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Smashboards Creates: SEGA Superstars World Cup (Current Jobs: Amigo/Sakura/Chomp/Knuckles/Nei/Elenor movesets and collectables!)


Smash Hero
Dec 24, 2001
Still up Peach's dress.
GOOOOOOOOOD MORNING SPORTS FANS. And welcome to the next level, Sega fans.

For those not in the know, we've been busy working away on the Sega Smash fighter Battle of Ages and we've had a crack at a Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing thread, alongside the Sega-Capcom-Namco crossover Project X Zone 3 thread, but what of the other Sega crossover?

I am of course talking about Sega Superstars Tennis, a Sega sports title released in 2008. With the announcement that Mario Strikers is finally getting a new game after it's release in 2007, this seems like an opportune moment for us to take the role of the devs who have been put in charge of reviving the Sega Superstars sports title series.

First thing first, let's get the basics out the way:
  • Sonic is by default the first character included because...well of course he is. He's Sonic the Hedgehog, he's THE Sega character.
  • People will submit and vote on jobs similar to other Smashboards Creates threads.
  • I implore you to search deep into the terrifying world of Sega lore. Whilst I want to see those beloved All-Stars return, we will be adding some brand new faces to the usual line up, as submitted and voted upon by you, the Smashboards devs.
  • Standard stuff but no harassment will be tolerated, this is meant to be a fun time.
  • Obscure Sega characters are welcome for the appropriate character jobs.
  • Mainstream Sega All-Star veterans are welcome for the appropriate character jobs.
  • The Sega characters that are neither mainstream or super obscure? Also welcome for the appropriate character jobs.


Playable characters:
Unlockable characters:
  • Tails (Sonic the Hedgehog) - [Unlockable]
  • Princess Kurumi (Sega Ninja) - [Unlockable]
  • Ristar - [Unlockable]
  • Wild Woody - [Unlockable]
Boss/Rival team members:
Special Balls:

Sponsors are like the Assist Trophies of this game. They will be selected prior to a match and can be activated once per match to give your team a boost or depower your opponents.

Gameplay Mechanics:
Characters each have stats and special moves available to them that they can perform by building up a Superstar meter. The Superstar meter is built up by passing to teammates, shooting at the goal(regardless of if it's saved or not) or a successful steal or interception of the ball from the opposing players.

  • Speed: How fast do they move up the pitch
  • Strength: Affects power of shots, power of tackles, etc
  • Defence: Higher defence means they're able to keep hold of the ball better even when being tackled.
  • Shooting: Affects accuracy of their goal shots
  • Passing: Higher passing skill means they'll pass the ball quicker and more accurately.
  • Skill: Affects the ease of stealing the ball off of opponents, the ability to block shots as goalkeeper or perform moves such as heading the ball with accuracy
Each character has a total of 30 stat points that will be placed on these six stats with a maximum of 10 in any single category.

Special moves:
  1. Super-Star Move: A goal scoring power shot for use when striking.
    It will vary with each character, so descriptions are needed as to what the character does to unleash and if they have any unique effects. It can be blocked by the goalkeeper with good timing(although the window for this block is very slim), but timing the block wrong will cause the Goalkeeper to be blasted into the net alongside the ball, somehow counting as an additional goal. Players need to have the ball to perform a Super-Star move.

  2. All-Star Move: A special ability the player can perform on the pitch.
    These are crazy special moves that the player can perform. These can basically do anything and everything but are largely designed to be used in the midfield or on defence depending on what you pick for your character. Players do not need to have the ball to perform an All-Star move.

  3. Star-Burst Move: A quick evasive special move.
    These will allow players to either get away from opponents whilst they're in possession of the ball. These can be almost anything as long as it is an evasive action and can only be used whilst in possession of the ball. Unlike the other three special abilities, this one only drains a portion of your meter rather than the whole thing.

  4. Goal-Star Move: A special ability for when in goal.
    This is obviously limited to the goalkeeper, but...everyone can be the goalkeeper in this game, so you'll need to include a heavy defensive Goal-Star move here. Goal-Star moves can even block Super-Star Moves completely, however the catch being that you only have one goalkeeper and there could be multiple strikers with fully maxed Superstar Meters ready, so use it wisely. Strikers may want to try and bait the Goalkeeper to use their Goal-Star Move early with a fake out before using their Super-Star move.

Here's an example of a player moveset submission, to help you get a better understanding:

Character #00: Psycho Fox


(try and include some sort of image of the character when submitting, it can be a simple stock image of them but helps drive the character home)

Media Nickname: Shinto-Stick Striker

Speed: 7
Strength: 6
Defence: 3
Shooting: 5
Passing: 3
Skill: 6

Super-Star Move: Hippopota-Blast
Psycho Fox will use the power of his Hippo transformation to put enough tremendous force behind his kick, being enveloped in a magenta aura as he performs this. When unleashed, the ball is capable of smashing through any and all players and objects between him and the goal, including solid walls (excluding Goal-Star moves).

All-Star Move: BirdFly Ball
When activated, Psycho Fox will throw his buddy BirdFly, a small black crow, that will charge at the opponent with the ball and tackle them from a distance. After knocking the opponent down, Birdfly will return with the ball back to Psycho Fox allowing him to gain posession with this ability.

Star-Burst Move: Tiger Sprint
Psycho Fox will use the power of his Tiger transformation to become a speedster, capable of outrunning even Sonic...very very briefly anyway. This move is great for getting Psycho Fox up the field fast to a better position and for evading aggressive tackles. He becomes enveloped in a yellow aura as he bursts forwards.

Goal-Star Move: Monkey See, Monkey Save
Whilst in goal, Psycho Fox will use the power of his Monkey transformation to successfully manage to block any shot with the Monkeys superior jumping skills. Expect a last minute acrobatic save even from the craziest Super-Star Move. He will be wrapped in a brown aura whilst performing this ability.

Goal Victories:
  1. Psycho Fox will change from Fox to Tiger, sprinting around the field lightning fast, leaping into the air as Monkey and landing with a hefty slam as Hippo.
  2. Psycho Fox will wave a shinto stick around as he runs forwards accompanied by members of his team. He swaps between forms as he runs.
  3. Psycho Fox will run, transform into Monkey and perform an acrobatic jump before landing and transforming back.
Psycho Fox will transform his kit into a sumo outfit and slam his feet down in a sumo style as "Doscoi!" appears over head and Birdfly circles him. He will then be surrounded by his transformations in aura form; Hippo, Monkey and Tiger as they pose like their own team. This is a reference to the ending of his game and the Box Art of Psycho Fox.

  1. Psycho Fox will suddenly freeze on the spot with his mouth and eyes opened wide, and fall over like a plank of wood similar to his death animation in his game.
  2. Psycho Fox will have transformed into the Hippo form and be attempting to run to get into position only to be out of breath.
  3. Psycho Fox's different forms will manifest and begin sqwabbling with one another, getting into a big cartoony dust cloud fight with the fists and feet of Fox, Monkey, Tiger and Hippo all appearing at the same time.
Psycho Fox's kit colours are based on the Master System, a black base with dark red trim. Amusingly on the back of his shirt his name is misspelled just like the famous European typo on his game cartridge; "Psyco Fox"

Sponsors are like the Assist Trophies of this game. They will be selected prior to a match and can be activated once per match to give your team a boost or depower your opponents.

As the Sponsorship thing is quite a new idea for most, I thought I'd create a template of one to give you an idea of what we're looking for for our sponsors:

Horatio-Sponsor.png - Try to include a picture of the character in question, as these will likely be more obscure SEGA characters than the main playable cast. (this pic is actually a meme of the Horatio smiling, but it fits very well for the company, so I'm including it)

Sponsorship: Horatio's Beautification Surgery - This can be a fake company starring a real character.

Series: Endless - Name the series the character is from.

Character: Horatio
- Name of the actual character associated. Do note that Sponsors CANNOT also be players unless under very specific circumstances. Sonic, Tails, AiAi, Chie and Opa-Opa for example cannot be Sponsors now as they are players. Ironically my example here would work as an exception as Horatio are a species of clones meaning Horatio could be both player, sponsor, audience member and other positions all at once without it being too odd.

Description: "A beautiful game deserves beautiful players.

With this Sponsorship, the ecological dictator of Horatio Prime will grant your opponents a free sample of that beauty. When summoning Horatio as your sponsor, Horatio will graciously splice the DNA of the opposing team and transform them into clones of himself.

Whilst Horatio is undeniably a perfect specimen of a man, he does not enjoy getting dirty and therefore the ability to perform tackles, both sliding and aggressive will be unavailable to the opposing team for a short period of time. Once the advert for Horatio's Beautification Surgery ends (roughly 20 seconds), the opposing players will change back to normal and be allowed to rough house, tackle and get covered in mud." - The description will explain what the effect is. Try to give as much detail as you can whilst clearly explaining the effect of the Sponsor.

Fan Clubs
A half time, mid match boost for both sides as their cheering adoring fans give them boosts and buffs! The exact mechanics of this one will be developed over time!

Team Bonds
Building a bond meter between two players will allow them to unleash a special move called the Double Star that acts as a combination All-Star and Superstar move! Team Bond meter is increased by having players pass to one another, set each other up for a goal or even playing close together for a while.
Alex Kidd + Ristar: Lost Stars Shoot
Alex Kidd grows his fists with Shellcore as Ristar grabs ahold of his feet, and spins him around like a whirling dervish. Due to Ristar's elongated limbs and Alex's limb growth this melee move covers a surprising amount of the field, and clears a huge amount of space.​
At the end of the spin, providing the ball is within their range, Alex will land, punch the ground with a Shellcore fist, launching the ball up, pulling his leg back with Ristar still grabbed ahold of his foot. Alex will then kick with all his might and launch Ristar who will rocket forward and deliver a devastating headbutt on the ball, smashing it into the goal with all their combined might.​
If this isn't blocked by a Goal-Star move, it nets them two points.​

Chie Satonaka + Ryo Hazuki: Dragon and Phoenix Shoot
As Ryo throws a few warming punches, Chie summons Tomoe beside him with a spin kick, who then spins her polearm and casts Power Charge on both of them. Surrounded by an orange aura that indicates their powered-up state, Ryo and Chie rush to the ball, knocking anyone in their path out of the way.​
During this, Ryo might say "It's time we finish this!" and Chie can reply "That awesomely stoic strength... Alright, Master!".​
If they are able to reach their target before the end of their dash, Chie kicks the ball up to Ryo who then jumps and performs a modified version of Darkside Hazuki, a series of palm hits, elbow strikes, and punches, on it, accompanied by purely visual QTE commands. In the end, he launches the ball to the goal with a mighty shoulder check.​
As a final boost, Chie commands Tomoe to cast Agneyastra, turning the shot into a literal meteor strike right before it hits the target.​
If this isn't blocked by a Goal-Star move, it nets them two points.​
Alex Kidd + Princess Kurumi: Shinobi Strike
Alex Kidd will become possessed by the soul of the White Ninja, transforming him into a Shinobi, complete with sword. Alex will slice opponents in front of them away, whilst Princess Kurumi fires shurikens to the sides clearing them some room.​
At the end of the charge, Kurumi will leap up throwing one gigantic kunai down that will become stuck in the ground.​
Alex will begin to swing around it as fast as he can, eventually catching on fire from sheer friction and rotation speed. Kurumi will then vanish from the top of the kunai, appearing under the ball and balancing it perfectly on her head.​
Alex will release himself as a gigantic fireball and speed headfirst towards Kurumi who will replace herself with a log. The log is burnt to a cinder and smashed into splinters as Alex's skull combines with the football sending it speeding towards the goal whilst on fire.​
If this isn't blocked by a Goal-Star move, it nets them two points.​


Mission #1: Sonic Rush
As Sonic the Hedgehog, with only 5 seconds left on the clock, score a winning goal using a Super-Star Move.

Mission #2: Miracle Worker

As Alex Kidd, earn MVP in a match after being behind at half time.

Mission #3: Ambush Interview
As Ulala, hit no less than four opponents with a single use of All-Star Move.

Mission #4: Time to Make History

As Chie, win a match during an overtime shootout.

Mission #5: Move Out!
Steal the ball from the enemy from the other team as Alicia, and make a goal. All enemies will be hostile towards you.

Mission #6: Skypatrol
As Tails, perform an airborne tackle, grounding an opponent three times in a single match.

Mission #7: No Monkeying Around
As either AiAi or Amigo, team up with the other monkey to best a futuristic five. (Ulala, Space Michael, Sakura Shinguji, and two Opa Opas).



Initial reveal (April 10th, 2022)

So let's begin with our first job, and it's an obvious doozy that we need to tackle first. We got Sonic. That's cool and everything, but...

Job #1: What sport to cover?

For this, it's a simple case of submitting a sport and a basic explaination of why you think it'd be the best one to cover.
We could do a straight up sequel to Tennis, but throw in some extra extreme aspects to it to spice it up, or we could choose to cover a totally different sport.

All sports are on the table for now.
If you want to pitch Sega Superstars Lacrosse? By all means throw it in and we'll see which the most popular one is, but do bare in mind that will be the focus for this game, so make sure it's one you actually want to cover.
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Smash Ace
Oct 1, 2020
Balatro Brainrot
Job #1: Baseball

To be honest the main reason I'm submitting it is because it's the only Sport I actually know the rules to and somewhat enjoy (outside of when they turn into Video Games) plus Mario Sluggers was my first Sports game, but regardless I think SEGA's cast of franchises and characters would make an entertaining baseball game.

Baseball is widely known yet also has complex mechanics (like the team building and management of player placements) so I think this has great potential for both a casual and competitive scene.

It could use the characters well, I don't think anyone looks out of place doing it.

And lastly I think we have lots of unique potential with a baseball game assuming we take a Mario Sluggers approach, stuff like a Super Monkey Ball stage where the fielders get control of the stage tilting affecting all players movement speed (depending on which direction the characters are running they either go faster or slower) and a SEGA Bass Fishing item where a giant fish flops onto the field and shakes while being reeled by an unseen fisherman, with tons of potential for other items and fields.

There's a lot to go with on baseball and not much wrong with the idea, it has both competitive and casual appeal, hasn't had an interesting game recently, and would be a good way to incorporate multiple series and characters.
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Wario Wario Wario

Smash Legend
Sep 3, 2017
Cheese Wheels of Doom
Foot Racing

OK, this would admittedly be a little more fitting for a Sonic solo gig, but still I've always liked the idea of a proper mascot foot racer (not just a kart racer where characters are animated walking like Sonic R) - I grew up on Rayman M and always desired a more complex equivalent to that.

Speed Weed

Smash Master
May 16, 2020
Switch FC
I'm tempted to submit skateboarding, but I think I'd rather we do something else, aaaaaand I think I'm gonna go with Golf. I've been playing some Super Rush recently, and it's hella fun, and seeing something like that but with SEGA stuff would be a dream


Smash Lord
Dec 9, 2018
Portland, OR
Job #1 - Skateboarding

Is this mainly just the Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater fan in me talking? Probably, but damn if it wouldn’t fit like a glove with Sega’s cast of characters. I can’t think of very many things that embody 90s rebelliousness more than Sonic the Hedgehog and skateboarding, so finally bringing those two things together would be nothing short of delightful. Also helps that before settling on All Star Racing, the team at Sumo were briefly considering a skating game to succeed All Stars Tennis.


Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
Job #1: Football


Also known as soccer by the heathens out there, football is big almost worldwide and especially in Europe. Which is one of the reasons the UK-based Sumo Digital, the developer of the most SEGA All-Stars games, actually considered developing a football game before.

Not only do football's rules allow a lot of characters to be on the field at once, increasing the roster potential, it also has several roles that characters specialize in. Your fave is not much of a runner? Well, then maybe they should be a goalkeeper. An aggressive character may be more suitable for the striker role, on the other hand. Of course, it's all up to player customization.


Smash Ace
Nov 7, 2018
Switch FC
Job #1: Basketball

Having recently watched the original Space Jam film (much better than it's sequel) and videos of Mario Hoops 3-on-3 (after a reveal of Mario Strikers: Battle League on Nintendo Direct days ago) & some pro basketball matches (being slightly interested in that kind of sport), I thought that basketball would be a very great idea to bring up there. SEGA themselves has history as they made a basketball game for the arcades in 1966 before they even started on video games (possible field?), plus that 2000's LCD game Shadow starred in and a Master System game, Basketball Nightmare.

Besides a variety of characters & fields, power-ups, customization potential (you can mix-and-match team characters if you want, or you can use preset teams, not all need to come from the same series) and All-Star techniques akin to those in Tennis & All-Stars Racing and Mario Hoops 3-on-3's Special Shots & Strikers' Super Strikes, some characters would specialize in certain skills like Alex and Billy in slam dunks, Sonic in stealing considering his speed, Kiryu in passing (considering his strength and usage of weapons), Opa-Opa in shooting (that's the idea of his series, after all), etc.

And the best thing to potentially bring up? Shaquille O'Neal, a.k.a. Shaq Fu in his own game released on the SEGA Genesis/Mega Drive and Game Gear, as a real-life guest player! Much like how Danica Patrick was in All-Stars Racing Transformed.
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Aug 14, 2021
Bloodsauce Dungeon, Pizza Tower, ???
Job 1:
American Football


American Football is a team sport played by two teams of eleven players on a rectangular field with goalposts at each end. The offense, the team with possession of the oval-shaped football, attempts to advance down the field by running with the ball or passing it, while the defense, the team without possession of the ball, aims to stop the offense's advance and to take control of the ball for themselves. The offense must advance at least ten yards in four downs or plays; if they fail, they turn over the football to the defense, but if they succeed, they are given a new set of four downs to continue the drive. Points are scored primarily by advancing the ball into the opposing team's end zone for a touchdown or kicking the ball through the opponent's goalposts for a field goal. The team with the most points at the end of a game wins.
(Source taken from Wikipedia)

Well, if it was a SEGA Superstars game, it would work like real life American Football with charging, throwing or kicking the ball; but there are power-ups taken from Sonic and Allstars Racing.
There are Characters, Fields, mentioned earlier power-ups, possible customization and Allstar Techniques like in SEGA Racing games.
Sonic's charge would be very fast, but weak. Kiryu's charge would be Slower, but powerful due to size.
Some characters have different stats ranging from light to heavy.

The guest character could be John Madden, who could act like Danica Patrick of the game.
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Smash Champion
Oct 29, 2018
the building from smash mouth's astro lounge
I guess there's quite a lot of potential with a job like this, so I'm going to go for a good old fashioned bizarre idea that shouldn't exist but why not.

SEGA Dancing.
(Stay with me here.)

So, look at the Persona series (or indeed at SEGA titles, such as Space Channel 5,) and you'll see a surprising amount of rhythm games... so here's my thinking. SEGA has been beloved for its music pretty much for as long as it's existed, and you could pull off some crazy things here. For instance - characters like Ulala and Amigo would be perfect given their rhythm game roots, but then look at the breakdancing that Sonic pulls off at the end of stages, or the style of the Jet Set Radio series, and you begin to realise that dancing is... surprisingly important to SEGA.

Also, I noticed Tonygameman suggested that Shaquille O'Neal would be perfect for a basketball game, so let me suggest for this game: Michael Jackson (seen in various SEGA games, such as his contributions to Sonic 3, his appearance in Space Channel 5, and even his own tie-in game by SEGA in the Moonwalker titles.) Need I say more?

There's a lot of potential here, though I wouldn't want to get too much into it right now. There'd be a focus on music and such, and somewhat celebrating the history of SEGA as a whole in a bit of a wacky, weird way. (Like, imagine Opa-Opa dancing. That seems so adorable that it has to happen.)


Smash Hero
Aug 26, 2010
Dayton, OH
Job #1: Sega Pro Wrestling
And now...for the thousands in attendance...and the millions watching at home...Lllllet's get ready to rumble!!!!!

I love wrestling games. Most recently, WWE2K19 has the slightly more "realistic" side of things on lock, complete with an incredible create-a-character mode, but my heart has been hankering for a truly wild new wrestling game. WWE Battlegrounds was clunky and shovelware-tastic. I want to bring back games like WWE All Stars with its crazy, bone-crunching moves and wacky dream matches, Galactic Wrestling Featuring Ultimate Muscle with its fast-paced and absurd action and characters that break the laws of physics, and WWF Wrestlemania: The Arcade Game with its flair and style.

Now, you may ask "why SEGA?" and "What makes this different from a fighting game?". Well, to answer question 2, a wrestling game allows for more than just draining an opponent's health since the way to win in a normal match is to pin your opponent for a three count or get them to tap out to a submission, and it also takes place in a 3D environment featuring both inside- and outside-the-ring fighting. You can grab weapons from under the ring or in the crowd, and a huge reason why a wrestling game is totally different from a fighting game is in how moves combo together, the focus on grappling, and the focus on theatrics. A good wrestling game allows you to put on a show as much as it does allow you to win a match. There's also a huge focus on "gimmick matches" - matches that turn the traditional "1v1 in a ring" concept on its head. Perhaps it's now you and your most hated rival in a steel cage! Perhaps you can ONLY make the opponent lose by submission. Perhaps it's a tag team match, 2v2, or even a battle royal where up to 30 competitors enter the ring at one time and you can toss them over the top rope. And that's not getting into the REALLY crazy things - barbed wire ropes, "buried alive" matches where you have to put your opponent into a coffin, matches where the ring explodes, fighting on the scaffolding...it can get pretty hectic.

But then, why would we subject these pure innocent SEGA characters to this? Well, because again, part of wrestling is about putting on a show! Sega is FULL of larger-than-life personalites, colorful characters, tough guys, tough gals, warriors from all over, cute lil guys, and more. Tell me you can't imagine Live and Learn playing as Sonic grinds down to the ring? Or Kiryu marching stoically to the ring as his theme blares over the sound of a cheering crowd? You ever wanted to see Beat skate around and hit someone with a chair? Well now you can. And as Galactic Wrestling shows, you don't have to feel limited by a character's proportions or design - after all, it's just for fun, it's all a bit of performance art, and while you shouldn't try this at home wrestlers do their best to make it safe and send the crowd home happy. I think this could be a lighthearted and cartoony way to bring arcadey (yet sportsy - there needs to be depth like WWF No Mercy) wrestling back and with a really fun cast of characters in crazy outfits showing off for a crowd.

Besides, Sega DID make a wrestling game before...on the Master System. So it's not unheard of!

(Yes, I know, greco-roman wrestling might have been a better fit for a "sports" title and I do have experience in that too, but it's all for fun!)


Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
On the topic of golf, just a reminder that SEGA tried their hand at it as a sorta crossover title before:


Yes, characters were only cabbies but still, the thought is there.


Smash Hero
Dec 24, 2001
Still up Peach's dress.
On the topic of golf, just a reminder that SEGA tried their hand at it as a sorta crossover title before:


Yes, characters were only cabbies but still, the thought is there.
I'm glad you remembered that too.

This job will remain open for four more hours before voting begins. Some great suggestions!


Smash Hero
Dec 24, 2001
Still up Peach's dress.
That is full time for this submission round folks.

Let's look at our finalists:
An interesting and varied line up for sure.

Please all vote for your top three. Your own submission can only be in third place.

Once we've got the nature of our sports game decided, we'll be getting onto the fun stuff.



Smash Ace
Oct 1, 2020
Balatro Brainrot
1. Soccer (Mario Strikers was great)
2. Skateboarding (THPS was great)
3. Baseball (Mario Sluggers was great)

Honorable mention to Foot Racing, that would be cool but I can only imagine 3 series working with that well (Sonic, Jet Set Radio, and Monkey Ball), every other series I can't imagine being able to have characters that run well enough to even compete with the 3 mentioned (aside from the Phantom Thieves but I'm taking Persona as a whole into account and while I'm not saying the Investigation Team or SEES are couch potatoes I don't see them even outrunning the Jet Set Radio characters) or even characters fitting well thematically. So I personally can only imagine 4 groups of characters here and I don't think that would be a great SEGA Crossover as much as it would be a great game, and I want to prioritize both.
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Smash Hero
Aug 26, 2010
Dayton, OH
1. Baseball - I'm really taken by the pitch, especially the gimmicky fields, and it's a fun sport to turn into a game. The Sluggers series is great. I also like it because it could have a really interesting and in-depth management mode, plus team-based stats, giving us a crunchy mode for NERDS to go along with the more arcadey action of it all.

2. Dancing - I LOVE rhythm games. I LOVE the Dancing All Night games. Let more characters dance!!!!

3. Skateboarding - I will always be a THPS person at heart.


Smash Champion
Oct 29, 2018
the building from smash mouth's astro lounge
1. Golf. Like honestly, I think golf would be such a fun and unique thing if we took actual SEGA locations. I wanna drive a shot over the rooftops of Tokyo-To, mess with bull**** gravity mechanics in a NiGHTS stage, literally do full-sized minigolf on Chemical Plant Zone. This seems like such a ridiculous thing to happen that it's genius. Bring in bonus games where we play Space Harrier or Virtua Cop with a god damn golf club. This has so much potential.

2. Skateboarding. I honestly think that this would be an amazing game if it were a fusion of the bull**** fun of Riders and the tight tricks of the earlier Tony Hawk games. Like, I can already imagine Makoto Yuki and AiAi pulling off ridiculous strings of tricks as they skate across Crazy Taxi's, uh, San Francisco I guess? Like, it seems like a lot of fun!

3. Dancing. Whilst not as directly involved as some of the other sports, it's a type of game that SEGA have delved into a lot, and who wouldn't want to see Chuih jiving to, idk, a metal remix of Mango! whilst flying across the ocean on the back of an F-16 Hornet.


Smash Hero
Dec 24, 2001
Still up Peach's dress.
My votes:

1. Football (soccer): Strikers is incredible. It made me like football games, which was a feat in itself. I'd love to see our own wild take on it with full creativity. Knowing we ALMOST got Sumo's take on it makes me want to pick up the torch myself.
2. Basketball: Yeah, you want a hoop, so shoot, baby shoot! I've never actually played 3 on 3 hoops, but I played a fair bit of basketball in my youth. I sucked but it was fun.
3. Baseball: I never felt Sluggers really went all out with this idea, so this could be pretty fun.
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Smash Hero
Dec 24, 2001
Still up Peach's dress.
blows the whistle That's time. 23 and a half hours only this time but as it's been a while since the last vote I'm calling it.

Let's look at the results:

Baseball: 16
Foot Racing: 1
Golf: 9
Skateboarding: 16
Volleyball: 1
Football: 22
Basketball: 9
American Football: 1
Dancing: 10
Pro Wrestling: 5
Kendo/Fencing: 0

And so with that, we're going to be working on a Football/Soccer game.
As football is the most popular sport in the world with almost half the population of the freaking planet confessing to being fans of the sport, this is by no means a bad place for our Sega Superstars series to start back up with.

Football's a team game of course, so first things first:

Sonic cannot possibly play all on his lonesome. Today's job is TWO jobs, but they're fun ones:

Job #2: Submit a Sega Superstars/All Stars veteran
So for this first character job we'll be submitting a veteran of the Superstars/All-Stars series.

HOWEVER, as Sonic is already on the roster, we'll be focusing first on non-Sonic characters as our first few members. Don't worry, there will be plenty of time to nominate Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Shadow, Eggman, Big and Metal Sonic in an upcoming job.

The list of eligible characters:
  • NiGHTS
  • Reala
  • Amigo
  • Alex Kidd
  • Opa-Opa
  • AiAi
  • MeeMee
  • Ulala
  • Pudding
  • Beat
  • Gum
  • Akira Yuki
  • Jacky Bryant
  • Kage-Maru (Appears as an opponent in Sega Superstars)
  • Jeffry McWild (Appears as an opponent in Sega Superstars)
  • Sarah Bryant (Appears as an opponent in Sega Superstars)
  • Gilius Thunderhead
  • Billy Hatcher
  • Vyse
  • B.D. Joe
  • Axel (that is Crazy Taxi's Axel, not Axel Stone. Axel appeared in Sega Superstars)
  • Zobio
  • Zobiko
  • Mobo
  • Robo
  • Ryo Hazuki
  • Joe Musashi
  • Chuih
  • ChuPea
  • ChuBei
  • ChuBach
  • AGES
  • Football Manager
  • Shogun
  • General Winter
  • Willemus
  • Virtua Striker
The guest characters of Danica Patrick, Team Fortress 2's Heavy, Pyro and Spy, Wreck it Ralph, Yogscast, Mii, Xbox Avatar and Banjo-Kazooie are not eligible for this round. If you think I've missed anyone, let me know.

Ristar and track cameo characters such as Burning Ranger's Shou, Samba de Amigo's Linda or Jet Set Radio's DJ Professor K are not eligible for this job but ARE eligible for...

Job #3: Submit a brand new Sega star
Annnd...now we have Sonic and someone from the previous titles appearing, let's get to work introducing a brand new Sega Superstar.

This can be literally any Sega character who hasn't has a major appearance in the Sega All-Stars/Superstars series before.

We'll be returning to flesh out Sonic and the winners of these two characters in future jobs, but for now, let's get those players on the field.
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