Dragon Ball (Shonen Jump/Shueisha, Manga/Anime)
Dragon Ball is a manga/anime series made by Akira Toriyama, a famous manga writer and it's released by Shonen Jump (or Shueisha). It also has really popular anime adaptations that were made by famous Toei animation studio.
The series follows about Son Goku, who is saiyan with really strong powers and he defends the planet Earth from cosmic threats like the main antagonist Frieza.
Dragon Ball is one of Most iconic manga/anime series ever made and it's popular worldwide. Also Goku is a pop culture icon, so it would make it as very obvious pick.
As for the season, it would include 3 racers:
1. Goku (The protagonist)
2. Vegeta (Goku's rival)
3. Frieza (The villain of the series)
Dragon Ball has a lot of vehicles to use as karts in this game for example like Goku's cloud or Krillin's car.
Heck, it also has many locations to use as race tracks like planet Namek and Gizard wasteland for notable examples.
I nominate Dragon Ball Z, because it's one of most popular manga franchises that are known worldwide and it would be cool if we included Goku in Drifting Dimensions.
Also the concept of DB content in DriDim seems awesome, since we have many DB characters to use in game.
(Can't wait to see Goku racing with Homer in this game)