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Smash Ace
Apr 15, 2007
Sauga, Ontario, Canada
5 people from trenton coming down double fox in teams im thinking :p ps whoever ken is who plays captain falcon i wanna match my name is ken as well and i main catian falcon as well :p so i think that would be fun :p kennypoopoo ftw (syke)
Falcon eh...? We must have ditto's. Also of course the B's are going to be there as team Infinite, fear us!


Smash Champion
Dec 22, 2005
Huzzah, the golden gates have opened! My life is complete... sure. Anyways, I'll probably come; albeit, a bit late as usual.


Smash Champion
Dec 22, 2005
You're coming? AWESoMESAuCEZOR!11!!@@!

But uhh, no ride for you =(


When should I come for everyone (other than Adnan)?

Edit: I feel so evil. Yeah, of course I'll drive you Adnanners XD


Smash Champion
Dec 22, 2005
Ya, u r so rite. How culd i ever think ne othr way ?? So yeah, when should I get you guys.


Smash Ace
Apr 15, 2007
Sauga, Ontario, Canada
Hmmm Adnan I thought that you wouldn't be able to make it cause of jamaals? I wanted to bring my cuz
along =[. Also I say we meet at adny's this time, and josh picks us up around 11?


Smash Champion
Dec 22, 2005
Hmmm Adnan I thought that you wouldn't be able to make it cause of jamaals? I wanted to bring my cuz
along =[. Also I say we meet at adny's this time, and josh picks us up around 11?
Yeah, I thought that regarding Adnanners as well. :confused:

Andy: el oh el the internet. You're included too, you know that! <3


Smash Master
Oct 22, 2007
Oshawa 905
85 Henderson Unit 20 Right!????

Just making sure because we will be taking Coach Canada to the Bay and Dundas terminall...

Can anyone give us directions from where to go from dundas subway terminal? I know the TTC fairly well so you dont have to get too far into depth..

Also im bringing my modded wii and controllers + card if its needed.


Smash Lord
Jan 17, 2006
^ Hey.

From dundas go north to Finch station.
Take the finch east bus to Henderson. (on the side that you'll be getting off henderson is called 'maxome')
Then walk down henderson untill you reach the town houses. I'd recomend taking down david's number just incase.


Smash Master
Oct 22, 2007
Oshawa 905
Thanks for the directions runawayfire....We are so stoked for this tournament and I cant wait to see you guys there!

Deleted member

Nate call my house at 10 and keep calling till I wake up I cant find a ****ing alarm clock

469 8432


Smash Journeyman
Mar 9, 2006
****!!! sorry I missed it guys :(
this bites HARD!
next time ;)


Smash Apprentice
Mar 30, 2007
Worst day ever !

Sorry for not aking it weleft at like 9 this morning got lost a whole bunch and then got in an accident on college street and had to deal with that and by that times team registration was over and when we finally got to Henderson we could not find 85 !!! GRRRR

C 3

Smash Ace
Jan 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
This tournament was rough once again :p u beat me again Jake, I am doing better though. Hopefully next time i'll be the winner, and even if I am one of these days, you're still the better player. I'm lucky for making it out of brackets once again, I just need to work my way up the ladder. We'll see what happens in the future.


Smash Rookie
May 26, 2007
Well i sure had a blast, i learned some neat stuff and even remembered someones name! Well i will be excited for the next one and i think i will main peach. Meh, we'll see.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 13, 2006
First off, I left without saying much because I was on the verge of making a huge scene and tellin off a whole bunch of ppl. Ever since I came to these tournaments, I have had nothing short of ridiculous bull**** happen to me. I receive no credit for any of my accomplishments.

I won majority of the matches in friendlies against I.B. using his mains marth, falcon and sheik, including a 3 stock on FD. Considering he's #5 on the PR, I would have assumed that would gain at least some credit for me. Not only does that mean nothing to others, ppl have the nerve to assume that the only reason I was winning is because he was messing up, not at the fact that I was playing well.

I have faced David's sheik, fox and IC's, beaten them all in 1-2 stocks. Considering he was a finalist at most of GTA tournaments, I figured that would gain some credit....... nope. People watch the matches (FOR DAVID, not me) and when I do well, nobody says anything. When david does well, everybody says "good stuff David" and stuff along those lines. I have no problem with ppl getting credit, but for **** sakes give credit where it's due. Even today, faced him, beat him, complete silence.

I've only beaten ryan a handful of times, but considering he has one of if not the best meta game in the GTA, it's an accomplishment. Once again, it means nothing to anybody when I do well. Also, just today I beat Ambrose on multiple occasions, even when he tried to counter-pick me, and even though SOMEBODY was watching, I got no congrats, no support, nothing.

Coolhat has done extremely well in these tournaments, including beating the #1 seed today in pools. While I respect Chris and his Luigi, I must make the point that some of the reason that he's improved over this time has been because of my support and advice. Once I met him at Seasons, I became his friend, helped him in his pool matches and was coaching him the whole time. He has a great techniqual game, but lacks a proper meta game, which I have been helping him with every chance I can. If i'm the one he asks for help from, how does that entail that I need to work my game up to his level? if ppl didn't continuosly get hit by his 2x aerials and edge guarded him properly, he would not be doing as well as he is. I was greatly offended by ppl telling me that I need to work my game up to Chris'. Techniqual game, for sure. Otherwise, no. I don't mean to offend u man, but i'm stating facts, no **** talk. In all honesty, a lot of the ppl in the GTA smash scene aren't that difficult to beat, ppl just lack patience and logical thinking.

Bernard, u of all ppl I am incredibly disappointed with. I've been supporting u now for years, we played together, we helped eachother out, and I spent hours and hours telling u where u can improve ur overall game. I have beaten u on multiple occasions and told u where u went wrong. Now ur at the top, and u have just forgotten about me. I watch ur back, and ur nowhere to b found when I needed support.

I am also incredibly frustrated with the fact that I support people, long time friend or not, as much as I can, I stay in their corner, cheer, give advice, help keep them chilled, anything to help, but when I have my matches, tournament or friendly, nobody is there to back me up. The most I get are petty "GO CHARLES!" calls and then they walk off. Considering how I back u guys up, the decent thing to do is to get the same respect.

Last but not least, I have been working my *** off to improve my overall game, and everytime brackets come around, I get ****ed over. I have had to face Jake twice in the first round in both tournaments that i've been to recently. That is ridiculous. A lot of stupid **** happens in my matches to cause me to lose to players who have little to no meta game, and it makes me sick.

I have now realized that when it comes down to it, ppl don't support me, and really couldn't care less about how I do in these matches, while I bend over backwards to help anybody I can. I'm leaving this ridiculous smash scene and not coming back. I'm tired of being overshadowed by players who play much more immaturely than I do, and ppl who accomplish the same things that I accomplish but get credit while I don't. Don't even bother to try and talk me out of this, because deep down u ppl don't give a ****.
tl ;dr


Smash Ace
Apr 15, 2007
Sauga, Ontario, Canada
Charles... Believe me when I say I know exactly what you mean about the brackets... I've had alot worse don't worry abou it...for the rest I can't say I wasn't there

Deleted member

Sorry to see you go Charles, your laugh is unforgettable. I can't help but feel guilty after having those really gay brackets with you, that sucks I hate facing fellow NNRs in my first match. Good luck with everything. You do make some good points man. Hopefully you'll reconsider.

GGs to all and to all a good night.

shouts later.


Smash Lord
Jan 17, 2006
Although I dont know much about your situation, so you may have legitimately been givin a bad hand...... theres no point in complaining about it. You can't control the universe, you just do what you can.

Why not leave on a good note thanking people for what you did enjoy?

What would you think of me if I did the same thing..... dissing pretty much the WHOLE community, and then saying " **** ya'll I'm out. "
It really lacks tact.
Oh well. GGs


Smash Master
Oct 22, 2007
Oshawa 905
I had such a blast at this tournament, even though I got my *** handed to me I learnt a whole bunch of new things about this game that can improve my play. This has opened a whole new gate for me and when I get back to Niagara I will be training my *** off to win a couple of my matchups. Jesus christ at all the technical foxes....being waveshined across an entire level stunned was quite entertaining for me to watch (even though it was myself getting pwnt.) Everyone there played to their best game, and I have never seen such a crazy luigi player in my life (Charles I think it is?)....It really is a whole different level of gameplay in the GTA and I will DEFINITELY be coming back for more and more practice.....

.....as Link of course xD

Id like to thank everyone for being so welcoming to us Niagara players and David for running this tournament. I hope we can get together again during the holiday's for more smash.

-Niko...Niagara Phails SC


Jul 24, 2005
Mississauga Ontario, Canada
First off, I left without saying much because I was on the verge of making a huge scene and tellin off a whole bunch of ppl. Ever since I came to these tournaments, I have had nothing short of ridiculous bull**** happen to me. I receive no credit for any of my accomplishments.

I won majority of the matches in friendlies against I.B. using his mains marth, falcon and sheik, including a 3 stock on FD. Considering he's #5 on the PR, I would have assumed that would gain at least some credit for me. Not only does that mean nothing to others, ppl have the nerve to assume that the only reason I was winning is because he was messing up, not at the fact that I was playing well.

I have faced David's sheik, fox and IC's, beaten them all in 1-2 stocks. Considering he was a finalist at most of GTA tournaments, I figured that would gain some credit....... nope. People watch the matches (FOR DAVID, not me) and when I do well, nobody says anything. When david does well, everybody says "good stuff David" and stuff along those lines. I have no problem with ppl getting credit, but for **** sakes give credit where it's due. Even today, faced him, beat him, complete silence.

I've only beaten ryan a handful of times, but considering he has one of if not the best meta game in the GTA, it's an accomplishment. Once again, it means nothing to anybody when I do well. Also, just today I beat Ambrose on multiple occasions, even when he tried to counter-pick me, and even though SOMEBODY was watching, I got no congrats, no support, nothing.

Coolhat has done extremely well in these tournaments, including beating the #1 seed today in pools. While I respect Chris and his Luigi, I must make the point that some of the reason that he's improved over this time has been because of my support and advice. Once I met him at Seasons, I became his friend, helped him in his pool matches and was coaching him the whole time. He has a great techniqual game, but lacks a proper meta game, which I have been helping him with every chance I can. If i'm the one he asks for help from, how does that entail that I need to work my game up to his level? if ppl didn't continuosly get hit by his 2x aerials and edge guarded him properly, he would not be doing as well as he is. I was greatly offended by ppl telling me that I need to work my game up to Chris'. Techniqual game, for sure. Otherwise, no. I don't mean to offend u man, but i'm stating facts, no **** talk. In all honesty, a lot of the ppl in the GTA smash scene aren't that difficult to beat, ppl just lack patience and logical thinking.

Bernard, u of all ppl I am incredibly disappointed with. I've been supporting u now for years, we played together, we helped eachother out, and I spent hours and hours telling u where u can improve ur overall game. I have beaten u on multiple occasions and told u where u went wrong. Now ur at the top, and u have just forgotten about me. I watch ur back, and ur nowhere to b found when I needed support.

I am also incredibly frustrated with the fact that I support people, long time friend or not, as much as I can, I stay in their corner, cheer, give advice, help keep them chilled, anything to help, but when I have my matches, tournament or friendly, nobody is there to back me up. The most I get are petty "GO CHARLES!" calls and then they walk off. Considering how I back u guys up, the decent thing to do is to get the same respect.

Last but not least, I have been working my *** off to improve my overall game, and everytime brackets come around, I get ****ed over. I have had to face Jake twice in the first round in both tournaments that i've been to recently. That is ridiculous. A lot of stupid **** happens in my matches to cause me to lose to players who have little to no meta game, and it makes me sick.

I have now realized that when it comes down to it, ppl don't support me, and really couldn't care less about how I do in these matches, while I bend over backwards to help anybody I can. I'm leaving this ridiculous smash scene and not coming back. I'm tired of being overshadowed by players who play much more immaturely than I do, and ppl who accomplish the same things that I accomplish but get credit while I don't. Don't even bother to try and talk me out of this, because deep down u ppl don't give a ****.
You know what I never saw any of these matches, and I am glad you didn't make a scene. You seem like a really nice guy.

However, from the matches I saw, you didn't seem all to impressive (compared to what you said you were doing above), but I am not here to comment on that. What I have to say about this is, if you are trying to play smash and are demanding respect for your accomplishments, it is pretty sad on your part. If you need people to tell you that you are good and to pamper you, you really need to wake up and get some self-esteem.

People don't say **** about me, or Marco, or some other people compared to other people who probably really don't deserve it, like I am in metapod tier with these people who I can probably own above me that have only been out to 2 or 3 events so far, but that is still besides the point. You should be coming to these things to have fun play, meeting and talking with the other people and to better yourself. If you are looking for people to be all over you when you do something right, that was like 17 years ago when you were a kid, grow up you can't expect people to do that all the time. If you are going to quit over something like this, than maybe you really shouldn't be playing.

I doubt you can quit even if you wanted to if you like this game as much as the rest of us. No disrespect intended, there is no easy way to put this.

Deleted member

Shoutouts soontime, too tired to do so now.

BTW, Jake I found out i'll be leaving L.A. before the 3rd, so i can't make it to the tourney D: my bad man


Smash Ace
Aug 5, 2006
C 3 said:
Welcome to my world, I only get applauded when I do some ridiculous **** (minus Ken and a couple others) and people john and ***** when they lose to me. It doesn't matter how many games I win.

It's pretty lame, but I don't play to be the #1 on the 'pokerankings'.
For all I care, if I were to win multiple tournaments in succession (lol) and still get **** all I don't think I would really care because then I could just talk **** and laugh at everyone at how they got schooled by some random.


Smash Legend
Nov 18, 2007
Spiral Mountain
Shoutouts soontime, too tired to do so now.

BTW, Jake I found out i'll be leaving L.A. before the 3rd, so i can't make it to the tourney D: my bad man
Andrei, did your team beat Sylar and Omni or did they advance? I just need to know because nobody filled out the doubles bracket and I know who the top three were, but before I can post results I need to fill out the bracket image so everything works out.

C 3

Smash Ace
Jan 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Lanowen, u bring up some good points and I appreciate the honesty. I apologize for the complete outburst, I wasn't having a good day at all. Maybe I took a few things too seriously, and I should just do my thing. I respect u/run for saying things str8 up, I needed that to clear my head. I apologize again if anybody was offended by my rant, a lot of things are said in a rush of anger. I do have a lot of good moments in these tournaments, I really enjoy meeting new ppl and chillin with friends. I need to work on changing my frame of mind when it comes to these things. It's not so much for self-esteem, but just having a presumptious frame of mind that credit will ALWAYS b given where it's due, but that won't always happen, I guess that comes from my immature side. For those who read this and/or offended by this, please forgive me. This isn't my typical style, and I shouldn't ruin my reputation by this.
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