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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

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Smash Lord
Mar 21, 2015
I Can't photo edit so i'll list the game by text:

Mario series: Mario, Luigi, Bowser, Peach, (Maybe Daisy? Do the sports games/mario party count), Rosalina, Bowser Jr + Koopalings

Yoshi series: Yoshi

Dk Series: Donkey Kong, Diddy Kong, King K. Rool

Legend Of Zelda: Link, Zelda, Sheik, Ganondorf, Young Link, Toon Link

Kirby series: Kirby, Meta Knight, King DeDeDe

Metroid: Samus, Ridley

Star Fox series: Fox, Falco, Wolf

Pokemon: Pikachu, Pichu, Pokemon Trainer, Jigglypuff, Lucario, Greninja

Fire Emblem: Robin, Lucina, Chrom, Corrin

Kid Icarus: Pit, Dark Pit, Palutena

Misc Fighters: Mii Fighters, Villager, Sonic, Olimar, Pac-Man, Duck Hunt, Wario

Game and Watch, Zero Suit Samus, Dark Samus,

Ness, Lucas

Little Mac

Marth, Ike, Roy

R.O.B, Captain Falcon, Wii Fit Trainer, Shulk, Inkling,

Simon, Richter

Snake, Ryu, Mega Man, Cloud, Bayonetta, Ice Climbers

EDIT: Actually on thought I have actually played a Wario game before.
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Mega Bidoof

Smash Hero
Aug 14, 2013
The Drought
I think it’s some guy.

He’s saying he worked on Smash, left the company, and is now going to leak information on twitter.

Like, sure, I get the whole “they fired me so I’m doing this as a final **** you,” story.
But if it was true, why would they go to Twitter, as opposed to 4chan where you can stay anonymous?

Leaking from Twitter, while saying you were just let go, would let the company find you in like two seconds.


Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2014
i dont think a game that sold 1.5 million units has no fans under 20 thats a pretty bold claim especially factoring in japan. i played tales games in the 6th grade. i played final fantasy as well. jrpgs do have fans i like stories. didnt get that itch scratched in cod.

never said king k shouldnt be here i said its a fact what demographic he appeals to. 25 and up is his targetted audience. I didn't recognize game comapnies until high school, when a company made their last hit isnt relevant to younger players they only see the games. I never said younger fans dont discover older games i said it was less likely they did. its more likely on nintendo systems because they released a lot, but dk wasnt a game i remember as a kid outside the rythme game and a kart game. king k was nonexistent entirely I think you are overestimating how many younger players cared or used the virtual console. you ahve to actively look for old games especially as a kid. It doesnt mean some dont play older games, but comparing that to the ease of kids learning, playing , and attaching to modern games and their character is not nearly as likely as you think.
how did you discover megaman? megaman is very different from king k i remember megaman as a kid. he had a tv show, megaman x and zero were on portal systems.

And every comany wants to keep getting younger fans and fanbases why else would nintendo have made the moves it has? acquiring bayonetta rights, producing a shooter, paid online, 3rd party games more frequently, new younger devs on mario games for mario odyssey, open world zelda, and metriod prime 3 more than likely having online versus. these changes and decisions are targetting a younger audience. Why would smash not do that? it makes no business sense at all. Im not insulting you or anyone in your age group but the younger players DO feel ignored. nintendo older fans have relished on this board and on the internet and the response when players that are under 25 speak up and say "what about us?" is very similar to what you've said. This game didnt need king k, ridley, or geno to be successful, that statement is ridiculous. it was already going to be the launch of the year as soon as we knew it was brand new it was huge. New smash game on + hottest selling system = easy math. My argument isn't childish its built on logic. people want to play characters they have an attachment to. this board often becomes an echo chamber and i believe players around my age do feel ignored by these new selections so far. If you think people between the age of 15-25 don't have disposable income you haven't met many of us.

That last comment is elitist and it comes across people to think they are better than someone else just because they came to like something first. its a toxic mentality and should stop in everything.
Bro, WHERE did I say there were ZERO fans of Bravely Default under 20. Please show me where I said that.

I got into Mega Man through many venues. Collections (the entire DKC trilogy got ported to the GBA in case those kids missed out on the SNES), emulation, rereleases, etc. You say Mega Man had a cartoon, but so did DKC during the late 90s, and K. Rool was in every single episode. To put a bigger point on things, literally two games in my top ten came out before I was born (Super Mario Bros. 3 and Mega Man 2), and my favorite game of all time, Metal Gear Solid, I did not play until 15 years after its release. So if kids aren't curious about older games, especially regarding a series that celebrates Nintendo's history, then they're on their own in that regard.

The fact that you are only four years younger than me yet act like you are from some entirely different generation is pretty bizarre. Our experiences should have far more overlap than you think. You keep making this distinction of under 25 that I've never made; I've said that the target demographic is people in their 20s/30s. That's the demographic with the most disposable and income, and the hype for this game has far surpassed Smash 4's. You know why, besides the fact that it isn't on a dead console (nevermind that it's going to blow past the 3DS version as well)? Catering to older fans. Bringing back old stages, old characters, adding characters fans have waited for years and years to play as, new mechanics and changes that longterm fans have wanted.

It isn't like newer fans, or people who have played this as their first Smash, will go "ew, no thanks, I don't recognize any of these characters." But the hype generated among older fans is what is going to win over people who are on the fence, and get positive social media. To put things in perspective, the last Smash Direct has more views than any previous Smash Direct in history (as in, from Smash 4), despite only being out for three weeks. And the hype is only going to get more insane from here. Hell, lots of us do want newer characters, Bandana Dee is in my top 3 remaining. It's a toss-up who remains.

We aren't better for being here first. But we are the core Smash fanbase, and this business strategy is smart because it means we're going to keep coming back, even when we think we might be getting too old, and stay invested in the Smash brand. Smash Ultimate is largely a reaction to complaints with Smash 4, so I don't see this strategy as a misfire when it's clearly getting people hyped beyond belief. Whether or not newer fans will get fanservice as well? It remains to be seen. If you feel the final product doesn't reflect what you want out of a Smash game... well, you'll know how we felt with Smash 4.


Smash Lord
Sep 12, 2014
I'm actually pretty surprised how many of the games represented in Smash people haven't played. I always had to explain character origins for friends, but none of them contributes here at all. I always figured people serious enough about Smash to post here also played more Nintendo games than them.


Jun 19, 2018
Viva La France
Alright i'll give in to peer pressure.

I've played: :ultmario::ultluigi::ultbowser::ultbowserjr::ultpeach::ultdaisy::ultrosalina::ultyoshi::ultpacman::ultwario::ultpikachu::ultjigglypuff::ultpichu::ultmewtwo::ultpokemontrainer::ultlucario::ultgreninja::ultlink::ultzelda::ultganondorf:(Botw):ultinkling::ultkirby::ultkingdedede::ultmetaknight::ultchrom::ultrobin:ultlucina::ultmiifighters::ultsonic::ultwiifittrainer:

Haven't played::ultbayonetta::ultfalcon::ultcloud::ultcorrin::ultdiddy::ultdk::ultkrool::ultdoc::ultduckhunt::ultfox::ultfalco::ultwolf::ulticeclimbers::ultike::ultlittlemac::ultness::ultlucas::ultmarth::ultmegaman::ultgnw::ultolimar::ultpit::ultdarkpit::ultpalutena::ultsamus::ultzss::ultridley::ultdarksamus::ultrob::ultroy::ultryu::ultsheik:(OoT):ultshulk::ultsimon::ultrichter::ultsnake::ulttoonlink:(WW):ultvillager::ultyounglink:(OoT/MM)

Yes, I know I haven't played many games.
Honestly I am a Mario and Pokemon guy, my adventures in gaming have not taken me far from the Mushroom Kingdom.
I'm getting a SNES Classic soon so maybe that'll change.
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Yoshi is Thicc in S P I R I T
May 13, 2018
All around you, awaiting to consume your soul
Switch FC
Wait really? I didn't remember that, it has been so long
all I know is that I never fought her
Yeah, you haven't gotten THAT far I can tell.

She appears in the opening cutscene, the scene after the Norion events, the final battle and every time you get a Game Over by overloading on Phazon...


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
Hope everyone that hasn't played Snake's game, Metal Gear Solid, aka the greatest video game of all time plans on fixing that soon.

Especially you, reading this post.
For what it's worth, I plan to eventually. :p ...If I can simultaneously find a copy and track down my PlayStation.


Dynamic Duo
Nov 15, 2007
I think it’s some guy.

He’s saying he worked on Smash, left the company, and is now going to leak information on twitter.

Like, sure, I get the whole “they fired me so I’m doing this as a final **** you,” story.
But if it was true, why would they go to Twitter, as opposed to 4chan where you can stay anonymous?

Leaking from Twitter, while saying you were just let go, would let the company find you in like two seconds.
Trailer leaks have literally never been accurate. So he's just another random person spouting bull****.


Smash Champion
Jul 31, 2014
How do people even find these obscure Twitter posts for supposed "leaks"? Do you type in Smash Leaks and go by recent or something lol.

Deleted member

Alright i'll give in to peer pressure.

I've played: :ultmario::ultluigi::ultbowser::ultbowserjr::ultpeach::ultdaisy::ultrosalina::ultyoshi::ultpacman::ultwario::ultpikachu::ultjigglypuff::ultpichu::ultmewtwo::ultpokemontrainer::ultlucario::ultgreninja::ultlink::ultzelda::ultganondorf::ultinkling::ultkirby::ultkingdedede::ultmetaknight::ultchrom::ultrobin:ultlucina::ultmiifighters::ultsonic::ultwiifittrainer:

Haven't played::ultbayonetta::ultfalcon::ultcloud::ultcorrin::ultdiddy::ultdk::ultkrool::ultdoc::ultduckhunt::ultfox::ultfalco::ultwolf::ulticeclimbers::ultike::ultlittlemac::ultness::ultlucas::ultmarth::ultmegaman::ultgnw::ultolimar::ultpit::ultdarkpit::ultpalutena::ultsamus::ultzss::ultridley::ultdarksamus::ultrob::ultroy::ultryu::ultsheik:(OoT):ultshulk::ultsimon::ultrichter::ultsnake::ulttoonlink:(WW):ultvillager::ultyounglink:(OoT/MM)

Honestly I am a Mario and Pokemon guy, my adventures in gaming have not taken me far from the Mushroom Kingdom.
I'm getting a SNES Classic soon so maybe that'll change.
Played: :ultmario::ultluigi::ultbowser::ultbowserjr::ultpeach::ultdaisy::ultrosalina::ultdiddy::ultdk::ultcorrin::ultike::ultchrom::ultlucina::ultmarth::ultroy::ultrobin:ultlink::ultsamus::ultzss::ultganondorf::ultdarksamus::ultridley::ultpichu::ultpikachu::ultgreninja::ultlucario::ultpokemontrainer::ultjigglypuff::ultmewtwo::ultinkling::ultkirby::ultkingdedede::ultmetaknight::ultmiifighters::ultwario::ultyoshi::ultsonic::ultmegaman::ulticeclimbers::ultlittlemac::ultpacman::ultshulk::ultduckhunt:

Have not Played: :ultyounglink::ultzelda::ultrob::ultsimon::ultrichter::ultsnake::ulttoonlink::ultvillager::ultzelda::ultryu::ultbayonetta::ultfalcon::ultcloud::ultfalco::ultfox::ultkrool::ultlucas::ultgnw::ultness::ultolimar::ultpalutena::ultpit::ultdarkpit::ultsheik:
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Nov 2, 2014
Southern California
Switch FC
You know what? I really hope that Nintendo announces their replacement for Virtual Console soon. With all the hype surrounding K.Rool, now would be the perfect time for them to rerelease the DKC trilogy. I'm probably going to buy DKC2 on 3DS as soon as I'm finished with Dead Heat Breakers, but if it was possible to get it on Switch, that'd be so much better, especially since a lot of 3DS owners don't have the New 3DS.

Super Metroid is also a game I'll probably be playing for the first time soon out of Ridley hype. Maybe I'll even try my hand at a Castlevania game.

Misery Brick

Smash Ace
Jul 11, 2014
Ecruteak City, Johto
Honestly, I'm just waiting for actual footage or screencaps of the game that we haven't seen yet.
Isn't this around the time that most people found out what the entire roster has yet?
Like the game has already been rated, so that most likely means that the game has mostly been complete on a content basis, right?
I'm not too familiar with timelines on games and when it's ready to go gold so.

Amazing Ampharos

Balanced Brawl Designer
Writing Team
Jan 31, 2008
Kansas City, MO
Zero Suit Samus is playable briefly in Metroid: Other M
Is she? Is it one of those super slow walking hallway segments wherein that game's sad excuse for a story was playing out or something? I remembered she appears in some cutscenes but didn't remember actually playing as her. Then again, Other M didn't have real gameplay at any point so it's hard to figure out what to count form that trainwreck.

Then it turns out you're not really much good with Squirtle and Ivysaur, so switching to them doesn't actually help and if anything makes it harder to win, and that by trying to force yourself to play all three you're spreading your development time thinner across three wildly different characters that are very unlikely to all be fitting for you, making you develop more slowly with them while that time could have been put to a different group of characters that actually fit you.

This isn't directed towards you but towards the overhyping I've been seeing Pokemon Trainer get everywhere; I think people are really getting ahead of themselves when they think the Pokemon Trainer is going to be a busted character and act like actually using them as a team is going to be optimal, when you can play the counterpicking game anyway with any character you want and trying to force the individual mons to designated roles (e.g. use Zard for killing!) doesn't work well at all in such a dynamic game like Smash. A big part of why PT failed so hard in Brawl wasn't just because of Stamina or how bad Ivysaur was, but rather how impractical the whole using them as a team was; if Stamina didn't exist in Brawl there would have been a lot more PT players, but 90+% of them would have just focused on Squirtle, with a few low tier heroes focusing on Zard or Ivy, and then a fraction actually trying to use them all as a team. I'm certain after the first few months almost everyone who seriously plays PT is going to focus on a single mon or drop them altogether, regardless of how good each of the pokemon are.

In theory if you're at a near-equivalent high level with all three of the mons and no single character beats them all, then you'll be impervious to paper level matchup-based counterpicking, but the chance of a player clicking with all three and being really good with all of them is pretty damn small, and matchups are only really relevant if the players' characters are near-equivalent in skill levels unless the matchups are extremely lopsided, so that weak Squirtle is still going to get destroyed by that well-practiced Zero Suit Samus that was wrecking your Zard. Then there's being able to use Pokemon Change as a makeshift air dodge, but that has the tremendous con of switching you to a worse character (as you should be using the character you're best with for the matchup to begin with).

The only real benefit I see from being a part of the Pokemon Trainer team is for Ivysaur players being able to change to Zard during recovery as a last ditch recovery attempt to survive what would have been an extremely unlikely/impossible recovery, much like how Sheik players transform into Zelda in Melee to take advantage of her longer recovery when they absolutely need it (and like them then having the trouble of being able to safely get back to the preferred character while being in disadvantage). Overall as a Zard player in Smash 4, I would have much preferred keeping him solo and having an actual down special, but I understand why he was tied back to the PT for the "Everyone is Here!" thing, and Rock Smash wasn't essential so he can still be usable if the rest of him is buffed sufficiently.
I disagree almost completely. Yes in Brawl PT mains if given the choice would have played solo Squirtle because Squirtle solo was a top tier character (a lot of people didn't realize this but he was, IMO #3 in the game as it should be and #4 in the dumb rules that ban all the stages and make ICs broken), zard was lower mid, and Ivysaur was bottom tier so the extent to which Squirtle was just plain better than the other two outweighed any teamwork dynamic. Of course PT was bad overall because the mechanics literally forced you out of using just Squirtle, but if you could, he was absolutely insane. There was also the fact that Pokemon Change was ground only and insanely slow in Brawl (with its sloth being unpredictable and random and so slow on certain Wiis with bad disc readers that PT could get a star KO, start switching, and still eat a charged Smash so PT mains just automatically lost on certain tournament set-ups which was sad).

However, a PT wherein the other two Pokemon are actually balanced is REALLY strong, and the hype is totally justified. Look, Smash characters aren't that hard. It's entirely possible to be a good enough player to handle three movesets especially since none of the individual PT component movesets are super tricky; it's probably easier to learn all three PT Pokemon than to master someone like Olimar/Duck Hunt/Ice Climbers/Ryu anyway. Pokemon Change looks so insanely fast so it's basically a completely new special; I think you're totally overlooking the massive situational advantages you get from changing just constantly as in "likely cycle your entire team multiple times per stock". You play Charizard so you totally know about the constant situations you run into when you're just boxed out, but you're a very fast switch to Squirtle away from having the mobility to completely change the neutral. ZSS may adapt to your Squirtle, but then you're one quick change from Ivysaur. She can never get comfortable fighting you because you're just always changing it up, not just optimizing the big picture match-up but instead focusing on switches to be best suited to the smaller situations that constantly occur in moment to moment gameplay. It's about as fast as an airdodge; why not? I have a pocket Shulk and don't mind going between speed where I move like Sonic and shield where my character is a brick; I look at the three Pokemon as just more extreme monado artes. It's not focusing on a main between the three; it's just being in one of the character's three stances which are all super temporary. The only reason I'd stop constantly switching is either if I'm doing very well with whoever I have out and don't want to get in the way of a good thing or if I'm at the specific high percent damage ranges wherein only Charizard can survive hits which is also quite temporary.

In other words, I basically expect the opposite. I think some people will try to focus on a main with PT and will just flop because the characters just don't seem individually "complete" like a normal character. On the other hand, I think the better PT players are going to switch a lot, so much that they can hardly even think of any of the Pokemon as particularly a character so much as a super temporary state of being, and between the three PT looks like the most complete character in the roster. Obviously we can't know if PT is actually good yet, but a moveset that is three times bigger than everyone else's with the components looking pretty strong so far (Ivysaur looks *really* good in early footage) is super encouraging. I try my best not to set my heart on characters without actually playing and playing substantially, but I'm legitimately super pumped for PT and his character changing in a way I simply wouldn't be if the three characters came solo.

Deleted member

Sadly my last Sony console was the PS2.
I probably only had one Sony Console, and that is my PS4 Pro.
I very rarely play it. I only use it for Crash Bandicoot N Sane' Trilogy.
I do use my computer a lot, mainly Steam and Minecraft.
How do people even find these obscure Twitter posts for supposed "leaks"? Do you type in Smash Leaks and go by recent or something lol.
Smash leaks?

You are going to make it worse!


Oh okay.
Jul 14, 2014
You tell me.
Switch FC

A few things to note:
Of the characters listed, I lose 3 of the 25+ characters I play: Lucas, R.O.B., and Cloud.

I didn't remember that R.O.B. was in MKDS until after I crossed him out, so it might just be two that I'm missing.
I might get around to Mother 3 someday, but probably not FFVII.
I've played Ice Climber via NES Remix, but never the actual game, so I didn't count it.
I only counted Roy, Marth, and Ike because of FE:H. I don't play that game anymore, but I did pull all three of them when I did play it. That said, they may not count. Though I have played FE 7, so maybe Roy counts, but it's a bit of a stretch.
I might get around to Shadow Dragon one day, but unless PoR/RD and Binding Blade are rereleased/remade, probably not them.

Similarly to R.O.B., I forgot that K. Rool was in Mario Sluggers, which I do own, and played quite a lot, so I might also rescind his X as well.

Captain Falcon and Villager are oddballs here. The only reason I own an F-Zero game is because of the Wii U's Digital Deluxe Promotion from way back when. And the only reason I own an AC game is because of some Club Nintendo offer way back when. The only reason I picked up their games was because they cost me basically nothing, not because I actually desired them. They're fun though, just not really my thing.

I have no interest in Metroid Prime, Star Fox, Kid Icarus, Ice Climber, Duck Hunt, Final Fantasy, or Bayonetta, so those will probably remain X-ed.
Street Fighter, Castlevania, and MGS on the other hand, do slightly interest me, so maybe I'll try them someday.

This was fun to do.


Jun 19, 2018
Viva La France
I'm a 2000s and 2010s kid, so i'm gonna get the Snes classic to figure out the hype behind characters like ridley, K Rool and Geno.
And SNES games in general.
I'm playing Super Mario World first because how could I not, but after that what should I play? I'm leaning towards Donkey Kong Country.

Deleted member

I am kind of sad they cut the Virtual Console.
I never really tried it on the Wii U because I was wack at the time, and the Switch is ten times better than the Wii U.

I really hope their "Online" idea works out well.
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Smash Champion
Jul 9, 2012

not played::ultfalcon::ultcloud::ultcorrin::ultdoc::ultduckhunt::ultike::ultinkling::ultlittlemac::ultlucas::ultmarth::ultgnw::ultdaisy::ultrob::ultrosalina::ultdarksamus::ultshulk::ultsimon::ultrichter::ultsnake::ultvillager::ultwario::ultwiifittrainer::ultzss:

ZSS: never played any game with her out of suit fighting
Wario: never played a Wario exclusive game
Dark Samus: Never played the prime games
Rosalina: Never played the galaxy games or 3d world
Daisy: Never played SMB2
Cloud: Only really know him from Kingdom Hearts
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Smash Champion
Apr 11, 2018
Is she? Is it one of those super slow walking hallway segments wherein that game's sad excuse for a story was playing out or something? I remembered she appears in some cutscenes but didn't remember actually playing as her. Then again, Other M didn't have real gameplay at any point so it's hard to figure out what to count form that trainwreck.

I disagree almost completely. Yes in Brawl PT mains if given the choice would have played solo Squirtle because Squirtle solo was a top tier character (a lot of people didn't realize this but he was, IMO #3 in the game as it should be and #4 in the dumb rules that ban all the stages and make ICs broken), zard was lower mid, and Ivysaur was bottom tier so the extent to which Squirtle was just plain better than the other two outweighed any teamwork dynamic. Of course PT was bad overall because the mechanics literally forced you out of using just Squirtle, but if you could, he was absolutely insane. There was also the fact that Pokemon Change was ground only and insanely slow in Brawl (with its sloth being unpredictable and random and so slow on certain Wiis with bad disc readers that PT could get a star KO, start switching, and still eat a charged Smash so PT mains just automatically lost on certain tournament set-ups which was sad).

However, a PT wherein the other two Pokemon are actually balanced is REALLY strong, and the hype is totally justified. Look, Smash characters aren't that hard. It's entirely possible to be a good enough player to handle three movesets especially since none of the individual PT component movesets are super tricky; it's probably easier to learn all three PT Pokemon than to master someone like Olimar/Duck Hunt/Ice Climbers/Ryu anyway. Pokemon Change looks so insanely fast so it's basically a completely new special; I think you're totally overlooking the massive situational advantages you get from changing just constantly as in "likely cycle your entire team multiple times per stock". You play Charizard so you totally know about the constant situations you run into when you're just boxed out, but you're a very fast switch to Squirtle away from having the mobility to completely change the neutral. ZSS may adapt to your Squirtle, but then you're one quick change from Ivysaur. She can never get comfortable fighting you because you're just always changing it up, not just optimizing the big picture match-up but instead focusing on switches to be best suited to the smaller situations that constantly occur in moment to moment gameplay. It's about as fast as an airdodge; why not? I have a pocket Shulk and don't mind going between speed where I move like Sonic and shield where my character is a brick; I look at the three Pokemon as just more extreme monado artes. It's not focusing on a main between the three; it's just being in one of the character's three stances which are all super temporary. The only reason I'd stop constantly switching is either if I'm doing very well with whoever I have out and don't want to get in the way of a good thing or if I'm at the specific high percent damage ranges wherein only Charizard can survive hits which is also quite temporary.

In other words, I basically expect the opposite. I think some people will try to focus on a main with PT and will just flop because the characters just don't seem individually "complete" like a normal character. On the other hand, I think the better PT players are going to switch a lot, so much that they can hardly even think of any of the Pokemon as particularly a character so much as a super temporary state of being, and between the three PT looks like the most complete character in the roster. Obviously we can't know if PT is actually good yet, but a moveset that is three times bigger than everyone else's with the components looking pretty strong so far (Ivysaur looks *really* good in early footage) is super encouraging. I try my best not to set my heart on characters without actually playing and playing substantially, but I'm legitimately super pumped for PT and his character changing in a way I simply wouldn't be if the three characters came solo.
you play as her for the escape sequence at the end, so you have to play the whole thing to actually get to that part. She's a proper character with the paralyzer and everything though


Yoshi is Thicc in S P I R I T
May 13, 2018
All around you, awaiting to consume your soul
Switch FC
Is she? Is it one of those super slow walking hallway segments wherein that game's sad excuse for a story was playing out or something? I remembered she appears in some cutscenes but didn't remember actually playing as her. Then again, Other M didn't have real gameplay at any point so it's hard to figure out what to count form that trainwreck.
I am probably the only person who's played Other M extensively, multiple times, and loved it, so I know a lot about it. It's in the post-game where you have to reach the room where Adam commanded and left his helmet. After she retrieves it, the ship countdowns to self-destruction and Samus escapes without her Varia Suit. She plays pretty much the same except she can only use her stun gun and she can slide under gates. Seriously, I recommend giving the game another chance...

Misery Brick

Smash Ace
Jul 11, 2014
Ecruteak City, Johto
I'm a 2000s and 2010s kid, so i'm gonna get the Snes classic to figure out the hype behind characters like ridley, K Rool and Geno.
And SNES games in general.
I'm playing Super Mario World first because how could I not, but after that what should I play? I'm leaning towards Donkey Kong Country.
My personal favorite out of those is probably Super Metroid, but if you're not exactly crazy about backtracking and having no true directions, I wouldn't exactly start with it first.
If you dig platformers, then yeah, go for DKC.


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
I was fine looking into leaks again recently after being burnt out by many of Smash 4's leaks (both true and false), but recent events have been starting to really burn me out on them again. That includes the recent and rather sudden influx of fake leaks.

I hope we'll have a little more to talk about soon besides fake leak after fake leak, or rather, just see less fake leaks altogether, which is unlikely to happen. Nothing really wrong with the talk about them though, it's important that they get debunked. But this is reminding me of a big reason why I started to step away from speculation closer to Smash 4's release and all but abandoned it after it was. I didn't find leak discussion very compelling anymore, especially after sitting through many other leaks that eventually turned out to be fake, and then another massive leak that was legitimate and confirmed the entire base roster quite early. And there wasn't much I feel I could add to leak discussions at that point. Even now there isn't much I can really to add to topics about certain kinds of leaks or rumors.

I don't know lol. Obviously there's nothing stopping me from just avoiding leak talk or not posting about them, but it's nonetheless a bit tiring to see so many fake leaks popping up so rapidly and consistently. And since I don't feel I can add much to them....yeah....

I just hope I'm not the only one who'd rather not see so many leaks anymore.

Knight Dude

Keeping it going.
Mar 10, 2013
The States
Don't forget we're probably getting a Dark Samus Amiibo. It'll be sick.

I'm a 2000s and 2010s kid, so i'm gonna get the Snes classic to figure out the hype behind characters like ridley, K Rool and Geno.
And SNES games in general.
I'm playing Super Mario World first because how could I not, but after that what should I play? I'm leaning towards Donkey Kong Country.
DKC is a good choice, I don't know if DKC2 and DKC3 are on there or not though. Then Mega Man X, A Link to the Past and Super Metroid in any order would a good idea too. Castlevania 4 should be on there and I think one of the Street Fighter 2 versions as well.

For stuff not on the SNES Classic, Mega Man X2, Mega Man X3, Mega Man 7 and Demon's Crest are good choices. All of them are available on 3DS if you got any spare cash.


Smash Champion
Jul 31, 2014
I am probably the only person who's played Other M extensively, multiple times, and loved it, so I know a lot about it. It's in the post-game where you have to reach the room where Adam commanded and left his helmet. After she retrieves it, the ship countdowns to self-destruction and Samus escapes without her Varia Suit. She plays pretty much the same except she can only use her stun gun and she can slide under gates. Seriously, I recommend giving the game another chance...
I can accept your Yoshi addiction...but this? This is too far.

Omega Tyrant

Smash Champion
Nov 13, 2009
Schenectady, New York
Yeah, that's honestly how I'm going to see most people treat PT as, they'll just switch to one of the other Pokémon to cycle back or to use as a recovery. Not many people are going to force themselves to learn all three characters similarly and try to synergize between them.
Whenever he's brought up, I only hear people talk about using Squirtle or any of the other Pokémon individually. Like the whole shtick of the character is to switch and use them alongside each other, like in the Pokémon games themselves.
Sure, can you power through with just Charizard against a team of six?
But someone who uses and understands how or when to use the whole team is a greater benefit than relying on one.
I think this character could be great for people who are used to team fighters like MvC and DBFZ, given you need to have be skilled at each and every character on your team if you want to excel. However, I'm feeling a lot of the Smash competitive scene and people looking foward to PT, aren't exactly cool with or used to that mentality. So yeah, I think a lot of people are going to drop off using him after a couple months.
The MvC/DBFZ and Pokemon team analogy doesn't work, as you're restricted to 1v1 combat with no assisting. That super-overlevelled Charizard you're fighting? You're not using a whole team to take it down, you're fighting it 1v1 while your team shares a lifebar.

That said, if you do master all three, I can think of some practical reasons to switch mid combat, and one of them is weight. Squirtle and Zard cover eachother's weaknesses so much better than Sheik and Zelda. Switching to Squirtle sounds like a fantastic way to get out of juggling situations with Zard. Meanwhile, switching to Zard might be a good idea at higher percents because superheavies can be so hard to kill.

And then there's simply that you can't counter pick midmatch. If I go on For Glory and start out with Charizard only to find that I'm facing a Samus, I can't just switch to Mewtwo instantly. I'll have to play through that entire match first. Pokemon Trainer fixes that problem for me.
This is something that sounds great on paper, but just doesn't really work all that well in practice in a dynamic game; sure switching to Zard allows you to live a bit longer, but then you're much easier to hit, possibly open yourself up to kill confirms you weren't susceptible before, have a much harder time actually getting in and hitting your opponent, possibly playing a worse matchup, etc. There's a lot of factors involved beyond just "I can live longer", "I can kill easier", etc.


Yoshi is Thicc in S P I R I T
May 13, 2018
All around you, awaiting to consume your soul
Switch FC
I'm a 2000s and 2010s kid, so i'm gonna get the Snes classic to figure out the hype behind characters like ridley, K Rool and Geno.
And SNES games in general.
I'm playing Super Mario World first because how could I not, but after that what should I play? I'm leaning towards Donkey Kong Country.
Oh, you know what I'd try to recommend for you...

But other than that game, there's Super Metroid and Chrono Trigger you could check out...


Smash Champion
Apr 11, 2018
I am probably the only person who's played Other M extensively, multiple times, and loved it, so I know a lot about it. It's in the post-game where you have to reach the room where Adam commanded and left his helmet. After she retrieves it, the ship countdowns to self-destruction and Samus escapes without her Varia Suit. She plays pretty much the same except she can only use her stun gun and she can slide under gates. Seriously, I recommend giving the game another chance...
Honestly my biggest problem with other m were the controls, playing with the wii remote on it's side for that long literally hurt my fingers lmfao
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