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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

Results are only viewable after voting.
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Yoshisaurus Rex

Smash Champion
Apr 6, 2015
Switch FC
Unfortunately I don’t know how to read Japanese so I can’t translate what the picture in the tweet says. I’m pretty certain that has the date and time.

Admiral Pit

Smash Hero
Feb 20, 2008
So what's your favorite thing about your main or future main?

I would say what mine is, but it would be 700 pages long :yoshi:
He's looking so much more versatile now that he has KO power in some of his moves. His new infinite jab animation looks vicious swinging those two blades around quickly, and well, he just looks so much more better. And he's gotten so much more expressive and adorable. Seriously, look at him and that smile.

He used to just turn away from the camera, then do the smile in s4, but look at him now! That small hop, his energy and smile... well everything about him is just so precious. <3 In fact, I wonder if they updated his blushing animation as well (you have grab and hold him to see it, at least in s4 that's how he blushed). But yea, finally has KO power, cooler-looking animations in some areas, all-around buffs, and Pit overall just looks stronger and more adorable.

As I've showed that gif as part of my tumblr post some time, I simply said "Can we appreciate how cool and adorable Pit is in this game?".
(Come to think of it, I wonder if his mouth will move when he's saying 'Victory' in the final product of the game.)
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Smash Master
Feb 19, 2015
Switch FC
Reasons behind my favorite characters to play as, huh? Okay.

:ultness:: I love racking up damage on enemies with PK Fire and PK Thunder.
:ultjigglypuff:: Jumping about and unleashing aerial attacks like crazy feels so good.
:ultlucario:: Even if I'm taking a beating, it just means that I can hit harder.
:ultpacman:: His moves are just really fun to use.
:ultbowserjr:: Same as Pac-Man, plus I’ve wanted him in since Brawl's speculation phase.
:ultsonic:: gotta go fast
:ultkrool:: High weight, good mobility, projectiles, and a counter? Yes, please!
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Aegis vs Goddess
Jul 7, 2012
where ToasterBrains is
Switch FC
SW 8322 4207 9908
Well I was gonna come in and prepare a bunch of Smash haikus for y'all but I woke up to a sassy Geno related infraction so **** it
Good morning to everyone otherwise :p

Hope today is productive for y'all

I'm thinking it probably won't be informational, but I hope some other person tries to engage people in some kind of activity even if it's bogus
Was quite fun to watch
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Smash Hero
Nov 10, 2014
Bold of you to assume dinosaurs don't pay taxes. Why do you know so much about the social economy of the Jurassic era, hmm?
Jurassic era nothing. The entire point of Jurassic Park is to increase tax revenues now!


Aegis vs Goddess
Jul 7, 2012
where ToasterBrains is
Switch FC
SW 8322 4207 9908
Do we have any dates or times for this? Or ways to watch? From what I remember it's early November.
You can just check the website for the date and time.


November 3 in Tokyo and November 23 in Kyoto.

They'll have a tournament for Smash Bros, Mario Tennis, ARMS, and Splatoon.
They'll have Let's Go and Smash demos.

Also guest speakers/supporters and merch.

Also it's free to attend.


Apr 9, 2014
When it's used to discuss anything Yoshi related in bad faith, then it wore out it's welcome

I should note that the person who runs the Ultimate Yoshi Discord bans anyone who uses the meme. I don't blame him
Both you and the discord guy need to chill the **** out about that meme, it's harmless

Deleted member

So what's your favorite thing about your main or future main?

I would say what mine is, but it would be 700 pages long :yoshi:
Your undying and unwavering love, loyalty and faith (pleonasm) for :ultyoshi: is evident. Could possibly be the reason you get 2,000 likes a week. I think I like you... :)

Sa, this is one of my favorite questions to answer. It is like this:
  • :ultbayonetta: - I adore her classic outfit and that is what I wear to sleep at night and this upcoming Halloween. Also, her unparalleled combo game from Smash 4.
  • :ultpeach::ultdaisy: - Their cheerful personalities and high learning curves are my favorite things about them.
  • :ultrosalina: - Aside from the steep learning curve, having a Luma that hits harder than even :ultganondorf:. These little stars are my guardian angels, I tell you what. What I like most is her pink, blue, and green alternate outfits so I have a reference to Powerpuff Girls.
Sayonara :kirby:


Smash Apprentice
Mar 4, 2014
:ultinkling: - Probably the most predictable newcomer for Ultimate. Not really my thing, but looks like they may be fun. 6/10
:ultdaisy: - Not remotely interested, would have rather had Birdo or Dry Bowser as a Mario series echo. 1/10
:ultridley: - I really wish he hadn't been leaked, because I would have been completely blindsided. I've always really liked Ridley as a character, I legitimately thought he was too big. Never been so glad to be wrong. 10/10
:ultsimon: - Mega levels of hype. Simon was among my most requested 3rd party characters, and they even used the design I was hoping for. 10/10
:ultrichter: - I was hoping we would get other Belmonts as alts for Simon, much like the Koopalings, but Richter as an echo is awesome too. 8/10
:ultdarksamus: - Two new Metroid characters in one Smash game? I must be dreaming. Even as an echo, it's cool to have Dark Samus on the roster. 8/10
:ultchrom: - I've gone from complaining about the number of FE characters to the selection and playstyles of said characters. Chrom doesn't make things better in that regard. He only gets a higher score than Daisy because he borrows moves from Roy and Ike, which I find interesting as a concept. 3/10
:ultkrool: - FINALLY. K. Rool was my number 1 most requested 1st party character for the past 2 games. I am super stoked to see my favorite croc make his grand return. 11/10
:ultisabelle: - The second most predictable newcomer. Her trailer was kind of a bore, but Isabelle is so adorable, so I can't be mad. 7/10


Smash Lord
Aug 25, 2014
Manhattan Clock Tower
Switch FC
Reasons behind my favorite characters to play as, huh? Okay.

:ultness:: I love racking up damage on enemies with PK Fire and PK Thunder.
:ultjigglypuff:: Jumping about and unleashing aerial attacks like crazy feels so good.
:ultlucario:: Even if I'm taking a beating, it just means that I can hit harder.
:ultpacman:: His moves are just really fun to use.
:ultbowserjr:: Same as Pac-Man, plus I’ve wanted him in since Brawl's speculation phase.
:ultsonic:: gotta go fast
:ultkrool:: High weight, good mobility, projectiles, and a counter? Yes, please!

Characters that I have reasons for playing:

:ultfalcon:: Falcon Punch and Kick Moves
:ultcloud:: The use of Limit Break
:ultkrool:: A new heavy hitting character to play as
:ultlucina:: Fast moving sword strikes, overall design of character
:ultmewtwo:: Using psychic power to blast opponents off the stage
:ultness:: Fluid movements while jumping around the stage and ability to control where attacks land
:ultpacman:: An overall fun character to play and the Namco references through his taunts
:ultpikachu:: Variety of electric attacks and my first main since the 64 days
:ultridley:: Because I like dragons in general, I can’t wait to utilize his moveset
:ultryu:: Cause he’s my main in Street Fighter II with Chun-Li
:ultsimon:: Looks like he has long range attacks with his whip, and I’m a fan of long range characters
:ultrichter:: *see Simon above*


Smash Journeyman
Sep 6, 2018
Here's my thoughts. Ranking veterans for how they are as veterans, newcomers for how they are as newcomers, etc., so a 10/10 for a veteran doesn't mean they match a

:ulticeclimbers: - A really nice thing to see these two back! They belong here, it was unfortunate to see them go! Won't get great with them, I think. 8/10
:ultpokemontrainer: - **** yes. Squirtle is fantastic. Ivysaur has potential. Charizard doesn't have Rock Smash. The Trainer has personality. The gameplay is no longer bad, and rather than being good, it looks great! I cannot wait to play this character, especially for Squirtle! Ivysaur too. Never been big on playing Charizard in Smash. 10/10
:ultsnake: - Hype. 10/10
:ultpichu: - I really want to get great with her, just to embarrass people. Funny to see Pichu back! 8/10
:ultyounglink: - I don't know who I like more out of Young Link or Toon Link. If he has a new Final Smash (which I think he will), I'll be quite excited to play as him! 7/10
:ultwolf: - The only character from Star Fox I don't mind. He comes off as pretty cool, compared to Fox, Falco, Krystal and Slippy. 7/10

:ultinkling: - Given how exciting some of the newer characters are, it's easy to forget she's here, but she looks great, plays exactly how she should! I don't love Splatoon (ARMS on the other hand...), but she's good. Definitely the least surprising newcomer, but that's okay. - 7/10
:ultridley: - The character I wanted the most. In front of Banjo-Kazooie. In front of Geno. In front of Louie. Ridley was a character I would have loved to see in Smash 4. I was supporting him back then. It was wonderful when his trailer began. I knew who it was from the first second of the location being on screen, and wow, they did his character justice! I'm hyped to play as him, whether he's the best or worst in competitive play! Seeing him join was beautiful. "Ridley Hits the Big Time!" just made it even more perfect! So far, no other newcomer has come close to being this hype! And unless they reveal Banjo-Kazooie, I don't think there will be another newcomer that will be (although I'd be super excited to see Shantae, and I am super excited to see Geno in the next Direct! Nyoho!)! Ridley is finally here, and they easily could have stopped with the newcomers after this. - 10/10
:ultsimon: - The character I expected to see, and unlike the following newcomer, I wasn't spoiled! Opened up the video during recess break and immediately my friend and I could tell that it was Simon Belmont! And it was! And he looks great! I won't play him as much as some of the other newcomers, but I'm really looking forward to seeing the mains for him and Richter pull off some amazing combos, this newcomer has potential!
:ultkrool: - Got me to finally play Donkey Kong Country. The trailer, is so good, probably the most rewatchable other than the iconic "Everyone is here!" trailer. His theme, is one of the most hype songs in the game. He looks like he'll be one of the more fun heavyweights to watch! I did get spoiled on it, which did take a bit of the excitement from my initial reaction away, but THE KING is incredible! - 9/10
:ultisabelle: - Cute animations and looks like a lot of fun to play, personally, I think she looks more fun than Villager! - 7/10

:ultdaisy: - If "Hi I'm Daisy!" isn't a taunt, I will always choose Peach over her. - ?/10
:ultrichter: - I like his design enough. What was crazy about this was seeing that there were two Castlevania reps! - 7 or 8/10
:ultchrom: - Happy for the Fire Emblem fans that Chrom finally got his day. Also, I like Ike's recovery, I find it fun. - 8/10
:ultdarksamus: - Definitely the coolest of the Echo Fighters, even if it doesn't have any ice attacks (ba dum, tss!). Awesome to have another Metroid rep! - 9/10

(EDIT: ****e, forgot the dash after Inkling's icon.)
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Smash Ace
Jul 5, 2018
He's looking so much more versatile now that he has KO power in some of his moves. His new infinite jab animation looks vicious swinging those two blades around quickly, and well, he just looks so much more better. And he's gotten so much more expressive and adorable. Seriously, look at him and that smile.

He used to just turn away from the camera, then do the smile in s4, but look at him now! That small hop, his energy and smile... well everything about him is just so precious. <3 In fact, I wonder if they updated his blushing animation as well (you have grab and hold him to see it, at least in s4 that's how he blushed). But yea, finally has KO power, cooler-looking animations in some areas, all-around buffs, and Pit overall just looks stronger and more adorable.

As I've showed that gif as part of my tumblr post some time, I simply said "Can we appreciate how cool and adorable Pit is in this game?".
(Come to think of it, I wonder if his mouth will move when he's saying 'Victory' in the final product of the game.)
That's easily my favorite victory pose so far. It's not going to make me main Pit, but it's so fun looking


Smash Apprentice
Jun 18, 2018
So do you think any newcomer(other than Ken) or other huge news will be definitively leaked before Nintendo releases the info or will Nintendo be able to keep it under wraps until reveal?

I think the game is out there with some people and it's just a matter of time before a leak occurs. I think if Nintendo doesn't have a direct within the next week or so we will definitely see some real leaks. Every day it becomes more likely a leak happens, so it's just a matter of if Nintendo can get ahead of it in my opinion.

Llort A. Ton

Smash Lord
Aug 12, 2015
The Other Side Of The Computer Screen
Switch FC
SW 1185 9411 4529
My favorite things about my mains
:ultdk:- I love the cargo throws. When my buds and I play Melee, my one key strategy is to pick DK and go to either Great Bay, and back throw him against the bottok of the main platform so he basiclaly gets spiked by the level itself and bounces into the Bay at mach 12, or go Mushroom Kingdom II and just cary my friend to the walk off and throw him away. (And just my luck, bith of thsie levels are in Ultimate > : ] )
:ultfalcon:- Love his speed and specials
:ultdoc:-Remember the kid that picked the black alt and was like "hurr hurr im the black narket doctor gimme your kidneys"? That was me.
:ultryu:-Back throw, forward air, tatsumaki, forward smash.
:ultsnake:-He is Snake. Oh and dash attack, down B, smash attacks and the old down smash.
:ultpacman:-side B, down B.
:ultgnw:- Side B, Smash attacks, up B
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Aegis vs Goddess
Jul 7, 2012
where ToasterBrains is
Switch FC
SW 8322 4207 9908
However, Sakurai IS explicitly inviting people to the event.

oh here's Push's translation.
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Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2018
A sad, sad place... may I have hugs? <3
So do you think any newcomer(other than Ken) or other huge news will be definitively leaked before Nintendo releases the info or will Nintendo be able to keep it under wraps until reveal?

I think the game is out there with some people and it's just a matter of time before a leak occurs. I think if Nintendo doesn't have a direct within the next week or so we will definitely see some real leaks. Every day it becomes more likely a leak happens, so it's just a matter of if Nintendo can get ahead of it in my opinion.
I think that is a possibility, but I really am hoping it doesn't happen.


Smash Obsessed
Jun 15, 2014
John Cena
No More
Switch FC

(Come to think of it, I wonder if his mouth will move when he's saying 'Victory' in the final product of the game.)

All Hail The Mighty Pit
However, Sakurai IS explicitly inviting people to the event.

oh here's Push's translation.
inb4-5 no reveals of anything


Smash Journeyman
Sep 6, 2018
He's looking so much more versatile now that he has KO power in some of his moves. His new infinite jab animation looks vicious swinging those two blades around quickly, and well, he just looks so much more better. And he's gotten so much more expressive and adorable. Seriously, look at him and that smile.

He used to just turn away from the camera, then do the smile in s4, but look at him now! That small hop, his energy and smile... well everything about him is just so precious. <3 In fact, I wonder if they updated his blushing animation as well (you have grab and hold him to see it, at least in s4 that's how he blushed). But yea, finally has KO power, cooler-looking animations in some areas, all-around buffs, and Pit overall just looks stronger and more adorable.

As I've showed that gif as part of my tumblr post some time, I simply said "Can we appreciate how cool and adorable Pit is in this game?".
(Come to think of it, I wonder if his mouth will move when he's saying 'Victory' in the final product of the game.)
Despite being a big fan of Kid Icarus and its characters, I haven't seen that yet. Have to say, his face looks really off. It concerns me. His eyes look odd.


Creator of Lego Theory
May 22, 2012
Switch FC
I've been playing Starlink on switch to pass the time but I think I'm missing something and it's driving me nuts. The game says I have one ship remainng when I die but no matter what I hit I can't do anything other than game over. Is there a way to access Mason's ship digitally or is it just unlocked by default because he's the protagonist and the game assumes you have the physical model?
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Smash Lord
Aug 24, 2017
Super Smash Bros. Online
Switch FC
This is really old, it's happening early November, I could see a direct announcement at the end. (When this was announced this was a common theory).

So it's supposed to be a sort of tournament? I always thought live meant we'd be hearing some presentation and information.


Apr 9, 2014
I've been playing Starlink on switch
to pass the time but I think I'm missing something and it's driving me nuts. The game says I have one ship remainng when I die but no matter what I hit I can't do anything other than game over. Is there a way to access Mason's ship digitally or is it just unlocked by default because he's the protagonist and the game assumes you have the physical model?
I think you have to register it digitally.

I got the game digitally so I don't have to worry about that


Smash Journeyman
Aug 17, 2018
Switch FC
So what's your favorite thing about your main or future main?

I would say what mine is, but it would be 700 pages long :yoshi:
My favorite thing(s) about my mains eh? Alright, here goes:

Main 3 (in no particular order):

:ultmewtwo:: Loved him in his Melee appearance, and despite me not being great with him then, he was still among my top 5 most used characters then. I was supremely happy that he returned in Smash 4 and that he was so much more improved than in Melee. I love how menacing he looked in Smash 4, and Ultimate seems to have replicated that in equal measure. His meteor spike is always great fun to pull off, and his combo potential between his USmash and FThrow looks very promising. Aside from that, I've always enjoyed his floaty nature, definitely something I appreciate in the characters I like to use. Of course, being my favorite Pokémon, I love pretty much everything about him in Smash.

:ultmegaman:: My Capcom buddy, he's one I adored using in Smash 4. I enjoy just how faithful his moveset is to his source games, from his lemons, to his Buster shot, to all of his various Robot Master weapons. Every move in his arsenal feels like a perfect fit for him, and his style of gameplay is so different to everyone else in the roster, which I truly appreciate. I do wish he was a little more expressive in the face (a smile or two wouldn't hurt), but his appearance in Smash truly captures him in his Classic glory. Also, his Final Smash is my favorite in series history, so amazing (seeing all the Mega Man incarnations come together truly warms my heart, plus seeing Proto Man and Bass appear as well is a great nod to the Classic games)!

:ultpeach:: She has been a longtime favorite of mine ever since I was a kid (my go-to in the Mario side games), and her moveset from Melee onwards fit me like a glove. The way she floats, the different types of Turnips she can pick up (plus the occasional Mr. Saturn, Bob-Omb or even a Beam Sword!), her hilarious throws and pretty much everything else about her is all so wonderful. For Ultimate, I am really happy that my one grievance with her using Toad as a meat shield for her counter has been fixed with him being a support character for her (also being involved in her throws this time). I also love just how happy she looks in general in Ultimate, and her new animations are so cute!

I'm honestly happy with everyone being here and am curious to try out everyone, as I will probably have at least two other mains to fill out a 5 v 5 Squad Strike team, plus other secondaries, but I honestly can't say who will fit my style until I get the chance to play Ultimate. I do appreciate a lot of characters who are in Smash though, so you can bet that I'll be busy for quite some time checking out each character's tools as I unlock them. I also don't want to make this post into a gigantic one, which is why I limited myself to just 3.


Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
So if Shadow is in he should totally have his quill brushing animation as one of his idle poses:

Zelda, Peach, Marth and Lucina all have hair brushing idle poses so I figured "hey...Shadow kinda does that."

Just watched it again. Put that Ghost Girl in the games Sega.

Her name is Raa and yes, she needs to be in Smash.


Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2018
A sad, sad place... may I have hugs? <3

So it's supposed to be a sort of tournament? I always thought live meant we'd be hearing some presentation and information.
Yes, indeed it is.

From what I have gathered, this is a new event Nintendo has brought in, which hosts tournaments of Smash, Splatoon, Mario Tennis Aces. ARMS, etc.

It will first be held in the Tokyo Messe Hall, on November 3rd and November 4th, and in the Kyoto International Conference Centre, on November 23rd, and November 24th. :)
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Creator of Lego Theory
May 22, 2012
Switch FC
I think you have to register it digitally.

I got the game digitally so I don't have to worry about that
Once again, the world punishes us who just wanted some cool Nintendo physical goods.

I read that if you play it without the controller grip you can access the digital stuff so that may work.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 14, 2018
It probably isn't going to have any reveals or information. Since the bar thing, I've stopped expecting any info to come anywhere outside of Directs, and I think that is exactly the approach they're taking here. The fact that we need to spread this around and ask about it is indicative of how little exposure it'll get compared to a Nintendo Direct.


Smash Champion
Jul 30, 2014
However, Sakurai IS explicitly inviting people to the event.

oh here's Push's translation.
Whelp I'm changing my vote at the top of this thread. This practically confirms for me that we will probably hear about a final direct there, and October will be passed over like July.

Unless someone can point to Sakurai retweeting anything of the past Nintendo Events in Japan (there were a couple over the summer that lead to nothing). I'm pretty sure he didn't though.

It's a bit further out than I'd like but at least I have an idea of when to look forward to! (Please God let it be the 11/3 & 11/4 dates...11/23 and 11/24 would be too late and too close to release right?...right?)

Ramen Tengoku

Sep 7, 2018
Switch FC
It probably isn't going to have any reveals or information. Since the bar thing, I've stopped expecting any info to come anywhere outside of Directs, and I think that is exactly the approach they're taking here. The fact that we need to spread this around and ask about it is indicative of how little exposure it'll get compared to a Nintendo Direct.
B-but... Skaurai retweeted it... Might at least want to keep an eye out on it...


Smash Ace
Oct 9, 2014
Favorite thing about my Mains? well:

:ultryu:: Even though I do not really have a history in Street Fighter, I enjoyed the casual round of Super Street Fighter II Turbo on the SNES. The biggest thing for me though is the fact that Smash controls with Street Fighter inputs just feel sooooooo good to me. His Combogame is just satisfying!

:ultlucas:: I gravitated to Lucas because of Mother 3 eventually, but while playing him I developed that feel for his air controls...He's just like a piece of floaty butter that can hit you with the (for me) most satisfying meteor in the entire game.

:ultgnw::ultwario:: Just the overall trolling capabilities and air movement of these guys, combined with that hidden trump card (Waft / 9) that can tip the scales in an instant.
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