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SmashBoards creates: Super Smash Bros. Ultimate - Bonus DLC!

Wario Wario Wario

Smash Legend
Sep 3, 2017
Cheese Wheels of Doom
The alt costumes will be
  1. Star Fox 64 Wolf
  2. Violent Ken
  3. Resplendent Roy
  4. SNES Little Mac

Please vote here the break the Ryu tie:

Infinity Sorcerer's music will be used by default

  1. The Amazon = 3
  2. Mr. Dream = 3
  3. Glass Joe = 6
  4. Sakura = 11
  5. Rock Howard = 13
Rock Howard joins the roster!

Submit changes betwern Terry and Rock Howard
Please submit any stat, moveset or animation changes you think Rock should have from Terry

There are "three houses" so to speak for Byleth's content

HOUSE 1: Themes
Byleth's themes for first party content are
  1. Medieval
  2. War
  3. Education
  4. Lances
  5. Axes
  6. Bows & Arrows
all Fire Emblem content will be allowed for everything except stages.

HOUSE 2: Mii Costumes
The following series are allowed due to Mii Costumes
  1. Assassin's Creed
  2. Mega Man
  3. Rabbids
  4. Rayman
  5. Cuphead
HOUSE 3: "Cooling the Blow"
Byleth's reveal was not a fun time for most Smash fans so I will also be allowing specific content that has been requested by fans falling into already-represented first party series as to "cool the blow". Some examples include - but aren't limited to
  1. Bowser's Castle; Gyromite; and Dr. Mario stages
  2. Metroid and Donkey Kong Country stages that aren't lava or jungles respectively
  3. Classic stages like Mute City and Poké Floats.
  4. Wario Land, Mario & Luigi, or classic Paper Mario content
Submit Byleth's stage!

Submit the alt costumes to release with Byleth!

Vote on Byleth's third content!

Note that if an echo fighter is voted in, Min Min and Steve won't be able to come with echo fighters.
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Wario Wario Wario

Smash Legend
Sep 3, 2017
Cheese Wheels of Doom
Big Brain Academy

This is a stage with 4 platforms, all of which can be used for answers on simple logic puzzles that appear - you have to do them quicker than WarioWare microgames, the reward is becoming giant and the punishment for losing is becoming small. When a question starts, the bottom platform disappears to force players to partake. The stage can be played competitively with hazards off.
Aug 14, 2021
Bloodsauce Dungeon, Pizza Tower, ???
Knight Mario (Medieval)
2. Great Lord Lucina (Medieval)
3. Teacher Mario (Mario teaches typing) (Education)

Stage submission:
Gyromite (ROB/Nintendo)

View attachment 346916
The layout is same like in game (Shown picture) and the hazards are enemies like Smicks or Spikes (The TNTs and Turnips also appear here: TNT would be throwable and it can explode and Turnips could heal you)
Some of plaftorms are soft like steel girders, so it makes the stage more fair for players.
The stage is rendered in 8-Bit, but it's 3D like Duck Hunt stage.
The platform guide.
Silver Girders - Soft platforms.
Solid platforms: Ground, walls and pipes.

Deleted member

1. Vampire Wario
2. Bad Box Art Mega Man
3. Camouflage Snake


A virtual reality device created by Abstergo Industries. It allows people to connect with their assessors in the past. It is a major plot device in the Assasin's Creed franchise. The stage starts out in a white void like the one seen above, and will transition to various historical locations from across the AC franchise.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 18, 2020
Burkina Faso
Band Land (Rayman)

One of the most iconic zones in Rayman, first appeared in Rayman 1 as the second world.
This stage will take place in Bongo Hills, Wrong Notes and Moths will apear as enemies and Rayman will appear as an "stage assist" similar to Flying Man in Magicant, finally, Mr. Sax will appear alongside Globox in the background as cameos (Globox first appeared in Rayman 2 but he is too iconic to not represent him)
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Infinity Sorcerer

Smash Champion
Sep 24, 2020
Right Behind You
Alright, it's time to Rock! (incredible lame pun moment)

Rock would be lighter and faster than Terry but at the same time quite weaker, Rock's throws would be different to Terry even if shares the same attributes (with the exception of his down throw that would be replaced with Shinkuu Nage). For the rest:
Neutral Special: Reppuken/Double Reppuken
Rock's version of the Power Wave, Double Reppuken works like Strong Power Wave. In the air the move is similar to Terry but in blue.
Forward Special: Hard Edge
Rock's version of the Burning Knuckle, unlike Terry it hits two times, in the original games this move was a QCB input put here will be changed to a QCF input to be more similar to Terry's input (Burn Knuckle also doesn't have a QCF input in the original games anyway).

This isn't Overhead Kick but I didn't find any gif of his T.O.P. attack.
Back Special: Overhead Kick
Rock's version of the Crack Shot, has the name indicates is an overhead attack, the input is QCB even if, again, isn't the original input.
Up Special: Rising Tackle
Exactly the same has Terry, it has the same charged input too.
Down Special: Crack Counter
Rock's only different special to Terry, it's a counter attack where after hit Rock counterattacks with a similar attack to Crack Shot. The input version is DP + Attack Button being faster, having more active frames and dealing a backwards kick after the first one (just like his EX Crack Counter).
Super Special Move 1: Raging Storm
Rock's version of the Power Geyser being a powerful anti aerial with the difference that Rock's is completely vertical in comparison to the diagonal geyser and it also hits behind Rock. Rock can also charge the move to deal more damage. The input is also different being QCFQCF + Attack button (same has Buster Wolf)
Super Special Move 2: Shine Knuckle
Rock's version of the Buster Wolf, instead of a huge explosive blow Rock does an elbow attack followed by a super Rising Tackle. The input is QCBQCB + Attack Button.
Final Smash: NEO Deadly Rave
Rock lunges forward and if hits he teleports the first hitted foe to a cinematic where he does a pose spreading a pair of blue wings made of ki and proceding to make a powerful combo finishing with an explosive blow.

Finally, Rock's Victory Poses and Victory Theme are different.
Victory Theme: Victory Message from Garou.
Victory Poses:
  • Rock gives the back to the camera and spread a pair of wings made of blue ki.
  • Rock takes of his jacket and tosses it in front of him, this victory is always used when Rock wins a match using Shine Knuckle
  • Rock infuse his hand in ki while his eye glows but he gets exhausted quickly saying "Why my evil blood boils?", this victory is always used when Rock wins a match using either Raging Storm or his Final Smash.

Now that I remind why the **** I didn't submited any Rock's theme pain
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Smash Master
Writing Team
May 17, 2020
your mother's sleeping quarters
Okay guys please do not vote echo fighter on Byleth, Min-Min would LITERALLY be perfect for this.

1. Ezio Sonic (AC) (Art by Baghi-Misfortune on DeviantArt)

This would be sort of an in-joke costume, as Sonic and Ezio have the same voice actor IRL.

2. Hylia's Chosen Hero (Medieval alt for Link)
3. Classic Pit (Bows and Arrows)

For the stage, I'll resubmit my Central Highway concept from Infinite.

There is a stretch of raised highway that is about a battlefield and a quarter long. And about 1/2 of said highway is slightly sloped to the left. Blastzones are pretty standard and it is possible to walljump on the pillars that support the road-though you cannot camp here forever. There are also two street lamps, one in the foreground of the stage on the right (the non-sloped part), and the other in the background of the stage on the left (the sloped part).
But it wouldn't be Central Highway without some bees.

Occasionally, the Bee Blader will appear to wreck havoc. It will fly in from the left or right side of the stage, and once it reaches the highway, it will stop in place and begin performing a set of a few actions at complete random. It can do multiple of these things at once, all of them at once, or simply choose not to do anything for a minute. It will, however, perpetually hover up and down.

  • Move forward: Just what it sounds like. The Bee Blader moves forward for a few frames before stopping again.
  • Bullets: The Bee Blader splashes bullets in front of him at a downward angle. It's pretty easy to avoid, but if you're hit, you'll be trapped in for 5 seconds while you are dealt 1% DPS. After which you are launched forwards, but never far enough to kill.
  • Missiles: The Bee Blader fires a homing missile that homes in on whoever was nearest when the move was activated. These missiles deal 8% and can kill opponents, but not until they are in the 130-160 range.
  • The Bee Blader has slightly more health than the Yellow Devil did in Smash Ultimate. When defeated, the Bee Blader will explode similarly to the Yellow Devil, but in a more realistic fashion. The explosion does major damage and knockback to anyone nearby, except for the player who landed the final hit.
  • The Bee Blader will not appear if stage hazards are disabled.
This stage has 10 cameos in total, all characters from the Mega Man X series. When the stage starts, there are no cameos-however, throughout the match the characters will teleport into the background of the stage to watch the battle. Sometimes they will also teleport away and, over time, new characters take their places. This is mostly random, but characters like X and Zero have the most priority of appearing.

Warning, minor spoilers ahead for X4. Skip Iris and Colonel if you don't want those.


The greatest creation of Doctor Light and main character of his series, Mega Man X (or just X) is a Maverick Hunter who fights for peace, though he wishes there were a more peaceful way of protecting both humans and reploids. After teleportation in, X will stand with his hands on his hips and watch with a smile on his face. If a KO is made, X will raise his fist to the air in celebration.


The greatest creation of Doctor Wily and partner of Mega Man X, Zero is also a Maverick Hunter who fights for peace-though he is more quick to act than X and doesn't spend as much time wishing for a peaceful solution to the war between reploids and mavericks. Zero will stand with his back to the camera, so we get full view of his glorious ponytail. When a KO is made, Zero shows a thumbs up to his opponent.

The junior Maverick Hunter with the ability to copy the appearance of others, Axl fights with X and Zero to stop Sigma dead in his tracks. Axl will bob from left to right in place, as if imitating a fighting game character, with his guns at the ready. When a KO is made, Axl spins his weapons with his fingers before striking a flashy pose.

Brother of Colonel and former love interest of Zero, Iris is a member of Repliforce who is unfortunately lost in the Final Weapon incident. Iris will hold her hands behind her and watch the battle with great interest. When a KO is made, Iris brings her hands around from her back to reveal a purple crystal-which she will then toss up into the air before catching it and putting it back behind her. She looks very energetic when doing so.

Brother of Iris and one of the two leaders of Repliforce, Colonel is the one who leads the Repliforce to leave Earth, in hopes of living their lives without the humans, and without harming them-but due to seeds of rebellion in the repliforce planted by guess-who, Colonel must be defeated by X (or Zero) in order to stop the Final Weapon from firing at Earth. Colonel will look ahead with not much visible emotion, arms down at his sides. He will politely clap whenever a KO is made.

The CEO of stopping X dead in his tracks to feed him useless information through his earpiece, Alia is the Navigator of the Maverick Hunters who "helps" by letting X know what's going on in any given situation. Alia will be talking to someone on her earpiece, occupied with something else and not focusing on the match at all-but when a KO is scored, she'll seemingly say "hold on" to them before waving and smiling at the screen.

The strangely handsome Douglas is the mechanic of the Maverick Hunters, who proved instrumental during the Eurasia colony incident. Douglas will stand casually and hold a wrench, occasionally tossing it slightly up and making it spin before catching it again. If a KO is made, Douglas reaches his non-wrench fist up, then pulls it back in excitement.

Signas, the leader of the Maverick Hunters, is the impressive strategist behind all of X's most dangerous missions. Signas will hold his chin up with his hand and simply observe the fight, occasionally nodding. When a KO is scored, he'll smile-this is the most subtle victory animation of the X cameos, but make no mistake-Signas truly appreciated that awesome play you just made.

Sigma was once the leader of the Maverick Hunters, but once the Maverick Virus manifested itself inside his body, Sigma felt the need to eradicate humans to make a perfect world for reploids. He now leads the Mavericks and fights with X and Zero every Tuesday whenever he's up to no good. Sigma will cross his arms around his chest, looking stern. When a KO is made, he throws back his head and laughs, as if to say "lol should've teched"


Vile is a maverick who works directly with Sigma, who has a lust for destruction and a kink for reincarnation. Vile will stand in place with determination, very much ready for action, with his knee blaster and shoulder canon locked and loaded. When a KO is made, he actually stomps the ground with his feet-Vile lives for destruction, but he'd rather take part in it himself than watch others have all the fun.

When teleportation in, the hero characters (anyone but Vile and Sigma) will teleport in classic Mega Man fashion. However, Vile and Sigma will have two after-images of their character model warp in, combining to form one image, before they themselves appear where that image is.

Wario Wario Wario

Smash Legend
Sep 3, 2017
Cheese Wheels of Doom
Ryu's alt will be Evil Ryu!

Infinity Sorcerer's Rock Howard changes will be used

The third content with Byleth will be a second stage!
  1. Knight Mario
  2. Teacher Mario
  3. Great Lord Lucina
  4. Vampire Wario
  5. Bad Box Art Mega Man
  6. Camouflage Snake
  7. Ezio Sonic
  8. Hylia's Chosen Hero
  9. Classic Pit
  10. Bridal Groom Marth
  11. Stalwart's Heart Ike
  12. New Year Corrin
Please vote here: https://strawpoll.com/polls/3RnYpMrqpye

Submit Rock Howard's alt costumes
Please submit exactly 8 including the default. These will be voted on as lists.

Rather than closing stage jobs now, I will allow all users to submit a second stage, and then we will vote on two tomorrow
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Aug 14, 2021
Bloodsauce Dungeon, Pizza Tower, ???
Hoshido (FE Fates)

Hoshido is a place in Fire Emblem Fates. Hoshido locates on east of the continent and it is always sunny opposed to Nohr. It's the place where Corrin could go after moving anyway from his home place.

The stage layout could take place on Hoshido's Castle and it could be like Castle Siege, but with more Platforms and it's Styled after Fire Emblem Fates game. There are camoes on the Stage are appearing like Camilla, Celica, Alm and even Adult Tiki (Dissappears if she is Summoned as Assist). In Background of the Stage, the Nohr is Shown.
In Omega and Battlefield Form, the Huge platform has Texture of Hoshido Castle's Roof and it has Platforms like Normal Version while Battlefield Form is On.

I nominate this Stage, because it could be Home Stage for Corrin, which she/he could fit into it like a puzzle. Also, it could represent Fates game as Form of Stage. The Stage doesn't have Hazards, so it's free for Playing without Hazards and it could be fun dtage. The sunny aesthetic could look so cool, since it could make stage more brighter for playing on it.
(We need a second FE Stage, since Corrin doesn't have one)
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Wario Wario Wario

Smash Legend
Sep 3, 2017
Cheese Wheels of Doom


A virtual reality device created by Abstergo Industries. It allows people to connect with their assessors in the past. It is a major plot device in the Assasin's Creed franchise. The stage starts out in a white void like the one seen above, and will transition to various historical locations from across the AC franchise.
Big Brain Academy

This is a stage with 4 platforms, all of which can be used for answers on simple logic puzzles that appear - you have to do them quicker than WarioWare microgames, the reward is becoming giant and the punishment for losing is becoming small. When a question starts, the bottom platform disappears to force players to partake. The stage can be played competitively with hazards off.
Band Land (Rayman)
View attachment 352442

One of the most iconic zones in Rayman, first appeared in Rayman 1 as the second world.
This stage will take place in Bongo Hills, Wrong Notes and Moths will apear as enemies and Rayman will appear as an "stage assist" similar to Flying Man in Magicant, finally, Mr. Sax will appear alongside Globox in the background as cameos (Globox first appeared in Rayman 2 but he is too iconic to not represent him)
There is a stretch of raised highway that is about a battlefield and a quarter long. And about 1/2 of said highway is slightly sloped to the left. Blastzones are pretty standard and it is possible to walljump on the pillars that support the road-though you cannot camp here forever. There are also two street lamps, one in the foreground of the stage on the right (the non-sloped part), and the other in the background of the stage on the left (the sloped part).
But it wouldn't be Central Highway without some bees.

Occasionally, the Bee Blader will appear to wreck havoc. It will fly in from the left or right side of the stage, and once it reaches the highway, it will stop in place and begin performing a set of a few actions at complete random. It can do multiple of these things at once, all of them at once, or simply choose not to do anything for a minute. It will, however, perpetually hover up and down.

  • Move forward: Just what it sounds like. The Bee Blader moves forward for a few frames before stopping again.
  • Bullets: The Bee Blader splashes bullets in front of him at a downward angle. It's pretty easy to avoid, but if you're hit, you'll be trapped in for 5 seconds while you are dealt 1% DPS. After which you are launched forwards, but never far enough to kill.
  • Missiles: The Bee Blader fires a homing missile that homes in on whoever was nearest when the move was activated. These missiles deal 8% and can kill opponents, but not until they are in the 130-160 range.
  • The Bee Blader has slightly more health than the Yellow Devil did in Smash Ultimate. When defeated, the Bee Blader will explode similarly to the Yellow Devil, but in a more realistic fashion. The explosion does major damage and knockback to anyone nearby, except for the player who landed the final hit.
  • The Bee Blader will not appear if stage hazards are disabled.
This stage has 10 cameos in total, all characters from the Mega Man X series. When the stage starts, there are no cameos-however, throughout the match the characters will teleport into the background of the stage to watch the battle. Sometimes they will also teleport away and, over time, new characters take their places. This is mostly random, but characters like X and Zero have the most priority of appearing.

Warning, minor spoilers ahead for X4. Skip Iris and Colonel if you don't want those.


The greatest creation of Doctor Light and main character of his series, Mega Man X (or just X) is a Maverick Hunter who fights for peace, though he wishes there were a more peaceful way of protecting both humans and reploids. After teleportation in, X will stand with his hands on his hips and watch with a smile on his face. If a KO is made, X will raise his fist to the air in celebration.


The greatest creation of Doctor Wily and partner of Mega Man X, Zero is also a Maverick Hunter who fights for peace-though he is more quick to act than X and doesn't spend as much time wishing for a peaceful solution to the war between reploids and mavericks. Zero will stand with his back to the camera, so we get full view of his glorious ponytail. When a KO is made, Zero shows a thumbs up to his opponent.

The junior Maverick Hunter with the ability to copy the appearance of others, Axl fights with X and Zero to stop Sigma dead in his tracks. Axl will bob from left to right in place, as if imitating a fighting game character, with his guns at the ready. When a KO is made, Axl spins his weapons with his fingers before striking a flashy pose.

Brother of Colonel and former love interest of Zero, Iris is a member of Repliforce who is unfortunately lost in the Final Weapon incident. Iris will hold her hands behind her and watch the battle with great interest. When a KO is made, Iris brings her hands around from her back to reveal a purple crystal-which she will then toss up into the air before catching it and putting it back behind her. She looks very energetic when doing so.

Brother of Iris and one of the two leaders of Repliforce, Colonel is the one who leads the Repliforce to leave Earth, in hopes of living their lives without the humans, and without harming them-but due to seeds of rebellion in the repliforce planted by guess-who, Colonel must be defeated by X (or Zero) in order to stop the Final Weapon from firing at Earth. Colonel will look ahead with not much visible emotion, arms down at his sides. He will politely clap whenever a KO is made.

The CEO of stopping X dead in his tracks to feed him useless information through his earpiece, Alia is the Navigator of the Maverick Hunters who "helps" by letting X know what's going on in any given situation. Alia will be talking to someone on her earpiece, occupied with something else and not focusing on the match at all-but when a KO is scored, she'll seemingly say "hold on" to them before waving and smiling at the screen.

The strangely handsome Douglas is the mechanic of the Maverick Hunters, who proved instrumental during the Eurasia colony incident. Douglas will stand casually and hold a wrench, occasionally tossing it slightly up and making it spin before catching it again. If a KO is made, Douglas reaches his non-wrench fist up, then pulls it back in excitement.

Signas, the leader of the Maverick Hunters, is the impressive strategist behind all of X's most dangerous missions. Signas will hold his chin up with his hand and simply observe the fight, occasionally nodding. When a KO is scored, he'll smile-this is the most subtle victory animation of the X cameos, but make no mistake-Signas truly appreciated that awesome play you just made.

Sigma was once the leader of the Maverick Hunters, but once the Maverick Virus manifested itself inside his body, Sigma felt the need to eradicate humans to make a perfect world for reploids. He now leads the Mavericks and fights with X and Zero every Tuesday whenever he's up to no good. Sigma will cross his arms around his chest, looking stern. When a KO is made, he throws back his head and laughs, as if to say "lol should've teched"


Vile is a maverick who works directly with Sigma, who has a lust for destruction and a kink for reincarnation. Vile will stand in place with determination, very much ready for action, with his knee blaster and shoulder canon locked and loaded. When a KO is made, he actually stomps the ground with his feet-Vile lives for destruction, but he'd rather take part in it himself than watch others have all the fun.

When teleportation in, the hero characters (anyone but Vile and Sigma) will teleport in classic Mega Man fashion. However, Vile and Sigma will have two after-images of their character model warp in, combining to form one image, before they themselves appear where that image is.
Alright, Metroid Stage: SR-388
Based on their appearence in Samus Returns, we will go to each area of the planet, an Omega Metroid could appear has a stage hazard.
View attachment 352458
My second stage submission will be the return of Poké Floats

Gangplank Galleon
Takes place on the pirate ship. A pretty sinple stage with a mast that can be climbed on. It's layed out pretty much like the K. Rool boss fight in the orignal game. Cannons act as hazards. Krow will cameo, attempting to scoop up the fighters up.
I'll submit Rainbow Road from Smash 3DS
View attachment 352525

Crossfire (Advance Wars)
A stage based on the Advance Wars games, tanks, infantry and other units will appear as hazards. Sami, Andy, Max, Jack, Olaf, Eagle, Nell and Rachel will appear in the background occasionally.
  1. Crossfire
  2. Rainbow Road
  3. Poké Floats
  4. SR-388
  5. Central Highway
  6. Gangplank Galleon
  7. Animus
  8. Big Brain Academy
  9. Band Land

Please vote for your top 3. There won't be any submission jobs today. Min Min will hopefully start tomorrow.
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Deleted member

In future please try to avoid quoting posts you made on previous threads, and instead copy & paste them or remove the quote tags. That's where the error arose from. It has been added now.
That's fair enough. My apologies

1. Cross Fire
2. Pokefloats
3. Central Highway
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Wario Wario Wario

Smash Legend
Sep 3, 2017
Cheese Wheels of Doom
  1. Gangplank Galleon
  2. Animus
  3. Big Brain Academy
  4. Rainbow Road = 2
  5. Gyromite = 3
  6. SR-388 = 5
  7. Band Land = 6
  8. Crossfire = 7
  9. Central Highway = 9
  10. Poké Floats = 10
Central Highway and Poké Floats will release as stages alongside Byleth!

I'm sorry for forgetting Gyromite, Tankman from Newgrounds Tankman from Newgrounds !

Submit songs for Poké Floats and Central Highway!
Please submit between 5 and 15 songs to be bundled with Poké Floats, and/or 5 and 15 songs to be bundled with Central Highway. All Mega Man iterations are allowed, and instrumental music from the Pokémon anime is allowed - but not vocal music. Sword and Shield content is allowed as it had been released at this point.

Min Min's themes for 1P content will be
  1. Dragons
  2. Elasticity
  3. Springs
  4. Restaurants and food
  5. Long range attacks (not swords though)
  6. Recent (at the time) Switch releases
Min Min can also have content from
  1. Splatoon
  2. Fallout
Tekken content will be saved for Kazuya.

Submit a stage to go along with Min Min!

Submit alt costumes to go along with Min Min!

Vote on Min Min's next content

Note that if a second stage is voted in, Steve and Sephiroth can't come with second stages.
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Aug 14, 2021
Bloodsauce Dungeon, Pizza Tower, ???
Stage resubmission:
Gyromite (ROB/Nintendo)


(This is how the stage layout looks like)

The layout is same like in game (Shown picture) and the hazards are enemies like Smicks or Spikes (Who move on the green line). TNTs and Turnips also appear here: TNT would be throwable and it can explode and Turnips could heal you.
Some of plaftorms are soft like steel girders, so it makes the stage more fair for players.
The stage has 8-bit textures, but it's 3D like Duck Hunt stage.
The platform guide.
Silver Girders - Soft platforms.
Solid platforms: ground, walls and colored pipes.

Deleted member


Vault (Fallout)


Players fight inside a Vault with a gear shaped entrance. The layout looks kind of like the custom stage above. But with way more detail. The entrance may sometimes open, allowing Gouls and even a dreaded Deathclaw the chase to attack a fighter.
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Wario Wario Wario

Smash Legend
Sep 3, 2017
Cheese Wheels of Doom
I Will add music for Central Highway later.

  • Ramen Captain Falcon (his costume in the trailer)
  • Chef Kirby
  • King D. Mind
Is there a change to the Chef Kirby alt that makes it distinguishable when using copies?

Stage resubmission:
Gyromite (ROB/Nintendo)

View attachment 352769
(This is how the stage layout looks like)

The layout is same like in game (Shown picture) and the hazards are enemies like Smicks or Spikes (Who move on the green line). TNTs and Turnips also appear here: TNT would be throwable and it can explode and Turnips could heal you.
Some of plaftorms are soft like steel girders, so it makes the stage more fair for players.
The stage has 8-bit textures, but it's 3D like Duck Hunt stage.
The platform guide.
Silver Girders - Soft platforms.
Solid platforms: ground, walls and colored pipes.
Which of Min Min's criteria is this relevant to?
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Smash Master
Writing Team
May 17, 2020
your mother's sleeping quarters
Central Highway songlist:

1. Storm Eagle (Mega Man X)
2. Sting Chameleon (Mega Man X)
3. Boss (Mega Man X2)
4. Opening Scene (Mega Man X2)
5. Gravity Beetle (Mega Man X3)
6. Opening Stage X (Mega Man X4)
7. Iris (Mega Man X4)
8. Squid Adler (Mega Man X5)
9. Infinity Mijinion (Mega Man X6)
10. Sigma 1st (Mega Man X6)
11. Burning Water (Mega Man X7)
12. Vs. Copy Sigma (Mega Man X8)
13. Rockin' On (Mega Man ZX)
14. Running Through The Cyber World (Mega Man Battle Network)
15. Tron Bonne Rematch! (Mega Man Legends)

New arrangements are bolded

bonus remix: zero i have drip
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Infinity Sorcerer

Smash Champion
Sep 24, 2020
Right Behind You
Is there a change to the Chef Kirby alt that makes it distinguishable when using copies?
You are right, I will change it for Shadow Kirby (Triple Deluxe ver.)

EDIT: I find Janx's music list very neat, so I will not submit music this time (I also feel bad for the fact that 3/5 music jobs for the FP1 was from me)
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Smash Master
Writing Team
May 17, 2020
your mother's sleeping quarters
1. Hypernova Kirby (Infinity Sorcerer's mention of Triple Deluxe reminded me of this one)
2. Sportswear Set Pikachu (Let's Go!) (originally was gonna do the police set from this game since it looks cooler, but considering the timing of Min Min's release...maybe not)
3. Chef Mario (alt for Dr. Mario, tosses cookies instead of pills)
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