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SMASHPOLL: The 2010 Federal Election

Who are you going to vote for?

  • Labor

    Votes: 5 10.4%
  • Liberal

    Votes: 4 8.3%
  • Greens

    Votes: 14 29.2%
  • Democrats

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Australian Sex Party

    Votes: 19 39.6%
  • Socialist Party

    Votes: 3 6.3%
  • Independents

    Votes: 1 2.1%
  • Family First

    Votes: 2 4.2%

  • Total voters
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Smash Ace
Oct 21, 2005
Sydney, NSW, Australia
Okay guys. I've come to the realisation that I am still horribly uninformed with this upcoming election. As I hate being uninformed and ignorant (but sometimes can't help it!!), I turn to the very intelligent people on this page to give me a brief rundown and summary for each party's touting policies.

What are their main policies, what implications are there.
and maybe
Why I should consider those policies as being something we should adress.

Cheers, and thanks to anyone who can help me out!!


Smash Lord
May 17, 2006
Afterschool Alleyway
Are thy even actively socialist? Or is it just a gimmick to get votes? Like the sex party.
They kinda are, but not really. They're more of a modern, toned down, partially capitalist socialism, akin to how our capitalist system isn't pure capitalism.


Oct 29, 2004
Okay guys. I've come to the realisation that I am still horribly uninformed with this upcoming election. As I hate being uninformed and ignorant (but sometimes can't help it!!), I turn to the very intelligent people on this page to give me a brief rundown and summary for each party's touting policies.

What are their main policies, what implications are there.
and maybe
Why I should consider those policies as being something we should adress.

Cheers, and thanks to anyone who can help me out!!

touting policies off my head:
liberal - a very soft and risk-free campaign, with no 'big ticket' policy -- painting itself as a party that will merely be competent in power, as opposed to a party which overspends and is mismanaging itself. liberal supporters are looking past abbot's fearsome character and recognizing the party and its policies.
- pro: anti-immigration (will set up a contract with nauru to set up a new detention centre on day one if elected)
- pro: no mining/resources tax
- pro: no carbon tax
- pro: low taxes and low governmental spend
- pro: extra public hospital beds
- pro: small business tax cuts
- pro: personal wealth (35% tax rate, across all brackets proposed)
- pro: national/global security (increased commitment to usa's wars)

labor - slightly riskier campaign, several 'big ticket' policies -- difficult to see how the party is painting itself with a series of internal political affairs that have leaked. criticizes liberal for running a backwards campaign by not choosing to 'move australia forward,' through it's lack of accounted promised expenditures (liberal promised spend is currently contradictory within liberal circles)
- pro: education, across all tiers (primary/secondary/tertiary), public and private
- pro: mining/resources tax
- pro: workers rights (no workchoices)
- pro: economy (governmental intervention to preventing global recession in australia)
- pro: health (more doctors and nurses)
- pro: national broadband network
- pro: national standardized curriculum
- pro: increased mandatory superannuation contribution

greens - radical left on the surge, due to alp voters no longer satisfied with the increasingly centrist government. benefiting from a grassroots campaign, fueled by idealistic youth and effete population. generally promises benefits liberal/alp do not.
- pro: education, abolishment of hecs
- pro: environment - put a tax on carbon
- pro: socialism - wealth distribution across the board
- pro: transport - decrease road funded projects, commit to high speed rail linking vic/nsw/qld
- pro: human rights (gay marriage, increased immigration, pulling out of all war commitments)


Oct 29, 2004
australia had free education up until the early 1990s, i want it back; this $20K debt i have from uni is stifling


Smash Ace
Nov 7, 2008
Iso appreciation society headquarters

lesser known greens policies:
stop farming of animals for meat
stop all useful medical research (anything involving animal experimentation or genetics)
ban circus animals, zoos

surrender all natural resource rights to traditional owners (mineral wealth, forestry, aquaculture)
ensure remote aboriginal communities have all the same services as a city
encourage remote aboriginal communities to stay settled in a region with no employment prospects

stop exports of coal, mining of coal
ban smelting of metals
ban export of metal ores which may be smelted elsewhere
ban export/mining of uranium

voting age 16.

house asylum seekers indefinitely in public funded houses

legislate to ensure womens sport must be televised, financed to the same level as male sport

end all use of radiation for anything, anywhere, ever. (including important physical or biological research)

dismantle military
legalise marijuana
ban sales of deodorant, replace with patchouli

I only got 20% through their policies and i can't continue any further.
The greens are far too radical to ever be considered a political party and should remain confined to the senate where there only function should be to stop policies that are retardedly bad for the environment

Edit: 20K is nothing cao, i'm up to 32 and still growing even though i worked full time for 2 years paying it off



Smash Master
Apr 22, 2008
South of the border, west of the sun.
Tim I spent 5 minutes checking your post and many of your points are very inaccurate.

The difference between their actual policies and your representation of them (eg the banning of zoos, which is totally false) is quite large.

For the record, this is their actual stance on Zoos:
"16. ban the importation of animals for zoos, except where the importation will assist the overall
conservation of the species

Edit: and I can't find anything in their policies about banning the farming of animals for meat. All I can find are policies regarding the treatment and killing process.

edit: regarding coal, I don't see them prohibiting the mining or export of it anywhere. This is their policy on coal: "35. oppose the establishment of new coal mines and the expansion of existing mines."

There are plenty of other policy edits I could make but I think I'll go to uni.

You're still a cool dude though.


Smash Champion
Jul 28, 2008
Brisbane, QLD, Australia
who is gonna pay my hecs debt? where is this money coming from?

as for the alysum seekers? why do they travel all the way around the world to australia? and why do they never want to learn :/


Oct 29, 2004
"encourage remote aboriginal communities to stay settled in a region with no employment prospects"

this statement ignores the truest attributes of indigenous australians that choose to settle in remote communities: the recognition that they have a strong cultural and spritiual connection to the land. what is greens policy is to provide the full extent of services that is critical to high human development to their region. this does not marginalise them, in that, it'll provide them with a greater quality of life, greater employment opportunities and means for mobility into higher order cities, without invading on their right to construct their own cultural institutional arrangements.

what toby said regarding zoos and meat production and mining is correct.

"The greens are far too radical to ever be considered a political party and should remain confined to the senate where there only function should be to stop policies that are retardedly bad for the environment"

the way everything is currently done in australia is already 'retardedly' bad for the environment. the only people who would object to this statement are those who are inherently short-sighted or act in self interest (supporting an overly nationalistic agenda as opposed to globalistic).

"Edit: 20K is nothing cao, i'm up to 32 and still growing even though i worked full time for 2 years paying it off"

there's a big difference between $0 and $20-32K+ -- the difference between instantly making a home deposit upon full time employment, or not. generation x/y/z/alpha would have every right to complain about an increasing cost of living, when the baby boomer generation had a clean financial slate after graduation; because of that privledge, most of the 40-50+ year olds currently hold most of the properties very easily within the australian property market with little hardship -- also, they are predominantly responsible for people locked out of the home buying market, as it is now an overinflated investor's market, held by baby boomers. the rate (not the percentage uptake) of home ownership within post-graduates has declined since the introduction of hecs/help debts.

"surrender all natural resource rights to traditional owners (mineral wealth, forestry, aquaculture)"

amendments to the native title act of 1993 and the heritage protection act of 1984 will be there to serve the following; customary local law restrictions (like not climbing uluru), guarantee access to those with cultural and/or spiritual connections to the site, full integration with the UN declaration of human rights and its other charters. indigenous politics never advocate for total ownership of mineral wealth, forestry and aquaculture; only the right to use them in the historical and cultural context they have been accustomed to, before invasion. traditional owners of any given land generally grant access and have allowed us to use the lands in the ways we as a society are accustomed to as well; mutual agreements on land use is what is advocated, first and foremost.

"house asylum seekers indefinitely in public funded houses"

i'm never going to forget what made communities like australia exist; why i am here, why you are here. immigration is what makes australia strong. what made usa the world's most powerful nation? lassiez-faire style immigration policy in the the 1800s and early 20th century. immigration is an investment for the coutnry, which sees returns after a generation when foreigners are properly acclimatized into australian society.

"end all use of radiation for anything, anywhere, ever. (including important physical or biological research)"

there is a wide variety of radiation types out there, ranging from harmless microwave radiation, celluar radiation, to nuclear radiation. what the greens explicitly refers to in the banning of, is nuclear radiation.

"stop all useful medical research (anything involving animal experimentation or genetics)"

the greens are certainly not anti-medical research -- the greens are only advocating for the minimisation of harmful animal practices in practices that are not necessary. "we have a duty of care to minimise cruelty to animals resulting from human activity;" key word = minimise. the banning of animal testing explicitly refers to the banning of "the use of animals as experimental objects in military and industrial research, and in cosmetics testing." medical testing is exempt, save for the genetic engineering of animals.

"legalise marijuana"

the australian greens do not support the legalisation of currently illegal drugs.

"dismantle military"

completely incorrect. the biggest policy statement which needs to be clarified here is that the greens want to parliament to vote on sending the country to war, and also give those who work in the australian defence force the choice to object to particular military actions. this means the decision is no longer up to the prime minister or president alone. it is greens policy to also ensure all decisions on defence are based on australia's independent defence needs; not usa's or any other international military strategic alliances. the existing military force that is serving in foreign wars will be brought home and retrained to further protect our own borders and territories.

arrow: up until 1989, education was paid for in full, by the federal governments. it was introduced by the whitlam government in the early 1970's. labor introdcued hecs in 1989 as a measure to tax students.


Smash Cadet
Aug 9, 2009
as for the alysum seekers? why do they travel all the way around the world to australia? and why do they never want to learn :/

1: You're an immigrant just like the rest of us.
2: Do you honestly believe these people would leave their homes just on a whim? These people mostly come from country's that are absolutely screwed.
3: By never wanting to learn I assume you mean English and our customs? That's a massive generalisation with absolutely no substantiated evidence to back it up

If you don't know what you're talking about, why open your mouth?


Smash Lord
Sep 22, 2009
I'm glad Toby and Cao are here. Anyway legalise drugs, discuss. I think we should. Will go into further details after I finish my assignment.


Smash Champion
Jul 28, 2008
Brisbane, QLD, Australia
why would they? they get taken care of without doing anything. if they learnt english and skills they would need to work.

i am not a immigrant :/ my ancesstors were.

if they were that desperate to escape their war torn country they could go to some other closer country. i am not saying their are not legitimate cases. just needs to be more strict.

i dont support the legalisation of drugs :/ its a dangerous and addictive thing.i would hate to see it in public.. but i guess its ok in private.


Smash Ace
Nov 7, 2008
Iso appreciation society headquarters
Tim I spent 5 minutes checking your post and many of your points are very inaccurate.

The difference between their actual policies and your representation of them (eg the banning of zoos, which is totally false) is quite large.

For the record, this is their actual stance on Zoos:
"16. ban the importation of animals for zoos, except where the importation will assist the overall
conservation of the species

Edit: and I can't find anything in their policies about banning the farming of animals for meat. All I can find are policies regarding the treatment and killing process.

edit: regarding coal, I don't see them prohibiting the mining or export of it anywhere. This is their policy on coal: "35. oppose the establishment of new coal mines and the expansion of existing mines."

There are plenty of other policy edits I could make but I think I'll go to uni.

You're still a cool dude though.
disclaimer: some policies exaggerated for comic effect


Smash Journeyman
Jul 18, 2008
Sydney, Australia
Anyway legalise drugs, discuss. I think we should.
Which? Marijuana is the only one I think can really be justified.

More on topic, the greens piss me off. I mean I'm probably going to vote for them and it's not going to make a difference anyway since my seat is an absurdly safe labor one, but eh.

We have one of the highest CO2 emissions per capita
Solar/wind power is bloody expensive to install and maintain
We have the largest uranium deposit in the world



Smash Champion
Jul 28, 2008
Brisbane, QLD, Australia
whats wrong with nuclear? apart from it being not renewable..
we should just use it til we get solar power more affordable and efficent.
nuclear power is cleaner than coal anyway.


Smash Hero
May 10, 2008
whats wrong with nuclear, everything.

1: You're an immigrant just like the rest of us.
he's really not.
and neither am I, or you (I assume) or 'the rest of us'

also the greens would be terrible imo, they'd be too busy pantering to every spoilt whiny ***** and trying to make everybody happy, to run the country.
government needs some balls, and a brain to back it up, unfortunatly that seems to be impossible to acheive.


Smash Master
Apr 22, 2008
South of the border, west of the sun.
why would they? they get taken care of without doing anything. if they learnt english and skills they would need to work.

i am not a immigrant :/ my ancesstors were.

if they were that desperate to escape their war torn country they could go to some other closer country. i am not saying their are not legitimate cases. just needs to be more strict.

i dont support the legalisation of drugs :/ its a dangerous and addictive thing.i would hate to see it in public.. but i guess its ok in private.
We can't afford to let immigrants into the country. Once they find out that Australia is an easy golden ticket (especially since immigrants are currently given a grant of $20,000 upon successful citizenship application) we'll have millions of them coming here. The worst bit is the run on effect - where is it going to stop if we don't send all the immigrants back to other poor countries? First immigrants, then before long people will be asking for same sex marriage rights. Obviously all the pinko immigrants will push for that, and then what do we get? Millions upon millions of gay immigrants coming to Australia from all over the world (even though everyone knows we're full) until we can't walk for 5 minutes without seeing same sex couples openly having intercourse in every street and alleyway.


im not racist, but...


Smash Hero
May 10, 2008
toby, I am disapointed, didnt you know that gay immigrants arent real people and dont have the same rights we do?


also why is larry involved in this lol?


Smash Master
Apr 22, 2008
South of the border, west of the sun.
the cool thing about being a bigot is that nobody can prove me wrong, because my arguments are free from the laws of logic and basic morality.


arrow lets have a we're full party sometime

tim you know you secretly hate anyone who has different skin, accent or cultural practices. Don't deny it!


Smash Master
Apr 22, 2008
South of the border, west of the sun.
Every half breed, without exception, has a thin layer of slime coating their body that has to be constantly scraped off. If I bump into one on the street I generally have to immediately go home and shower/change my clothes.


Smash Ace
Nov 7, 2008
Iso appreciation society headquarters
the cool thing about being a bigot is that nobody can prove me wrong, because my arguments are free from the laws of logic and basic morality.


arrow lets have a we're full party sometime

tim you know you secretly hate anyone who has different skin, accent or cultural practices. Don't deny it!
if i had it my way i'd only be friends with people who looked very similar to me and were able to harmonise to my singing.
hell i even hate people with a different hair colour.
lousy blondes, always having fun


Smash Master
Apr 22, 2008
South of the border, west of the sun.
I feel really dirty now, I don't think I can keep up these posts.

In case you didn't guess, Arrow, my string of posts was an incredibly subtle way of saying that a strong anti immigration policy is silly.

Now I need to wash the racisms off me. Preferably with some pure Caucasian water.


Smash Hero
Jul 7, 2008
you won't find pure caucasian water in your neighbourhood toby, you better come over to the bright side of sydney (read: right side)


Smash Hero
May 10, 2008
your actually all ***ots because your not me and you dont agree with everything I say.

****ing ******s
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