With this thread coming to a close, I think it’s really nice that everybody is sharing their thanks with all the users that they felt made a difference.
While I won’t be making a shout out, I would just like to say “Thank you” to everybody who took the time to read my posts, respond, and took part in some interesting conversations and or made me laugh. It’s totally been a pleasure to check out this thread throughout my days, stressful or not, and pick up on some good conversation or some laughs.
That said, look at it as not an end but a new beginning. As I said previously I might try out just chilling in a social thread. I don’t normally do that because previously I only posted here during speculation periods. Granted, life gets busy once you work full time and have to “adult”, so there’s always that.
I must say though, I quite enjoyed playing online with some of you and would love to do that again at some point. I may host one tonight but that also depends on if I can beat Red Dead 2 before the Sabres play tonight.
So not to anyone in particular, but thank you everybody for making it a fun 9 months of nonsense, laughs, and intense moments. Not just a thank you for thanking me (I mean, aren’t I just great? /s) but because it gave me something to look forward to when I was bored or felt like talking about something I love. Unless I have friends around who are just as into Smash as I am, I don’t get to do that often.
Thanks for reading, and thanks for being awesome!