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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

Results are only viewable after voting.
Not open for further replies.


Smash Ace
Sep 27, 2018
I want to like Doctor Mario and have had fun playing as him a few times on random but he's just so much worse than regular Mario, and I'm not a fan of the playstyle required for smash 4 Mario in the first place. I hope they balance better so he can at least be decent.

All this Doc talk reminded me of that one time a dude took out Esam's pikachu with doc. Legend


Smash Champion
Sep 3, 2018
So, we all basically know each other's most wanted fighters. But what about echoes?
Who's your most wanted Echo?

I want Roll as an echo of Mega Man, as a fun reference to Marvel VS. Capcom.
I would honestly love Shadow to be in. Give us the Edgehog we need!


Smash Apprentice
Mar 14, 2018
My prediction for the direct schedule:

Just one direct in mid-November where they explain everything we don’t know ( basically Spirts and Classic mode). They announce one Pokemon newcomer and the retro newcomer, then end by revealing a demo available only to switch online subscribers with a free demo available a few weeks later. Basically the same thing they did with smash 4’s demo.

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
My prediction for the direct schedule:

Just one direct in mid-November where they explain everything we don’t know ( basically Spirts and Classic mode). They announce one Pokemon newcomer and the retro newcomer, then end by revealing a demo available only to switch online subscribers with a free demo available a few weeks later. Basically the same thing they did with smash 4’s demo.
Personally, I feel like we might not get the retro newcomer.

I think we'll instead get Ken, the original Echo Fighter.

Ramen Tengoku

Sep 7, 2018
Switch FC


Smash Lord
Oct 24, 2007
Switch FC
4999 6039 1484
I... really wasn't suggesting that, at all. Super Mario Sunshine is my favorite Mario game, and Sonic Adventure is...probably my favorite Sonic game, so i'm not sure if you were replying to me or not but I don't agree with this

Even if Mario didn't have his FLUDD move, i'd most likely prefer Doc still

Regardless, I think a much better way to represent Sunshine would've been a Shades + Shirt combo from Odyssey as one of his alts, like the wedding and builder outfits.
I stand by my post but as for your comment I replied to earlier:

...but then what is it about FLUDD in Smash you didn't like? In your post, you didn't make it sound like you disliked FLUDD as a move compared to Mario Tornado/Dr. Tornado, you worded it like you just don't like FLUDD in general.

Michael the Spikester

Smash Obsessed
Aug 31, 2018
Switch FC
Here's my ideal echos for every character. Tell me what you guys think.

Mario: N/A
Donkey Kong: Funky Kong
Link: Linkle
Yoshi: Birdo
Kirby: N/A
Fox: James McCloud
Pikachu: N/A
Luigi: N/A
Ness: Ninten
Captain Falcon: Black Shadow
Jigglypuff: N/A
Bowser: N/A (Dry Bowser would more likely be a costume)
Ice Climbers: N/A
Sheik: Impa
Zelda: Hilda
Dr. Mario: N/A
Pichu: N/A
Falco: N/A
Young Link: N/A
Ganondorf: Demise
Mewtwo: N/A
Mr. Game & Watch: N/A
Meta Knight: Dark Meta Knight
Snake: Big Boss
Ike: Black Knight
Pokemon Trainer: N/A
Diddy Kong: Dixie Kong
Lucas: N/A
Sonic: Shadow
King Dedede: N/A
Olimar: Louie
Lucario: N/A
R.O.B.: N/A
Toon Link: N/A
Wolf: N/A
Villager: N/A
Mega Man: Bass
Wii Fit Trainer: N/A
Rosalina & Luma: N/A
Little Mac: Glass Joe
Greninja: N/A
Palutena: Medusa
Pac-Man: Ms. Pac-Man
Robin: Celica
Shulk: N/A
Bowser Jr.: N/A
Duck Hunt: N/DA
Ryu: Ken
Cloud: Zack Fair
Corrin: N/A
Bayonetta: Jeanne
Inkling: Octoling
Ridley: N/A
King K. Rool: Lord Fredrik
Isabelle: Digby


Smash Journeyman
Jul 2, 2014
I hope we get an EarthBound track tomorrow.

inb4 I end up saying that every week until release.

Louie for Olimar.

I'd say Ninten, but I feel he should be a semi-clone.
Fun Fact: If we get a new song from Starfox and Earthbound, we get brand new songs from every franchise introduced in Smash 64. (For Mother tracks I'd like to see are Pokey Means Bussiness, Saturn Valley, and maybe a new rendition of "Bein' Friends" with lyrics from Catherine Warwick mixed in.
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Smash Journeyman
Apr 9, 2018
I believe you mean Mario Odyssey.
It's okay, I forgive you.
I enjoyed Mario Odessey but the game just left me craving to play sunshine. I also enjoyed mario 64 but I feel the freedom in sunshine hasn't been recreated in a mario game since.

I did play the galaxy games as well, I enjoyed them but I have to say they are the 'worst' mario games of the 3d type.

I'm probably a minority in this thought though, It might just be my nostalgia for sunshine mario but I really think it is the best mario game.


Smash Ace
Mar 25, 2015
"Springman, Decidueye, and Rex are the front-runners for the base roster, who else would they even add?" Ah, those were the days...
don't forget the nonsense about Sylux being in over Ridley and Dark Samus...

Michael the Spikester

Smash Obsessed
Aug 31, 2018
Switch FC
don't forget the nonsense about Sylux being in over Ridley and Dark Samus...
It's possible though that through promotion for Metroid Prime 4 he may get in through DLC but I'd rather him be a boss alongside Kanden, Noxus, Trace, Spire and Weavel which you fight all at once.

It'd still be in a good way to promote the character technically speaking if they do that.
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Amazing Ampharos

Balanced Brawl Designer
Writing Team
Jan 31, 2008
Kansas City, MO
I just don't like how it does no damage at all. It feels like too technical of a move for such a basic character like Mario.

Like I said earlier, my much more preferred way of Sunshine representation would've been a Shades + Shirt combo as an alt for Mario.
Is Mario really such a basic character though? I think he was intended to be that way back in like Smash 64, but in effect in modern Smash, he's one of the game's main combo monster characters, and definitely newer/weaker players more often have an easier time utilizing good range instead of good frame data with Mario being a character with pretty stubby limbs but exceptional frame data. I think how straightforward most of his moves are even while being the type of moves better tuned to advanced than beginner players is actually well complemented by having a complex move without straightforward utility but some indirect utility like FLUDD.

I also look at Smash as a fighting game first, and I don't think it's important for games to be "represented" so much as characters just kinda remind you of what they were outside of Smash while functioning as well as possible, and I think Mario's moveset is very effective from that perspective.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 21, 2013
New Jersey
Hey guys, anything new pop up? I've been out a few weeks so I just want to know if there's any hot new leaks, rumors, or information I'm missing out on


Smash Legend
Jul 28, 2013
New World, Minecraft
Here's my ideal echos for every character. Tell me what you guys think.

Mario: N/A
Donkey Kong: Funky Kong
Link: Linkle
Yoshi: Birdo
Kirby: N/A
Fox: James McCloud
Pikachu: N/A
Luigi: N/A
Ness: Ninten
Captain Falcon: Black Shadow
Jigglypuff: N/A
Bowser: N/A (Dry Bowser would more likely be a costume)
Ice Climbers: N/A
Sheik: Impa
Zelda: Hilda
Dr. Mario: N/A
Pichu: N/A
Falco: N/A
Young Link: N/A
Ganondorf: Demise
Mewtwo: N/A
Mr. Game & Watch: N/A
Meta Knight: Dark Meta Knight
Snake: Big Boss
Ike: Black Knight
Pokemon Trainer: N/A
Diddy Kong: Dixie Kong
Lucas: N/A
Sonic: Shadow
King Dedede: N/A
Olimar: Louie
Lucario: N/A
R.O.B.: N/A
Toon Link: N/A
Wolf: N/A
Villager: N/A
Mega Man: Bass
Wii Fit Trainer: N/A
Rosalina & Luma: N/A
Little Mac: Glass Joe
Greninja: N/A
Palutena: Medusa
Pac-Man: Ms. Pac-Man
Robin: Celica
Shulk: N/A
Bowser Jr.: N/A
Duck Hunt: N/DA
Ryu: Ken
Cloud: Zack Fair
Corrin: N/A
Bayonetta: Jeanne
Inkling: Octoling
Ridley: N/A
King K. Rool: Lord Fredrik
Isabelle: Digby
I'd just swap Birdo for Boshi, and make Ninten a semi-clone.

Ninten doesn't use PK Flash, and he could use 4th-D Slip and PK Beam.

"Olimar: Louie" yus.

He's getting some love (he'll be a Pokeball summon in Ultimate at least...) :

They seem to ignore Kantonian Raichu, though.

Other than making him a gym leader's (Surge's) Pokemon.
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Smash Ace
Sep 27, 2018
Raichu is my second favorite pokemon and I'd love if he was playable in smash, but at least Alolachu is in as a pokeball summon :)


Smash Master
Aug 17, 2018
It does relate to a Microsoft rep. Look at Monster Hunter.
I agree, both series look like their content will be a stage. As for a character involved, I could see Microsoft being involved without a character depending on when talks began. If in 2015, a character would be likely--afterwards, most likely not. I've been thinking lately, given what we know and what is rumored, where I stand on the likelihoods of characters. It's much less optimistic than I was immediately after the last Direct. To add my thoughts to your original post:

I'd say 7 is the max, though at this point, I'm pretty sure we're not getting the max. Given what Verge is confident in, I'm confident we'll have at least 3 characters: Incineroar, Ken, SE Rep (Geno).

I'm also confident if Minecraft content is in the game, we'll be getting a Minecraft stage, along with a multiplayer version of the Monster Hunter stage--the two have a symmetry, and I just can't imagine there being single player exclusive stages based on third party IP. And if we are getting more stages, I think CoroCoro is correct in 108 stages total. If two of them are Minecraft/Monster Hunter, that leaves 3 stages left.

Not every stage has to be associated with a newcomer--likewise, not every newcomer will need a stage, so this is where I'm less confident. I don't think we'll be getting any more returning stages--I think that ended with Fountain of Dreams. I also think it's unlikely to get new stages for past series, as Metroid, Donkey Kong and Animal Crossing, as far as we know, have not. The only exception I could see is for a Pokemon stage (because despite my initial expectations to the contrary, Pokemon tends to get preferential treatment). So I think 3 stages could be related to new characters, though both Incineroar and Geno could be newcomers without needing a stage.

While many characters have the potential given "hints" (e.g., Isaac, Skull Kid, Bandana Waddle Dee, Elma), I feel like the only character not rumored that I feel has the best chance is Shadow. Assist MIA so far, perhaps replaced by Knuckles, would make an easy/interesting echo.

Lastly, while I'm not confident at all, if Microsoft is involved, like many, it's hard to see them being approached without a playable character, though it's possible depending on when Microsoft initially got involved. Of course, I think if they do, it'll be Banjo, for their popularity in 2015/history with Nintendo. I don't think it'll be Steve, as the only big rumor came from Hitagi, who's sketchy and then backtracked saying DLC. So that's where I'm at with my most realistic predictions--4-5 characters (2-3 unique, 2 echoes), 5 stages, and the confidence levels of each. I don't think all of this would be in a single Direct, which is why I'm hoping we'll be getting a single character reveal in October. If not, and we only have one Direct left, I feel like the only characters left are the ones Verge has rumored.

It's unfortunate, as I really wanted to have a first party character from a new series outside of Inkling, and Isaac's the best choice, in my opinion. I'd like Dante, but I just can't see Capcom getting three unique characters while every other company has one or two--it's possible, but I see no reason that makes him likely outside of questionable 4chan rumors. While I think Sora could potentially be the SE rep, but given I think this game's focus is on long-requested characters, without any evidence to be sure, I think Geno's more likely for the base. I'd also like Elma, so with Rex & Pyra as DLC, all Xenoblade Chronicles games could be represented. Dixie Kong is also one of my most wanted echoes, but I can't see a realistic timeline to include her. Hopefully we find something out soon, so I can reevaluate the stuff I'm less certain about.
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Jun 19, 2018
Viva La France
Hey guys, anything new pop up? I've been out a few weeks so I just want to know if there's any hot new leaks, rumors, or information I'm missing out on
The Smash Ultimate youtube playlist updated, and the "new" tag disappeared from the website, so we're all waiting to see if something happens.

He's getting some love (he'll be a Pokeball summon in Ultimate at least...) :

His younger brothers kick more butt than him and you can tell he knows it. Look at the pained smile on this pancake boy.

King Sonnn DeDeDoo

Smash Champion
May 4, 2014
The basement of the Alamo
Yeah definitely, but that naginata is sick as hell.
Yeah I actually really like the naginata for Impa, but most promotional art for HW depicts Impa with the giant blade so I feel like if she was unique they would go for that.

Still Skyward Impa is still my favorite and I hope they would go with that design if she ever made it in.


Smash Lord
May 6, 2012
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
Hey guys, anything new pop up? I've been out a few weeks so I just want to know if there's any hot new leaks, rumors, or information I'm missing out on
Nintendo is having one of these Japan-only tournaments. I've asked for a YT link, but it seems no one here has one.

Nah, that's not stupid at all. It's pretty weird that Chrom is considered an echo considering every other echo so far shares the exact same move poll with their counterparts. Doc got a new down air, and suddenly he isn't an echo. I mean, I guess he has the Mario Tornado too, but w/e. Rest in Peace Mario's original down air, on that note.

But yeah, Chrom being an echo is kinda weird considering the criteria of all the other echoes so far. He's kinda a weird middle ground.
Because Mario jumps higher and moves faster than Dr. Mario, and has a few attacks unique to him, in addition to many extreme attribute changes.

FLUDD is a kinda underrated move. It's not really central to why Mario is good, but it can really mess with worse recoveries pretty badly and as a niche play can just gain you some stage space sometimes which is kinda nice on a character with short limbs like Mario. It's at least more useful than Doctor Tornado which is frankly not a good move in any way at all.
I mean, it's not like we're in Brawl. Back then it was, indeed, a waste of a special move.


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
...Did people really think this?
I get before Ridley, he used to be a pipe dream. But before Dark Samus?
Context is VERY important here.

When Sylux was making waves in the speculation scene, most people didn't think a non-Smash 4 port Smash game would come out as soon as Ultimate is. Most thought it'd be years away, after Prime 4 would make Sylux highly relevant. Most thought Sakurai's stance on Ridley was cemented with Smash 4, and Dark Samus being canonically dead made people think she wouldn't have a future in the series, and as such, not be on Sakurai's radar. With all that in mind, people went to Sylux.

It's easy to scoff at history with the benefit of hindsight, but it's also lazy, as it's, purposely or not, ignoring the context in which those claims were made.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 17, 2018
Switch FC
So, we all basically know each other's most wanted fighters. But what about echoes?
Who's your most wanted Echo?

I want Roll as an echo of Mega Man, as a fun reference to Marvel VS. Capcom.
I'd be cool with Roll being an echo of Mega Man if she couldn't be made unique or a semi-clone (which would revolve around her cleaning, similar to her appearance in Tatsunoko vs. Capcom; She was one of my most used characters in both MvC2 and TvC, as I love playing the joke characters in these kind of games).

If she were to appear in Ultimate as Mega Man's, she could potentially receive some of his unused custom moves from 4 (definitely Beat for her Up-B). I think her TvC Level 3 Super has the most potential for being a Final Smash for her in Ultimate.


My more realistic pick for an Echo Fighter that I'd love to see is an obvious one for most of us, but the Octoling. I feel the Octoling really could play almost exactly like the Inkling and it would work really well for them, but if anything needed to be changed, I'd say change out some of the specials for other weapons from Splatoon or Splatoon 2.

Something like a Splattershot Jr., Inkbrush and Suction Bomb could work, and while being quite similar to Inkling's specials, would also have enough differences to make for a pretty unique Echo Fighter. Final Smash could also be something like the Splashdown, Sting Ray, or maybe even the newly introduced Booyah Bomb if they wanted to pull from Splatoon 2 for inspiration.


Smash Lord
Oct 24, 2007
Switch FC
4999 6039 1484
That's an insult to Sonic Adventure
I still like SA1, but I see its flaws, same with SMS. You can like what you like, I just weight its pros, weight its cons, and weight by own biases and nostalgia.

Hey...how about no to that
Both have really bothersome cameras
Both have notorious bugs and glitches (I know every game has glitches, but most games not called Skyrim don't have them as common and as SA and SMS)
Both of these are games that I remember loving during their launches, but unlike SM64 and Galaxy 1 & 2 (64's less recent) the cracks on Sunshine are more noticeable (same with Adventure).

Am I honestly, honestly, the only one that thinks this?

There's a charm I still feel when I try to replay SA1. SA gets by on waaaay more nostalgia than SMS for me.

...or did you mean "no" to taking out FLUDD in SSB?


Jun 19, 2018
Viva La France
Context is VERY important here.

When Sylux was making waves in the speculation scene, most people didn't think a non-Smash 4 port Smash game would come out as soon as Ultimate is. Most thought it'd be years away, after Prime 4 would make Sylux highly relevant. Most thought Sakurai's stance on Ridley was cemented with Smash 4, and Dark Samus being canonically dead made people think she wouldn't have a future in the series, and as such, not be on Sakurai's radar. With all that in mind, people went to Sylux.

It's easy to scoff at history with the benefit of hindsight, but it's also lazy, as it's, purposely or not, ignoring the context in which those claims were made.
Thanks for the Smash history lesson, western marsupial!
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Smash Cadet
Jul 17, 2011
I agree, both series look like their content will be a stage. As for a character involved, I could see Microsoft being involved without a character depending on when talks began. If in 2015, a character would be likely--afterwards, most likely not. I've been thinking lately, given what we know and what is rumored, where I stand on the likelihoods of characters. It's much less optimistic than I was immediately after the last Direct. To add my thoughts to your original post:

I'd say 7 is the max, though at this point, I'm pretty sure we're not getting the max. Given what Verge is confident in, I'm confident we'll have at least 3 characters: Incineroar, Ken, SE Rep (Geno).

I'm also confident if Minecraft content is in the game, we'll be getting a Minecraft stage, along with a multiplayer version of the Monster Hunter stage--the two have a symmetry, and I just can't imagine there being single player exclusive stages based on third party IP. And if we are getting more stages, I think CoroCoro is correct in 108 stages total. If two of them are Minecraft/Monster Hunter, that leaves 3 stages left.

Not every stage has to be associated with a newcomer--likewise, not every newcomer will need a stage, so this is where I'm less confident. I don't think we'll be getting any more returning stages--I think that ended with Fountain of Dreams. I also think it's unlikely to get new stages for past series, as Metroid, Donkey Kong and Animal Crossing, as far as we know, have not. The only exception I could see is for a Pokemon stage (because despite my initial expectations to the contrary, Pokemon tends to get preferential treatment). So I think 3 stages could be related to new characters, though both Incineroar and Geno could be newcomers without needing a stage.

While many characters have the potential given "hints" (e.g., Isaac, Skull Kid, Bandana Waddle Dee, Elma), I feel like the only character not rumored that I feel has the best chance is Shadow. Assist MIA so far, perhaps replaced by Knuckles, would make an easy/interesting echo.

Lastly, while I'm not confident at all, if Microsoft is involved, like many, it's hard to see them being approached without a playable character, though it's possible depending on when Microsoft initially got involved. Of course, I think if they do, it'll be Banjo, for their popularity in 2015/history with Nintendo. I don't think it'll be Steve, as the only big rumor came from Hitagi, who's sketchy and then backtracked saying DLC. So that's where I'm at with my most realistic predictions--4-5 characters (2-3 unique, 2 echoes), 5 stages, and the confidence levels of each. I don't think all of this would be in a single Direct, which is why I'm hoping we'll be getting a single character reveal in October. If not, and we only have one Direct left, I feel like the only characters left are the ones Verge has rumored.

It's unfortunate, as I really wanted to have a first party character from a new series outside of Inkling, and Isaac's the best choice, in my opinion. I'd like Dante, but I just can't see Capcom getting three unique characters while every other company has one or two--it's possible, but I see no reason that makes him likely outside of questionable 4chan rumors. While I think Sora could potentially be the SE rep, but given I think this game's focus is on long-requested characters, without any evidence to be sure, I think Geno's more likely for the base. I'd also like Elma, so with Rex & Pyra as DLC, all Xenoblade Chronicles games could be represented. Dixie Kong is also one of my most wanted echoes, but I can't see a realistic timeline to include her. Hopefully we find something out soon, so I can reevaluate the stuff I'm less certain about.
There is a lot I want to say to this, but primarily- you see a "timeline" where each Xenoblade gets a character, but not where we get a DK character on majority of DK games (which is much more than three)? I don't follow.
Additionally, you think Sora is not a long requested character?
What is your reality Sir?


Smash Obsessed
Jun 15, 2014
John Cena
No More
Switch FC
I still like SA1, but I see its flaws, same with SMS. You can like what you like, I just weight its pros, weight its cons, and weight by own biases and nostalgia.

Both have really bothersome cameras
Both have notorious bugs and glitches (I know every game has glitches, but most games not called Skyrim don't have them as common and as SA and SMS)
Both of these are games that I remember loving during their launches, but unlike SM64 and Galaxy 1 & 2 (64's less recent) the cracks on Sunshine are more noticeable (same with Adventure).

Am I honestly, honestly, the only one that thinks this?

There's a charm I still feel when I try to replay SA1. SA gets by on waaaay more nostalgia than SMS for me.

...or did you mean "no" to taking out FLUDD in SSB?
I meant no to cutting F.L.U.U.D, not the other stuff

Scoliosis Jones

Kept you waiting, huh?
Writing Team
Aug 7, 2012
Buffalo, New York
While I really haven't had the chance to comment today (this is it), I wanted to hop in and piggyback off of something said, pages, and pages, and pages, and pages, and pages, and pages, and pages, and pages, and pages, and pages ago. (lel)

Somebody mentioned that everybody here should take some time and "get a hobby". I do somewhat agree with that, not because I think you guys don't have lives (I'm here, and I have a life), but because it will legit make the wait go by soooooooo much faster. You don't even know.

So today, my father came over to help me work on a few housing projects in my house (painting, prepping rooms for getting floors refinished), and I didn't even think of Smash for like a good 4 hours. I checked back here to see if anything came up, and nothing did. But then I went to a relatives house. Then, when we got back, I played Mario Party and unlocked Donkey Kong.

It's not so much that people need to get lives as much as it is finding things that you can find an escape it,be it with friends, family, or just on your own.

Rewatching the previous Directs can help too. Watching reaction videos sometimes strikes my fancy, as I like to see fellow fans gets excited like I did. I mean really, between my teaching job, my massive vidya backlog...oy. I just finished Shadow of the Tomb Raider (pretty good tbh), and still have two full Kingdom Hearts games to play before I'm done. I have Mega Man 11 to play, as well as Torna: The Golden Country, and more recently Assassin's Creed Odyssey.

Now, that's not the norm for everybody, but like I said. If you find ways to take up your time and distract yourself/get lost in something, the time between now and the next Direct will seem like absolutely nothing.

For real though, when we do get this direct I want it to give us all a break from this and give us our base roster entirely. People can get their salt out of the way and get hyped, or even start their social media campaigns for whatever character they want as DLC, just like I did for Snake, or BKupa666 BKupa666 did for King K. Rool, or Opossum Opossum did for Chrom. Hopefully we hear about it soon and can get it over with, before we get anymore theories to clog everything up.
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Smash Champion
Oct 9, 2007
I really believe that Nintendo is saving chars for DLC. Think about it. They gave us Ridley and Rool to hype us up. Given the response of smash 4 dlc, they will do something better. Why not hype dlc with Geno and Skull Kid?


Smash Lord
Sep 21, 2018
Tallon IV
I really believe that Nintendo is saving chars for DLC. Think about it. They gave us Ridley and Rool to hype us up. Given the response of smash 4 dlc, they will do something better. Why not hype dlc with Geno and Skull Kid?
Skull Kid I could see but I still think Geno is a hard sell and better off as base roster or promotional freebie.


Smash Legend
May 24, 2018
Waxing Moon Ritual
Miyamoto Iori
Switch FC
I really believe that Nintendo is saving chars for DLC. Think about it. They gave us Ridley and Rool to hype us up. Given the response of smash 4 dlc, they will do something better. Why not hype dlc with Geno and Skull Kid?
I don't think it's as much "saving" as it is not having enough dev time for base game and deciding to not start on those characters until the game's main development is complete.


Smash Master
Aug 17, 2018
There is a lot I want to say to this, but primarily- you see a "timeline" where each Xenoblade gets a character, but not where we get a DK character on majority of DK games (which is much more than three)? I don't follow.
Additionally, you think Sora is not a long requested character?
What is your reality Sir?
Not sure what your first point is--all I was saying is that if all Xenoblade Chronicles games would be represented, it could only happen if Elma was in the base, as far as I can see. King K Rool is in the game, so I don't expect any more characters, outside of maybe Dixie, though it's difficult to see how that could happen at this point. And by long-requested, I meant since Melee--Geno is often talked about in the same vain as Ridley and King K Rool, in that regard. But the last paragraph was essentially my random after thoughts, whereas my actual predictions/likelihoods were in the spoiler tag.

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
The only way a character would be saved for DLC is at best because that's how a company wants it. And for dead IP's, there is logic behind that being part of the deal. Sakurai might not really care about the money factor like businesses do, but it's still something to keep in mind. Characters like Geno and Banjo & Kazooie would make Square-Enix and Microsoft the most money as DLC. So it's not a bad reasoning for them to want it that way. Besides that, both characters aren't the easiest ever to create, so them taking a lot more time would make this work out. You could justify Geno somewhat using the Mii Gunner to speed up time, but that's kind of it. B&K don't have anyone to help as a base, so...
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