Scar Shoutouts:
1: M2K: I love you. I really, honestly do. My dad thinks you're a raving lunatic.
- My dad offered to drive M2K home, not knowing where M2K lives, and Jason took a detour through McDonalds, "mostly just because I'm hungry."
2: Eggm: You are too good @ Smash, sorry 1.9g didn't work and seriously, you make SPOC so much better. If there's ever one that you can't make, no way will it be the same.
3: JMan: DUDE!! You are awesome, how come I never met you until 2 weeks ago?? You're welcome in Philly any time pal, come down and smash with me and the Cactus and Pakman.
4: Will: You better double check with someone else where the venue is next time 'cause I'm doing my best to get you the wrong information. Seriously, you are too good with that puffball. Every time I've played you you've gotten way better. Good ****.
5: Alukard: <3 NY. Seriously. Falcon dittos are so good, you owe me a dollar LOL no I knew I would **** you, no way I would steal your money. Need to see you soon.
7: Tec0: Dude I miss you already. You are way too cool. Yessir next time we'll play crazy friendlies, sorry I took you out of my pool and also that we couldn't crew battle! Daaamn.
7: Vanz: That set was nuts, the Peach/Sheik combo is too good, and that Brinstar strat is awesome. BANNED.
Velocity: Miss you pal, we need to do movie night soon... I wish I could play you in Melee but apparently you're never playing it ever again. You and Chocobo.
Pakman: HOLY GIRL. You ***** everyone in teams, Blue Lazer ***** so hard. Everyone, Pakman pulled through on TWO 2-on-1's for the set and for the win. TOO GOOD. You **** me in 3S too.
Cactuar: You **** at Brawl, sorry I was cramping your style trying to convince people to not MM you. Get ready to win DM Brandon's tourney.
9: Lord Knight: Sheik is too good. Glad you had fun, sorry I didn't enter you as SHION SUZAKIWAKA or whatever you wanted. <3
9: SlikVik: You're never sleeping over my house ever again. Good **** getting 9th, your Peach is good stuff.
9: Vex Kasrani: Glad I could give accurate directions. Good to see you pal, hope to Smash soon. Pools are too good.
13: Tru: Thanks for coming all the way out from DE, that's where you're from, right? Well good ****, sorry I made you guys walk up to 40th and then leave shortly after.
13: Inui: Sorry you got gayed twice match 2. Prince of Tennis FTW.
13: Wesley: I LOVE YOU. You are the coolest person I know, Bama completely forgets you but appreciates your shoutout nonetheless. FAWK, I wanted to chill tonight too but I'm sure you're on your way to bed at this point. Lemme know when I can drive over to Pittsburgh, I would be happy to leave Philly at about 3pm on Thursday so I could def be there that night. YESS.
13: Roykid: Thanks for coming, thanks for the Pizza yesterday and for being awesome in general. We need to hang out, I haven't seen you in too long!!
17: KCS: Keep at it man, your placements keep improving, and it's always good to see you!
17: Talwind: I played Fox vs you. I was so happy. Love you pal, ToS is awesome and you are too funny, Scott and Mark were telling me Mitri stories all FAAWKIN' night.
17: El Komosutro: YOU ARE THE MAN. I will miss you forever, everyone loves you, you are too funny and too good @ Smash. Good **** on stealing Slik's bed, and Conor still hates you for trying to make a Chocobo Sandwich.
17: Deff: Well done sir, thanks for coming as always, I finally know whose dad is always around, you have a really cool family and it's a pleasure to host a tourney for you guys.
17: Swords: Good **** pal, I am more and more impressed with the DE guys every time you come up. We should play Smash sometime. Lol.
17: souja: Good chatting with you, we should play friendlies at the next tourney we're both at!
17: GOTM: FAWK. You are top tier, thanks for being so awesome. You make it easier to run SPOC. Whenever I get stressed I just curse and ***** and moan at you. LOL.
25: Clai: YES. Thanks again for coming, I always love seeing you @ SPOC. You are a really cool kid, and we need to play a 1-on-1 one of these days! Though inf. time Falcon dittos are too good.
25: Shakugan: Peach peach peach.
25: Cless: Good to have you over, thanks for taking care of M2K for me.
25: ChiboSempai: Chiiiibo. ToS. Thanks for all your help. See you like tomorrow or something.
25: Nautilus: Good **** in pools pal, I'll put our matches up soon.
25: Vino: Nice talking to you on AIM, keep chatting with me and hope to see you @ SPOC5.
25: Lite: BEST PA SAMUS PLAYER. EVER. Dude I hope I see you at Brawl tournaments, it was too much fun hanging out with you. TSA and SPOC love you forever.
25: Zangetsu: Thanks for coming, nice to meet you, good **** in pools.
33: Jollies: DDAAAAAAMN! You came out even though you were like dying?? Good **** pal, I love you, we'll play friendlies some other time though. Apologies.
33: Xzax: Love you man, keep it up and I'll see you in our eventual TSA v ToS Brawl Crew battle.
33: Ame: Keep at it pal, I hope to see you and Chad at the next one.
Chad: Thanks so much for all your help dude, you always carry like.... EVERYTHING for me.
33: Lil' Goepel: The Goepel family is too cool. Remember when we first met and it was like all awkward?? Now we're like family. Too cool, hope to see you @ SPOC5. Or just around.
33: McGraw: I'm never going to not know your name ever again. Come to the next one!
33: AutoFail: Thanks for driving THP, and it was nice to meet you. Another thanks for helping me carry TVs outside.
33: Archangel: Sorry you left, pal! When I put your Brawl matches online I'll let you know.
Saez, JJ, Ndroo, and TJ: I really don't know you guys, so next time come and introduce yourselves! Play friendlies with me haha.
Sam: I love you to death. What the crapper??
Newface: Thanks for all your help. You are real chill, it's good to see you around.
Lounge kids: Good **** for showing up Brian/black guy/everyone else.
Darnell: Come over! Good to see you for the few minutes that I did, hope you enjoyed that Lionshead.