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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

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Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
I've played twilight princess

That's Breath of the Wild Link, Ocarina/Majora Link, Toon Link, Ocarina Ganondorf, and Zelda from I don't remember

So I haven't really played the games of any of them
Which game did you play that had Rosalina but not Bowser Jr.?

Omega Tyrant

Smash Champion
Nov 13, 2009
Schenectady, New York
As a Charizard main, it's so painful for me to be playing Smash 4 right now. I run into a tough matchup on For Glory and think "man, this would be way easier if I had Squirtle" or "If only I had Ivysaur, then the burden of approaching would be on my foe".

It's really hard to keep up the self improvement when I know half my problems with be solved in massive buffs in just a few months.
Then it turns out you're not really much good with Squirtle and Ivysaur, so switching to them doesn't actually help and if anything makes it harder to win, and that by trying to force yourself to play all three you're spreading your development time thinner across three wildly different characters that are very unlikely to all be fitting for you, making you develop more slowly with them while that time could have been put to a different group of characters that actually fit you.

This isn't directed towards you but towards the overhyping I've been seeing Pokemon Trainer get everywhere; I think people are really getting ahead of themselves when they think the Pokemon Trainer is going to be a busted character and act like actually using them as a team is going to be optimal, when you can play the counterpicking game anyway with any character you want and trying to force the individual mons to designated roles (e.g. use Zard for killing!) doesn't work well at all in such a dynamic game like Smash. A big part of why PT failed so hard in Brawl wasn't just because of Stamina or how bad Ivysaur was, but rather how impractical the whole using them as a team was; if Stamina didn't exist in Brawl there would have been a lot more PT players, but 90+% of them would have just focused on Squirtle, with a few low tier heroes focusing on Zard or Ivy, and then a fraction actually trying to use them all as a team. I'm certain after the first few months almost everyone who seriously plays PT is going to focus on a single mon or drop them altogether, regardless of how good each of the pokemon are.

In theory if you're at a near-equivalent high level with all three of the mons and no single character beats them all, then you'll be impervious to paper level matchup-based counterpicking, but the chance of a player clicking with all three and being really good with all of them is pretty damn small, and matchups are only really relevant if the players' characters are near-equivalent in skill levels unless the matchups are extremely lopsided, so that weak Squirtle is still going to get destroyed by that well-practiced Zero Suit Samus that was wrecking your Zard. Then there's being able to use Pokemon Change as a makeshift air dodge, but that has the tremendous con of switching you to a worse character (as you should be using the character you're best with for the matchup to begin with).

The only real benefit I see from being a part of the Pokemon Trainer team is for Ivysaur players being able to change to Zard during recovery as a last ditch recovery attempt to survive what would have been an extremely unlikely/impossible recovery, much like how Sheik players transform into Zelda in Melee to take advantage of her longer recovery when they absolutely need it (and like them then having the trouble of being able to safely get back to the preferred character while being in disadvantage). Overall as a Zard player in Smash 4, I would have much preferred keeping him solo and having an actual down special, but I understand why he was tied back to the PT for the "Everyone is Here!" thing, and Rock Smash wasn't essential so he can still be usable if the rest of him is buffed sufficiently.
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Not even death can save you from me
Sep 9, 2004
Switch FC
He could've played FE7 which technically had baby Roy, but that's stretching it.
Oh, so the only FE you played was one that's NOT localized overseas.... interesting
No, I have never played a Fire Emblem game. However, to my knowledge Roy's first game appearance was in SSBM, before even the first time he was in a FE game, so I counted it as me playing the first game he was in :).


Smash Legend
Jun 18, 2018
He could've played FE7 which technically had baby Roy, but that's stretching it.
Fun fact: Almost all the epilogue scenes, including the scene involving Roy, were removed from the European versions of Fire Emblem 7 ("versions" because there were two: one with English, Spanish and Italian; and one with English, French and German).

The scenes were removed from the game to make space for the two other languages.

Also there are some weird place name differences between US English and UK English: Ostia and Ositia, Bern and Beran, that kind of thing.
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Smash Lord
Jan 27, 2013
I think I got confused on the rules.

Thought it meant characters of whose games you've played. Not played as.

I think the list would actually be smaller in that case
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Smash Lord
Nov 15, 2014
Rock Hill, SC
Switch FC
this joining ultimate? no. As an assist maybe but not a full character.
Every fake leak tries to bank on a weird obscure character but they always bank on it super hard. You'd think that they just pick Deathborn tbh, like jokes aside, he's perfect "Whaaat bait". He's obscure, he fits with the "villians vs heroes" theme of Ultimate, F-Zero hasn't had a new rep at all, Black Shadow is an obvious Echo, and he could actually make more sense than Agnes and Wave Racer dude lol.


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
Was Jr. in Galaxy???

If he was I've completely forgotten that. It's been a long time since I've played it so I wouldn't be surprised if I have
Yeah, Bowser Jr. was a boss in both Galaxy games. :p


Smash Lord
Oct 24, 2007
Switch FC
4999 6039 1484
Saw someone else post theirs so might as well join in. Crossed out the characters who's games I haven't played. I'd miss Ike, Shulk and Richter but that's about it.View attachment 160798

I only crossed out Link because I didn't play BotW specifically. And since I played some of that Fire Emblem Warriors game, the only FE characters cut are Ike and Roy.

I played:
Little Mac: OG Punch-Out, SPU!!(I got bopped though)
Simon: CV1(also got bopped)
Ryu: SF2, SSF2, SFA, SFA2, USF4, CvS2, MVC1, MVC2, MVC3
Mega Man: MM1-MM9, MMnB, MMBnC, MVC1 and MVC2
Pokemon: I played most games, including Sun and Moon.
Zelda: 1, LttP, OoT, WW, TP, FS
Kirby: Squeak Squad, Triple Deluxe and another one or two I can't remember at the moment.
Metroid: 1, Super, Prime, Prime 2, Prime Hunters, Samus Returns. I think I played another 2D one, but not much of it.
Mario: SMB1,2,3,World,New,Sunshine,Super Princess Peach ,Bowser's Inside Story,TTYD,MKDD,MKDS,MKWii,MK7,MK8DX, Mario Strikers, Mario Party 7, Mario Party 8, Dr. Mario and more that I'm forgetting.
Snake: MGS1 and 3, both very briefly though.
Star Fox: OG and 64.
Donkey Kong: OG, DKC1, DKCR
Pac-Man: OG, Pac-Attack(that's the name of the puzzle one right?), Ms. Pac-Man
Yoshi: See Mario, and Yoshi's Island
F-Zero: OG and GX
Wario: Mario spin-offs.
Kid Icarus: First one
R.O.B: Mario Kart DS counts, right?
FE: FE Warriors...that's it. Why is PoR so ****ing expensive, the ONE game I give a **** about.
1st: I don't have any sort of Photoshop, so this is being done in MS Paint...
2nd: It should NOT have been so hard to find a pic with all the SSBU characters without having to scroll through hundreds of fake rosters that included f'ing Shadow and Goku and Waluigi...I just wanted a real roster pic


Luigi??? - I'm only counting him if it has to be a "Luigi Game". OBVIOUSLY I've played at Mario games where Luigi was playable, but I have never played any Luigi Mansion or Mario is Missing game. EDIT: Sh-- I have to count the Mario & Luigi RPGs, so Luigi shouldn't be scratched out...

Roy - I never played his non-localized Fire Emblem.

Mr. game & Watch - Every single Game & Watch LCD game I've played didn't actually feature Mr. G&W. My Game & Watch games featured LCD versions of Link and Mario and DK Jr. I never even knew Game & Watch games like "Ball" and "Fire!" and "Chef" and "Blergh" and "Meh" even existed; I grew up playing LCD G&W Donkey Kong Jr., Mario Bros, Tetris, and LCD Zelda, so there was no flat little plain man avatar character.

Lucas - Mother 3 never came out in the US, and I'll play it when it does (so never)

Olimar - Pikmin...looks boring. Never bothered.

R.O.B. - Never owned this...toy?

Villager - Never got into Animal Crossing. Fun story; I was 10 points away from being able to get the Animal Crossing: New Leaf game digitally for free from Club Nintendo...then they discontinued the service to change it to My Nintendo, and I never got to register one last game or system to get my free, and first, AC game, so eff it.

Mii Fit Trainer - Its not a game!!! Pass!

Bayonetta - I didn't like DMC (and I mean OG Devil May Cry) so I passed on Sexy DMC...

Inkling - This is the only one on this list I plan to rectify...maybe, Idunno whocares...

Richter - Never played his installment, but I wish I had instead of that goddamn rebooted God of War Castlevania wannabe jank ass...
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Moon Monkey

Smash Hero
Nov 20, 2006
The Moon
Switch FC
I think I got confused on the rules.

Thought it meant characters of whose games you've played. Not played as.

I think the list would actually be smaller in that case
This is the premise:

I was about to say your roster is interesting given your avitar and mains, but i guess you can be a fan of the playstyle and not the game.


Smash Champion
Aug 10, 2018
oh great i gotta edit my signature now because a lot of support icons are now dead or gone for some reason…


Not even death can save you from me
Sep 9, 2004
Switch FC
I found it weird so many people have never played with with R.O.B. toy but then I remember I am old and everyone else is young lol.


Smash Master
Jul 21, 2018

Not doing too bad, all things considered.

Metroid Prime: I'm just not a fan of shooters in general, even though I'm aware it's an "action-adventure game and not an FPS."
Star Fox: I've technically played a few minutes of Adventure, but given how that game supposedly breaks the usual formula and how I didn't get far in it, I'm not counting it.
ROB: The combined power of Virtual Console and a friend of mine refurbishing a NES crossed off most of the retro throwback picks, but I've still never used (or seen) a ROB in real life.
Captain Falcon: I prefer slow racing games, I guess.
Simon Belmont: I've only played Symphony of the Night, which I enjoyed, but didn't feel compelled to continue playing through the series after.
Bayonetta: I used to not like beat-em-ups, but Hyrule Warriors, Fire Emblem Warriors, and Dragon Quest Heroes all managed to hook me greatly, so I should probably give Bayonetta a try. I'll wait for a sale though.

Amazing Ampharos

Balanced Brawl Designer
Writing Team
Jan 31, 2008
Kansas City, MO
I'm not going to fool with image editing, but I haven't played the games featuring the following:


I'm assuming Mario Kart DS counts for :ultrob: and the unlockable Richter mode of Portrait of Ruin counts for :ultrichter: (yes, I haven't played SotN and for shame). I'm assuming that minor cutscenes with ZSS don't really count; I didn't actually play Zero Mission which is the only game in which she's playable for real; my Metroid experience is limited to just Super Metroid, the Prime trilogy, and sadly Metroid Other M.

My list looks different from everyone else's though because I've played such a narrower collection of the new games but have basically all of the classics covered. You all are a bunch of kids if you seriously have :ultduckhunt: on your lists...

EDIT: For extra :ultrob: credit, since he's hardware, do I get points if I've actually held one in my hands? I don't have one myself so I naturally can't really play Gyromite or Stack Up, but I don't feel bad claiming the guy anyway.
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Smash Champion
Oct 29, 2017
I will say one issue that I have with Ultimate's promotion so far. No new challenger artwork. I'm really bummed about it. I mean, look at these:View attachment 160815View attachment 160816
View attachment 160812View attachment 160811View attachment 160810
View attachment 160809
View attachment 160808

Each one brought something new and special. It gave each of the newcomers more personality than ever before. Talented artists from all over gaming contributed art of their characters to the game. Freaking Tetsuya Nomura contributed art to a SMASH BROS. game. I would never have thought that would happen in a million years. It's a real shame to see them not do it again, besides Inkling of course.
Yeah, we only got one from Splatoon, but even then it wasn’t really Splatooned themed. We probably won’t get any Ridley, King K. Rool, and sadly, NO CASTLEVANIA ART.

This will probably even be the same for any newcomers as well still need to be revealed yet. Maybe DLC will have it, like a Xenoblade 2 styled one for Rex and an ARMS one for Spring Man or maybe as crazy as KH if Sora becomes DLC, but it’ll be lame that there won’t be potential Castlevania and even if this comes true, any Golden Sun, Xenoblade X, Rhythm Heaven, or even Sun and Moon and countless others artwork pieces.

It’s sad because there’s a lot of cool art that can have many different Smash characters in, but Ultimate didn’t seem to do it this time. I’m hoping that there are some, but decided to reveal later until close to release.
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Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2014
Hope everyone that hasn't played Snake's game, Metal Gear Solid, aka the greatest video game of all time plans on fixing that soon.

Especially you, reading this post.


Sep 12, 2014
Too lazy to do the actual bingo but I've played most games except: Gyromite/Stack-up, Path of Radiance, Radiant Dawn, Shadow Dragon, Binding Blade, Fates, MOTHER 2/3, Pikmin 1 (played a demo of 3), Animal Crossing (all of them) and Xenoblade 1 (played X and 2.)

EDIT: Wait I'm kinda cheating on Snake, I've only played a loaned copy of MGS4 (and Metal Gear Rising but that probably counts even less.)
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Yoshi is Thicc in S P I R I T
May 13, 2018
All around you, awaiting to consume your soul
Switch FC
I'm not going to fool with image editing, but I haven't played the games featuring the following:


I'm assuming Mario Kart DS counts for :ultrob: and the unlockable Richter mode of Portrait of Ruin counts for :ultrichter: (yes, I haven't played SotN and for shame). I'm assuming that minor cutscenes with ZSS don't really count; I didn't actually play Zero Mission which is the only game in which she's playable for real; my Metroid experience is limited to just Super Metroid, the Prime trilogy, and sadly Metroid Other M.

My list looks different from everyone else's though because I've played such a narrower collection of the new games but have basically all of the classics covered. You all are a bunch of kids if you seriously have :ultduckhunt: on your lists...
Zero Suit Samus is playable briefly in Metroid: Other M


You have the strength to overcome your destiny!
Writing Team
Aug 4, 2014
Wave Road

Couldn't get my first post to work for some reason.

Anywho I feel accomplished~


Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2014
I'm not going to fool with image editing, but I haven't played the games featuring the following:


I'm assuming Mario Kart DS counts for :ultrob: and the unlockable Richter mode of Portrait of Ruin counts for :ultrichter: (yes, I haven't played SotN and for shame). I'm assuming that minor cutscenes with ZSS don't really count; I didn't actually play Zero Mission which is the only game in which she's playable for real; my Metroid experience is limited to just Super Metroid, the Prime trilogy, and sadly Metroid Other M.

My list looks different from everyone else's though because I've played such a narrower collection of the new games but have basically all of the classics covered. You all are a bunch of kids if you seriously have :ultduckhunt: on your lists...
Dude, I'm 27 and have never owned an NES, I just got yelled at on here for being an old man hogging the Smash roster with older characters. If never playing Duck Hunt makes me a kid, then those zoomers are embryos.

Moon Monkey

Smash Hero
Nov 20, 2006
The Moon
Switch FC
I found it weird so many people have never played with with R.O.B. toy but then I remember I am old and everyone else is young lol.
Funny thing is, i was given an NES as a hand-me-down from my uncle. I have the cartridge for gyromite and the the actual gyromite toy, but no R.O.B. to play it.

Think my uncle has burried somewhere in his basement


Smash Lord
Nov 15, 2014
Rock Hill, SC
Switch FC
To be real though, If Chibi Robo doesn't get into Ultimate I'll make a memorial video for him using this song
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