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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

Results are only viewable after voting.
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Smash Obsessed
Jun 15, 2014
John Cena
No More
Switch FC
The best remixes in Smash 4 were the Mega Man tracks(MM2 theme, Air-Man, Shadow Man and Spark Man in particular), Pac-Man's Park/Block Land, the Jogging Theme, Ryu's Stage, Ken's Stage and the Mario World Boss theme.
Add in Rainbow Road, Gerudo Valley, and Mario Circuit (MK7) and you right


the white witch
Feb 16, 2014
the underworld
Switch FC
6178 82674988
The best remixes in Smash 4 were the Mega Man tracks(MM2 theme, Air-Man, Shadow Man and Spark Man in particular), Pac-Man's Park/Block Land, the Jogging Theme, Ryu's Stage, Ken's Stage and the Mario World Boss theme.
You forgot Route 10, my dude.


Smash Hero
Mar 17, 2018
At this point, someone should "leak" :000:as a playable character, just to get how ridiculous speculation can be sometimes (seriously though, someone do this :troll:).

Radical Bones

Soul King
Sep 23, 2013
Down Under
Switch FC
The best remixes in Smash 4 were the Mega Man tracks(MM2 theme, Air-Man, Shadow Man and Spark Man in particular), Pac-Man's Park/Block Land, the Jogging Theme, Ryu's Stage, Ken's Stage and the Mario World Boss theme.
My top 10 Smash Bros 4 tracks, which I hope return in Ultimate were:

Paper Mario Medley
Ballad of the Goddess / Ghirahim's Theme
Yoshi's Island
Battle! Champion / Champion Cynthia
Magicant / Eight Melodies (Mother)
Ashley's Song (JP) Ver. 2
Outdoors at 7 p.m. (Sunny) / Main Street
Duck Hunt Medley
Wii Sports Series Medley
Mega Man 2 Medley


Smash Obsessed
Jun 15, 2014
John Cena
No More
Switch FC
My top 10 Smash Bros 4 tracks, which I hope return in Ultimate were:

Paper Mario Medley
Ballad of the Goddess / Ghirahim's Theme
Yoshi's Island
Battle! Champion / Champion Cynthia
Magicant / Eight Melodies (Mother)
Ashley's Song (JP) Ver. 2
Outdoors at 7 p.m. (Sunny) / Main Street
Duck Hunt Medley
Wii Sports Series Medley
Mega Man 2 Medley
No way the Duck Hunt Medley doesn't return, and MM2 Medley is already returning


Smash Hero
Jun 15, 2013
Heaven, as of december 7th
Switch FC
SW 0383 4539 4118
This Galaga medley makes me wish we'd get more arrangements for other franchises of the 3rd parties.

I just want to hear this music in all it's gory.


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
Jogging/Countdown, Route 10, XY Trainer Battle, N's Castle, Meeting Theme Medley, and Super Mario Bros. 3 Athletic Theme were the standouts of Smash 4's remixes to me. There were lots of new remixes I wasn't fond of though.
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V Has Come To
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Feb 12, 2014
Mother Base
A lot of Smash For’s music felt very samey.

For instance, Glory of Heracles and King DeDeDe Theme (Ver. 2) feel very, very similar despite the fact that they’re both incredibly different games, settings, characters, and composition. Like, what the hell?


Smash Champion
Nov 7, 2015
Realm 75731
All yall are forgettin the medleys. Those are the **** in Smash sundtracks.

Super Mario Bros. Medley
Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels Meldey
Super Mario Bros. 3 Medley
Super Mario World Medley
Luigi's Mansion Medley
Yoshi's Island
Ice Cream Island
Mega Man 2 Medley

there's also the ****ton of Namco medleys. Listen to some of em. Trust me, there are some diamonds in the rough.
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Smash Legend
May 24, 2018
Waxing Moon Ritual
Miyamoto Iori
Switch FC
I really liked the Unfinished Battle and Gaur Plains rock remix of Xenoblade...

too bad they play for a total of 30 SECONDS AND ARE ONLY IN THE MEDLEY.


Let's Mosey
Jul 29, 2014
Los Angeles
Switch FC
A lot of Smash For’s music felt very samey.

For instance, Glory of Heracles and King DeDeDe Theme (Ver. 2) feel very, very similar despite the fact that they’re both incredibly different games, settings, characters, and composition. Like, what the hell?
More Shamisen music is always a good thing.


Smash Master
Apr 29, 2018
The island of Svölbard
I'm kind of disappointed that the Metroid and Prime theme remixes in Brawl aren't considered all that hot, specifically because of the narration at the beginning of the tracks. It's a shame, because the latter is atmospheric while staying in line with the franchise's theme of exploration and isolation, while the latter is FACE MELTINGLY METAL. Can we get a little love for those two tracks, please?


Smash Hero
Jul 19, 2014

And last one for today... whew.

That makes 20... I think.
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Smash Lord
Jun 7, 2014
Your guess is as good as mine
I'm kind of disappointed that the Metroid and Prime theme remixes in Brawl aren't considered all that hot, specifically because of the narration at the beginning of the tracks. It's a shame, because the latter is atmospheric while staying in line with the franchise's theme of exploration and isolation, while the latter is FACE MELTINGLY METAL. Can we get a little love for those two tracks, please?
Goddddd every time Metroid Main Theme plays I say that narration along with the guy, its just so good. The fact it's added onto such a catchy rock song is one hell of a bonus.
Rosalina in the Observatory, Rainbow Road Medley, Yoshi's Woolly World remix, N's Castle Medley, Petal Glider, Smiles and Tears, Style Savvy Trendsetters Remix, and The Dark World are other stand out remixes that I just love to hear.

Deleted member

A lot of Smash For’s music felt very samey.

For instance, Glory of Heracles and King DeDeDe Theme (Ver. 2) feel very, very similar despite the fact that they’re both incredibly different games, settings, characters, and composition. Like, what the hell?

Kinda like the game, I feel as if Smash For's OST has not aged well at all. I've made a spreadsheet for all of the series' games' OST from N64 to Ultimate (still a work in progress) and you could tell that there are some fantastic songs; MOTHER got some love it deserves and while we got some real good songs like Mario Paint Medley, unfortunately there's only in a few amount and doesn't deliver as a whole.
Only ONE new F-Zero remix and it was another Mute City remix. Only two remixes for Star Fox and Metroid. Not to mention Xenoblade BARELY got any love and only got a haphazardly made medley?

You could tell even already by looking at For's and then Ultimate's OST list with it's song selection and amount of "old and new" songs that it's a MUCH needed improvement looking at Ultimate overall. If we even get a Final Fantasy remix, it's done.


Yoshi is Thicc in S P I R I T
May 13, 2018
All around you, awaiting to consume your soul
Switch FC


Smash Journeyman
Apr 5, 2014
Davis, California
Switch FC
So I am actually curious about this thread's thoughts on Smash 4's newcomers and how your views on them have changed since they were revealed (or you played them on release).

So I'm going to do some more in depth thoughts on the newcomers, including my initial impressions and my thoughts on them now. There are actually a lot of newcomers so I'm going to split it up in order of their reveal. Please forgive me if I sound really negative at times, Smash 4 was a frustrating game for me :)

Part 1 (E3 2013-2014):
:ultvillager::ultmegaman::ultwiifittrainer::ultrosalina::ultlittlemac::ultgreninja::ultmiifighters::ultpalutena::ultpacman: (Dark Pit will be in the next one, since he was officially revealed after release)
:ultvillager:: On Reveal: I was excited for a new Smash game, so I feel Villager's hype carried over from that. Even though I did play Animal Crossing on the Gamecube as a kid, I think I was just happy that he looked like he had really strong moves but mostly neutral otherwise. Bowling ball was really cool at the time.
Now: Villager was my main late into Smash 4's lifespan, and I feel playing him competitively soured him for me. I think he is still a fun character, but something feels very off and it makes him frustrating to play as. He's really good in free-for-alls too, but I just don't like playing as him anymore. I feel like he's very similar in Ultimate, which is great for people who enjoy him. I'll always adore Villager for what he is and have a lot of attachment to him, but I feel he isn't that fun to play as anymore.
:ultmegaman:: On Reveal: I was just as hard for Mega Man's reveal as literally anyone who say that trailer when he was revealed. It was different than what I expected (I was used to Super Smash Flash 2 Mega Man) but I was super excited to play as him. Mega Man also had me play Keitaro's reaction on repeat at least a dozen times after it came out. If you haven't seen it before, it's definitely worth checking out lmao
Now: And how that expectation was unfortunately crushed. Remember hearing the bad commentator go crazy about Mega Man at E3 2013 and seeing his down smash do Melee Peach down smash levels of damage? That is not what we got on reveal. See I don't hate the design in theory, but once again I didn't enjoy his execution. It feels like he only relied on fishing for back air kills, getting the footstool combo (rip), or getting uair ceiling kills (rip) when it came to actually KO'ing an opponent. It's a shock to see almost everything outside lemons feel very stiff and now that up air is worse, I feel lemons are going to be more centralizing in Ultimate. Really comes to show how great marketing is.
:ultwiifittrainer:: On Reveal: I'm going to be honest, I was disappointed with her reveal just like everyone else. I didn't really get it and was kinda new to speculation, so she felt like a waste of time. My opinion of her is a lot more positive nowadays.
Now: Wii Fit Trainer is like that super attractive and supportive person in your life that you kind of ignore when you're younger because you're stupid and dense. Despite her being a bad character, I really grew to like Wii Fit. Not to mention, she is the only girl I feel comfortable having a relationship with in real life out of the female Smash Bros. characters. Wii Fit Studio is still an incredibly boring stage though.
:ultrosalina:: On Reveal: Waking up at 5 am to see a character revealed for Smash Bros. and getting baited with Kirby Air Ride music and Mario Kart was a very fun time. Rosalina was actually spoiled to me because the Swedish (or another European country) had earlier footage of the trailer and posted it on Twitter, but I didn't believe it at the time. I genuinely curious if anyone remembers that, honestly. Rosalina looked like a cool character and everyone was excited to see SoRo (solo rosalina) be hype like SoPo is.
Now: Man I wish Rosalina and Luma were closer to Melee Ice Climbers in Smash 4's mechanics. These two are really strong and polarizing in Smash and Rosalina was pretty insane during the Smash 3DS days. Despite her losing to top tier characters like pre-patch Diddy and now Cloud, she is still a gatekeeper character keeping a lot of characters out of viability even before DLC.
:ultlittlemac:: On Reveal: I watched Little Mac's trailer on that February 14th during a school spirit rally at my high school. I turned on Twitch with the shaky connection my school had and met myself with in game footage of Little Mac on Punch Out and I had to control my hype. Little Mac was an awesome idea and I was super excited for him. This was also around the time Game Grumps were playing Punch Out on the Wii and Danny even acknowledged it in an episode!
Now: Memes aside, I just wish Little Mac was adjusted a little for single player mode. A character that has really bad aerial options doesn't work too well in traversing large terrain like Smash Run. At least side b doesn't put him into freefall anymore. Also, I wish he used Star Punch instead of KO punch and wasn't so rewarded for getting hit. It really doesn't fit his character imo.
:ultgreninja:: On Reveal: I was one of many who believed Greninja was Mewtwo when he did the water shuriken, I have to admit. Greninja was kind of a suprise when he was revealed. The April Direct was incredibly hype, so I felt this addition was a good choice. I wasn't super invested in speculation, especially on the Pokemon side, so I don't thing I had too strong of an opinion either way.
Now: Greninja is actually one of the most enjoyable characters for me to play as now. I'm not super invested into Pokemon or Greninja (I picked Fennekin in X and Y), but he feels super clean to play as. I feel he is also pretty good in FFAs, since he can get KO's pretty well with up air, up smash, shadow sneak and even Shuriken or hydro pump. Everything works really well and I'll definitely keep playing him in Ultimate.
:ultmiifighters:: On Reveal: It was incredibly strange seeing Iwata fight Reggie in that opening sequence. When I realized what was going on though, I knew what I was in for. At this point, I was super into speculation and both Miis and another character revealed today were heavily controversial at the time. People hated the idea of Miis and honestly...I kinda went with the crowd until they were revealed. After their reveal, I feel like I liked them though.
Now: The Miis were a thing I always liked using. I used them in Mario Kart Wii and 7 almost exclusively and Ultimate giving them voices again makes me super nostalgic for MKWii. I am so excited to play them again online in Ultimate.
:ultpalutena:: On Reveal: One of my most wanted newcomers in Smash 4 was revealed at E3. I was surprised when they gave her the Powers to use as her custom moves, but I would call it more of a pleasant surprise. Her model looked really off and honestly...most of the Smash 4 girl's models don't look too right. I'm happy Ultimate changed it (especially for Lucina <3).
Now: Palutena was a character I planned on maining on release until I actually played her. She is shockingly really bad at being able to actually do much of anything beside use her solid mobility to get grab follow-ups and use her invincible shield. Customs Palutena felt like a pretty fun character outside of the overcentralized (and borderline busted) Lightweight but, alas, most players don't use customs. I hope they fix a couple of her customs to make them more useful if they return. If not, please make her have a useful special kit. She is looking like a bottom ten character in Ultimate right now. Seeing her get bodied by Charizard's up smash in the Pokemon Trainer character trailer hurt a lot.
:ultpacman:: On Reveal: I cannot believe he was revealed in a ****ing closed door press conference. Imagine getting the news of a playable Smash character over Twitter after the E3 presentation. Pac-Man gave most of the speculation scene a complete 180, with a very large amount of people fearing the yellow pizza would sport his Amazing World design. Instead of an ugly character, they just gave us an ugly stage with Pac Land. Pac Man is such a likable character in Smash 4 and Ultimate though. I really pray he is a good character this time.
Now: Pac Man and Sonic will be forever worthy of the Smash Bros. Roster and I hope they never leave it. If Sakurai or Nintendo have to cut characters, I feel like these two should stay more than a lot of first party veterans. That being said, it is really wacky how Sakurai got this character to work. I don't think anyone expected the moveset he got (except bonus fruit and turning into a pizza in some of his moves).
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Smash Obsessed
Jun 15, 2014
John Cena
No More
Switch FC
So I am actually curious about this thread's thoughts on Smash 4's newcomers and how your views on them have changed since they were revealed (or you played them on release).

So I'm going to do some more in depth thoughts on the newcomers, including my initial impressions and my thoughts on them now. There are actually a lot of newcomers so I'm going to split it up in order of their reveal. Please forgive me if I sound really negative at times, Smash 4 was a frustrating game for me :)

Part 1 (E3 2013-2014):
:ultvillager::ultmegaman::ultwiifittrainer::ultrosalina::ultlittlemac::ultgreninja::ultmiifighters::ultpalutena::ultpacman: (Dark Pit will be in the next one, since he was officially revealed after release)
:ultvillager:: On Reveal: I was excited for a new Smash game, so I feel Villager's hype carried over from that. Even though I did play Animal Crossing on the Gamecube as a kid, I think I was just happy that he looked like he had really strong moves but mostly neutral otherwise. Bowling ball was really cool at the time.
Now: Villager was my main late into Smash 4's lifespan, and I feel playing him competitively soured him for me. I think he is still a fun character, but something feels very off and it makes him frustrating to play as. He's really good in free-for-alls too, but I just don't like playing as him anymore. I feel like he's very similar in Ultimate, which is great for people who enjoy him. I'll always adore Villager for what he is and have a lot of attachment to him, but I feel he isn't that fun to play as anymore.
:ultmegaman:: On Reveal: I was just as hard for Mega Man's reveal as literally anyone who say that trailer when he was revealed. It was different than what I expected (I was used to Super Smash Flash 2 Mega Man) but I was super excited to play as him. Mega Man also had me play Keitaro's reaction on repeat at least a dozen times after it came out. If you haven't seen it before, it's definitely worth checking out lmao
Now: And how that expectation was unfortunately crushed. Remember hearing the bad commentator go crazy about Mega Man at E3 2013 and seeing his down smash do Melee Peach down smash levels of damage? That is not what we got on reveal. See I don't hate the design in theory, but once again I didn't enjoy his execution. It feels like he only relied on fishing for back air kills, getting the footstool combo (rip), or getting uair ceiling kills (rip) when it came to actually KO'ing an opponent. It's a shock to see almost everything outside lemons feel very stiff and now that up air is worse, I feel lemons are going to be more centralizing in Ultimate. Really comes to show how great marketing is.
:ultwiifittrainer:: On Reveal: I'm going to be honest, I was disappointed with her reveal just like everyone else. I didn't really get it and was kinda new to speculation, so she felt like a waste of time. My opinion of her is a lot more positive nowadays.
Now: Wii Fit Trainer is like that super attractive and supportive person in your life that you kind of ignore when you're younger because you're stupid and dense. Despite her being a bad character, I really grew to like Wii Fit. Not to mention, she is the only girl I feel comfortable having a relationship with in real life out of the female Smash Bros. characters. Wii Fit Studio is still an incredibly boring stage though.
:ultrosalina:: On Reveal: Waking up at 5 am to see a character revealed for Smash Bros. and getting baited with Kirby Air Ride music and Mario Kart was a very fun time. Rosalina was actually spoiled to me because the Swedish (or another European country) had earlier footage of the trailer and posted it on Twitter, but I didn't believe it at the time. I genuinely curious if anyone remembers that, honestly. Rosalina looked like a cool character and everyone was excited to see SoRo (solo rosalina) be hype like SoPo is.
Now: Man I wish Rosalina and Luma were closer to Melee Ice Climbers in Smash 4's mechanics. These two are really strong and polarizing in Smash and Rosalina was pretty insane during the Smash 3DS days. Despite her losing to top tier characters like pre-patch Diddy and now Cloud, she is still a gatekeeper character keeping a lot of characters out of viability even before DLC.
:ultlittlemac:: On Reveal: I watched Little Mac's trailer on that February 14th during a school spirit rally at my high school. I turned on Twitch with the shaky connection my school had and met myself with in game footage of Little Mac on Punch Out and I had to control my hype. Little Mac was an awesome idea and I was super excited for him. This was also around the time Game Grumps were playing Punch Out on the Wii and Danny even acknowledged it in an episode!
Now: Memes aside, I just wish Little Mac was adjusted a little for single player mode. A character that has really bad aerial options doesn't work too well in traversing large terrain like Smash Run. At least side b doesn't put him into freefall anymore. Also, I wish he used Star Punch instead of KO punch and wasn't so rewarded for getting hit. It really doesn't fit his character imo.
:ultgreninja:: On Reveal: I was one of many who believed Greninja was Mewtwo when he did the water shuriken, I have to admit. Greninja was kind of a suprise when he was revealed. The April Direct was incredibly hype, so I felt this addition was a good choice. I wasn't super invested in speculation, especially on the Pokemon side, so I don't thing I had too strong of an opinion either way.
Now: Greninja is actually one of the most enjoyable characters for me to play as now. I'm not super invested into Pokemon or Greninja (I picked Fennekin in X and Y), but he feels super clean to play as. I feel he is also pretty good in FFAs, since he can get KO's pretty well with up air, up smash, shadow sneak and even Shuriken or hydro pump. Everything works really well and I'll definitely keep playing him in Ultimate.
:ultmiifighters:: On Reveal: It was incredibly strange seeing Iwata fight Reggie in that opening sequence. When I realized what was going on though, I knew what I was in for. At this point, I was super into speculation and both Miis and another character revealed today were heavily controversial at the time. People hated the idea of Miis and honestly...I kinda went with the crowd until they were revealed. After their reveal, I feel like I liked them though.
Now: The Miis were a thing I always liked using. I used them in Mario Kart Wii and 7 almost exclusively and Ultimate giving them voices again makes me super nostalgic for MKWii. I am so excited to play them again online in Ultimate.
:ultpalutena:: On Reveal: One of my most wanted newcomers in Smash 4 was revealed at E3. I was surprised when they gave her the Powers to use as her custom moves, but I would call it more of a pleasant surprise. Her model looked really off and honestly...most of the Smash 4 girl's models don't look too right. I'm happy Ultimate changed it (especially for Lucina <3).
Now: Palutena was a character I planned on maining on release until I actually played her. She is shockingly really bad at being able to actually do much of anything beside use her solid mobility to get grab follow-ups and use her invincible shield. Customs Palutena felt like a pretty fun character outside of the overcentralized (and borderline busted) Lightweight but, alas, most players don't use customs. I hope they fix a couple of her customs to make them more useful if they return. If not, please make her have a useful special kit. She is looking like a bottom ten character in Ultimate right now. Seeing her get bodied by Charizard's up smash in the Pokemon Trainer character trailer hurt a lot.
:ultpacman:: On Reveal: I cannot believe he was revealed in a ****ing closed door press conference. Imagine getting the news of a playable Smash character over Twitter after the E3 presentation. Pac-Man gave most of the speculation scene a complete 180, with a very large amount of people fearing the yellow pizza would sport his Amazing World design. Instead of an ugly character, they just gave us an ugly stage with Pac Land. Pac Man is such a likable character in Smash 4 and Ultimate though. I really pray he is a good character this time.
Now: Pac Man and Sonic will be forever worthy of the Smash Bros. Roster and I hope they never leave it. If Sakurai or Nintendo have to cut characters, I feel like these two should stay more than a lot of first party veterans. That being said, it is really wacky how Sakurai got this character to work. I don't think anyone expected the moveset he got (except bonus fruit and turning into a pizza in some of his moves).
:ultvillager:- Then: never heard of him
Now: fears him
:ultmegaman:- Then: not fully known
Now: respect
:ultwiifittrainer:- Then and Now: never realized who she was due to only focusing on my body, but she white waifu now
:ultrosalina:- Then: Unexpected and Satisfied (and already liked the character a lot)
Now: One of my favorite characters to play as in Smash 4
:ultlittlemac:- Then and Now: Didn’t main but knew he’d be fun
:ultgreninja:- Then and Now: unknown to don’t play
:ultmiifighters:- Then and Now: miimes
:ultpalutena:- Then: Wanted, but wouldn’t play as until I played Uprising
Now: Played Uprising Then played her...waifu and funny
:ultpacman:- Then: Needed to join
Now: Satsified with his crappiness cause he’s Pac-Man

Deleted member

I'd personally like to see zero from megaman x in this game, but the roster is packed up, so it prolly ain't happening


Smash Ace
Sep 6, 2014

Kinda like the game, I feel as if Smash For's OST has not aged well at all. I've made a spreadsheet for all of the series' games' OST from N64 to Ultimate (still a work in progress) and you could tell that there are some fantastic songs; MOTHER got some love it deserves and while we got some real good songs like Mario Paint Medley, unfortunately there's only in a few amount and doesn't deliver as a whole.
Only ONE new F-Zero remix and it was another Mute City remix. Only two remixes for Star Fox and Metroid. Not to mention Xenoblade BARELY got any love and only got a haphazardly made medley?

You could tell even already by looking at For's and then Ultimate's OST list with it's song selection and amount of "old and new" songs that it's a MUCH needed improvement looking at Ultimate overall. If we even get a Final Fantasy remix, it's done.
Yeah, Smash 4 song distribution sucks a whole lot. Like, I'm super happy Mother got exactly what it deserved, but everything else just felt.... generic, bad, uninspired, undirected. It's just bad, Mario got some really good stuff (SMW boss battle) and some REALLY bad stuff (Good Egg Galaxy remix), DK got like 3 remixes of the same thing it's just, uuugh.

Just by this small showing we have in the website, Ultimate's ost is already leagues ahead of Smash 4 it's ridiculous.

Btw, kinda bummed that it was a Galaga Remix and not something represented in Smash, but!!!!! The song's actually pretty good!!


Smash Journeyman
Jun 15, 2018
By far my favourite Smash 4 remix is that flamenco remix of the SMW boss theme. Mmm, so good.


Smash Ace
Aug 10, 2013
So I am actually curious about this thread's thoughts on Smash 4's newcomers and how your views on them have changed since they were revealed (or you played them on release).

So I'm going to do some more in depth thoughts on the newcomers, including my initial impressions and my thoughts on them now. There are actually a lot of newcomers so I'm going to split it up in order of their reveal. Please forgive me if I sound really negative at times, Smash 4 was a frustrating game for me :)

Part 1 (E3 2013-2014):
:ultvillager::ultmegaman::ultwiifittrainer::ultrosalina::ultlittlemac::ultgreninja::ultmiifighters::ultpalutena::ultpacman: (Dark Pit will be in the next one, since he was officially revealed after release)
:ultvillager:: On Reveal: I was excited for a new Smash game, so I feel Villager's hype carried over from that. Even though I did play Animal Crossing on the Gamecube as a kid, I think I was just happy that he looked like he had really strong moves but mostly neutral otherwise. Bowling ball was really cool at the time.
Now: Villager was my main late into Smash 4's lifespan, and I feel playing him competitively soured him for me. I think he is still a fun character, but something feels very off and it makes him frustrating to play as. He's really good in free-for-alls too, but I just don't like playing as him anymore. I feel like he's very similar in Ultimate, which is great for people who enjoy him. I'll always adore Villager for what he is and have a lot of attachment to him, but I feel he isn't that fun to play as anymore.
:ultmegaman:: On Reveal: I was just as hard for Mega Man's reveal as literally anyone who say that trailer when he was revealed. It was different than what I expected (I was used to Super Smash Flash 2 Mega Man) but I was super excited to play as him. Mega Man also had me play Keitaro's reaction on repeat at least a dozen times after it came out. If you haven't seen it before, it's definitely worth checking out lmao
Now: And how that expectation was unfortunately crushed. Remember hearing the bad commentator go crazy about Mega Man at E3 2013 and seeing his down smash do Melee Peach down smash levels of damage? That is not what we got on reveal. See I don't hate the design in theory, but once again I didn't enjoy his execution. It feels like he only relied on fishing for back air kills, getting the footstool combo (rip), or getting uair ceiling kills (rip) when it came to actually KO'ing an opponent. It's a shock to see almost everything outside lemons feel very stiff and now that up air is worse, I feel lemons are going to be more centralizing in Ultimate. Really comes to show how great marketing is.
:ultwiifittrainer:: On Reveal: I'm going to be honest, I was disappointed with her reveal just like everyone else. I didn't really get it and was kinda new to speculation, so she felt like a waste of time. My opinion of her is a lot more positive nowadays.
Now: Wii Fit Trainer is like that super attractive and supportive person in your life that you kind of ignore when you're younger because you're stupid and dense. Despite her being a bad character, I really grew to like Wii Fit. Not to mention, she is the only girl I feel comfortable having a relationship with in real life out of the female Smash Bros. characters. Wii Fit Studio is still an incredibly boring stage though.
:ultrosalina:: On Reveal: Waking up at 5 am to see a character revealed for Smash Bros. and getting baited with Kirby Air Ride music and Mario Kart was a very fun time. Rosalina was actually spoiled to me because the Swedish (or another European country) had earlier footage of the trailer and posted it on Twitter, but I didn't believe it at the time. I genuinely curious if anyone remembers that, honestly. Rosalina looked like a cool character and everyone was excited to see SoRo (solo rosalina) be hype like SoPo is.
Now: Man I wish Rosalina and Luma were closer to Melee Ice Climbers in Smash 4's mechanics. These two are really strong and polarizing in Smash and Rosalina was pretty insane during the Smash 3DS days. Despite her losing to top tier characters like pre-patch Diddy and now Cloud, she is still a gatekeeper character keeping a lot of characters out of viability even before DLC.
:ultlittlemac:: On Reveal: I watched Little Mac's trailer on that February 14th during a school spirit rally at my high school. I turned on Twitch with the shaky connection my school had and met myself with in game footage of Little Mac on Punch Out and I had to control my hype. Little Mac was an awesome idea and I was super excited for him. This was also around the time Game Grumps were playing Punch Out on the Wii and Danny even acknowledged it in an episode!
Now: Memes aside, I just wish Little Mac was adjusted a little for single player mode. A character that has really bad aerial options doesn't work too well in traversing large terrain like Smash Run. At least side b doesn't put him into freefall anymore. Also, I wish he used Star Punch instead of KO punch and wasn't so rewarded for getting hit. It really doesn't fit his character imo.
:ultgreninja:: On Reveal: I was one of many who believed Greninja was Mewtwo when he did the water shuriken, I have to admit. Greninja was kind of a suprise when he was revealed. The April Direct was incredibly hype, so I felt this addition was a good choice. I wasn't super invested in speculation, especially on the Pokemon side, so I don't thing I had too strong of an opinion either way.
Now: Greninja is actually one of the most enjoyable characters for me to play as now. I'm not super invested into Pokemon or Greninja (I picked Fennekin in X and Y), but he feels super clean to play as. I feel he is also pretty good in FFAs, since he can get KO's pretty well with up air, up smash, shadow sneak and even Shuriken or hydro pump. Everything works really well and I'll definitely keep playing him in Ultimate.
:ultmiifighters:: On Reveal: It was incredibly strange seeing Iwata fight Reggie in that opening sequence. When I realized what was going on though, I knew what I was in for. At this point, I was super into speculation and both Miis and another character revealed today were heavily controversial at the time. People hated the idea of Miis and honestly...I kinda went with the crowd until they were revealed. After their reveal, I feel like I liked them though.
Now: The Miis were a thing I always liked using. I used them in Mario Kart Wii and 7 almost exclusively and Ultimate giving them voices again makes me super nostalgic for MKWii. I am so excited to play them again online in Ultimate.
:ultpalutena:: On Reveal: One of my most wanted newcomers in Smash 4 was revealed at E3. I was surprised when they gave her the Powers to use as her custom moves, but I would call it more of a pleasant surprise. Her model looked really off and honestly...most of the Smash 4 girl's models don't look too right. I'm happy Ultimate changed it (especially for Lucina <3).
Now: Palutena was a character I planned on maining on release until I actually played her. She is shockingly really bad at being able to actually do much of anything beside use her solid mobility to get grab follow-ups and use her invincible shield. Customs Palutena felt like a pretty fun character outside of the overcentralized (and borderline busted) Lightweight but, alas, most players don't use customs. I hope they fix a couple of her customs to make them more useful if they return. If not, please make her have a useful special kit. She is looking like a bottom ten character in Ultimate right now. Seeing her get bodied by Charizard's up smash in the Pokemon Trainer character trailer hurt a lot.
:ultpacman:: On Reveal: I cannot believe he was revealed in a ****ing closed door press conference. Imagine getting the news of a playable Smash character over Twitter after the E3 presentation. Pac-Man gave most of the speculation scene a complete 180, with a very large amount of people fearing the yellow pizza would sport his Amazing World design. Instead of an ugly character, they just gave us an ugly stage with Pac Land. Pac Man is such a likable character in Smash 4 and Ultimate though. I really pray he is a good character this time.
Now: Pac Man and Sonic will be forever worthy of the Smash Bros. Roster and I hope they never leave it. If Sakurai or Nintendo have to cut characters, I feel like these two should stay more than a lot of first party veterans. That being said, it is really wacky how Sakurai got this character to work. I don't think anyone expected the moveset he got (except bonus fruit and turning into a pizza in some of his moves).
  • On Reveal: Happy that Animal Crossing got some representation in Smash. For such a big franchise, especially one that I enjoy so much, I was glad it didn't get shafted again.
  • In Game: He's a fun character. Great representation of all the things you can do in Animal Crossing.
  • On Reveal: This.
  • In Game: Phenomenally designed; having all of his moves designed around his abilities throughout the ten Mega Man games was a great choice. He feels incredibly faithful to the original Mega Man series, and that's great.
  • On Reveal: I wasn't upset, just confused why they would put her in the game. Not really requested, but I guess she made for a fine WTF character.
  • In Game: She's fine, I guess. About as good as a fighter based around yoga poses can get.
  • On Reveal: Got excited for a new Kirby Air Ride game. Then got excited for a Kirby Air Ride x Mario Kart 8 DLC. The reveal itself was meh.
  • In Game: They're fun to mess around with, but I think they're both really frail and don't have the damage output to keep them alive. Or at least, I'm not good enough to get it going like that.
  • On Reveal: Hell yeah. Glad he got the promotion from Assist to Playable.
  • In Game: The poster boy of "great idea, terrible execution." Designing a character around having a terrible recovery and aerial game in a platform fighting game doesn't really work out. Hopefully he trades some of his ground power for a less garbage aerial game in Ultimate.
  • On Reveal: I thought it was Mewtwo. I got really excited for Mewtwo. Crushed my heart when it was just Greninja.
  • In Game: Don't really care. Never found him very enjoyable to play as.
  • On Reveal: Iwata vs. Reggie was incredible. I couldn't care less about the reveal itself.
  • In Game: Another example of "great idea, terrible execution," I feel. Setting up and customizing Mii Fighters is way too much trouble than it is worth.
  • On Reveal: Disappointed they decided to end the E3 presentation with one of the most obvious inclusions in the game.
  • In Game: She's a mess. Too sluggish, and trapping all of her good specials behind customs was a mistake. Love her Up-Air though.
  • On Reveal: I woke up to news of him being in Smash. A lot of people expected him, but having him appear in his classic form rather than his 'Pac is Back!' form was great.
  • In Game: He's a whole ton of fun to mess around with, even if he isn't all that great. Hopefully he gets some well deserved buffs in Ultimate; might even make him a secondary of mine if he's not absolutely terrible.
Overall, I felt like Villager, Mega Man, and Pac-Man were all pretty great reveals, as well as being implemented well, but everyone else ranges from 'meh' to 'why?'
As a whole, I feel like Smash 4's first party newcomer has easily been the weakest in all of the series. Even the sole inclusions of Inkling and Ridley put a majority of Smash 4's first party additions to shame, in my opinion.


Smash Master
Apr 29, 2018
The island of Svölbard
So I am actually curious about this thread's thoughts on Smash 4's newcomers and how your views on them have changed since they were revealed (or you played them on release).

So I'm going to do some more in depth thoughts on the newcomers, including my initial impressions and my thoughts on them now. There are actually a lot of newcomers so I'm going to split it up in order of their reveal. Please forgive me if I sound really negative at times, Smash 4 was a frustrating game for me :)

Part 1 (E3 2013-2014):
:ultvillager: Started: gentle, pleasant surprise
Now: Picked solely to annoy my brothers

:ultmegaman: Started: almost completely unfamiliar with the character
Now: B-list fan of the franchise

:ultwiifittrainer: Started: laughing in awe
Now: It's still hilarious

:ultrosalina: Started: pleasant surprise
Now: Played every now and then, but otherwise forgotten

:ultlittlemac:Started: hyped, but otherwise unfazed
Now: Banned from playing him by my brother

:ultgreninja: Started: "Bye Mewtwo lol"
Now: Dreading the Shadow Sneak thanks to my brother

:ultmiifighters: Started: Formulating ideas for my own Miis
Now: Currently standing at over 20 different fighters based off of ideas in my head

:ultpalutena: Started: "Okay"
Now: Not a fan, but my niece adores her, so she's okay in my book

:ultpacman: Started: Very much hyped
Now: The effect's worn off thanks to the others...


Smash Cadet
Jul 10, 2018
Do you guys prefer vertical or horizontal order? I made to see how will they look ordered by series
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