On June 26, 2007 I made my youtube account and I wanted to make a name that showed my fandom for the Zelda franchise. The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess was one of my favorite games at the time, so I named my channel after one of the main characters in the game, Usurper King Zant.
The name "Epsilon" first came from an
ign article about Halo 3 Epsilon. It was Halo 3 in it's final version of testing that some hackers got a chance to play before getting banned. I liked the name 'Epsilon' so I made that my gamertag. This was back in late Summer 2007 when I was into playing Halo PC. Then in Winter of 2007/2008, I played Crysis online and wanted to use 'Epsilon' as my tag, but someone else already took it. So then I just added '933' to the end of my name. I kind of copied Gimpyfish62 with the numbers part. 933 was chosen because my laptop's cpu clock speed was set to 2,
933 MHz. The 'P' is capitalized because I have a habit of holding down the shift key long enough to accidentally capitalize the first two letters when capitalizing a name or whatever.
At herb 3, I over heard a conversation about how someone hates names with numbers in them. As time passed, I eventually started hating the '933' in my name.
I just realized
that epsilon is espeon
and umbreon is well....
if this was done on purpose
if it wasnt
there maybe hope for zelda yet! :D
Espeon was my Smashboards avatar. 'Epsilon' sounds kind of like 'Espeon'. Umbreon has one of the best Zeldas. I mained Zelda. That's really the logic on why I wanted to used the tag 'Espeon'. I've had espeon as my Smashboards avatar since spring this year. But the tag 'Espeon' was really short lived.
Shortly before Apex 2010, I registered online with the name 'EPsilonZant'. I'm known locally as 'Epsilon' and on youtube as 'UsurperKingZant', so I just combined the two to get that name.
After Apex 2010, my reputation on youtube far outweighed any reputation as Epsilon (any variant), so I bought a premium account and changed my name to my youtube name.