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Smash Bros. Canon Tournament! (Mario Vs. ????) - 06/14/10


Smash Master
Aug 9, 2008
And it stops. Why can't Samus just jump and outlast it in the air? I mean, we have Space Jump for infinite jumps and Screw Attack for ramming through foes, Samus could easily target Lucas if he dared try a PK Ground this way (if he has a shield up it still goes through).

AUGH!!! Lucas cannot learn PK Ground.
Only SHE can>>> http://mother.neoseeker.com/w/i/mother/0/0c/Kumatora.jpg

And I know it's old but how does Samus evade PSI paralysis again? I don't recall the suit having some sort of protection against waves that target the mind. Even if she is *physically* invincible, she isn't mentally invincible.

I'm not pushing for Ness beating Samus (we've moved on from that) but i'm sure that PSI Paralysis can put Samus in place if he catches her off guard.

Here's a video of Ness absolutely destroying a boss using PSI paralysis.

His only actions are PSI (involving the mind)
He cannot physically attack.

Oh and what do you think moves like “PK ground” are from Mother 3? The user starts a quake that can **** up foes easily and trap them in the land even if it doesn’t go well (and Lucas has been shown to move large objects in general really w/o referencing a PK move if you look at the “fire volcano” for Mother 3).

That's a lie dude. Lucas doesn't move the rock with his mind (you must of not played the english version...) Lucas is given a Key item known as the *words of encouragement.* In short, Lucas and his party ask the rock to move nicely.
(mother 3 being weird/funny again lol)


Smash Legend
May 23, 2009
Mewtwo taunts Sonic so he can't use the Chaos Emeralds, spams Calm mind and OHKO's Sonic with 6+ psychic.


I play a lot of pokemon...
IIRC, the startup time for Sonic's super transformation is very low, like under a second. That would outspeed M2's taunt wouldn't it?


Smash Master
Jun 2, 2006
I'm in your house, dsmashing your tv
Would embargo diffuse sonic's super sonicness as it disables the use of items? I've seen those emeralds getting knocked out even, so while super sonic might be invincible, are the emeralds or his super sonic status susceptible for such things? Or would he just brush it off like nothing happened?

But in any case, trick room is hella useful in this matchup. Even if mewtwo cannot hope to compete with sonic in speed, he should be able to manage a trick room in time when sonic goes super. Thus speed doesn't matter and mewtwo would always go faster cause he's slower.

How much hurt would super sonic deal in one hit tho, is the big question here. If there's no time or room for mewtwo to perform some calm minds, recover/sub/protect and aura sphere, he won't be gaining any ground.


Invulnerable Samus is invulnerable rawr. Hyper Mode ftw.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Yes, Sonic of all characters can be really troubled with Mewtwo's moves. Normally, Mewtwo would most likely get defeated by Super Sonic, but if he can prevent Sonic from going Super Sonic, the matchup is basically already his.


Smash Master
Dec 11, 2007
Lolwut? No way! Not yet, at least. It's not like Sonic HAS to go Super. He can still use Sonic Wind and barrage Mewtwo with his speed/homing attack.

Samochan said:
Would embargo diffuse sonic's super sonicness as it disables the use of items? I've seen those emeralds getting knocked out even, so while super sonic might be invincible, are the emeralds or his super sonic status susceptible for such things? Or would he just brush it off like nothing happened?

But in any case, trick room is hella useful in this matchup. Even if mewtwo cannot hope to compete with sonic in speed, he should be able to manage a trick room in time when sonic goes super. Thus speed doesn't matter and mewtwo would always go faster cause he's slower.

How much hurt would super sonic deal in one hit tho, is the big question here. If there's no time or room for mewtwo to perform some calm minds, recover/sub/protect and aura sphere, he won't be gaining any ground.
Super Sonic can plow through machines and stuff? How strong is Eggfool's stuff, anyway?
As for Embargo: See if it can hit through Protect.


Smash Master
Aug 9, 2008
IIRC, the startup time for Sonic's super transformation is very low, like under a second. That would outspeed M2's taunt wouldn't it?

Startup seems like super saiyan to me. Mewtwo is no slouch speed wise either. (130 base speed is among the elites)

But if it's really that fast eh, Mewtwo gets destroyed.

~Embargo doesn't last THAT long. (5 turns I believe)
~Trick room on Mewtwo is just silly. He isn't wasting a move slot for a useless move like that.
(4 moves max)

Would embargo diffuse sonic's super sonicness as it disables the use of items? I've seen those emeralds getting knocked out even, so while super sonic might be invincible, are the emeralds or his super sonic status susceptible for such things? Or would he just brush it off like nothing happened?
Embargo: Foe is unable to use held items.
Sonic would not be able to use the Chaos emeralds if struck by Embargo. Then again isn't Taunt like a million times better here? It prevents the foe from using Non-attacking moves. Wasting a move slot of Embargo is just silly. It's a terrible move, and Mewtwo isn't fast enough to pull it off.

But in any case, trick room is hella useful in this matchup. Even if mewtwo cannot hope to compete with sonic in speed, he should be able to manage a trick room in time when sonic goes super. Thus speed doesn't matter and mewtwo would always go faster cause he's slower.
Kinda of a moot point since Sonic is invincible in that mode.

How much hurt would super sonic deal in one hit tho, is the big question here. If there's no time or room for mewtwo to perform some calm minds, recover/sub/protect and aura sphere, he won't be gaining any ground.
Well Mewtwo isn't that tough defensively for an Uber legendary.
(106 Hp/90Def/90SpD)

And Mewtwo suffers from severe 4MSS. (4 Move slot syndrome)
He cannot have all of that.

Meh, now that I think about Mewtwo gets creamed. He has no way of combating super sonic.

~Sonic is faster, thus he can go Super Sonic before getting Taunted. (or embargoed...)
~Mewtwo can only use 4 moves. He can't cover all bases.
~Mewtwo can't evade Super Sonic forever.


Invulnerable Samus is invulnerable rawr. Hyper Mode ftw.
Didn't we establish that Samus was invincible through the (silly) speed boosters?
Hyper mode has time limit unfortunately. (Why the hell did the did the developers stop you from exiting and entering freely halfway through the game?!?)

And you just end up wasting energy.


Smash Legend
May 23, 2009
Would embargo diffuse sonic's super sonicness as it disables the use of items? I've seen those emeralds getting knocked out even, so while super sonic might be invincible, are the emeralds or his super sonic status susceptible for such things? Or would he just brush it off like nothing happened?
Well, Sonic absorbs the emeralds, so he's not really holding them. I would think of it like a pokemon using a held item and getting the effects. Would embargo reverse the effects? And still, SS is near invulnerable. Would embargo even work?

But in any case, trick room is hella useful in this matchup. Even if mewtwo cannot hope to compete with sonic in speed, he should be able to manage a trick room in time when sonic goes super. Thus speed doesn't matter and mewtwo would always go faster cause he's slower.
Sonic could still stop time if trick room works.

How much hurt would super sonic deal in one hit tho, is the big question here. If there's no time or room for mewtwo to perform some calm minds, recover/sub/protect and aura sphere, he won't be gaining any ground.
SS can deal out some major damage pretty fast, and M2 isn't known for defense. I would imagine M2 taking 2-3 hits.

Invulnerable Samus is invulnerable rawr. Hyper Mode ftw.
Yeah, I think Samus wins too.

Yes, Sonic of all characters can be really troubled with Mewtwo's moves. Normally, Mewtwo would most likely get defeated by Super Sonic, but if he can prevent Sonic from going Super Sonic, the matchup is basically already his.
Lolwut? No way! Not yet, at least. It's not like Sonic HAS to go Super. He can still use Sonic Wind and barrage Mewtwo with his speed/homing attack.
This. People don't give normal sonic enough credit.

As for Embargo: See if it can hit through Protect.
This too.


Startup seems like super saiyan to me. Mewtwo is no slouch speed wise either. (130 base speed is among the elites)

But if it's really that fast eh, Mewtwo gets destroyed.
I'm not the one who found the info. I'll search the thread I guess.

~Embargo doesn't last THAT long. (5 turns I believe)
~Trick room on Mewtwo is just silly. He isn't wasting a move slot for a useless move like that..
Oh, I thought Embargo was permanent. Well, even if it manages to work, Sonic could just run away and stall it out. That would give M2 time to buff up, but once Sonic regained emerald use (if embargo works), he could stop time and prepare to attack M2 (charge as SS).

Embargo: Foe is unable to use held items.
Sonic would not be able to use the Chaos emeralds if struck by Embargo. Then again isn't Taunt like a million times better here? It prevents the foe from using Non-attacking moves. Wasting a move slot of Embargo is just silly. It's a terrible move, and Mewtwo isn't fast enough to pull it off.
Taunt is really a gamble. M2 would have to pull it off BEFORE Sonic used the emeralds to become SS (and attack). We need to find the startup for SS.

It wouldn't matter if he pulled em off. Sonic could just run away and wait for the effects to wear off.

Didn't we establish that Samus was invincible through the (silly) speed boosters?
Don't both the game and the instruction manual say/prove it's invincible?


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2006
Yes, I know about the whole landing thing.

And it does take half a second to start-up, Dryn timed it.
Yeah please check again, Dryn's results from speed booster has been varied.

Also, it wasn't a 1/2 second to start-up, Super Metroid had 2 seconds, the other games had 3 seconds.

Ness' teleport that you guys are saying has such a huge start up timer takes LESS than 2 seconds for it's "so called" start up (and Ness is already moving at beyond "super speed" when using it).

It appears in all Metroid Prime games, and you can use it freely during "Hyper Mode" in Metroid Prime 3. If you want to see how your agrument fails, if we can't carry stuff over games, then that means all Samus has for purposes of this thread is her power beam, since it's the only thing canon-wise that's always with her, from start to finish in all of her games.
Metroid Fusion hasn't been debunked yet canon wise and she at least had a reason for why she lost her things at the transition between Super Metroid and Fusion so far.

So let me explain the term of canon nicely if this thread where to actually go by what it says instead of taking "exceptions" like you guys have been doing, lets take the most recent part of something for story (in this case Fusion) and slap the end results to it.

-Samus has her original "make up" back after absorbing the SA-X (I wonder what that means as far as her dealing with an x again though?) according to the people who made the game (so that is why she had the ice beam in the end)
-Samus has a combo beam with charge, wide, plasma, wave, and ice on it
-Samus' missiles have an auto "super missile" upgrade that freeze things on contact and can be charged for a area freeze effect (and I still don't know why these didn't work on that last Metroid really)
-Samus also is equipped with a good jump, and super speed upon the right amount of time spent running
-Morph ball with jumping somehow, bombs, and power bombs
-Samus' armor is equipped with things that say **** you to gravity effecting her like everything else, extreme temp. protection to the point where lava dips are only like a hot tub or so to her, an energy barrier that turns on when in high motion spins, and shields to the point where having a Omega Metroid rip into you only hurts a lot instead of OMG it hurts.

Realistically that is what she has for real weapons by her current canon w/o exceptions (unless I missed something)

Entangler + Darkburst. Boom, done.
What makes you think entangler would hold him or for that matter long enough to fire off a dark burst anyway? A lot of his games are just him dealing with the dangers that are in another dimension for starters.

Plus Wario can avoid the blowing/sucking motions of foes like this:
Poor kitty cat/princess

Oh and you saying he can be beaten is going against what his canon is saying as well according to the manual and how you guys think that instruction booklets are the greatest source of info ever.

Show me how Lucas creates a world, or how he summons a "meteor shower" altering the ground around him.
You haven’t looked at Mother 3’s script despite the fact that I’ve shown it like 80 times? K, watch the ending where Lucas pulls the final needle and wakes up his power.

What happens in said video was because of Lucas unlocking the full power he was working for (Ness has something awesome happen as well to be fair). If Lucas just getting the power does that, what do you think will happen when he is actually using it? (Plus the fact that the ending after that says that Lucas recreated the world and everyone is happy should be enough of a ****ing hint that he has control over it as well, but whatever.)

And it stops. Why can't Samus just jump and outlast it in the air? I mean, we have Space Jump for infinite jumps and Screw Attack for ramming through foes, Samus could easily target Lucas if he dared try a PK Ground this way (if he has a shield up it still goes through).
What part of Samus landing cancelling the speed booster don’t you get?
God go play a Metroid game really fast that has speed booster, any of the 3 will do, activate the speed booster, than perform a hop of some sort no matter how tiny, and see what happens. It doesn’t matter if the “ground attack” hits her, if she changes her “momentum” in any way even SUCH AS landing on solid ground she loses the boost. That is my point about the “quakes” they cause her to lose her even footing that she needs for the speed booster (they aren’t hurting her…yet).

The moment she jumps into the air is the moment she has to stay up there “forever” and moving at the right speed as well if she hopes to keep the boost up, and you guys keep acting like Samus has such good control over her speed boosters speed is off as well, sense when does Samus have good control over it? She can’t even stop after a shinespark and such, and wall jumping is out just in general with it.

And what makes you think Samus’ beams go through Lucas’ shields? Again I’d like to remind you that Lucas/Ness’ shields aren’t like a ton of foes Samus has fought with shields (and even then the beams don’t break them, how about that? So what makes you think that every shield a foe has here is ****ed?), Ness and Lucas’ shields (and for that matter pokemon) are a part of them while they are up. I mean it’s just them using their mind to protect themselves you know, so where is the proof that Samus can break their concentration on the shield?

In fact, can YOU as a player ever choose to move anything in the game besides that rock?
Why does it matter if Lucas moves anything outside of the rock? The game is an RPG, and on top of that an RPG that chooses to leave what happens in battle and such up to the player’s view for the most part.

Also the fact that Lucas has been said to have TK as part of his PK is proof enough really that he can move other things besides rocks that are like 3x bigger than him for sprites (but about 20x bigger than him if you check concept art comparisons).

So, you don’t see Lucas battle anything outside of battle, but again the fact that he has foes that fly and have projectiles such has guns is more than enough proof to put two and two together and say that Lucas can use something like TK to move things, such as himself.

Why would she want to? She could just shoot him down with Nova beams from far away while Space Jumping. They are, after all, high-temperature shots... And how can Steelix reach a high-flying Samus that shoots a lot of Nova beams down below? If Steelix uses dig, then he HA to come up sometimes, since he only spends one turn underground, and that's when Samus hits him. Hell, she could hit him with a slow-but-powerful Sunburst considering his speed since obviously he'll be trained to use Gyro Ball with the lowest speed possible.
Ok 1st off, Steelix was just one example of a pokemon that could stop Samus from just running around by just being a road block in general if it came up.

Keep in mind that there are plenty of other pokemon that are size wise quite large and could also serve as a road block, and said plenty of others also happen to be either immune or flat out don’t take damage from said extreme temp shots that you are talking about.

If the pokemon are given protect, then Samus will just not plow through them and done. Why should she do it if she's not gonna do anything to them? Why risk it? She can just camp 'em out.
You act like you know when Samus will know when they have protect up. But you are aware that several pokemon also happen to have pokedex info saying that they move at supersonic speeds beyond just mach 1 as well (they said that Samus is packing supersonic speed with the booster, but they don’t say anything after that, such as beyond mach 1). Pidgeot is at least 2x faster than her in speed booster for one thing, and is in control over said speed if the dex is right.

What's keeping her from going Hypermode in the air, then landing on the floor, not suffering from any hits at all, and starting to run again?
What makes you think she can keep entering hypermode? You are aware that putting your own life into a move all the time might not be such a great idea right?

Stuff that stops Samus' speed booster are game mechs, since the instruction manula in Super Metroid says she's invincible. If it states she's invincible, and invincibility means "unable to be overcome (nothing can beat it)", then if things beat it, it's clearly because they were programmed to stop you from using the Speed Booster in that situation.
Yes I’m sure a “wall” or “something like a wall” is just a game mech., btw game mechs. and how they can be used can make sense in case you forgot that (unless you want to think something like Ness has unlimited PP/HP, because after all those things are JUST A GAME MECH.), so the game mechs. clearly don’t agree with what the SM manual says (and nothing else agrees with it, because it was never brought up in any other source but that).

So, ever heard of this:
So, I think the simple fact that the book just made an oversight with the info for it is the good answer.

BTW this is what you are saying when you say nothing can stop her:
Samus has some ****ed up dreams

So, what stops the speed booster once she has started it up if nothing can stop her from moving at those speeds? If nothing stops her, than how is she able to press on the ground and store energy for her shinespark? I guess the shinespark is just a game mech. then and shouldn’t count because it STOPS Samus even though it has actually been talked about in official canon more than one time.

Game mech to stop you from beating him in one hit. It's the only boss that has a long-enough stage for you to get some speed started, and when you slam into him with a speed booster/shinespark, he not only stays unhurt, but gets angrier and moves faster! And you know the goal of this boss: pin you against your side's wall before you pin IT to its side's wall.
Actually he doesn’t react at all to the speed booster.
I like how you forgot the fact that his claw attacks can hurt you even when in speed booster, WHY’D you overlook that?

Mewtwo taunts Sonic so he can't use the Chaos Emeralds, spams Calm mind and OHKO's Sonic with 6+ psychic.
So, what's going to happen when Mewtwo figures out that Sonic mainly has painful physical attacks?

Still want to know why you guys think that pokemon only being able to do 4 things makes sense though.

AUGH!!! Lucas cannot learn PK Ground.
Ah no, Lucas only doesn’t use PK Ground because of Mother 3’s game mechs. evening out the characters for that game as much as possible so that everyone has some happy use (done all the time for balance really in games).

Please let me remind you on what PK is in the 1st place if you don’t mind-
The term psychokinesis (from the Greek ψυχή, "psyche", meaning mind, soul, heart, or breath; and κίνησις, "kinesis", meaning motion, movement; literally "mind-movement")
Lucas clearly has enough proof that he could use PK ground canon wise if he wanted to (for starters having a higher PP stat than Kumatora when under the right equipment, PP=psychic power/points, the other point though is what PK means in general)

Lucas not being able to use PK Ground really doesn’t make much sense. And with all the exceptions we are using in this thread already (such as Samus using Phazon despite it no longer canon wise being around, or Bowser using the Star Rod despite having lost it) what is the big issue with saying Lucas can use PK Ground when all of the evidence for how the Mother series works clearly shows that he could (and is a lot more fair really than changing the FULL POINT of what the canon says like you do with Samus using phazon/Bowser using the star rod), I mean look at the stuff here:

-The only power that is limited is PK Rockin/Love according to the game (and only because it is something other than PK really, it’s a part of a higher power overall)
-The MEANING behind PK in general backs it up
-The game shows you that PK moves can be taught to those who don’t know them but are still psychic, and doing it to a powerful psychic already only takes like at the worse 5 seconds if even that (Kumatora/Poo learning PK Starstorm/Omega), Ness learns teleport in at least one demonstration of it.
-The game shows some pretty ****ed up ways of how you could unlock PK (Lucas learning PK Flash,
-The game’s show proof that they limit you on purpose (Ness’ Nightmare starts off with a psychic shield, which Ness hasn’t been shown to do, so how did the boss start off with a psychic shield when the boss is really just NESS!)

That's a lie dude. Lucas doesn't move the rock with his mind (you must of not played the english version...) Lucas is given a Key item known as the *words of encouragement.* In short, Lucas and his party ask the rock to move nicely.
(mother 3 being weird/funny again lol)
I’ve played the English version ok. Lucas getting the key item *words of encouragement* is a perfect example of a *broken bridge* trope in an RPG that is being made fun of at least in that case (because the item you get to move the rock is LITTERLY right next to the thing almost, they might as well have put it in a gift box right next to the thing like they did with the octopus eraser item in chapter 8 am I right?).

Using some actual meaning for that event instead of using a fake forced wall, Lucas moving that rock is clearly being done with his mind.

But on another note, the mother series sure is a fan of having “large rocks” block the path (M2’s really is ****ed up though, considering how Ness and his friends are using the PK powers just fine on 30 ton Dinosaurs pretty much right after that event).

Also on another note because I see you saying Lucas is weak still I’m guessing you never saw my other post for you.

IIRC, the startup time for Sonic's super transformation is very low, like under a second. That would outspeed M2's taunt wouldn't it?
So, why does the startup time for Sonic's transformation take two days in some other games like Sonic Heroes?

Don't both the game and the instruction manual say/prove it's invincible?
Well the game certainly doesn't say that. There are plenty of things in the game that shows that the manual is full of bull.

And Sonic sure as **** isn't invulnerable in Super Sonic as well when you look at how the thing works in the 1st place and what psychic powers are anyway (Something having high level PK is the closest thing to what we would see what "god" is for one thing if you actually do the math for what it is).

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
_clinton gets +5 internets from me if he can give Pogeymans more than 4 moves. Cause that's what Mewtwo will need here. :p

Replying to your wall post tommorrow. <3


Uhh... Look at my status.
Apr 20, 2008
San Diego, CA
Switch FC
You know what frustrates me, _clinton? Your allegations of what "game mechs" are are true to your arguments, but not true to ours... Your opinions are once again filling up your replies with bias, such as "if Lucas pulling the 7th needle destroyed the world, imagine what he can do with such a power!" (the thing here is that we can't 'imagine', we have to do things the way the game shows us we can do them. Lucas never uses his powers as far as we've seen, what happens is the world gets destroyed and done)... And you even started strawmanning my arguments. I find replying to you extremely unenjoyable since you believe you're right all the time and that we're wrong because matches ended up NOT how you wanted them to end.

Learn to deal with it. Lucas lost. What I'm doing is repeating the same thing over and over again, and you still refuse to understand when everyone else knows what truly happened in the Samus vs Lucas MU. I'm not stopping because you won, I'm stopping because I'm not having fun arguing with you, what with all the "god, I like how you all think I'm wrong when I'm actually right" insinuations and how YOUR views of "game mechs" override my own because you want to win THAT bad.

And pokemon should keep 4 moves at all times, because that's how the game works. Game mechanic or not, THAT'S how the game works, and that's how they should work here. Never in the history of Pokemon have they been able to learn 5 moves or more, so keep it at 4.

the king of murder

Smash Lord
Dec 23, 2009
In a bizarre legend
The startuptime for the transformation to SS takes more than under 1 second.
I would say it takes 2-3 seconds to fully activate the transformation. That would be enough time to attack him with Embargo or other attacks before Sonic tranforms.

Even if his transformation would be successful, Mewtwo can just use Snatch to steal Sonics' Superform. I'm sure it will work since Snatch works on moves like Substitute as well.

And Sonic cannot freeze time he can only slow it down. If Sonic is really gonna slow him down then Mewtwo can just use Trick Room and it will instead make him faster.
Trick Room is not useless here especially against Sonic.

So yeah
Aura Sphere
Trick Room
Calm Mind/Radom attack


Smash Lord
Dec 14, 2008
Laughing while sayin' "idunno" with heav

According to one of the original Sonic games (1-3?), the transformation is almost instantaneous


So why couldn't the rock move just cuz asking nicely makes it move?
Why must an alterior explaination that seemingly "makes more sense" be made?

You do realize that video games never follow " RL logic" or "realism" to a T

For all we know, it's some magical rock that only moves when spoken to in a specific manner
By video game logic, asking the rock to move and then seeing it move makes sense by the logic it's following, even though it's silly

I really don't see why you gotta add "logic" to have things make sense when they plainly aren't meant to in the first place

In regards to RPG's, they are left up to the player's imagination
It's just that the rest of us don't see Lucas and Ness' abilities reaching the extent of what you depict them as
We imagine it to lesser degrees
As you imagine it to greater degrees

This same imagination can lead the player to think these kids are doing DBZ speed and flight when attacking flying condors/teleporting spacedudes wherelse others see them standing taking turns taking hits on each other

The graphics and battle layout of the Mother games really allows for a lot of leeway when it comes to how it'd play out in 3D, free roaming environment


Smash Legend
May 23, 2009
The startuptime for the transformation to SS takes more than under 1 second.
I would say it takes 2-3 seconds to fully activate the transformation. That would be enough time to attack him with Embargo or other attacks before Sonic tranforms.
Most of that time was the emeralds coming to Sonic. He'll have them in these fights. Here, look between 1 and 2 seconds. The transformation is definitely less than 1 second.

Even if his transformation would be successful, Mewtwo can just use Snatch to steal Sonics' Superform. I'm sure it will work since Snatch works on moves like Substitute as well.
Hm, I'm not sure about snatch. I guess it would work if it works on protect.

And Sonic cannot freeze time he can only slow it down. If Sonic is really gonna slow him down then Mewtwo can just use Trick Room and it will instead make him faster.
Trick Room is not useless here especially against Sonic.
If Sonic can use the same chaos control as shadow, why wouldn't he be able to stop time?


Uhh... Look at my status.
Apr 20, 2008
San Diego, CA
Switch FC
Sonic's been seen to stop time during multiplayer games in SA2B, so I'm sure he can stop time.

Mewtwo using snatch? Ah wow, if it works... :O


Smash Master
Aug 9, 2008
The startuptime for the transformation to SS takes more than under 1 second.
I would say it takes 2-3 seconds to fully activate the transformation. That would be enough time to attack him with Embargo or other attacks before Sonic tranforms.

Even if his transformation would be successful, Mewtwo can just use Snatch to steal Sonics' Superform. I'm sure it will work since Snatch works on moves like Substitute as well.

And Sonic cannot freeze time he can only slow it down. If Sonic is really gonna slow him down then Mewtwo can just use Trick Room and it will instead make him faster.
Trick Room is not useless here especially against Sonic.

So yeah
Aura Sphere
Trick Room
Calm Mind/Radom attack
Thats an awful moveset for M2.

Snatch will NOT work here due to Sonic Transforming {not strictly stat boosting.} besides the move fails when used on pokemon who JUST transformed.

And really what does any of this achieve. Mewtwo CANNOT get over Super Sonic. Sonic is faster meaning your Mewtwo is now left with a single attack move. And Psychic is better than Aura Sphere due to STAB.

the king of murder

Smash Lord
Dec 23, 2009
In a bizarre legend

According to one of the original Sonic games (1-3?), the transformation is almost instantaneous
Most of that time was the emeralds coming to Sonic. He'll have them in these fights. Here, look between 1 and 2 seconds. The transformation is definitely less than 1 second.
The transformations startup vary from game to game I guess. I'm not sure.

Hm, I'm not sure about snatch. I guess it would work if it works on protect.
It will work. Snatch can steal any kind of boost . It's the reason why he tied with Bowser(though people were arguing about what would happen if didn't use his Star Rod). Sonic becomes invincible right? Therefore he gets an infinite defense boost. With Snatch he is able to steal his invincibility.

If Sonic can use the same chaos control as shadow, why wouldn't he be able to stop time?
I'm not saying he can't use it. If I recall correctly Chaos Control gives the user the ability to slow down time. There is a big difference in time slow and time freezing you know. Time freezing makes everything around you completly immobile while in time slow you can still move. I think you even said this yourself in other matches that others will be trapped in an infinite time slow.

Thats an awful moveset for M2.

Snatch will NOT work here due to Sonic Transforming {not strictly stat boosting.} besides the move fails when used on pokemon who JUST transformed.

And really what does any of this achieve. Mewtwo CANNOT get over Super Sonic. Sonic is faster meaning your Mewtwo is now left with a single attack move. And Psychic is better than Aura Sphere due to STAB.
It doesn't matter if this moveset sucks in general because what matters is what he will do here.

Aura Sphere is better because it always hits.

And Sonic is not faster if Mew2 uses Trick Room.

Have to go to bed now.


Uhh... Look at my status.
Apr 20, 2008
San Diego, CA
Switch FC
Can Ditto's transformations be 'snatched'? If not, then Sonic's transformation can't be snatched.


Smash Legend
May 23, 2009
The transformations startup vary from game to game I guess. I'm not sure.
Since characters come to these fights fully prepared, I say we use the startup I posted, since Sonic will pretty much be in that position.

It will work. Snatch can steal any kind of boost . It's the reason why he tied with Bowser(though people were arguing about what would happen if didn't use his Star Rod). Sonic becomes invincible right? Therefore he gets an infinite defense boost. With Snatch he is able to steal his invincibility.
SS is transformation. It's a little bit more than a stat boost. In addition to snatching ditto's transformations, could you snatch castform's changes too?

I'm not saying he can't use it. If I recall correctly Chaos Control gives the user the ability to slow down time. There is a big difference in time slow and time freezing you know. Time freezing makes everything around you completly immobile while in time slow you can still move. I think you even said this yourself in other matches that others will be trapped in an infinite time slow.
As far as I know, CC let's the user-
Slow down time, stop it (look at Metal Sonic in Sonic hereos), warp time and space, etc.

Sonic claims in SA2 battle that, "somehow I managed to use the chaos control."

And yes, with his gem powers from 06, Sonic can have an infinite time slow going.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Can Ditto's transformations be 'snatched'? If not, then Sonic's transformation can't be snatched.
Most likely not, because of gameplay issues. Cause Ditto WILL always use Transform, it doesn't has any other option. Using Snatch would be weird, cause the Pokemon would then transform into itself...

Also, the transformations of Ditto and Sonic are pretty different. Ditto transforms into it's enemy, while Sonic uses items to power himself up. Snatch would work, as IIRC, Super Tails, or Super Knuckles would also be possible right?


Smash Master
Jun 2, 2006
I'm in your house, dsmashing your tv
As diddy said, super sonic transformation is not transforming his body per say, like ditto does, but it's most certainly a power up through usage of items, enhancing sonic to super sonic level of power. Status moves, excluding helping hand, can be snatched in pokemon. This includes stat up moves, substitute, recovering moves and even splash. You'd also have a gameplay issue if you could snatch a transform from ditto. You'd transform into a ditto and only have transform as an available move, forcing a switch. But on a bad occasion you wouldn't have anything to switch onto lol, so you'd have to use up all transform and then struggle, ko'ing yourself in the process.

But what you guys forgot is that snatch is a priority move, with a whopping +4. =D Only few stuff are faster than snatch in priority bracket. Magic coat is the same, helping hand is +5, switch out and items is +6 and pursuit is +7. Note that even if you use trick room, order priority won't change. Speed usually determines the priority of whom may use their moves first. But if mewtwo were to use snatch relatively at the same time as sonic goes super (same turn), imo, he could snatch the effects of going super. That is, if going super is snatchable.

Though if going super would be classified as a stat up move, psych up would copy this effect, aka the changes made to sonic's stats. Funnily enough, it wouldn't probably copy the "super" status of sonic, but only the enhancements made to him via going super. Psych up copy effects wouldn't even run out till the battle is over, lol.

Skill swap, if we'd classify it an ability.

the king of murder

Smash Lord
Dec 23, 2009
In a bizarre legend
Since characters come to these fights fully prepared, I say we use the startup I posted, since Sonic will pretty much be in that position..
I'm not sure about this. You can be right but this is a little bit contradicting because in most games the transformation lasted 2-3 seconds or even longer. Also the Chaos Emeralds going inside him is a part of the transformation because he has shown to do it in almost every games.

SS is transformation. It's a little bit more than a stat boost. In addition to snatching ditto's transformations, could you snatch castform's changes too?
Diddy and Samo addressed that already but I have something to add.

Sonic gains a lot of energy through the Chaos Emeralds. His defense raises into infinity(invincibility). That's why Mewtwo would be able to snatch his invicibility. Sonic gains energy, energy is a boost and Snatch works on stuff like that. And if this is really not the case then Mewtwo can use Psych up to copy his super status.(Thanks to Samo for pointing it out).

As far as I know, CC let's the user-
Slow down time, stop it (look at Metal Sonic in Sonic hereos), warp time and space, etc.

Sonic claims in SA2 battle that, "somehow I managed to use the chaos control."

And yes, with his gem powers from 06, Sonic can have an infinite time slow going.
I checked it and you're right. However he needs to hold at least one emerald to perform Chaos Control. This can be affected by Embargo. The only one who has performed CC without emeralds was Shadow.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
So Mewtwo wins? Awesome. Cause before, I didn't thought he'd won this speficic matchup. =)

Now about Mewtwo vs Fox. Why did Fox beat Mewtwo again there?


Smash Lord
Jun 5, 2009
So Mewtwo wins? Awesome. Cause before, I didn't thought he'd won this speficic matchup. =)

Now about Mewtwo vs Fox. Why did Fox beat Mewtwo again there?
Because (as far as I know), Sonic doesn't have any projectiles. Which means he has to approach, which is where M2 dominates. Fox can spam from a distance and never have to approach.


the king of murder

Smash Lord
Dec 23, 2009
In a bizarre legend
Personally I don't agree with Fox winning. But I won't argue now.

Now wich item? If we are using MD Mew2 then he can have a bag full of items. That would be pretty sweet.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Because (as far as I know), Sonic doesn't have any projectiles. Which means he has to approach, which is where M2 dominates. Fox can spam from a distance and never have to approach.

Nah not like that. Mewtwo beats Sonic cause of Snatch, not because of projectiles. Besides, Mewtwo could deal with most projectiles of Fox. Although, Fox is heavily armed, but I'd figure he'll die easier than Mewtwo.


Smash Lord
Jun 5, 2009
Nah not like that. Mewtwo beats Sonic cause of Snatch, not because of projectiles. Besides, Mewtwo could deal with most projectiles of Fox. Although, Fox is heavily armed, but I'd figure he'll die easier than Mewtwo.
That was just my guess; I'm no expert on either the Pokemon or Star Fox series.



Smash Legend
May 23, 2009
As far as I'm concerned, I guess snatch would work.

IDK if move priority has anything to do with real time battles.

So, does snatch have infinite range? If not, couldn't Sonic just warp/run away, transform, then come back as SS? Snatch can't steal the power if it's already being used.

And besides that, what if Sonic stops time at the beginning of the battle? He could transform without worrying about snatch, or just do pretty much anything to M2.

And you guys are ignoring normal sonic as well. He's still insanely fast and could just blow M2 aside with his boost from unleashed. He's got Sonic wind as well, and time stopping is a formidable ability as well.

I'm not sure about this. You can be right but this is a little bit contradicting because in most games the transformation lasted 2-3 seconds or even longer. Also the Chaos Emeralds going inside him is a part of the transformation because he has shown to do it in almost every games.
I just took the fastest one I've seen. If he has been shown to do it that fast, it should be that fast in the thread.

I checked it and you're right. However he needs to hold at least one emerald to perform Chaos Control. This can be affected by Embargo. The only one who has performed CC without emeralds was Shadow.
Since embargo effects aren't permanent, I'm sure Sonic could outrun anything M2 throws at him until it wears off.

So Mewtwo wins? Awesome. Cause before, I didn't thought he'd won this speficic matchup. =)
Not done yet. How would M2 respond to Chaos Control (and the stuff I said above)?

Nah not like that. Mewtwo beats Sonic cause of Snatch, not because of projectiles. Besides, Mewtwo could deal with most projectiles of Fox. Although, Fox is heavily armed, but I'd figure he'll die easier than Mewtwo.
Look above for my response to Snatch, but I think we are still ignoring normal Sonic's abilities. It's not like going super is his only option.

And remember guys, since Sonic's transformation takes less than a second, as soon as M2 lets his gaurd down to do anything else, Sonic gets a free transformation.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
But stopping time... I'm sure there's some Pokemon move which would give that to Mewtwo. Cause basically, most things you can do, Mewtwo can return to you. Maybe Snatch would even work against time stopping. If so, neither characters need to go Super.

Should be fun when Mewtwo's fighting Ganondorf. Could he possibly Snatch away Ganon's Triforce of Power?? :p


Smash Lord
Jun 5, 2009
But stopping time... I'm sure there's some Pokemon move which would give that to Mewtwo. Cause basically, most things you can do, Mewtwo can return to you. Maybe Snatch would even work against time stopping. If so, neither characters need to go Super.

Should be fun when Mewtwo's fighting Ganondorf. Could he possibly Snatch away Ganon's Triforce of Power?? :p
No, it wouldn't work. Ganon already has it going into the battle. Snatch only steals the effect if the person powers up in battle.

Not to mention it only steals the effects, so he couldn't steal the ToP itself anyway.




Smash Hero
Apr 28, 2008
How is Samus going to beat something like that? Canon wise it hasn’t been taken back yet.
Simple. The Darkburst. Wario would least expect it, I'm sure. After all, he isn't quite sure what Samus is going to fire. Not to mention, it sucks things in within the vicinity.

I mean you don’t see Samus plowing through other metal doors easily as well.
And you don't see her blasting down hatches with her Super Missiles in Metroid Fusion, but SA-X has no problem doing that. Perhaps it's a game mechanic for the player? After all, a lot of hatches are destroyed in Metroid Fusion by SA-X, and you have to find another way around.

Yeah please check again, Dryn's results from speed booster has been varied.

Also, it wasn't a 1/2 second to start-up, Super Metroid had 2 seconds, the other games had 3 seconds.

Um, no. Super Metroid wasn't even 2 seconds. I've tested this more than once. Metroid Fusion and Metroid: Zero Mission take 2 seconds. Apparently you're in denial about the entire thing. I mean, do I really have to have someone else with a stop watch and Super Metroid use the Speed Booster and start the stop watch the moment forward and the run button are inputted and then stop the stop watch the moment they see a blue flare?


Smash Legend
May 23, 2009
But stopping time... I'm sure there's some Pokemon move which would give that to Mewtwo.

Cause basically, most things you can do, Mewtwo can return to you. Maybe Snatch would even work against time stopping. If so, neither characters need to go Super.
Time stopping is not buffing the user, so snatch shouldn't work.

And what about snatch's range, or Sonic running away, transforming, then coming back?


Smash Master
Dec 11, 2007
Snatch snatches these effects:

* All self-affecting stat ups (including Belly Drum and Defense Curl, but excluding Curse)
* Aromatherapy
* Camouflage
* Charge
* Heal Bell
* Heal Order
* Ingrain
* Light Screen
* Milk Drink
* Mist
* Moonlight
* Morning Sun
* Psych Up
* Recover
* Reflect
* Refresh
* Rest
* Roost
* Safeguard
* Slack Off
* Softboiled
* Stockpile
* Substitute
* Swallow
* Synthesis
* Tailwind

What do you see about these moves? Well, they're healing moves, stat-up moves, moves that increase a certain stat temporarily, moves that increase physical/special defense w/o using the base stat to do such calculations, and moves that remove status conditions.

If Sonic does any of these, then Mewtwo can Snatch the effect away, probably. However, Snatch is range-limited, and regardless of move priority (how would Snatch go first, anyway?), this is a real-time battle. Mewtwo can go nuts, but so can Sonic, and thus Snatch wouldn't be as great as a move. Sonic can just run out of range anyway and go super.

Snatch can't take items away, though. That's where Embargo can come into effect, but again, it's range limited, and even moreso if you guys are using Dungeon Mewtwo.

EDIT: I don't see Splash in this list! Nor Transform, for that matter...

EDIT2/3/whatever: Psych Up doesn't copy Super Sonic's stat adjustments. If it doesn't copy Tailwind's speed boost, why should it copy Super Sonic's defense/offense adjustments? They're temporary, like Tailwind's, but not completely permanent like stat boosts/drops (if the Pokemon stays in).


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2006
Cause that's what Mewtwo will need here. :p
K, here are some reasons:

A. None of the other pokemon medians show such limitations in the move pool
B. A lot of the moves are overall just the same thing but with different effects, and the basic moves are things such as just “scratch” (the moves start off simple for battle and get more “advanced” is my point)
C. It’s clearly put in to limit on purpose, because a lot of pokemon could clearly be uber if it was not limited, and despite what some people think, the people who do make pokemon clearly do try to limit things so there not THAT broken for the most part when it comes to the metagame (granted there are exceptions, things like Mewtwo are made to be broken, but overall they do try some form of balance).

Your allegations of what "game mechs" are are true to your arguments, but not true to ours...
Oh I’m sorry, but last I checked I unlike you guys for Samus I haven’t tried to say some BS like Ness’ PP is unlimited because PP is just a game mech.

The only time I disregard the game mechs. really is when they clearly don’t agree with established canon from other games of the area (such as Mario’s representation in Mario vs. Donkey Kong).

Which on such a note as that is really the only time you should disregard them because game mechs. do have a purpose for this; and that purpose is to be as close of a representation of the character’s skills, traits, and so on as possible.

You guys saying nothing can stop Samus speed booster because it makes her invulnerable when in use is not accurate according to the game mechs. in the metroid games; in which things clearly do stop her (walls, spikes, various foes)

If Samus was truly invulnerable to physical harm she wouldn’t be stopped at all like YOU GUYS have said, so the only thing left is to determine if the phrase from Super Metroid’s manual is truly correct would be to look at what stops her and if that stuff is invulnerable as well. Because the only way to stop something that is truly invulnerable would be to counter it with something else that is invulnerable as well so they can cancel each other out; so tell me are the walls and such on Zebes and the BSL station that Samus uses the speed booster in invulnerable as well? Because last I checked they aren’t really (what with how they blow up and such, oh and how the games clearly show Samus busting through the areas in several ways such as "bomb blocks").

(the thing here is that we can't 'imagine', we have to do things the way the game shows us we can do them. Lucas never uses his powers as far as we've seen, what happens is the world gets destroyed and done)...
Itoi has clearly said that Lucas used his powers to renew the world actually in case you haven’t been paying attention to some of the early point. So despite what you think the fact is clear that Lucas destroyed the world, then he remade it.

Here is the interview again proving that:

What I'm doing is repeating the same thing over and over again, and you still refuse to understand when everyone else knows what truly happened in the Samus vs Lucas MU.
Um excuse me but last I checked when you’ve "repeated the same thing over and over again," I’ve commented on how that stuff is pretty bad in general IMO and given points about how your argument is packing holes; such as this stuff:

1. Speed booster-I’m pretty sure you know what I think about it, the funny thing with it is that I don't have any issue with the supersonic speed, but apparently you guys like to think that Samus is invulnerable with it just because of a badly written sentence in an instruction booklet, despite how something like supersonic speeds that is packing at least 198 pounds of force behind it (oh and that is just an estimate, I have no idea how much weight the armor really adds, but Samus is 198 w/o it) is a by far more logical reason for why she busts through foes/various objects.
2. Power Shield-You’re saying that Samus’ beams pass through the thing, but you don't get that Lucas/Ness’ shields aren’t armor, they are a "part of them" when put up.
3. You guys are acting like Samus is some foe that Lucas has never fought before as far as "fire power" goes, and that she would just simply outperform him (like get 5 turns for his 1 or something BS like that) but as Mother 3’s foes clearly show there are a ton of foes packing serious fire power as well (Claus is Lucas' twin for starters) as very high moving speeds and having things such as teleporting abilities.

The response for those things pretty much for these points has been really nothing more than as far as I can tell (and said reasons is why I'm not "happy" with the results that went into this match):

1. **** you the instruction booklet is right no matter what you say.
2. The game says the beams pass through stuff (even though the games have plenty of examples of it not being a perfect piercing ability in that there are plenty of things that they don't go through in the games, which is completely missing my point about the shields being "them" on top of that, but whatever).
3. Samus is "faster" because we say she is, and Lucas just sits there and lets his foes hit him, or his foes sit there and let him hit them no matter how illogical that sounds or how the foes move outside of battle, that is what happens because "we say so" despite how stupid it sounds from looking at things such as outside the battles.

Also it seems you weren’t even paying attention to the point at hand for this it seems for right now because the thing I was replying to mainly was that Lucas = Ness with PK Nintendo, not the match up you are talking about (granted it affects it "I guess," but on that note I like how you think Lucas vs. Samus is the ONLY match up I have issues with when it comes to Samus, it's not like the Mario Brothers aren't on there as well).

Oh and another thing, when "everyone" in this thread is equal to like at best "5 other people" that commented about it (and for the "original talk" they talked about Ness/older match ups more really than Lucas vs. Samus to be fair) I hardly see that as a significant number to argue against.

Game mechanic or not, THAT'S how the game works, and that's how they should work here. Never in the history of Pokemon have they been able to learn 5 moves or more, so keep it at 4.
I still want to know why you don’t think “breathing” counts as a move, or going to the bathroom.

Oh and how you are so Black/White accepting of Pokemon’s game mechs. but not Metroid’s when it comes to saying that is how they work (good job with showing double standards) such as with the speed booster/phazon.

**** pokemon’s game mechs. clearly don’t make sense, so a lot of them shouldn’t count besides just “4 moves,” such as overall “level” of the pokemon even, because finding level 1-50 Pidgey is really ****ing blowing that notion away, but especially when the idea of “training” can be explained with another way (EVs) overall. Oh and the pokedex doesn’t really support the idea of “leveling up” as well, because things like Magikarp’s entry can be explained a lot easier with the idea of IVs and how the newer ones live in a ****y environment, not level.

According to one of the original Sonic games (1-3?), the transformation is almost instantaneous
No it isn’t, you need 50 rings and rings are a symbol of Chaos energy when it comes to the transformations at least, when you use Sonic 2 and 3.

So why couldn't the rock move just cuz asking nicely makes it move?
Why must an alterior explaination that seemingly "makes more sense" be made?

You know your point almost makes sense when I remember that there are talking rocks in the Mother games, but that rock is clearly not alive like the ones in Mother 2 were, so it is clear that Lucas moved it with his mind when the time came.

You do realize that video games never follow " RL logic" or "realism" to a T

Yeah I’m aware of that, but I’m also aware that broken bridges are stupid in general and almost never given a good reason for their use other than to be annoying to you.

I really don't see why you gotta add "logic" to have things make sense when they plainly aren't meant to in the first place
I’m doing it because the games do it in the 1st place believe it or not with a lot of things.

This same imagination can lead the player to think these kids are doing DBZ speed and flight when attacking flying condors/teleporting spacedudes wherelse others see them standing taking turns taking hits on each other
I hate DBZ, just thought I’d point that out really fast.

Them taking turns and hitting each other is BS no matter how you look at it, please review your facts about Mother. Your foes are trying to take over the world/destroy the world, they do things like kidnap a large population, and take over entire areas in said process, they have been shown to make other beings into slaves (Mr. Saturn), they have revived the dead to terrorize an entire community, and have been shown to brain wash entire areas as well. I could go on, but I think I’ve proven that it sounds stupid that the foes are the type to just let their foe hit them.

However, going on what makes you think they just “take turns” hitting each other especially when like you said OUTSIDE of the battle they clearly have your party in “stand by” mode and the foes in said mode as well until you enter there “area.” In said case they want you dead after they see you.

So I’m sorry if you think that Ness/Lucas’ teams being able to match foes that are teleporting/flying is wrong, but the foes clearly do it outside of a fight, and the foes even clearly point out that Ness/Lucas’ team is more than a even match for them still in several areas. So it shouldn’t take much “imagination” to see Ness/Lucas’ teams doing that stuff as well when their foes are doing it and saying that these kids are more than a match for them.

The graphics and battle layout of the Mother games really allows for a lot of leeway when it comes to how it'd play out in 3D, free roaming environment
It’s called an action RPG. Notice how the people who made FF did it (and that series is the KING of just making things “stand around and take turns”) just fine when it comes to other characters?

And I seriously can’t believe that I have to explain why it is stupid to assume that in a real situation the foes/characters aren’t just taking turns hitting each other, I mean WOW WTF people!

**** you don’t see me pointing out how stupid Samus or Mario must be to drop all of their power ups after each game is just a way to limit them for you right (except in the few cases where they have explained it with some reason)?

Simple. The Darkburst. Wario would least expect it, I'm sure. After all, he isn't quite sure what Samus is going to fire. Not to mention, it sucks things in within the vicinity.
I think you missed the point where I brought up that Wario has a habit of entering different dimensions and leaving them quite freely as far as his games go (Wario Land 3 is sort of an exception, but canon wise Wario has a pocket size dimensional teleporter lying around) after all, he is in the same universe with Mario, a guy who already takes saving the planet/universe/existence as a job, so of course he’ll have to find “work” elsewhere.

Of course Wario also has bad luck when it comes to things breaking down on him as well I guess:

Naturally said foe that sucked him into the world and turned out to be the bad guy in the end:

So, what does Wario beating a foe like that (who can polymorph the entire world and become the “god” of it on top of that) say?

And you don't see her blasting down hatches with her Super Missiles in Metroid Fusion, but SA-X has no problem doing that. Perhaps it's a game mechanic for the player? After all, a lot of hatches are destroyed in Metroid Fusion by SA-X, and you have to find another way around.
So, why didn’t the SA-X just enter the higher security areas again right from the start if it was hunting Metroids is my 1st question for you in response to this? I’m pretty sure the SA-X/X in general (as in "mainly," because I’m aware that it breaks a container at the start of the game and flees the area) just destroying locks that have been open already is not that impressive.

As said locks that are being busted do not have high level security clearance on them at the time for more reasons than just game mechs. (and it is proven when Adam says that activation of higher locks may have been a mistake, because of what happens to the areas that weren’t infected before).

I mean if you think that the speed booster is the way it really works, than how come the SA-X didn’t just launch herself in Samus’ direction with shinespark at the start of the game? (after all, the thing is mimicking Samus at full power according to the game, and the X have been shown to be able to mimic “intelligence” as well after a certain point).

Of course I do hope you really don't think that the SA-X busting up the area hasn't been shown with Samus, because she has been seen busting up things: bomb blocks, screw attack blocks, speed booster blocks, power bomb blocks, ect. and she has also been seen blowing open doors in general in the games as well when you look at the number of hatches you have to bust up in Metroid/SM.

And all those things show us is that Samus can bust up areas, as long as there are "flaws in the designs" of it at the time (such as a door w/o anything locking it up like in MF after the locks are turned off with the SA-X).

Still, stuff like "power bomb blocks" proves my point about how the space station isn't invulnerable and as such the speed booster isn't invulnerable as well because the stuff can stop it once it starts (not like I had to prove it wasn't invulnerable, the thing blows up you know).

Oh and before you say how it doesn't make sense that the game has things like "blocks" in general, let me remind you that games like MP backs it up for why they work in their definition of what they are made out of and such, and also remind you that things like the normal "bomb blocks" don't hold up at all when things like the speed booster/screw attack go through them in games like SM/ZM/MF, thus showing "resistance in the structures" can be different for the things (as in some stuff does break easier than other stuff).

Apparently you're in denial about the entire thing.
Or maybe it’s just that I have different data from my own testing as well and prefer to round up when explaining them; Metroid Fusion and Zero Mission are both beyond 2 seconds and in fact closer to 3, they aren’t just two seconds like you are saying (in fact both games use the same mechs. for the speed booster at least when it comes to turning the thing on), and Super Metroid is closer to 2 seconds as well, in fact it is right under it, it isn’t just 1 second like you’ve said before.

Of course you’re free to have someone else time this as well if you still think MF and ZM are flat on 2 seconds instead of being closer to 3 (I don’t give a **** about SM’s when two other games have the same stats for it). MF even has an easy spot where you can time it w/o a risk of any interruptions at all with that hallway leading back to the main deck. Personally I think saying “at least 2.5” would be easier though.

Also in regards to the current match up, why can’t Mewtwo just "trick" a burn orb onto Sonic and take an emerald at the same time or something like that and set him on fire at the same time until Sonic throws it away? No offense but I’m pretty sure a “burn” would suck for Sonic, what with him not having any way to heal (oh wait he could just wipe up a tornado and blow it off never mind that point in case it comes up) and also being a physical character and such.

Trick isn’t a direct assault according to the game’s stats (RPG part that is), so Mewtwo doesn’t have to be close (snatch isn’t either btw so for those people saying that Mewtwo has to be close to steal a positive helper move, you’re wrong).


Uhh... Look at my status.
Apr 20, 2008
San Diego, CA
Switch FC
_clinton, if the last bosses of games (or even the minions, as a matter of fact) were truly representatives of the power the story gives them, then no single human player would be able to beat the game. Seriously, haven't you wondered how some bosses have a move or two that causes the player lots of trouble, but they barely ever use it continuously? Usually they space out their attacks between each other... Could you imagine how tough the games would be if every single Last Boss/minion would use their strongest power(s) constantly? The player would have an immensely hard time defeating the boss... And the games are aimed for an "E (sometimes "T")" audience.

How would you expect a child to beat Eggman in SA1, if Eggman just destroys the whole stage? I mean, when you take like 6/8ths of Eggman's life down, he drives through one of the two platforms and destroys it instantly (the one where Sonic isn't standing on), but then fights on the other floor normally. If Eggman's robot was truly as powerful as the game makes it out to be, why didn't Eggman prove this by atLEAST destroying every walkable terrain and beating Sonic? Hell, same thing goes with Mario in his games... In SPM he fights an enemy capable of manipulating dimensions, yet they beat him anyway... Why didn't Dimentio just create/send them into a dimension where everything that entered died? Or why didn't Dimentio transport them into the giant black hole that was eating everything? Face it: last bosses and minions are stupid, and they definitely DON'T represent what the story makes them out to be.

So, this goes back to Lucas... What proof do you have that Lucas and the enemies aren't just "taking turns" hitting each other? I think that's how turn-based games work, and that's how the whole game is played.

As to the pokemon thing... Breathing and going to the bathroom aren't moves, because the game doesn't make them moves. Only attacking maneuvers are considered "moves". Nidorina can bite food and eat, but she can't bite an opponent until she learns it. DON'T QUESTION THE GAMES, they're how they are for purposes of this thread.

And lastly... Samus is invincible while speed boosting, and the only things that harm her are those programmed to harm her no matter what she's doing. She is also unstoppable when it comes to enemies walking in front of her, unless they're programmed to stop Samus from speed boosting/. When you play the game, you realize this. What's so hard to understand here?


Smash Master
Jun 2, 2006
I'm in your house, dsmashing your tv
I don't see how enemies stopping samus from speed boosting (lol barrels, note chozo tech as well) or some random walls that cannot be busted for gameplay reasons have any relevancy in this discussion. Most characters we see here certainly don't have speed booster resistance, unless they're invincible themselves. Neither does the ground have any obstacles to prevent samus from moving around.

Clinton, mewtwo cannot learn trick. Learn to play pokemonz.

Snatch is not a contact move, tho out of range would classify as not being near enough, kinda like fly and dig. Sonic could easily run the hell away, but then again that would provide mewtwo enough room to trick room sonic and lol catch up to him. Trick room is a decreased priority move, so he'd go last, but is not affected by protect or such. And really, we do not know the exact range of pokemon moves unless they are contact moves. Then we'd have to take account each pokemon's individual range, mewtwo obv has more range to his moves than a shuckle. He's a psychic and can levitate to boot (and teleport).

the king of murder

Smash Lord
Dec 23, 2009
In a bizarre legend
So, does snatch have infinite range? If not, couldn't Sonic just warp/run away, transform, then come back as SS? Snatch can't steal the power if it's already being used.
Snatch is not a contact move. He just has to target him. It's range is not that limited and it should work if Mewtwo targets him since some Poke have used it from a good distance away already. It's accuracy is -% and it has +4 priority(that means it comes out pretty fast) so Snatch will very likely hit him.

And besides that, what if Sonic stops time at the beginning of the battle? He could transform without worrying about snatch, or just do pretty much anything to M2.
Embargo? You know he can use it again if it wears off. He has items that fill his PP so Sonic will have a hard time without his emeralds. And you know, no Emeralds=no Chaos Control.

And you guys are ignoring normal sonic as well. He's still insanely fast and could just blow M2 aside with his boost from unleashed. He's got Sonic wind as well, and time stopping is a formidable ability as well.
I agree. He is a force to be reckoned with and can be a threat to everyone here. But you should never underestimate a Pokemon with a large moveset.

Even if Sonic outspeeds Mewtwo normally he can still use Trick Room. With Trick Room he will always be faster than Sonic. You should keep that in mind.

I just took the fastest one I've seen. If he has been shown to do it that fast, it should be that fast in the thread.
But the CEs going inside him is a part of his transformation. In almost all of his games it took more than 1 second for the transformation. It was always shown in cutscenes. Cutscenes are more canon than gameplay(and it was just one time).

Anyway it doesn't matter because Mewtwo has a very high reaction time. It was shown in the movie(although it's not canon it should give you an idea how high Mewtwos' speed is).

Since embargo effects aren't permanent, I'm sure Sonic could outrun anything M2 throws at him until it wears off.
Trick Room? Mewtwo will be faster than Sonic thanks to that. Aura Sphere will always hit no matter what. Mewtwo has the power to outspeed Sonic and he has an attack that hits him for sure. How is he going to run away from that? And Embargo can be used again if it wears off.

Not done yet. How would M2 respond to Chaos Control (and the stuff I said above)?
Embargo and Taunt can shut it down.

Look above for my response to Snatch, but I think we are still ignoring normal Sonic's abilities. It's not like going super is his only option.
I'm not ignoring his abilitys. Mewtwo just has a lot of options to shut Sonic down.

And remember guys, since Sonic's transformation takes less than a second, as soon as M2 lets his gaurd down to do anything else, Sonic gets a free transformation.
Mewtwo is not that kind of a Pokemon who lets his guard down so easily. He is made for fighting after all. And if he doesn't transform right away he has to deal with Embargo. That means no emeralds for quit a while.

If we are using MD Mewtwo he can use a lot of stuff here.

He can use Hypnotic Orb to put Sonic into sleep or Foe Petrify Orb to paralyze him(and both of these items work on the whole stage). He can use One Shot Orb to finish him off(yes it's a 1HKO but you have to be in front of your foe to activate it). And in MD you can learn a TM move while your fighting someone. That means if one move doesn't prove to be effective he can just replace it with another move. Mewtwo becomes unpredictable now.
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