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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

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Smash Journeyman
Jun 15, 2018
You know what, I have a fun game for us to play...

Name the number one character from each Franchise that you know isn't going to be in Smash (like ever), but would love to see
I'll go first
Mario: Fawful
Donkey Kong: Funky Kong
Wario: Captain Syrup
Metroid: Mother Brain's Final form in Super Metroid
Zelda: Vaati or Tingle
MOTHER: Kumatora
Star Fox: James Mc.Cloud
Punchout: Mr.Sandman
Pokemon: Braixen
Fire Emblem: I dunno, Lyn?
Sonic: Blaze
Kid Icarus: Magnus
F-Zero: Deadborn
Kirby: Gooey
Metal Gear: Raiden
Animal Crossing: Tom Nook
PAC-MAN: Tac-Man
Xenoblade: Dunban
Street Fighter: Alex
Final Fantasy: Noctis
Bayonetta: Father Rodin
Splatoon: Dj Ocatvio
(if Castlevania does get in: Trevor Belmont)
Mario: Shy Guy
Donkey Kong: Cranky Kong
Yoshi: Kamek (technically a Mario character, I know, but he had a bigger role in the Yoshi series and I wanted an excuse to put both Shy Guy and Kamek here)
Wario: Captain Syrup
Zelda: Marin
MOTHER: Kumatora
Pokemon: Tapu Koko
Fire Emblem: Tiki (preferably Adult Tiki) or Linde
Kirby: Marx
Animal Crossing: Mr. Resetti :troll:
Xenoblade: Melia
Final Fantasy: Vivi
Bayonetta: Rodin
Splatoon: DJ Octavio


Oh okay.
Jul 14, 2014
You tell me.
Switch FC
Ah, the composer of the Galaga Medley is the same guy who did the Brawl Tal Tal Heights remix and the Shadow Man Stage remix in 4!

This guy does some really good work in Smash.

Also, I haven't seen anyone mention the Ground/Underground Smash 4 remix yet. Those were pretty spectacular.

I feel like people overstate Smash 4's soundtrack being "bad". The game had a ton of great songs in it.
Ultimate's OST is looking fantastic, yeah, but I wouldn't exactly say it's on a whole different level.

It's interesting seeing people's Smash 4 Newcomers thoughts.
I had no idea that ''kerning" actually had a proper name, but I knew it was a thing that really pissed off graphic designers.

It's a fun word though. ''Kerning."

Makes me want popcorn.
My favorite part about the word "kerning" is that the word "keming" itself happens to be often subjected to bad "kerning" itself due to its spelling.
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Smash Ace
Jul 26, 2018
So I am actually curious about this thread's thoughts on Smash 4's newcomers and how your views on them have changed since they were revealed (or you played them on release).

So I'm going to do some more in depth thoughts on the newcomers, including my initial impressions and my thoughts on them now. There are actually a lot of newcomers so I'm going to split it up in order of their reveal. Please forgive me if I sound really negative at times, Smash 4 was a frustrating game for me :)

Part 1 (E3 2013-2014):
:ultvillager::ultmegaman::ultwiifittrainer::ultrosalina::ultlittlemac::ultgreninja::ultmiifighters::ultpalutena::ultpacman: (Dark Pit will be in the next one, since he was officially revealed after release)
:ultvillager:: On Reveal: I was excited for a new Smash game, so I feel Villager's hype carried over from that. Even though I did play Animal Crossing on the Gamecube as a kid, I think I was just happy that he looked like he had really strong moves but mostly neutral otherwise. Bowling ball was really cool at the time.
Now: Villager was my main late into Smash 4's lifespan, and I feel playing him competitively soured him for me. I think he is still a fun character, but something feels very off and it makes him frustrating to play as. He's really good in free-for-alls too, but I just don't like playing as him anymore. I feel like he's very similar in Ultimate, which is great for people who enjoy him. I'll always adore Villager for what he is and have a lot of attachment to him, but I feel he isn't that fun to play as anymore.
:ultmegaman:: On Reveal: I was just as hard for Mega Man's reveal as literally anyone who say that trailer when he was revealed. It was different than what I expected (I was used to Super Smash Flash 2 Mega Man) but I was super excited to play as him. Mega Man also had me play Keitaro's reaction on repeat at least a dozen times after it came out. If you haven't seen it before, it's definitely worth checking out lmao
Now: And how that expectation was unfortunately crushed. Remember hearing the bad commentator go crazy about Mega Man at E3 2013 and seeing his down smash do Melee Peach down smash levels of damage? That is not what we got on reveal. See I don't hate the design in theory, but once again I didn't enjoy his execution. It feels like he only relied on fishing for back air kills, getting the footstool combo (rip), or getting uair ceiling kills (rip) when it came to actually KO'ing an opponent. It's a shock to see almost everything outside lemons feel very stiff and now that up air is worse, I feel lemons are going to be more centralizing in Ultimate. Really comes to show how great marketing is.
:ultwiifittrainer:: On Reveal: I'm going to be honest, I was disappointed with her reveal just like everyone else. I didn't really get it and was kinda new to speculation, so she felt like a waste of time. My opinion of her is a lot more positive nowadays.
Now: Wii Fit Trainer is like that super attractive and supportive person in your life that you kind of ignore when you're younger because you're stupid and dense. Despite her being a bad character, I really grew to like Wii Fit. Not to mention, she is the only girl I feel comfortable having a relationship with in real life out of the female Smash Bros. characters. Wii Fit Studio is still an incredibly boring stage though.
:ultrosalina:: On Reveal: Waking up at 5 am to see a character revealed for Smash Bros. and getting baited with Kirby Air Ride music and Mario Kart was a very fun time. Rosalina was actually spoiled to me because the Swedish (or another European country) had earlier footage of the trailer and posted it on Twitter, but I didn't believe it at the time. I genuinely curious if anyone remembers that, honestly. Rosalina looked like a cool character and everyone was excited to see SoRo (solo rosalina) be hype like SoPo is.
Now: Man I wish Rosalina and Luma were closer to Melee Ice Climbers in Smash 4's mechanics. These two are really strong and polarizing in Smash and Rosalina was pretty insane during the Smash 3DS days. Despite her losing to top tier characters like pre-patch Diddy and now Cloud, she is still a gatekeeper character keeping a lot of characters out of viability even before DLC.
:ultlittlemac:: On Reveal: I watched Little Mac's trailer on that February 14th during a school spirit rally at my high school. I turned on Twitch with the shaky connection my school had and met myself with in game footage of Little Mac on Punch Out and I had to control my hype. Little Mac was an awesome idea and I was super excited for him. This was also around the time Game Grumps were playing Punch Out on the Wii and Danny even acknowledged it in an episode!
Now: Memes aside, I just wish Little Mac was adjusted a little for single player mode. A character that has really bad aerial options doesn't work too well in traversing large terrain like Smash Run. At least side b doesn't put him into freefall anymore. Also, I wish he used Star Punch instead of KO punch and wasn't so rewarded for getting hit. It really doesn't fit his character imo.
:ultgreninja:: On Reveal: I was one of many who believed Greninja was Mewtwo when he did the water shuriken, I have to admit. Greninja was kind of a suprise when he was revealed. The April Direct was incredibly hype, so I felt this addition was a good choice. I wasn't super invested in speculation, especially on the Pokemon side, so I don't thing I had too strong of an opinion either way.
Now: Greninja is actually one of the most enjoyable characters for me to play as now. I'm not super invested into Pokemon or Greninja (I picked Fennekin in X and Y), but he feels super clean to play as. I feel he is also pretty good in FFAs, since he can get KO's pretty well with up air, up smash, shadow sneak and even Shuriken or hydro pump. Everything works really well and I'll definitely keep playing him in Ultimate.
:ultmiifighters:: On Reveal: It was incredibly strange seeing Iwata fight Reggie in that opening sequence. When I realized what was going on though, I knew what I was in for. At this point, I was super into speculation and both Miis and another character revealed today were heavily controversial at the time. People hated the idea of Miis and honestly...I kinda went with the crowd until they were revealed. After their reveal, I feel like I liked them though.
Now: The Miis were a thing I always liked using. I used them in Mario Kart Wii and 7 almost exclusively and Ultimate giving them voices again makes me super nostalgic for MKWii. I am so excited to play them again online in Ultimate.
:ultpalutena:: On Reveal: One of my most wanted newcomers in Smash 4 was revealed at E3. I was surprised when they gave her the Powers to use as her custom moves, but I would call it more of a pleasant surprise. Her model looked really off and honestly...most of the Smash 4 girl's models don't look too right. I'm happy Ultimate changed it (especially for Lucina <3).
Now: Palutena was a character I planned on maining on release until I actually played her. She is shockingly really bad at being able to actually do much of anything beside use her solid mobility to get grab follow-ups and use her invincible shield. Customs Palutena felt like a pretty fun character outside of the overcentralized (and borderline busted) Lightweight but, alas, most players don't use customs. I hope they fix a couple of her customs to make them more useful if they return. If not, please make her have a useful special kit. She is looking like a bottom ten character in Ultimate right now. Seeing her get bodied by Charizard's up smash in the Pokemon Trainer character trailer hurt a lot.
:ultpacman:: On Reveal: I cannot believe he was revealed in a ****ing closed door press conference. Imagine getting the news of a playable Smash character over Twitter after the E3 presentation. Pac-Man gave most of the speculation scene a complete 180, with a very large amount of people fearing the yellow pizza would sport his Amazing World design. Instead of an ugly character, they just gave us an ugly stage with Pac Land. Pac Man is such a likable character in Smash 4 and Ultimate though. I really pray he is a good character this time.
Now: Pac Man and Sonic will be forever worthy of the Smash Bros. Roster and I hope they never leave it. If Sakurai or Nintendo have to cut characters, I feel like these two should stay more than a lot of first party veterans. That being said, it is really wacky how Sakurai got this character to work. I don't think anyone expected the moveset he got (except bonus fruit and turning into a pizza in some of his moves).
:ultvillager:: On Reveal: I had never played an Animal Crossing game so I didn't really feel anything for the character
Now: My main along with Ness. Finally bought New Leaf and had a great time.
:ultmegaman:: On Reveal: Never played a Megaman so didn't feel anything, though it was fun to see people react
Now: I'm still pretty indifferent to him but I like seeing Kameme and Scatt play him
:ultwiifittrainer:: On Reveal: I'll be honest. I was one of those fans back then. I got really angry because I thought she made no sense as a fighter, ashamed to admit it.
Now: Now that I've matured somewhat I think she's a pretty cool character. Seeing John Numbers play her is fun.
:ultrosalina:: On Reveal: Never really cared for Rosa. She used to be one of my favorite Mario characters but after they kinda shoehorned her in everything after Galaxy, I just got tired of seeing her.
Now: Considering I main Ness, I despise everytime I have to go against her.
:ultlittlemac:: On Reveal: Another game series I never played. Can't say I was into his reveal although Doc Louis makes me happy everytime he speaks. "You ain't no air fighter Mac. Whatchu doin up there? Smash ain't no joke."
Now: Kek, remember when everyone thought he was the most broken character in the game. Good times.
:ultgreninja:: On Reveal: Fennekin was my favorite starter from Gen 6 so kinda salty that froggy boi got in instead, but I got over it.
Now: It's funny how he basically became Smash 4's biggest meme, and the jank you can do with his up special is pretty fun to watch.
:ultmiifighters:: On Reveal: The reveal trailer for this was amazing. Iwata (RIP) vs Reggie was one of the greatest things I ever had to behold. Plus this was also the reveal for amiibo the bane of every collector's existence kek
Now: A shame that you couldn't use them online, Mii Gunner was definitely my favorite out of the three.
:ultpalutena:: On Reveal: I hadn't played Kid Icarus at the time so all I knew was that it was "that one chick from Pit's FS in Brawl, she can fight?"
Now: After playing Uprising and it being one of my favorite games of all time, it's fun to play as her and come across players that use her. Also her side taunt ;)
:ultpacman:: On Reveal: I remember that conspiracy theory going around that you could see a cloud in the shape of Pac-man during Greninja's trailer and I was laughing at those fools. Then he got revealed...
Now: He's a cool character and my lil bro mains him, he's annoying as all hell with him as well. Also have you seen Sinji play Pac-man? Guy is on another level.
I feel like people overstate Smash 4's soundtrack being "bad". The game had a ton of great songs in it.
Ultimate's OST is looking fantastic, yeah, but I wouldn't exactly say it's on a whole different level.
I agree. It definitely is nowhere good as Brawl's imo but there are still some good bops in there. Personal favorite song is the Magicant theme. Speaking of which, I'm happy that Magicant and Fourside are coming back as stages. The more Earthbound love the better.
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Smash Ace
Jul 5, 2018
So I am actually curious about this thread's thoughts on Smash 4's newcomers and how your views on them have changed since they were revealed (or you played them on release).

So I'm going to do some more in depth thoughts on the newcomers, including my initial impressions and my thoughts on them now. There are actually a lot of newcomers so I'm going to split it up in order of their reveal. Please forgive me if I sound really negative at times, Smash 4 was a frustrating game for me :)

Part 1 (E3 2013-2014):
:ultvillager::ultmegaman::ultwiifittrainer::ultrosalina::ultlittlemac::ultgreninja::ultmiifighters::ultpalutena::ultpacman: (Dark Pit will be in the next one, since he was officially revealed after release)
:ultvillager:: On Reveal: I was excited for a new Smash game, so I feel Villager's hype carried over from that. Even though I did play Animal Crossing on the Gamecube as a kid, I think I was just happy that he looked like he had really strong moves but mostly neutral otherwise. Bowling ball was really cool at the time.
Now: Villager was my main late into Smash 4's lifespan, and I feel playing him competitively soured him for me. I think he is still a fun character, but something feels very off and it makes him frustrating to play as. He's really good in free-for-alls too, but I just don't like playing as him anymore. I feel like he's very similar in Ultimate, which is great for people who enjoy him. I'll always adore Villager for what he is and have a lot of attachment to him, but I feel he isn't that fun to play as anymore.
:ultmegaman:: On Reveal: I was just as hard for Mega Man's reveal as literally anyone who say that trailer when he was revealed. It was different than what I expected (I was used to Super Smash Flash 2 Mega Man) but I was super excited to play as him. Mega Man also had me play Keitaro's reaction on repeat at least a dozen times after it came out. If you haven't seen it before, it's definitely worth checking out lmao
Now: And how that expectation was unfortunately crushed. Remember hearing the bad commentator go crazy about Mega Man at E3 2013 and seeing his down smash do Melee Peach down smash levels of damage? That is not what we got on reveal. See I don't hate the design in theory, but once again I didn't enjoy his execution. It feels like he only relied on fishing for back air kills, getting the footstool combo (rip), or getting uair ceiling kills (rip) when it came to actually KO'ing an opponent. It's a shock to see almost everything outside lemons feel very stiff and now that up air is worse, I feel lemons are going to be more centralizing in Ultimate. Really comes to show how great marketing is.
:ultwiifittrainer:: On Reveal: I'm going to be honest, I was disappointed with her reveal just like everyone else. I didn't really get it and was kinda new to speculation, so she felt like a waste of time. My opinion of her is a lot more positive nowadays.
Now: Wii Fit Trainer is like that super attractive and supportive person in your life that you kind of ignore when you're younger because you're stupid and dense. Despite her being a bad character, I really grew to like Wii Fit. Not to mention, she is the only girl I feel comfortable having a relationship with in real life out of the female Smash Bros. characters. Wii Fit Studio is still an incredibly boring stage though.
:ultrosalina:: On Reveal: Waking up at 5 am to see a character revealed for Smash Bros. and getting baited with Kirby Air Ride music and Mario Kart was a very fun time. Rosalina was actually spoiled to me because the Swedish (or another European country) had earlier footage of the trailer and posted it on Twitter, but I didn't believe it at the time. I genuinely curious if anyone remembers that, honestly. Rosalina looked like a cool character and everyone was excited to see SoRo (solo rosalina) be hype like SoPo is.
Now: Man I wish Rosalina and Luma were closer to Melee Ice Climbers in Smash 4's mechanics. These two are really strong and polarizing in Smash and Rosalina was pretty insane during the Smash 3DS days. Despite her losing to top tier characters like pre-patch Diddy and now Cloud, she is still a gatekeeper character keeping a lot of characters out of viability even before DLC.
:ultlittlemac:: On Reveal: I watched Little Mac's trailer on that February 14th during a school spirit rally at my high school. I turned on Twitch with the shaky connection my school had and met myself with in game footage of Little Mac on Punch Out and I had to control my hype. Little Mac was an awesome idea and I was super excited for him. This was also around the time Game Grumps were playing Punch Out on the Wii and Danny even acknowledged it in an episode!
Now: Memes aside, I just wish Little Mac was adjusted a little for single player mode. A character that has really bad aerial options doesn't work too well in traversing large terrain like Smash Run. At least side b doesn't put him into freefall anymore. Also, I wish he used Star Punch instead of KO punch and wasn't so rewarded for getting hit. It really doesn't fit his character imo.
:ultgreninja:: On Reveal: I was one of many who believed Greninja was Mewtwo when he did the water shuriken, I have to admit. Greninja was kind of a suprise when he was revealed. The April Direct was incredibly hype, so I felt this addition was a good choice. I wasn't super invested in speculation, especially on the Pokemon side, so I don't thing I had too strong of an opinion either way.
Now: Greninja is actually one of the most enjoyable characters for me to play as now. I'm not super invested into Pokemon or Greninja (I picked Fennekin in X and Y), but he feels super clean to play as. I feel he is also pretty good in FFAs, since he can get KO's pretty well with up air, up smash, shadow sneak and even Shuriken or hydro pump. Everything works really well and I'll definitely keep playing him in Ultimate.
:ultmiifighters:: On Reveal: It was incredibly strange seeing Iwata fight Reggie in that opening sequence. When I realized what was going on though, I knew what I was in for. At this point, I was super into speculation and both Miis and another character revealed today were heavily controversial at the time. People hated the idea of Miis and honestly...I kinda went with the crowd until they were revealed. After their reveal, I feel like I liked them though.
Now: The Miis were a thing I always liked using. I used them in Mario Kart Wii and 7 almost exclusively and Ultimate giving them voices again makes me super nostalgic for MKWii. I am so excited to play them again online in Ultimate.
:ultpalutena:: On Reveal: One of my most wanted newcomers in Smash 4 was revealed at E3. I was surprised when they gave her the Powers to use as her custom moves, but I would call it more of a pleasant surprise. Her model looked really off and honestly...most of the Smash 4 girl's models don't look too right. I'm happy Ultimate changed it (especially for Lucina <3).
Now: Palutena was a character I planned on maining on release until I actually played her. She is shockingly really bad at being able to actually do much of anything beside use her solid mobility to get grab follow-ups and use her invincible shield. Customs Palutena felt like a pretty fun character outside of the overcentralized (and borderline busted) Lightweight but, alas, most players don't use customs. I hope they fix a couple of her customs to make them more useful if they return. If not, please make her have a useful special kit. She is looking like a bottom ten character in Ultimate right now. Seeing her get bodied by Charizard's up smash in the Pokemon Trainer character trailer hurt a lot.
:ultpacman:: On Reveal: I cannot believe he was revealed in a ****ing closed door press conference. Imagine getting the news of a playable Smash character over Twitter after the E3 presentation. Pac-Man gave most of the speculation scene a complete 180, with a very large amount of people fearing the yellow pizza would sport his Amazing World design. Instead of an ugly character, they just gave us an ugly stage with Pac Land. Pac Man is such a likable character in Smash 4 and Ultimate though. I really pray he is a good character this time.
Now: Pac Man and Sonic will be forever worthy of the Smash Bros. Roster and I hope they never leave it. If Sakurai or Nintendo have to cut characters, I feel like these two should stay more than a lot of first party veterans. That being said, it is really wacky how Sakurai got this character to work. I don't think anyone expected the moveset he got (except bonus fruit and turning into a pizza in some of his moves).
I'd really like to make a comparison from reveal to release, but I was just really indifferent to most of the characters at first. Although I was really into speculation, I was mostly focused on veterans. I wasn't really familiar with most of the characters not already in due to being in like 4th grade around the most of their reveals. I was mostly just excited for any newcomers at all. By time of the infamous leak though, I began wanting specific newcomers. I was much more excited for DLC.

:ultvillager:He represents the AC series really well and a fun character to use. The tree is always fun to use
:ultmegaman:I don't really love the MegaMan games but he sure does deserve his spot on the roster. Hope he never gets cut
:ultwiifittrainer:I've always really liked this character's inclusion. She represents the Wii really well and would actually be sad if she got cut
:ultrosalina:I remember when smash 3ds first came out I thought this character was busted. I was right I guess lol. She's still really fun to use and has an awesome gimmick.
:ultlittlemac:I've never played a Punch Out!! game and probably wouldn't have cared about him in Smash if he didn't have such a unique premise. I don't have fun using him but I'm glad he's here
:ultgreninja:Before Smash 4 was released I know I intended on maining him. I didn't enjoy how he played as much as I thought I would so I dropped him. He deserves a spot though with how popular he is now
:ultmiifighters:I thought I might've used them a bit but I really don't. Cutting them would make me sad though considering they're so iconic
:ultpalutena:I don't think I ever even thought about using her. I wish she was better though
:ultpacman:Pacman was really cool addition. Seeing him be cut would be the worst. Sonic, MegaMan, and Pacman are necessary
:ultrobin:ultlucina:Despite not caring about Fire Emblem at the time, I remember being incredibly excited at the trailer. I was under the impression we were getting THREE newcomer reveals (poor Chrom). I'm very glad we got unique FE reps
:ultshulk:The ESRB leak happened by then, so I was much more fascinated with Duck Hunt and Dr Mario. Glad Xenoblade got a rep now though
:ultbowserjr:I liked him decently, but I didn't particularly care for him. I now really apreciate how he represents the koopaling though
:ultduckhunt:Initially I was in shock just like everyone else. He was the standout of the leak. I don't play him now but I believe he represents retro quite well.
:ultdarkpit:I had no opinion on Dark Pit. He was and still is just kinda a bonus to me.
:ultmewtwo:I remember being very excited for his return and to try him out. He's still a really fun character
:ultlucas:Lucas' reveal was easily my hypest reaction in all of smash 4. He was one of my mains in brawl and it really hurt to see him gone. I started playing Ness instead though lol
:ultroy:I was never too excited for him and never use him. I wouldn't mind if he was cut honestly
:ultryu:For the longest time I was mad he got in. He felt out of place to me. I've accepted him now though and understand his importance in gaming.
:ultcloud:I've never played FF7 but decently excited anyway. I'm still glad he made it.
:ultcorrin:Considering he was revealed in the last smash direct I was disappointed. I still don't care for him too much but have warmed up to him
:ultbayonetta:I was unhappy about this reveal. I had barely even heard of Bayonetta. I'm happy with her place on the roster now (also she brought along some bangers so that's a plus)

Omega Tyrant

Smash Champion
Nov 13, 2009
Schenectady, New York
So I am actually curious about this thread's thoughts on Smash 4's newcomers and how your views on them have changed since they were revealed (or you played them on release).
Outside of what I saw as a couple glaring omissions, looking at the newcomers from as objective of a view as I can I think the Smash 4 newcomers were chosen well and covered a lot of bases in their popularity, representation, and what they brought to Smash. On a personal level though, it would be hard to get a newcomer lineup that would be any more unappealling to me.

I like Mega Man as a character and was pleased to see him in Smash while I had some interest in playing him, but upon actually getting to try him upon release I quickly found he was not for me at all. I like Little Mac and Punch-Out, and thus liked to see him in Smash, so his (expected) reveal pleased me (especially with his great reveal trailer that I thought was the best of Smash 4), while there was mild interest in playing him. When it came to playing Little Mac, since the beginning of Smash 4 I always found him a fun character to fool around with, but he was never someone I took as a serious main candidate. With Bowser Jr., I always found the idea of him in Smash incredibly unappealling and never liked him much as a character, though upon Ninka Kiwi leaking him being in the game and learning the details of him fighting in the Koopa Clown Car, I found that idea very intriguing and he became my most looked forward to newcomer. Though like Mega Man, upon actually playing him he didn't click with me at all and I didn't him find him that much fun, leading to me quickly casting him aside. Then Ryu I thought was a nice surprise but didn't care much for playing him, but overtime he became my favorite character to watch in Smash 4 and near the end I started playing around with him too, though I never ended up playing him that seriously.

Then for the rest of the Smash 4 newcomers none of them appealed to me at all, and playstyle wise I outright dislike most of them, overall Ryu and Little Mac were the only ones I ended up remotely liking by the end and Ryu is the only one I would ever consider giving a serious try at maining. Factor that with me losing my Brawl co-main and overall favorite Smash character Wolf, as well as losing my secondary Snake, while my other Brawl co-main Dedede ended up really undertuned while never getting buffed, Ganon not getting buffed enough to compensate, and Lucario getting changes I really disliked, that's why I once described Smash 4's roster as a kick in the balls to me. Fortunately Smash 4 ROB was able to hold me over and I ended up really enjoying solo Zard, so I was still able to really enjoy Smash 4 and advance as a competitive player well beyond what I did in Brawl, but I can't help but wonder how the past four years would have been for me if the roster selection and changes went just a bit differently.

The main problem I really have with the Smash 4 newcomers is that it seemed like Sakurai needlessly went out of his way to make them all ~unique~ to a detriment, a bit less gimmicks and a few more conventionally-designed fighters would have benefited the characters and the game I think. But regardless I can't be upset about how Smash 4's newcomers went, I was quite spoiled by Brawl's (getting Lucario, Dedede, Meta Knight, and Wolf among newcomers I really wanted, while also later finding I really clicked with Snake and ROB), and then in Ultimate I'm getting Wolf and Snake back alongside finally getting Ridley, so I will get to see how I fare without feeling limited by the roster.
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Deleted member

i know it's Smash and you are not supposed to ask a lot of questions but how is Robin able to read through all the crap that is happening behind him.

Why does it hurt so much?
It's the realization that most of us we'll be in our thirties before he gets another shot at the roster. That assumes they don't reconsider ATs for DLC but I am not counting on that.

I just hope that the franchise stays active this time so he gets another shot at reconsideration. Otherwise, we're looking at another Golden Sun situation where he may not even show up at all.
That Bomberman looks too perfect. He was my most wanted third party character. Now I'm sad.
He was my most wanted newcomer for this game. At least we get awesome artwork like this.


Smash Ace
Sep 6, 2014
Ah, the composer of the Galaga Medley is the same guy who did the Brawl Tal Tal Heights remix and the Shadow Man Stage remix in 4!

This guy does some really good work in Smash.

Also, I haven't seen anyone mention the Ground/Underground Smash 4 remix yet. Those were pretty spectacular.

I feel like people overstate Smash 4's soundtrack being "bad". The game had a ton of great songs in it.
Ultimate's OST is looking fantastic, yeah, but I wouldn't exactly say it's on a whole different level.
Personally. I don't think music quality in Smash 4 is too bad. I mean, I do think some of the worst songs in the series history came from there, but overall there are some reaaaally good songs. The thing about Smash 4 is how less of a celebration it felt unlike Brawl and how it wasn't as tight as Melee or 64. Brawl wasn't always able to do it, but it very much tried to be fair across the whole spectrum of series, while Smash 4 is just a weird mess of everybody doing whatever they want. It sounds good maybe, but it's the bad kind of liberty, it's the exact reason we got 3 versions of Mute City and DKC 1-1 and some series getting only one song (or if you like WarioWare and live in the West, zero songs) while others got like 15.
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Smash Lord
Jun 7, 2014
Your guess is as good as mine
So I am actually curious about this thread's thoughts on Smash 4's newcomers and how your views on them have changed since they were revealed (or you played them on release).

So I'm going to do some more in depth thoughts on the newcomers, including my initial impressions and my thoughts on them now. There are actually a lot of newcomers so I'm going to split it up in order of their reveal. Please forgive me if I sound really negative at times, Smash 4 was a frustrating game for me :)

Part 1 (E3 2013-2014):
:ultvillager::ultmegaman::ultwiifittrainer::ultrosalina::ultlittlemac::ultgreninja::ultmiifighters::ultpalutena::ultpacman: (Dark Pit will be in the next one, since he was officially revealed after release)
Reveal: I thought it was about ****in time. I love AC and I was so glad they were finally in the game, and the pink alt was right up my alley. Their playstyle didn't look like it suited me that much but I knew I'd play them every once in a while.
Now: I play them less that I thought I would, but still appreciate them being there.
Reveal: I remember lazily scrolling through facebook when someone posted about Rosi's reveal. I enjoyed seeing her in Galaxy and MK Wii so I was looking forward to playing as her.
Now: Another character I don't play as much as I thought. The puppeteer gimmick just never clicked with me.
Reveal: I was a BIG Palu supporter before her reveal, so as soon as she popped up on-screen overlooking the Pit V Link match I screamed cause I knew she'd be the newcomer. Her moveset wasn't what I expected at all (I was hoping her boss battle would be the basis for her moveset) so I was a little let down but hopeful.
Now: My 3rd most played. I thought I'd play Rosi more than her but apparently I love to suffer through low tiers instead.
Reveal: Didn't really care that he was there. He made sense due to being an integral part of gaming history but I just couldn't give a **** if I tried.
Now: I actually play him quite a bit. I only picked him up a year ago on a whim cause I saw a combo vid of what he can do and really wanted to try it out myself. He's pretty fun, I'm glad he's here.
Reveal: another character I was a big supporter of. Seeing them use a sword for most of their moveset and the durability gimmick was a major letdown.
Now: I play them every once in a while. I'm still pretty disappointed in the direction they were taken in. A pure tome moveset would have been brilliant and I'm reminded of that every time I see them.
Reveal: Didn't expect her in a thousand years. I was thrilled to have Queen Bayo in the game.
Now: One of my 'on a whim' characters. She doesn't really click with me but I'm still so happy she's here.
Last edited:


Yoshi is Thicc in S P I R I T
May 13, 2018
All around you, awaiting to consume your soul
Switch FC
So I am actually curious about this thread's thoughts on Smash 4's newcomers and how your views on them have changed since they were revealed (or you played them on release).

So I'm going to do some more in depth thoughts on the newcomers, including my initial impressions and my thoughts on them now. There are actually a lot of newcomers so I'm going to split it up in order of their reveal. Please forgive me if I sound really negative at times, Smash 4 was a frustrating game for me :)

Part 1 (E3 2013-2014):
:ultvillager::ultmegaman::ultwiifittrainer::ultrosalina::ultlittlemac::ultgreninja::ultmiifighters::ultpalutena::ultpacman: (Dark Pit will be in the next one, since he was officially revealed after release)
:ultvillager:: On Reveal: I was excited for a new Smash game, so I feel Villager's hype carried over from that. Even though I did play Animal Crossing on the Gamecube as a kid, I think I was just happy that he looked like he had really strong moves but mostly neutral otherwise. Bowling ball was really cool at the time.
Now: Villager was my main late into Smash 4's lifespan, and I feel playing him competitively soured him for me. I think he is still a fun character, but something feels very off and it makes him frustrating to play as. He's really good in free-for-alls too, but I just don't like playing as him anymore. I feel like he's very similar in Ultimate, which is great for people who enjoy him. I'll always adore Villager for what he is and have a lot of attachment to him, but I feel he isn't that fun to play as anymore.
:ultmegaman:: On Reveal: I was just as hard for Mega Man's reveal as literally anyone who say that trailer when he was revealed. It was different than what I expected (I was used to Super Smash Flash 2 Mega Man) but I was super excited to play as him. Mega Man also had me play Keitaro's reaction on repeat at least a dozen times after it came out. If you haven't seen it before, it's definitely worth checking out lmao
Now: And how that expectation was unfortunately crushed. Remember hearing the bad commentator go crazy about Mega Man at E3 2013 and seeing his down smash do Melee Peach down smash levels of damage? That is not what we got on reveal. See I don't hate the design in theory, but once again I didn't enjoy his execution. It feels like he only relied on fishing for back air kills, getting the footstool combo (rip), or getting uair ceiling kills (rip) when it came to actually KO'ing an opponent. It's a shock to see almost everything outside lemons feel very stiff and now that up air is worse, I feel lemons are going to be more centralizing in Ultimate. Really comes to show how great marketing is.
:ultwiifittrainer:: On Reveal: I'm going to be honest, I was disappointed with her reveal just like everyone else. I didn't really get it and was kinda new to speculation, so she felt like a waste of time. My opinion of her is a lot more positive nowadays.
Now: Wii Fit Trainer is like that super attractive and supportive person in your life that you kind of ignore when you're younger because you're stupid and dense. Despite her being a bad character, I really grew to like Wii Fit. Not to mention, she is the only girl I feel comfortable having a relationship with in real life out of the female Smash Bros. characters. Wii Fit Studio is still an incredibly boring stage though.
:ultrosalina:: On Reveal: Waking up at 5 am to see a character revealed for Smash Bros. and getting baited with Kirby Air Ride music and Mario Kart was a very fun time. Rosalina was actually spoiled to me because the Swedish (or another European country) had earlier footage of the trailer and posted it on Twitter, but I didn't believe it at the time. I genuinely curious if anyone remembers that, honestly. Rosalina looked like a cool character and everyone was excited to see SoRo (solo rosalina) be hype like SoPo is.
Now: Man I wish Rosalina and Luma were closer to Melee Ice Climbers in Smash 4's mechanics. These two are really strong and polarizing in Smash and Rosalina was pretty insane during the Smash 3DS days. Despite her losing to top tier characters like pre-patch Diddy and now Cloud, she is still a gatekeeper character keeping a lot of characters out of viability even before DLC.
:ultlittlemac:: On Reveal: I watched Little Mac's trailer on that February 14th during a school spirit rally at my high school. I turned on Twitch with the shaky connection my school had and met myself with in game footage of Little Mac on Punch Out and I had to control my hype. Little Mac was an awesome idea and I was super excited for him. This was also around the time Game Grumps were playing Punch Out on the Wii and Danny even acknowledged it in an episode!
Now: Memes aside, I just wish Little Mac was adjusted a little for single player mode. A character that has really bad aerial options doesn't work too well in traversing large terrain like Smash Run. At least side b doesn't put him into freefall anymore. Also, I wish he used Star Punch instead of KO punch and wasn't so rewarded for getting hit. It really doesn't fit his character imo.
:ultgreninja:: On Reveal: I was one of many who believed Greninja was Mewtwo when he did the water shuriken, I have to admit. Greninja was kind of a suprise when he was revealed. The April Direct was incredibly hype, so I felt this addition was a good choice. I wasn't super invested in speculation, especially on the Pokemon side, so I don't thing I had too strong of an opinion either way.
Now: Greninja is actually one of the most enjoyable characters for me to play as now. I'm not super invested into Pokemon or Greninja (I picked Fennekin in X and Y), but he feels super clean to play as. I feel he is also pretty good in FFAs, since he can get KO's pretty well with up air, up smash, shadow sneak and even Shuriken or hydro pump. Everything works really well and I'll definitely keep playing him in Ultimate.
:ultmiifighters:: On Reveal: It was incredibly strange seeing Iwata fight Reggie in that opening sequence. When I realized what was going on though, I knew what I was in for. At this point, I was super into speculation and both Miis and another character revealed today were heavily controversial at the time. People hated the idea of Miis and honestly...I kinda went with the crowd until they were revealed. After their reveal, I feel like I liked them though.
Now: The Miis were a thing I always liked using. I used them in Mario Kart Wii and 7 almost exclusively and Ultimate giving them voices again makes me super nostalgic for MKWii. I am so excited to play them again online in Ultimate.
:ultpalutena:: On Reveal: One of my most wanted newcomers in Smash 4 was revealed at E3. I was surprised when they gave her the Powers to use as her custom moves, but I would call it more of a pleasant surprise. Her model looked really off and honestly...most of the Smash 4 girl's models don't look too right. I'm happy Ultimate changed it (especially for Lucina <3).
Now: Palutena was a character I planned on maining on release until I actually played her. She is shockingly really bad at being able to actually do much of anything beside use her solid mobility to get grab follow-ups and use her invincible shield. Customs Palutena felt like a pretty fun character outside of the overcentralized (and borderline busted) Lightweight but, alas, most players don't use customs. I hope they fix a couple of her customs to make them more useful if they return. If not, please make her have a useful special kit. She is looking like a bottom ten character in Ultimate right now. Seeing her get bodied by Charizard's up smash in the Pokemon Trainer character trailer hurt a lot.
:ultpacman:: On Reveal: I cannot believe he was revealed in a ****ing closed door press conference. Imagine getting the news of a playable Smash character over Twitter after the E3 presentation. Pac-Man gave most of the speculation scene a complete 180, with a very large amount of people fearing the yellow pizza would sport his Amazing World design. Instead of an ugly character, they just gave us an ugly stage with Pac Land. Pac Man is such a likable character in Smash 4 and Ultimate though. I really pray he is a good character this time.
Now: Pac Man and Sonic will be forever worthy of the Smash Bros. Roster and I hope they never leave it. If Sakurai or Nintendo have to cut characters, I feel like these two should stay more than a lot of first party veterans. That being said, it is really wacky how Sakurai got this character to work. I don't think anyone expected the moveset he got (except bonus fruit and turning into a pizza in some of his moves).
I don't think my opinions on the Smash 4 newcomers are all that different from when they were revealed (love Mega Man, eh on Pac-Man, etc.) and I already made a thread on what my opinions of them are, so...

Deleted member

A lot of Smash For’s music felt very samey.

For instance, Glory of Heracles and King DeDeDe Theme (Ver. 2) feel very, very similar despite the fact that they’re both incredibly different games, settings, characters, and composition. Like, what the hell?
Because both are remixed by the same composer.

Le duh.


Smash Ace
Jul 5, 2018
I really enjoyed a lot of Smash 4's music. Pacman and MegaMan got a bunch of bangers and they somehow made a duck hunt remix. What really hurts the games music selection in my opinion is the lack of returning songs. Like seriously what happened to Earthbound and Warioware? There were a bunch of really great remixes they decided to leave out for seemingly no reason.


Smash Lord
Sep 11, 2014


Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
  • On Reveal: Happy that Animal Crossing got some representation in Smash. For such a big franchise, especially one that I enjoy so much, I was glad it didn't get shafted again.
  • In Game: He's a fun character. Great representation of all the things you can do in Animal Crossing.
  • On Reveal: This.
  • In Game: Phenomenally designed; having all of his moves designed around his abilities throughout the ten Mega Man games was a great choice. He feels incredibly faithful to the original Mega Man series, and that's great.
  • On Reveal: I wasn't upset, just confused why they would put her in the game. Not really requested, but I guess she made for a fine WTF character.
  • In Game: She's fine, I guess. About as good as a fighter based around yoga poses can get.
  • On Reveal: Got excited for a new Kirby Air Ride game. Then got excited for a Kirby Air Ride x Mario Kart 8 DLC. The reveal itself was meh.
  • In Game: They're fun to mess around with, but I think they're both really frail and don't have the damage output to keep them alive. Or at least, I'm not good enough to get it going like that.
  • On Reveal: Hell yeah. Glad he got the promotion from Assist to Playable.
  • In Game: The poster boy of "great idea, terrible execution." Designing a character around having a terrible recovery and aerial game in a platform fighting game doesn't really work out. Hopefully he trades some of his ground power for a less garbage aerial game in Ultimate.
  • On Reveal: I thought it was Mewtwo. I got really excited for Mewtwo. Crushed my heart when it was just Greninja.
  • In Game: Don't really care. Never found him very enjoyable to play as.
  • On Reveal: Iwata vs. Reggie was incredible. I couldn't care less about the reveal itself.
  • In Game: Another example of "great idea, terrible execution," I feel. Setting up and customizing Mii Fighters is way too much trouble than it is worth.
  • On Reveal: Disappointed they decided to end the E3 presentation with one of the most obvious inclusions in the game.
  • In Game: She's a mess. Too sluggish, and trapping all of her good specials behind customs was a mistake. Love her Up-Air though.
  • On Reveal: I woke up to news of him being in Smash. A lot of people expected him, but having him appear in his classic form rather than his 'Pac is Back!' form was great.
  • In Game: He's a whole ton of fun to mess around with, even if he isn't all that great. Hopefully he gets some well deserved buffs in Ultimate; might even make him a secondary of mine if he's not absolutely terrible.
Overall, I felt like Villager, Mega Man, and Pac-Man were all pretty great reveals, as well as being implemented well, but everyone else ranges from 'meh' to 'why?'
As a whole, I feel like Smash 4's first party newcomer has easily been the weakest in all of the series. Even the sole inclusions of Inkling and Ridley put a majority of Smash 4's first party additions to shame, in my opinion.
It's exact opposite for me. I liked pretty much every newcomer in Smash For. This game?
I care about Daisy a lot less than Dark Pit and Lucina, Inklings were cool like Villager and Ridley is my third least favourite Nintendo character.

Again, everyone is here, so I don't have a issue, but still Inklings seems to be going to highlight of the newcomers for me. A shame but I can't really complain after getting so many great characters last game.


Space Pirate
Jan 4, 2010
Switch FC
So I am actually curious about this thread's thoughts on Smash 4's newcomers and how your views on them have changed since they were revealed (or you played them on release).

So I'm going to do some more in depth thoughts on the newcomers, including my initial impressions and my thoughts on them now. There are actually a lot of newcomers so I'm going to split it up in order of their reveal. Please forgive me if I sound really negative at times, Smash 4 was a frustrating game for me :)

Part 1 (E3 2013-2014):
:ultvillager::ultmegaman::ultwiifittrainer::ultrosalina::ultlittlemac::ultgreninja::ultmiifighters::ultpalutena::ultpacman: (Dark Pit will be in the next one, since he was officially revealed after release)
:ultvillager:: On Reveal: I was excited for a new Smash game, so I feel Villager's hype carried over from that. Even though I did play Animal Crossing on the Gamecube as a kid, I think I was just happy that he looked like he had really strong moves but mostly neutral otherwise. Bowling ball was really cool at the time.
Now: Villager was my main late into Smash 4's lifespan, and I feel playing him competitively soured him for me. I think he is still a fun character, but something feels very off and it makes him frustrating to play as. He's really good in free-for-alls too, but I just don't like playing as him anymore. I feel like he's very similar in Ultimate, which is great for people who enjoy him. I'll always adore Villager for what he is and have a lot of attachment to him, but I feel he isn't that fun to play as anymore.
:ultmegaman:: On Reveal: I was just as hard for Mega Man's reveal as literally anyone who say that trailer when he was revealed. It was different than what I expected (I was used to Super Smash Flash 2 Mega Man) but I was super excited to play as him. Mega Man also had me play Keitaro's reaction on repeat at least a dozen times after it came out. If you haven't seen it before, it's definitely worth checking out lmao
Now: And how that expectation was unfortunately crushed. Remember hearing the bad commentator go crazy about Mega Man at E3 2013 and seeing his down smash do Melee Peach down smash levels of damage? That is not what we got on reveal. See I don't hate the design in theory, but once again I didn't enjoy his execution. It feels like he only relied on fishing for back air kills, getting the footstool combo (rip), or getting uair ceiling kills (rip) when it came to actually KO'ing an opponent. It's a shock to see almost everything outside lemons feel very stiff and now that up air is worse, I feel lemons are going to be more centralizing in Ultimate. Really comes to show how great marketing is.
:ultwiifittrainer:: On Reveal: I'm going to be honest, I was disappointed with her reveal just like everyone else. I didn't really get it and was kinda new to speculation, so she felt like a waste of time. My opinion of her is a lot more positive nowadays.
Now: Wii Fit Trainer is like that super attractive and supportive person in your life that you kind of ignore when you're younger because you're stupid and dense. Despite her being a bad character, I really grew to like Wii Fit. Not to mention, she is the only girl I feel comfortable having a relationship with in real life out of the female Smash Bros. characters. Wii Fit Studio is still an incredibly boring stage though.
:ultrosalina:: On Reveal: Waking up at 5 am to see a character revealed for Smash Bros. and getting baited with Kirby Air Ride music and Mario Kart was a very fun time. Rosalina was actually spoiled to me because the Swedish (or another European country) had earlier footage of the trailer and posted it on Twitter, but I didn't believe it at the time. I genuinely curious if anyone remembers that, honestly. Rosalina looked like a cool character and everyone was excited to see SoRo (solo rosalina) be hype like SoPo is.
Now: Man I wish Rosalina and Luma were closer to Melee Ice Climbers in Smash 4's mechanics. These two are really strong and polarizing in Smash and Rosalina was pretty insane during the Smash 3DS days. Despite her losing to top tier characters like pre-patch Diddy and now Cloud, she is still a gatekeeper character keeping a lot of characters out of viability even before DLC.
:ultlittlemac:: On Reveal: I watched Little Mac's trailer on that February 14th during a school spirit rally at my high school. I turned on Twitch with the shaky connection my school had and met myself with in game footage of Little Mac on Punch Out and I had to control my hype. Little Mac was an awesome idea and I was super excited for him. This was also around the time Game Grumps were playing Punch Out on the Wii and Danny even acknowledged it in an episode!
Now: Memes aside, I just wish Little Mac was adjusted a little for single player mode. A character that has really bad aerial options doesn't work too well in traversing large terrain like Smash Run. At least side b doesn't put him into freefall anymore. Also, I wish he used Star Punch instead of KO punch and wasn't so rewarded for getting hit. It really doesn't fit his character imo.
:ultgreninja:: On Reveal: I was one of many who believed Greninja was Mewtwo when he did the water shuriken, I have to admit. Greninja was kind of a suprise when he was revealed. The April Direct was incredibly hype, so I felt this addition was a good choice. I wasn't super invested in speculation, especially on the Pokemon side, so I don't thing I had too strong of an opinion either way.
Now: Greninja is actually one of the most enjoyable characters for me to play as now. I'm not super invested into Pokemon or Greninja (I picked Fennekin in X and Y), but he feels super clean to play as. I feel he is also pretty good in FFAs, since he can get KO's pretty well with up air, up smash, shadow sneak and even Shuriken or hydro pump. Everything works really well and I'll definitely keep playing him in Ultimate.
:ultmiifighters:: On Reveal: It was incredibly strange seeing Iwata fight Reggie in that opening sequence. When I realized what was going on though, I knew what I was in for. At this point, I was super into speculation and both Miis and another character revealed today were heavily controversial at the time. People hated the idea of Miis and honestly...I kinda went with the crowd until they were revealed. After their reveal, I feel like I liked them though.
Now: The Miis were a thing I always liked using. I used them in Mario Kart Wii and 7 almost exclusively and Ultimate giving them voices again makes me super nostalgic for MKWii. I am so excited to play them again online in Ultimate.
:ultpalutena:: On Reveal: One of my most wanted newcomers in Smash 4 was revealed at E3. I was surprised when they gave her the Powers to use as her custom moves, but I would call it more of a pleasant surprise. Her model looked really off and honestly...most of the Smash 4 girl's models don't look too right. I'm happy Ultimate changed it (especially for Lucina <3).
Now: Palutena was a character I planned on maining on release until I actually played her. She is shockingly really bad at being able to actually do much of anything beside use her solid mobility to get grab follow-ups and use her invincible shield. Customs Palutena felt like a pretty fun character outside of the overcentralized (and borderline busted) Lightweight but, alas, most players don't use customs. I hope they fix a couple of her customs to make them more useful if they return. If not, please make her have a useful special kit. She is looking like a bottom ten character in Ultimate right now. Seeing her get bodied by Charizard's up smash in the Pokemon Trainer character trailer hurt a lot.
:ultpacman:: On Reveal: I cannot believe he was revealed in a ****ing closed door press conference. Imagine getting the news of a playable Smash character over Twitter after the E3 presentation. Pac-Man gave most of the speculation scene a complete 180, with a very large amount of people fearing the yellow pizza would sport his Amazing World design. Instead of an ugly character, they just gave us an ugly stage with Pac Land. Pac Man is such a likable character in Smash 4 and Ultimate though. I really pray he is a good character this time.
Now: Pac Man and Sonic will be forever worthy of the Smash Bros. Roster and I hope they never leave it. If Sakurai or Nintendo have to cut characters, I feel like these two should stay more than a lot of first party veterans. That being said, it is really wacky how Sakurai got this character to work. I don't think anyone expected the moveset he got (except bonus fruit and turning into a pizza in some of his moves).
I'm not really going to go through each newcomer individually, because my feelings on the newcomers is shared between a lot of them. I think Smash 4 introduced a lot of newcomers that definitely deserved to be there (:4villager::4megaman::4littlemac::4palutena::4pacman:) with a fair share of good surprise choices that make sense in hindsight (:4wiifit::rosalina::4greninja:), and this also goes for the ones that'll be covered in your future post.

Despite being able to see them as generally good additions there was not a single newcomer in Smash 4 that really appealed to me though. I largely prefer Nintendo's oldschool stuff, so the amount of characters chosen largely on relevancy didn't exactly get me giddy, and on top of that I also prefer simple playstyles, so while I can appreciate the innovative gimmicks most of them came with it only put me off from playing them. I also felt there was a lack of variety in some areas, we didn't get a single heavy weight character, we got even less villains than ever, and almost every newcomer was a human, it did not balance itself out in the same way Brawl's newcomer roster did, which was a big disappointment.

I'm never going to say that Smash 4's newcomers were objectively bad additions, that would be insanity, but from a purely personal point of view I was left disappointed. In the end the only newcomer I ended up playing to some extend was Lucina, and she's basically just Marth, so other than when I was messing around with friends I ended up only playing veterans. Like, if you go to records and view my most played characters most of the ones at the bottom are Smash 4 newcomers, which is a shame.
Last edited:

Nonno Umby

Smash Lord
Jun 30, 2014
Switch FC
SW 5218 5477 4500
So I am actually curious about this thread's thoughts on Smash 4's newcomers and how your views on them have changed since they were revealed (or you played them on release).

So I'm going to do some more in depth thoughts on the newcomers, including my initial impressions and my thoughts on them now. There are actually a lot of newcomers so I'm going to split it up in order of their reveal. Please forgive me if I sound really negative at times, Smash 4 was a frustrating game for me :)

Part 1 (E3 2013-2014):
:ultvillager::ultmegaman::ultwiifittrainer::ultrosalina::ultlittlemac::ultgreninja::ultmiifighters::ultpalutena::ultpacman: (Dark Pit will be in the next one, since he was officially revealed after release)
:ultvillager:: On Reveal: I was excited for a new Smash game, so I feel Villager's hype carried over from that. Even though I did play Animal Crossing on the Gamecube as a kid, I think I was just happy that he looked like he had really strong moves but mostly neutral otherwise. Bowling ball was really cool at the time.
Now: Villager was my main late into Smash 4's lifespan, and I feel playing him competitively soured him for me. I think he is still a fun character, but something feels very off and it makes him frustrating to play as. He's really good in free-for-alls too, but I just don't like playing as him anymore. I feel like he's very similar in Ultimate, which is great for people who enjoy him. I'll always adore Villager for what he is and have a lot of attachment to him, but I feel he isn't that fun to play as anymore.
:ultmegaman:: On Reveal: I was just as hard for Mega Man's reveal as literally anyone who say that trailer when he was revealed. It was different than what I expected (I was used to Super Smash Flash 2 Mega Man) but I was super excited to play as him. Mega Man also had me play Keitaro's reaction on repeat at least a dozen times after it came out. If you haven't seen it before, it's definitely worth checking out lmao
Now: And how that expectation was unfortunately crushed. Remember hearing the bad commentator go crazy about Mega Man at E3 2013 and seeing his down smash do Melee Peach down smash levels of damage? That is not what we got on reveal. See I don't hate the design in theory, but once again I didn't enjoy his execution. It feels like he only relied on fishing for back air kills, getting the footstool combo (rip), or getting uair ceiling kills (rip) when it came to actually KO'ing an opponent. It's a shock to see almost everything outside lemons feel very stiff and now that up air is worse, I feel lemons are going to be more centralizing in Ultimate. Really comes to show how great marketing is.
:ultwiifittrainer:: On Reveal: I'm going to be honest, I was disappointed with her reveal just like everyone else. I didn't really get it and was kinda new to speculation, so she felt like a waste of time. My opinion of her is a lot more positive nowadays.
Now: Wii Fit Trainer is like that super attractive and supportive person in your life that you kind of ignore when you're younger because you're stupid and dense. Despite her being a bad character, I really grew to like Wii Fit. Not to mention, she is the only girl I feel comfortable having a relationship with in real life out of the female Smash Bros. characters. Wii Fit Studio is still an incredibly boring stage though.
:ultrosalina:: On Reveal: Waking up at 5 am to see a character revealed for Smash Bros. and getting baited with Kirby Air Ride music and Mario Kart was a very fun time. Rosalina was actually spoiled to me because the Swedish (or another European country) had earlier footage of the trailer and posted it on Twitter, but I didn't believe it at the time. I genuinely curious if anyone remembers that, honestly. Rosalina looked like a cool character and everyone was excited to see SoRo (solo rosalina) be hype like SoPo is.
Now: Man I wish Rosalina and Luma were closer to Melee Ice Climbers in Smash 4's mechanics. These two are really strong and polarizing in Smash and Rosalina was pretty insane during the Smash 3DS days. Despite her losing to top tier characters like pre-patch Diddy and now Cloud, she is still a gatekeeper character keeping a lot of characters out of viability even before DLC.
:ultlittlemac:: On Reveal: I watched Little Mac's trailer on that February 14th during a school spirit rally at my high school. I turned on Twitch with the shaky connection my school had and met myself with in game footage of Little Mac on Punch Out and I had to control my hype. Little Mac was an awesome idea and I was super excited for him. This was also around the time Game Grumps were playing Punch Out on the Wii and Danny even acknowledged it in an episode!
Now: Memes aside, I just wish Little Mac was adjusted a little for single player mode. A character that has really bad aerial options doesn't work too well in traversing large terrain like Smash Run. At least side b doesn't put him into freefall anymore. Also, I wish he used Star Punch instead of KO punch and wasn't so rewarded for getting hit. It really doesn't fit his character imo.
:ultgreninja:: On Reveal: I was one of many who believed Greninja was Mewtwo when he did the water shuriken, I have to admit. Greninja was kind of a suprise when he was revealed. The April Direct was incredibly hype, so I felt this addition was a good choice. I wasn't super invested in speculation, especially on the Pokemon side, so I don't thing I had too strong of an opinion either way.
Now: Greninja is actually one of the most enjoyable characters for me to play as now. I'm not super invested into Pokemon or Greninja (I picked Fennekin in X and Y), but he feels super clean to play as. I feel he is also pretty good in FFAs, since he can get KO's pretty well with up air, up smash, shadow sneak and even Shuriken or hydro pump. Everything works really well and I'll definitely keep playing him in Ultimate.
:ultmiifighters:: On Reveal: It was incredibly strange seeing Iwata fight Reggie in that opening sequence. When I realized what was going on though, I knew what I was in for. At this point, I was super into speculation and both Miis and another character revealed today were heavily controversial at the time. People hated the idea of Miis and honestly...I kinda went with the crowd until they were revealed. After their reveal, I feel like I liked them though.
Now: The Miis were a thing I always liked using. I used them in Mario Kart Wii and 7 almost exclusively and Ultimate giving them voices again makes me super nostalgic for MKWii. I am so excited to play them again online in Ultimate.
:ultpalutena:: On Reveal: One of my most wanted newcomers in Smash 4 was revealed at E3. I was surprised when they gave her the Powers to use as her custom moves, but I would call it more of a pleasant surprise. Her model looked really off and honestly...most of the Smash 4 girl's models don't look too right. I'm happy Ultimate changed it (especially for Lucina <3).
Now: Palutena was a character I planned on maining on release until I actually played her. She is shockingly really bad at being able to actually do much of anything beside use her solid mobility to get grab follow-ups and use her invincible shield. Customs Palutena felt like a pretty fun character outside of the overcentralized (and borderline busted) Lightweight but, alas, most players don't use customs. I hope they fix a couple of her customs to make them more useful if they return. If not, please make her have a useful special kit. She is looking like a bottom ten character in Ultimate right now. Seeing her get bodied by Charizard's up smash in the Pokemon Trainer character trailer hurt a lot.
:ultpacman:: On Reveal: I cannot believe he was revealed in a ****ing closed door press conference. Imagine getting the news of a playable Smash character over Twitter after the E3 presentation. Pac-Man gave most of the speculation scene a complete 180, with a very large amount of people fearing the yellow pizza would sport his Amazing World design. Instead of an ugly character, they just gave us an ugly stage with Pac Land. Pac Man is such a likable character in Smash 4 and Ultimate though. I really pray he is a good character this time.
Now: Pac Man and Sonic will be forever worthy of the Smash Bros. Roster and I hope they never leave it. If Sakurai or Nintendo have to cut characters, I feel like these two should stay more than a lot of first party veterans. That being said, it is really wacky how Sakurai got this character to work. I don't think anyone expected the moveset he got (except bonus fruit and turning into a pizza in some of his moves).
Reveal:He felt very natural, and being a fan of AC I was happy to see him
Now: he is the only character I can't use properly. I had the most struggle completing All Star mkde on hard with him.
Reveal: Not a super fan of Mega Man, but he fits so well I really liked him.
Now: Still a great fit, although I rarely play as him.
Reveal: I LOVED her immediately. She is such a great pick that only Sakurai would consider.
Now: I don't play as her as I would like.
Reveal: I was shocked that she was picked, but in a good way since I really like her, and she is my main in most Mario spin off.
Now: She is my tertiary main.
Reveal: I was very angry because I just had a discussion with a friend of mine about how he didn't make sense since he can only punch. Also, while I really like Punch-Out games, I never felt anything for Mac.
Now: he is almost a joke to fight. I LOVED when people thought that he was broken and then Sakurai revealed that he was the characters with the most loss.
Reveal: I was one of those people very angry about the Mewtwo tease, but he still looked cool.
Now: I don't really play him that much, but he is still cool.
Reveal: That Iwata vs. Reggie made history. I was hyped.
Now: I like casually playing with them, I made several Miis.
Reveal: I was very happy, since she was among my most wanted.
Now: I HATE her default moveset in Smash For, I really hope that they did her in ultimate since I want to play with her so badly.
Reveal: Great pick, and looked fun.
Now: Can't play because of that dann grab.
Reveal: She made sense, and I liked her in Awekenjng, even tho she wasn't among my top favourites.
Now: She is one of my mains, while I never played that much of Marth. Enough said.
Reveal: Very surprised that they didn't pick Chrom, but he looked cool.
Now: He is very still very cool, I should play him more.
Reveal: I never played Xenoblade before Smash For, so I didn't felt much. He was also leaked at least two times so no shock.
Now: I hate him because I sucks at using him but every Shulk main can beat me very easily since he is so unpredictable for me.
Reveal: They were leaked, but I still was very surprised about them when I saw in that ERSB leak.
Now: They have a very interesting moveset, but not my cup of tea.
Reveal: I hated him a lot because of how dumb he was a clone choice, especially for how little he differs from Pit all while Alm was available as a costume.
Now: I still find him dumbely identical to Pit, but hopefully Ultimate might change a little bit his moveset.


Smash Lord
Jul 3, 2014
I'm not really going to go through each newcomer individually, because my feelings on the newcomers is shared between a lot of them. I think Smash 4 introduced a lot of newcomers that definitely deserved to be there (:4villager::4megaman::4littlemac::4palutena::4pacman:) with a fair share of good surprise choices that make sense in hindsight (:4wiifit::rosalina::4greninja:), and this is also goes for the ones that'll be covered in your future post.

Despite being able to see them as generally good additions there was not a single newcomer in Smash 4 that really appealed to me though. I largely prefer Nintendo's oldschool stuff, so the amount of characters chosen largely on relevancy didn't exactly get me giddy, and on top of that I also prefer simple playstyles, so while I can appreciate the innovative gimmicks most of them came with it only put me off from playing them. I also felt there was a lack of variety in some areas, we didn't get a single heavy weight character, we got even less villains than ever, and almost every newcomer was a human, it did not balance itself out in the same way Brawl's newcomer roster did, which was a big disappointment.

I'm never going to say that Smash 4's newcomers were objectively bad additions, that would be insanity, but from a purely personal point of view I was left disappointed. In the end the only newcomer I ended up playing to some extend was Lucina, and she's basically just Marth, so other than when I was messing around with friends I ended up only playing veterans. Like, if you go to records and view my most played characters most of the ones at the bottom are Smash 4 newcomers, which is a shame.
Pretty much this. It took until Ryu showed up in DLC for me to get a character I was genuinely excited for.


Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
Considering this game introduced only one fighter from a new franchise (while last game introduced 3, initially), which direction it will go?
Will bulk of the newcomers will be from preexisting franchises, or from newly introduced universes? Common perception of fanservice among hardcore Smash fans seems to point the former, but who knows, really.

What you guys say? I personally loved how Smash For expanded its scope from Smash 64 games more then Melee and Brawn, but same can't be done easily in this game.

Deleted member

So I am actually curious about this thread's thoughts on Smash 4's newcomers and how your views on them have changed since they were revealed (or you played them on release).

So I'm going to do some more in depth thoughts on the newcomers, including my initial impressions and my thoughts on them now. There are actually a lot of newcomers so I'm going to split it up in order of their reveal. Please forgive me if I sound really negative at times, Smash 4 was a frustrating game for me :)

Part 1 (E3 2013-2014):
:ultvillager::ultmegaman::ultwiifittrainer::ultrosalina::ultlittlemac::ultgreninja::ultmiifighters::ultpalutena::ultpacman: (Dark Pit will be in the next one, since he was officially revealed after release)
:ultvillager:: On Reveal: I was excited for a new Smash game, so I feel Villager's hype carried over from that. Even though I did play Animal Crossing on the Gamecube as a kid, I think I was just happy that he looked like he had really strong moves but mostly neutral otherwise. Bowling ball was really cool at the time.
Now: Villager was my main late into Smash 4's lifespan, and I feel playing him competitively soured him for me. I think he is still a fun character, but something feels very off and it makes him frustrating to play as. He's really good in free-for-alls too, but I just don't like playing as him anymore. I feel like he's very similar in Ultimate, which is great for people who enjoy him. I'll always adore Villager for what he is and have a lot of attachment to him, but I feel he isn't that fun to play as anymore.
:ultmegaman:: On Reveal: I was just as hard for Mega Man's reveal as literally anyone who say that trailer when he was revealed. It was different than what I expected (I was used to Super Smash Flash 2 Mega Man) but I was super excited to play as him. Mega Man also had me play Keitaro's reaction on repeat at least a dozen times after it came out. If you haven't seen it before, it's definitely worth checking out lmao
Now: And how that expectation was unfortunately crushed. Remember hearing the bad commentator go crazy about Mega Man at E3 2013 and seeing his down smash do Melee Peach down smash levels of damage? That is not what we got on reveal. See I don't hate the design in theory, but once again I didn't enjoy his execution. It feels like he only relied on fishing for back air kills, getting the footstool combo (rip), or getting uair ceiling kills (rip) when it came to actually KO'ing an opponent. It's a shock to see almost everything outside lemons feel very stiff and now that up air is worse, I feel lemons are going to be more centralizing in Ultimate. Really comes to show how great marketing is.
:ultwiifittrainer:: On Reveal: I'm going to be honest, I was disappointed with her reveal just like everyone else. I didn't really get it and was kinda new to speculation, so she felt like a waste of time. My opinion of her is a lot more positive nowadays.
Now: Wii Fit Trainer is like that super attractive and supportive person in your life that you kind of ignore when you're younger because you're stupid and dense. Despite her being a bad character, I really grew to like Wii Fit. Not to mention, she is the only girl I feel comfortable having a relationship with in real life out of the female Smash Bros. characters. Wii Fit Studio is still an incredibly boring stage though.
:ultrosalina:: On Reveal: Waking up at 5 am to see a character revealed for Smash Bros. and getting baited with Kirby Air Ride music and Mario Kart was a very fun time. Rosalina was actually spoiled to me because the Swedish (or another European country) had earlier footage of the trailer and posted it on Twitter, but I didn't believe it at the time. I genuinely curious if anyone remembers that, honestly. Rosalina looked like a cool character and everyone was excited to see SoRo (solo rosalina) be hype like SoPo is.
Now: Man I wish Rosalina and Luma were closer to Melee Ice Climbers in Smash 4's mechanics. These two are really strong and polarizing in Smash and Rosalina was pretty insane during the Smash 3DS days. Despite her losing to top tier characters like pre-patch Diddy and now Cloud, she is still a gatekeeper character keeping a lot of characters out of viability even before DLC.
:ultlittlemac:: On Reveal: I watched Little Mac's trailer on that February 14th during a school spirit rally at my high school. I turned on Twitch with the shaky connection my school had and met myself with in game footage of Little Mac on Punch Out and I had to control my hype. Little Mac was an awesome idea and I was super excited for him. This was also around the time Game Grumps were playing Punch Out on the Wii and Danny even acknowledged it in an episode!
Now: Memes aside, I just wish Little Mac was adjusted a little for single player mode. A character that has really bad aerial options doesn't work too well in traversing large terrain like Smash Run. At least side b doesn't put him into freefall anymore. Also, I wish he used Star Punch instead of KO punch and wasn't so rewarded for getting hit. It really doesn't fit his character imo.
:ultgreninja:: On Reveal: I was one of many who believed Greninja was Mewtwo when he did the water shuriken, I have to admit. Greninja was kind of a suprise when he was revealed. The April Direct was incredibly hype, so I felt this addition was a good choice. I wasn't super invested in speculation, especially on the Pokemon side, so I don't thing I had too strong of an opinion either way.
Now: Greninja is actually one of the most enjoyable characters for me to play as now. I'm not super invested into Pokemon or Greninja (I picked Fennekin in X and Y), but he feels super clean to play as. I feel he is also pretty good in FFAs, since he can get KO's pretty well with up air, up smash, shadow sneak and even Shuriken or hydro pump. Everything works really well and I'll definitely keep playing him in Ultimate.
:ultmiifighters:: On Reveal: It was incredibly strange seeing Iwata fight Reggie in that opening sequence. When I realized what was going on though, I knew what I was in for. At this point, I was super into speculation and both Miis and another character revealed today were heavily controversial at the time. People hated the idea of Miis and honestly...I kinda went with the crowd until they were revealed. After their reveal, I feel like I liked them though.
Now: The Miis were a thing I always liked using. I used them in Mario Kart Wii and 7 almost exclusively and Ultimate giving them voices again makes me super nostalgic for MKWii. I am so excited to play them again online in Ultimate.
:ultpalutena:: On Reveal: One of my most wanted newcomers in Smash 4 was revealed at E3. I was surprised when they gave her the Powers to use as her custom moves, but I would call it more of a pleasant surprise. Her model looked really off and honestly...most of the Smash 4 girl's models don't look too right. I'm happy Ultimate changed it (especially for Lucina <3).
Now: Palutena was a character I planned on maining on release until I actually played her. She is shockingly really bad at being able to actually do much of anything beside use her solid mobility to get grab follow-ups and use her invincible shield. Customs Palutena felt like a pretty fun character outside of the overcentralized (and borderline busted) Lightweight but, alas, most players don't use customs. I hope they fix a couple of her customs to make them more useful if they return. If not, please make her have a useful special kit. She is looking like a bottom ten character in Ultimate right now. Seeing her get bodied by Charizard's up smash in the Pokemon Trainer character trailer hurt a lot.
:ultpacman:: On Reveal: I cannot believe he was revealed in a ****ing closed door press conference. Imagine getting the news of a playable Smash character over Twitter after the E3 presentation. Pac-Man gave most of the speculation scene a complete 180, with a very large amount of people fearing the yellow pizza would sport his Amazing World design. Instead of an ugly character, they just gave us an ugly stage with Pac Land. Pac Man is such a likable character in Smash 4 and Ultimate though. I really pray he is a good character this time.
Now: Pac Man and Sonic will be forever worthy of the Smash Bros. Roster and I hope they never leave it. If Sakurai or Nintendo have to cut characters, I feel like these two should stay more than a lot of first party veterans. That being said, it is really wacky how Sakurai got this character to work. I don't think anyone expected the moveset he got (except bonus fruit and turning into a pizza in some of his moves).
This era of Smash Bros. hype train was definitely different, but more out of the blue than Brawl. I was more so a kid when during Brawl's era, so this would pretty much be the adolescence/almost young adult era, so I'd have a bit higher of expectations, and boy, did this not disappoint.

:ultvillager: - Villager
When revealed... I honestly didn't think that the Animal Crossing intro would've actually led into Villager being a playable character. I've never played any of the games, but knew about the legacy this series has, and was welcome by the justification. Smashville was one of my most memorable stages, so to see a character from said series get in is A-OK with me. Now... I still don't mind him at all. He's a unique fighter that's different from the rest and totally encapsulates what Animal Crossing is about. His down special is still wack, lol. He brought a lot of bangers, but I wished the Wii U stage wasn't literally Smashville 2.0.

:ultmegaman: - Mega Man
When revealed... THEY DID IT. THEY ACTUALLY DID IT. I love Mega Man a lot. The last MM game I've played had to have been Mega Man 9 and 10, perfectly fine games for the prices and got my money's worth out of every game. The music is legendary, and it just makes sense. At the time, I was also REALLY mad that he wasn't included at all in Marvel VS. Capcom 3 and we only got Zero for both games, so to see Nintendo save Mega Man was such a delight to see. Now... I think he's an alright character, the execution makes sense. Plays like a Mega Man game and makes it feel like you're playing a shoot 'em up Marth in a way. The stage was alright, too, and the music he brought was awesome. Like playing Mega Man 9 and 10, felt like I got my money's worth.

:ultwiifittrainer: - Wii Fit Trainer
When revealed... Um. What? At... least this was something I talked about on the school bus. Now... Um. She's good? I honestly was a bit iffy about her play style and how she moved, but yet it also made it all the more charming???

:ultrosalina: - Rosalina & Luma
When revealed... I was really surprised to see that these two made it in, and it got a little pop-off from me. Super Mario Galaxy and SMG2 will always be one of the top of the top when it comes to childhood classics in video games, so to see the cosmic lady that was in my childhood, AND a Mario Galaxy stage with that godlike soundtrack? Sign me up. Now... It... Fits, for some reason. She defintely feels like the character and play style both Rosa and Luma are meant to have, so overall I wasn't really disappointed and met my expectations.

:ultlittlemac: - Little Mac
When revealed... So you know the part where Scott the Woz screamed at the Banana Peel part in his Brawl vid? Yeah, that was me. Jumping up and down, going crazy. I LOVED Punch-Out!! on the Wii. Absolute classic. To see my man Mac come through was something I never had thought would happen and would dismiss, and to see it happen was just amazing. The exact type of character I expected from Mac, too. Now... Got what I expected and didn't feel disappointed a bit. Knew that he was a primary fighter on the ground and air game sucked. Just glad to get this franchise and my favorite childhood classic get in.

:ultgreninja: - Greninja
When revealed... I never knew who this Pokemon was and for a moment thought it was the return of Mewtwo, like many people. The reveal of it NOT being Mewtwo, however, brought down the hype a lot. The moveset was interesting enough and it made sense for another Pokemon character to get in, but this wasn't necessarily up my alley. Now... How Greninja moves and the attacks, moveset in general really wasn't up my alley. But, I don't mind the character and on an off chance every now and then will play him just only for fun.

:ultmiifighters: - Mii Fighters
When revealed... I knew at some point we would get the Mii's, it'd just be a matter of when. When this was revealed, they did it in the most spectacular way possible, so I was okay with the Miis regardless. Now... Didn't mind them at all and had a good amount of fun with these characters. Made Kenshiro from Fist of the North Star, so you could tell my buck got it's worth.

:ultpalutena: - Palutena
When revealed... I never played Kid Icarus: Uprising, but only played a few of Kid Icarus on the NES. However, the reveal trailer and first exposure to Palutena as a character was a bit charming for me. Not to mention the various customizable specials and the Reset Bomb Forest? One of my most favorite stages on the 3DS Smash. Now... I still like having her on the roster, and her new refined design only just makes me appreciate her more and more. Seeing her now have a much more streamlined moveset will make me like her much more. The music was also spectacular.

:ultdarkpit: - Dark Pit
When revealed... Disgusting. Now... Still disgusting.

:ultrobin :ultlucina: - Robin & Lucina
When revealed... Never played Fire Emblem in my life, so this was a bit of a miss for me. However, Robin definitely looked interesting enough to give a try. As for Lucina, since she was pretty much a Marth clone, I didn't necessarily mind. Just didn't know why, until I looked up Lucina's true reason why she's like Marth. Now... Weirdly enough, I played Lucina more than Robin. Robin to me was an interesting character, but it didn't really feel up in my alley. BUT, the stages and music that they've brung was more than enough to suffice my tastes for anything Fire Emblem related.

:ultshulk: - Shulk
When revealed... I had absolutely no idea who Shulk was or what Xenoblade Chronicles was. Figured it was a series that didn't really need the fighter rep slot, and was like, "oh, another anime swordsman?" Now... I bought a New 3DS to play the Xenoblade Chronicles 3DS port, sunk 179 hours 100%-ing the game, then bought Xenoblade Chronicles 2 and sunk 325+ hours. Just because of Smash. BOY, was a wrong about how I felt when Shulk was revealed. Smash Bros. introduced me to a cherished RPG franchise that I'll hold near and dear to my heart. Here's hoping to much more better music representation, maybe a new stage, even? And uhhhh Rex and Pyra for Ultimate or I'll be mad.

:ultbowserjr: - Bowser Jr.
When revealed... Why. I actually really didn't like having Bowser Jr. in the roster. Felt like another slot could've gone to someone else and we already have our Mario newcomer. Now... I still kinda feel a bit iffy on him and didn't really like him as a character, but seeing him in Ultimate made me didn't really care. Still felt like the slot could've gone to someone else, though.

:ultduckhunt: - Duck Hunt
When revealed... THEY ACTUALLY PUT THE DUCK HUNT DOG??? Now... THIS CHARACTER DOESN'T SUCK??? I'm still confused to this day how we've landed on the same universe with Duck Hunt in Smash, but my heart loves all of this, so I'm just gonna roll with it.

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble

Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC
You guys should just be like me and like everything.:4pacman:

No really. I think the only series with a character that I don't like is Animal Crossing.

It's because of this that the only character I wasn't too keen on was Dark Pit and only because he was way too similar to Pit.

Playstyle is another matter entirely but Smash 4 did introduce some of my favorite characters to play like Little Mac and Robin so I got some great experiences with the newcomers, even if some of the characters in was excited for like Jr., Palutena and Shulk weren't all that fun to play.
Last edited:


Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
I never had a problem with any newcomer in Smash ever.


That might change in Ultimate.
I only ever had a problem with :ultyounglink:,:ultcorrin: and :ultridley:. And now I warmed up to first two. Really, liking everyone is a lot easier then character hate.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2013
So I am actually curious about this thread's thoughts on Smash 4's newcomers and how your views on them have changed since they were revealed (or you played them on release).
On reveal:
:ultvillager::ultmegaman::ultrosalina::ultpacman::4larry::4roy::4wendy::4iggy::4morton::4lemmy::4ludwig::ultduckhunt::ultryu: Perfect newcomer choice that I’m comfortably familiar with, have had a desire to see playable, and they look fun so I can’t wait to play as them!
:ultwiifittrainer::ultlittlemac::ultgreninja::ultrobin:ultmiifighters::ultcloud: Solid newcomer choice that I may not be as excited for or familiar with, but I get what they represent, and they might be fun to play as.
:ultbowserjr: Never wanted to see playable, but he does bring the Koopalings along, so that’s one thing.
:ultpalutena::ultdarkpit::ultlucina::ultcorrin::ultshulk::ultbayonetta: I had no desire to see them playable nor interest in their playstyle. At least Bowser Jr. gave me something.
:ultwiifittrainer::ultrosalina: I could live without them. Caught in the hype cycle, I may have exaggerated their worth, I feel like the roster would have been fine without them.
:ultgreninja::ultrobin:ultmiifighters: Already feel like dated additions. I don’t know why I was even moderately excited for them.
The rest stayed the same.


Yoshi is Thicc in S P I R I T
May 13, 2018
All around you, awaiting to consume your soul
Switch FC

Today's Stage:

Lylat Cruise

This stage rests on top of the spacecraft Pleiades. Since the craft tilts from side to side, it can affect the trajectory of ranged attacks as well your recovery distance.


Smash Hero
Dec 17, 2017
On a planet far far away...
Switch FC
As a lot of others have said, Smash 4 was okay, but a majority of the newcomers just didn't excite me at all. I think the only reveals that genuinely pumped me up were Rosalina, Mewtwo, and Lucas. Everyone else got a neutral or negative response from me.

I know we've only seen three newcomers and some returning cuts, but I'm already more satisfied with this Smash's character reveals than I ever was with the previous game. Bringing back Ice Climbers and Pokemon Trainer was incredible, and introducing Inklings and Ridley crossed off two of my most-wanted right from the beginning. Even though I'd like a lot more, I'm already content with what we have.

That being said, I don't expect much after E3, and I'm preparing myself for the rest of the reveals being subpar. I don't think Sakurai is gonna strictly add popular newcomers, and if Vergeben is correct, Simon Belmont and that mysterious third "controversial character" he hinted at will mark the beginning of my declining interest in the remaining newcomers, similar to Smash 4 after E3 2013.


Smash Lord
Jul 3, 2014
Here are all the before/after character predictions:

Before: I'm really disappointed this was the ballot winning character.
After: This character ruins the game.

Before: This is a pretty cool addition. One of the few Smash 4 newcomers I'm familiar with!
After: Wow, something about playing him just feels wrong.

Before: I get who this is, but I'm not interested in playing as him.
After: See Bayonetta.

Before: Enough salt to fill a mine. Really upset we got this blatant advertisement when I thought we were only getting ballot fanservice characters.
After: I also don't like playing against them but at least they're not Cloud or Bayo.

Before: This is unexpected, but I dig it.
After: I don't dislike this character but don't play as them.

Before: Pokemon is cool but there were others I'd prefer. Kinda overshadowed by Charizard in his own reveal imo.
After: I don't enjoy playing as them at all.

Before: Who even is this character?
After: They're occasionally fun for the memes I suppose.

Before: Meh.
After: Meh.

Before: Glad they're in though I was never a huge Mega Man fan.
After: I don't care enough about the series to play until this character doesn't feel alien to me.

Before: Wasn't surprised but didn't care.
After: lol I never played as them

Before: Absolute legend. Cool to see him here.
After: He's kinda fun to play. Not a regular but no johns here.

Before: I have no idea who this is but I'm already turned off by her anime trailer.
After: dear goodness this character isn't fun or interesting at all.

Before: we've already got enough boring anime humans without a boring edgy clone of them.
After: I'd play as him but I wouldn't have fun doing it.

Before: yay a slightly less dull FE character!
After: nevermind they feel horrible to play as.

Before: she's cool and her mechanic looks really interesting.
After: I still like her but wish they'd tone down a couple of things.

Before: FINALLY a character I feel unmitigated hype for.
After: Really fun to play. Glad he's returning now.

Before: Nearing my breaking point of anime swordsmen
After: I have a good friend who plays Shulk so have ended up appreciating him for the memes.

Before: Animal Crossing is a boring series.
After: Villager is a boring character.

Before: Eww.
After: Eww.

tl;dr: I had a lot of salt for pretty much everyone on the roster barring :ultmegaman::ultpacman::ultryu:, the Mario newcomers and :ultduckhunt:. I'm not a massive consumer of "modern" Nintendo and felt hugely disappointed that the series I grew up with (:ultdk::ultsamus::ultzelda::ultkirby:) barring Mario and Pokemon got basically nothing.


Smash Champion
Jul 30, 2014
Considering this game introduced only one fighter from a new franchise (while last game introduced 3, initially), which direction it will go?
Will bulk of the newcomers will be from preexisting franchises, or from newly introduced universes? Common perception of fanservice among hardcore Smash fans seems to point the former, but who knows, really.

What you guys say? I personally loved how Smash For expanded its scope from Smash 64 games more then Melee and Brawn, but same can't be done easily in this game.
I'm personally expecting a melee approach, meaning beefing up franchises with highly demanded characters. We'll get a few new series (obviously already have) but nothing like Smash 4.


Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
I'm personally expecting a melee approach, meaning beefing up franchises with highly demanded characters. We'll get a few new series (obviously already have) but nothing like Smash 4.
Melee approach?
Then I can't wait to play as Slippy, Nurse Peach, Froakie, Young Zelda, K.Rool and protag of Three Houses, even they are all clones.:troll:
Last edited:


Smash Legend
Oct 29, 2007
The Western side of Pop Star.
Patchy made an incredible Bomberman artwork that resembles SSBU.

Bomberman shoving the bomb up Wario's creek is quite hilarious:

View attachment 155177
If only that was the actual reason Wario is panicking. Maybe next time...


Kinda like the game, I feel as if Smash For's OST has not aged well at all. I've made a spreadsheet for all of the series' games' OST from N64 to Ultimate (still a work in progress) and you could tell that there are some fantastic songs; MOTHER got some love it deserves and while we got some real good songs like Mario Paint Medley, unfortunately there's only in a few amount and doesn't deliver as a whole.
Only ONE new F-Zero remix and it was another Mute City remix. Only two remixes for Star Fox and Metroid. Not to mention Xenoblade BARELY got any love and only got a haphazardly made medley?

You could tell even already by looking at For's and then Ultimate's OST list with it's song selection and amount of "old and new" songs that it's a MUCH needed improvement looking at Ultimate overall. If we even get a Final Fantasy remix, it's done.
Stuff like this is why it's good that the franchise isn't done yet. 4 felt like an experiment across the board.

But I only played the 3DS version, so what do I know.

Considering this game introduced only one fighter from a new franchise (while last game introduced 3, initially), which direction it will go?
Will bulk of the newcomers will be from preexisting franchises, or from newly introduced universes? Common perception of fanservice among hardcore Smash fans seems to point the former, but who knows, really.

What you guys say? I personally loved how Smash For expanded its scope from Smash 64 games more then Melee and Brawn, but same can't be done easily in this game.
I'd say they'll concentrate on established series, seeing as there hasn't been too much new Ninty franchises created lately that can easily provide newcomers. Might even pull out some from their back catalog, if need be.

Today's Stage:

Lylat Cruise

This stage rests on top of the spacecraft Pleiades. Since the craft tilts from side to side, it can affect the trajectory of ranged attacks as well your recovery distance.
Thank god, another update with more than one thing in it!


Creator of Lego Theory
May 22, 2012
Switch FC
Loving this Galaga mix but I can't help at wonder if it's in leiu of new Pac-Man tracks.

If only they'd touch the stuff between the end of the arcade era and that terrifying toothy design.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 27, 2018
I will say, in regards to SM4SH, I was overall pleasantly surprised all-around. I think I only had correctly guessed Little-Mac, Pac-Man, and Villager for the roster. Of the newcomers, Mega Man was a main from release to today, Palutena and Shulk were early mains and now pocket mains for me, and solo Charizard was also a release-to-present main.

Musically I love the soundtrack honestly. I don't know how I would rank it among the series, maybe slightly below Brawl.

Biggest disappointment for me was the lack of a story mode. After Brawl, it felt like I got half a game this time around. I still love it, but it definitely feels a little empty or like it's missing something. No doubt I'll feel the same way with Ultimate.

So Smash Ultimate will be playable at Gamescom, as well as Super Mario Party and Daemon X Machina

Edit: OH!!! And also Lylat Cruise is on the blog!!!
FINALLY SOME MORE DAEMON X MACHINA FOOTAGE. I am easily most hyped for Daemon X Machina out of that line-up. As a major sci-fi/mech nerd, I'm so happy to see Nintendo trying a mech IP and it looks awesome so far. Can't wait.


Smash Master
Aug 21, 2014
New York
So I am actually curious about this thread's thoughts on Smash 4's newcomers and how your views on them have changed since they were revealed (or you played them on release).

So I'm going to do some more in depth thoughts on the newcomers, including my initial impressions and my thoughts on them now. There are actually a lot of newcomers so I'm going to split it up in order of their reveal. Please forgive me if I sound really negative at times, Smash 4 was a frustrating game for me :)

Part 1 (E3 2013-2014):
:ultvillager::ultmegaman::ultwiifittrainer::ultrosalina::ultlittlemac::ultgreninja::ultmiifighters::ultpalutena::ultpacman: (Dark Pit will be in the next one, since he was officially revealed after release)
:ultvillager:: On Reveal: I was excited for a new Smash game, so I feel Villager's hype carried over from that. Even though I did play Animal Crossing on the Gamecube as a kid, I think I was just happy that he looked like he had really strong moves but mostly neutral otherwise. Bowling ball was really cool at the time.
Now: Villager was my main late into Smash 4's lifespan, and I feel playing him competitively soured him for me. I think he is still a fun character, but something feels very off and it makes him frustrating to play as. He's really good in free-for-alls too, but I just don't like playing as him anymore. I feel like he's very similar in Ultimate, which is great for people who enjoy him. I'll always adore Villager for what he is and have a lot of attachment to him, but I feel he isn't that fun to play as anymore.
:ultmegaman:: On Reveal: I was just as hard for Mega Man's reveal as literally anyone who say that trailer when he was revealed. It was different than what I expected (I was used to Super Smash Flash 2 Mega Man) but I was super excited to play as him. Mega Man also had me play Keitaro's reaction on repeat at least a dozen times after it came out. If you haven't seen it before, it's definitely worth checking out lmao
Now: And how that expectation was unfortunately crushed. Remember hearing the bad commentator go crazy about Mega Man at E3 2013 and seeing his down smash do Melee Peach down smash levels of damage? That is not what we got on reveal. See I don't hate the design in theory, but once again I didn't enjoy his execution. It feels like he only relied on fishing for back air kills, getting the footstool combo (rip), or getting uair ceiling kills (rip) when it came to actually KO'ing an opponent. It's a shock to see almost everything outside lemons feel very stiff and now that up air is worse, I feel lemons are going to be more centralizing in Ultimate. Really comes to show how great marketing is.
:ultwiifittrainer:: On Reveal: I'm going to be honest, I was disappointed with her reveal just like everyone else. I didn't really get it and was kinda new to speculation, so she felt like a waste of time. My opinion of her is a lot more positive nowadays.
Now: Wii Fit Trainer is like that super attractive and supportive person in your life that you kind of ignore when you're younger because you're stupid and dense. Despite her being a bad character, I really grew to like Wii Fit. Not to mention, she is the only girl I feel comfortable having a relationship with in real life out of the female Smash Bros. characters. Wii Fit Studio is still an incredibly boring stage though.
:ultrosalina:: On Reveal: Waking up at 5 am to see a character revealed for Smash Bros. and getting baited with Kirby Air Ride music and Mario Kart was a very fun time. Rosalina was actually spoiled to me because the Swedish (or another European country) had earlier footage of the trailer and posted it on Twitter, but I didn't believe it at the time. I genuinely curious if anyone remembers that, honestly. Rosalina looked like a cool character and everyone was excited to see SoRo (solo rosalina) be hype like SoPo is.
Now: Man I wish Rosalina and Luma were closer to Melee Ice Climbers in Smash 4's mechanics. These two are really strong and polarizing in Smash and Rosalina was pretty insane during the Smash 3DS days. Despite her losing to top tier characters like pre-patch Diddy and now Cloud, she is still a gatekeeper character keeping a lot of characters out of viability even before DLC.
:ultlittlemac:: On Reveal: I watched Little Mac's trailer on that February 14th during a school spirit rally at my high school. I turned on Twitch with the shaky connection my school had and met myself with in game footage of Little Mac on Punch Out and I had to control my hype. Little Mac was an awesome idea and I was super excited for him. This was also around the time Game Grumps were playing Punch Out on the Wii and Danny even acknowledged it in an episode!
Now: Memes aside, I just wish Little Mac was adjusted a little for single player mode. A character that has really bad aerial options doesn't work too well in traversing large terrain like Smash Run. At least side b doesn't put him into freefall anymore. Also, I wish he used Star Punch instead of KO punch and wasn't so rewarded for getting hit. It really doesn't fit his character imo.
:ultgreninja:: On Reveal: I was one of many who believed Greninja was Mewtwo when he did the water shuriken, I have to admit. Greninja was kind of a suprise when he was revealed. The April Direct was incredibly hype, so I felt this addition was a good choice. I wasn't super invested in speculation, especially on the Pokemon side, so I don't thing I had too strong of an opinion either way.
Now: Greninja is actually one of the most enjoyable characters for me to play as now. I'm not super invested into Pokemon or Greninja (I picked Fennekin in X and Y), but he feels super clean to play as. I feel he is also pretty good in FFAs, since he can get KO's pretty well with up air, up smash, shadow sneak and even Shuriken or hydro pump. Everything works really well and I'll definitely keep playing him in Ultimate.
:ultmiifighters:: On Reveal: It was incredibly strange seeing Iwata fight Reggie in that opening sequence. When I realized what was going on though, I knew what I was in for. At this point, I was super into speculation and both Miis and another character revealed today were heavily controversial at the time. People hated the idea of Miis and honestly...I kinda went with the crowd until they were revealed. After their reveal, I feel like I liked them though.
Now: The Miis were a thing I always liked using. I used them in Mario Kart Wii and 7 almost exclusively and Ultimate giving them voices again makes me super nostalgic for MKWii. I am so excited to play them again online in Ultimate.
:ultpalutena:: On Reveal: One of my most wanted newcomers in Smash 4 was revealed at E3. I was surprised when they gave her the Powers to use as her custom moves, but I would call it more of a pleasant surprise. Her model looked really off and honestly...most of the Smash 4 girl's models don't look too right. I'm happy Ultimate changed it (especially for Lucina <3).
Now: Palutena was a character I planned on maining on release until I actually played her. She is shockingly really bad at being able to actually do much of anything beside use her solid mobility to get grab follow-ups and use her invincible shield. Customs Palutena felt like a pretty fun character outside of the overcentralized (and borderline busted) Lightweight but, alas, most players don't use customs. I hope they fix a couple of her customs to make them more useful if they return. If not, please make her have a useful special kit. She is looking like a bottom ten character in Ultimate right now. Seeing her get bodied by Charizard's up smash in the Pokemon Trainer character trailer hurt a lot.
:ultpacman:: On Reveal: I cannot believe he was revealed in a ****ing closed door press conference. Imagine getting the news of a playable Smash character over Twitter after the E3 presentation. Pac-Man gave most of the speculation scene a complete 180, with a very large amount of people fearing the yellow pizza would sport his Amazing World design. Instead of an ugly character, they just gave us an ugly stage with Pac Land. Pac Man is such a likable character in Smash 4 and Ultimate though. I really pray he is a good character this time.
Now: Pac Man and Sonic will be forever worthy of the Smash Bros. Roster and I hope they never leave it. If Sakurai or Nintendo have to cut characters, I feel like these two should stay more than a lot of first party veterans. That being said, it is really wacky how Sakurai got this character to work. I don't think anyone expected the moveset he got (except bonus fruit and turning into a pizza in some of his moves).
I’ll really end up echoing what a lot of others have said:
As a lot of others have said, Smash 4 was okay, but a majority of the newcomers just didn't excite me at all. I think the only reveals that genuinely pumped me up were Rosalina, Mewtwo, and Lucas. Everyone else got a neutral or negative response from me.

I know we've only seen three newcomers and some returning cuts, but I'm already more satisfied with this Smash's character reveals than I ever was with the previous game. Bringing back Ice Climbers and Pokemon Trainer was incredible, and introducing Inklings and Ridley crossed off two of my most-wanted right from the beginning. Even though I'd like a lot more, I'm already content with what we have.

That being said, I don't expect much after E3, and I'm preparing myself for the rest of the reveals being subpar. I don't think Sakurai is gonna strictly add popular newcomers, and if Vergeben is correct, Simon Belmont and that mysterious third "controversial character" he hinted at will mark the beginning of my declining interest in the remaining newcomers, similar to Smash 4 after E3 2013.
Here are all the before/after character predictions:

Before: I'm really disappointed this was the ballot winning character.
After: This character ruins the game.

Before: This is a pretty cool addition. One of the few Smash 4 newcomers I'm familiar with!
After: Wow, something about playing him just feels wrong.

Before: I get who this is, but I'm not interested in playing as him.
After: See Bayonetta.

Before: Enough salt to fill a mine. Really upset we got this blatant advertisement when I thought we were only getting ballot fanservice characters.
After: I also don't like playing against them but at least they're not Cloud or Bayo.

Before: This is unexpected, but I dig it.
After: I don't dislike this character but don't play as them.

Before: Pokemon is cool but there were others I'd prefer. Kinda overshadowed by Charizard in his own reveal imo.
After: I don't enjoy playing as them at all.

Before: Who even is this character?
After: They're occasionally fun for the memes I suppose.

Before: Meh.
After: Meh.

Before: Glad they're in though I was never a huge Mega Man fan.
After: I don't care enough about the series to play until this character doesn't feel alien to me.

Before: Wasn't surprised but didn't care.
After: lol I never played as them

Before: Absolute legend. Cool to see him here.
After: He's kinda fun to play. Not a regular but no johns here.

Before: I have no idea who this is but I'm already turned off by her anime trailer.
After: dear goodness this character isn't fun or interesting at all.

Before: we've already got enough boring anime humans without a boring edgy clone of them.
After: I'd play as him but I wouldn't have fun doing it.

Before: yay a slightly less dull FE character!
After: nevermind they feel horrible to play as.

Before: she's cool and her mechanic looks really interesting.
After: I still like her but wish they'd tone down a couple of things.

Before: FINALLY a character I feel unmitigated hype for.
After: Really fun to play. Glad he's returning now.

Before: Nearing my breaking point of anime swordsmen
After: I have a good friend who plays Shulk so have ended up appreciating him for the memes.

Before: Animal Crossing is a boring series.
After: Villager is a boring character.

Before: Eww.
After: Eww.

tl;dr: I had a lot of salt for pretty much everyone on the roster barring :ultmegaman::ultpacman::ultryu:, the Mario newcomers and :ultduckhunt:. I'm not a massive consumer of "modern" Nintendo and felt hugely disappointed that the series I grew up with (:ultdk::ultsamus::ultzelda::ultkirby:) barring Mario and Pokemon got basically nothing.
Sm4sh newcomers were pretty disappointing, especially considering the major series being eschewed for a bunch of flavors of the month. Not that I don’t want newbies - I just think that a ticket into Smash should involve more than “this game came out within the right 6 month window.”

Before: Meh, but the koopaling alts pushed him into ‘ok’ territory.
After: He’s fun enough, but not someone I need to have.

Before: Honestly, I was a bit excited about them. Never played Duck Hunt, but the concept of the dog sounded kinda fun.
After: I like my little puppy. He is pretty fun to play.

Before: Where are Squirtle and Ivysaur?
After: Where the **** are Squirtle and Ivysaur?!

Before: Didn’t much care about him in the games - I took Chesnaught. Meh...
After: Ok, but where’s Mewtwo?

Before: Sounds ok; nothing special
After: He’s cool, I guess.

Before: Is this just a costume for Marth? Wait - a full character? Why?
After: I’m not good with Marth and she plays exactly the same...and both of them have highest-level challenges... Whose idea was this?

Before: Didn’t really know him, but my roommate in grad school played Mega Man. Cool choice, and looked really well done.
After: Still don’t have the nostalgia running, but excellently done character.

Before: Boring but expected.
After: They really don’t feel like characters in the game. The creation is terribly limited, and they really only show up in multi-man mode anyway

Before: Expected since Namco was on board.
After: I guess he’s a good company rep, but I feel absolutely nothing for him at all. Pretty boring, actually.

Before: pleasedon’tbetruepleasedon’tbetrue
After: **** dis *****. You couldn’t be bothered to make the Dorf a unique victory theme or give Link his own crowd chant, but a literal pallete swap gets both just because it’s Pit?! I’ve had enough of this ****ing Kid Icarus bias! **** that overrepped series!

Before: Totally expected.
After: She doesn’t piss me off the way others do, but...

Before: Don’t know him, but he looks kinda cool.
After: At least all of the Sm4sh newcomers aren’t a total wash. Robin’s awesome!

Before: Literally who?
After: Ugh, generic anime JRPG guy with an unfitting British accent. Not exciting at all.

Before: Makes sense. It’d be interesting to see how they pull this off.
After: Not my favorite, but well done.

Before: That’s so cool and random!
After: Never mind, useless and boring character is useless and boring. I don’t need any more random characters for the sake of random characters

Before: Well, I do recognize the name, series, and look. I guess he fits.
After: Pretty cool, actually. I’ve never played Street Fighter, but he is kinda fun to play.

Before: Well, I recognize the name, series, and look - but this one doesn’t really fit as well.
After: Meh...Haven't played Final Fantasy, and JRPGs don’t do much for me. I guess if Smash is a celebration of all video games though, he does fit.

Before: Ballot winner? Who voted her? This seems too convenient...she just became a Nintendo exclusive, and her fanbase online is relatively small...
After: Never got her - stopped playing Sm4sh before release. Still, I’ve warmed up to her a bit.

Before: Really? All of these series and you’re giving Fire Emblem another charcter? And his game isn’t even out outside of Japan? Why?
After: Never got him - stopped playing Sm4sh before release. Can’t say I’ve really warmed up to him either - I’d have preferred Azura.
Last edited:


Creator of Lego Theory
May 22, 2012
Switch FC
IMO, Smash 4 is currently in the "it wasn't THAT good" phase that all games go through (Ocarina of Time is currently in the middle of one.) so people are harsher on it.

It had a lot of ambition in the wide array of different playstyles the newcomers brought and the breadth of 3rd party representation.

It seems a bit strange to say a lot of fan favorites got in when it lacked Ridley and King K. Rool but that's because we're taking what we got for granted now.

Characters like Mega Man, Little Mac, Bowser Jr and the Animal Crossing Villager were in big demand before the game and with DLC we got Roy and Mewtwo back.

~ Valkyrie ~

Holy Maiden Warrior
Jun 18, 2011
Marvel Land ~ Eternally Slumbering
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