet to be specific about.
Let's hope that you aren't eating any delicious noodles right now, so that you could read my post correctly.

geez guys is it really that big a deal??
who cares what his tournaments he's been in... this thread is based on opinions we don't need credentials for every post.... and even if he did place big in a major tournament... would it really change your opinion?the posts that have real persuasive power are usually ones with data to back them up.....
So he thinks samus is good? who cares.
And who cares what hugs thinks of himself (and I'm sure he doesn't think he's god just because he was good at melee...) This has nothing to do with the thread....
I'm sure both your d**ks are roughly the same size...
I'm not writing this to piss anyone off.... I just want to retain focus for this post...
And I'm not asking u guys to like each other... just pm it instead...
Hive, no offense man, but this is completely related to the topic at hand. The question asks if Samus sucks now. GUM says no because he wins with samus. I say Samus is bad because no one has really accomplished anything with her.
See how this is relevant? I ask him to defend his claims with proof, and he ignores the questions or "answers" them in a very wishy washy way. He can change my mind and shut up all Samus doubters by posting about why his accomplishments can give
real hope to those who are close to giving up on samus.
You're saying that posts that have real persuasive power are usually ones with data to back them up. So I'm asking GUM, the one who keeps with the pro samus posts, to please provide data. Makes sense, right?