- Street Fighter III
This game I still can't go back and play to this day, I just don't dig the mechanics or how the game feels at all.
However, it's responsible for some of my favorite characters in the series. But at that point, it's just better to play Third Strike or any later or previous iteration.
I actually forgot about SF1, but let's not talk about that )
Was about to say "Whaaat? 3rd strike is great!" but you were referring to the first SFIII. Totally forgot that there's Street Fighter III's that aren't the - in my opinion - most fun version of the whole Series. **** yeah, Parries!
Aight, let's do this. I'm ready to get hate for just mentioning the name without people reading the text.

Sun and Moon/X and Y. Just for one simple reason: Let. Me. Skip. Cutscenes. I LOVED the story of Sun and Moon, it was great and I have great memories of X and Y as I played that simultaneously with a buddy and we constantly battled via the online feature.
But dude, people love replaying Pokemon. Isn't that one of the big premises? Tons of pokemon, and the now famous nuzlocke challenge among many other variants? Putting in minutes of cutscenes really makes me not wanna replay them. That and...Emulators. I admit it, speeding up Pokemon makes it a lot more fun. Ever since Pokemon Stadium I always preferred atleast 2-3x speed.

Breath of the Wild. I just can't find a single speck of enjoyment in open world games in the vein of BOTW, Skyrim, Fallout, or any Ubisoft open world game. Since the world is huge, every bit of it has to be "immersive", which apparently means copypaste places. ALL shrines look, feel and sound the same, but oh there's 2-3 puzzles in them and just when they get fun...They end.
I just can't stand these types of games. I love open games, but either they're sandbox premises with a lot of freedom, or extremly gameplay oriented like MMORPGs. This in-between is the one type of genre I can't seem to warm up to, no matter how often I try. Nothing against the game, people like it, but man combat's shallow, the puzzles are simple and once they do get fun, just end, and the "Look we got a physics engine now!" parts didn't do enough with the formula to keep me hooked. Tried to play for 6+ hours, if a game can't form something similar to a premise I enjoy, then I leave.
Also where's 90% of the fun toolkit Zelda's known for? Lemme Hookshot through the world Just Cause style. That'd be dope and maybe make me play that game more.

Street Fighter V. Core A gaming said it well: If we make the inputs easy, ANYONE can be the new Diego!
SFIV was fun. Focus attacks were a cool gimmick! SFIII is my favorite because parries. SFV is simple, was laggy, had huge input delays and basically no content whatsoever just to release in time for EVO.
Release SFV was a mess. Now it's...A game. Still don't really like it though tbh. Hope the new Soul Calibur will be fun, love me some FGs but Tekken's not my thing.