So probably another "opening the flood gates" question, but from each of the series in Smash that are your favorites/have the most experience with, what is your least favorite game from that series?
My picks:

: The Wind Waker. I don't hate this game's art-style, but I do hate it's dungeons and dreadful sailing.

: Other M. May that game burn in hell for an eternity.

: Gen 6. The most hollow generation in Pokemon history. Love the Kalos Pokemon though, so I guess that's a plus in that Gen's favor.

: Controversial pick, but a tie between Awakening and Fates. Guys, I tried. I tried really hard to see what other people saw in these games, but I just couldn't. The stories were hilariously awful, even for FE's standard of writing, and I myself found it very hard to care about the main cast of characters in both of those games. The gameplay ranged from pretty good (Conquest) to boring (Awakening and Birthright) to downright abysmal (Revelations). Sorry FE fans, I just did not see the hype in these games. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

: Xenoblade Chronicles X. The gameplay was good, the writing and characters...not so much.

: Tough call, but I'm going to say Peace Walker. Just did not enjoy that game as much as the other MGS games.

: Mega Man 1. Meh. MM 1 just didn't really stand out as much as MM 2, MM 3, and MM 4 did.

: Another tough call, but I'd have to say Dawn of Sorrow. Dawn of Sorrow was just lackluster in comparison to other Castlevania games.
NOTE: I have expericance with

, but I love both games, so I'm not counting her games
