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Smash Bros. Canon Tournament! (Mario Vs. ????) - 06/14/10


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2006
I don't have time to reply to everything, so I'll just reply to this sense it is easy enough to:

mewtwo cannot learn trick. Learn to play pokemonz.
Platinum disagrees with you in regards to your statement with a move tutor giving it off.


Also these:


Because I thought I'd list two more references showing it in case you didn't notice it for the 1st one. ^_^

Oh and I do know how to play pokemonz. Just saying :psycho:


Smash Master
Dec 11, 2007
Clinton, mewtwo cannot learn trick. Learn to play pokemonz.
Unless you're using Dungeon or 1-2nd Gen M2, he can learn Trick.
Snatch is not a contact move, tho out of range would classify as not being near enough, kinda like fly and dig. Sonic could easily run the hell away, but then again that would provide mewtwo enough room to trick room sonic and lol catch up to him. Trick room is a decreased priority move, so he'd go last, but is not affected by protect or such. And really, we do not know the exact range of pokemon moves unless they are contact moves. Then we'd have to take account each pokemon's individual range, mewtwo obv has more range to his moves than a shuckle. He's a psychic and can levitate to boot (and teleport).
3rd-4th gen M2 can't learn Teleport


Smash Legend
May 23, 2009
Snatch is not a contact move, tho out of range would classify as not being near enough, kinda like fly and dig. Sonic could easily run the hell away, but then again that would provide mewtwo enough room to trick room sonic
Yeah, he should be able to run away, but if M2 sets up trick room, that should give Sonic enough time to transform to super (assuming trick room is not instant from what is seen in game) or stop time.

and lol catch up to him. Trick room is a decreased priority move, so he'd go last, but is not affected by protect or such. And really, we do not know the exact range of pokemon moves unless they are contact moves. Then we'd have to take account each pokemon's individual range, mewtwo obv has more range to his moves than a shuckle. He's a psychic and can levitate to boot (and teleport).
Well, you said sonic could probably outrun it. I would think so too.

Snatch is not a contact move. He just has to target him. It's range is not that limited and it should work if Mewtwo targets him since some Poke have used it from a good distance away already. It's accuracy is -% and it has +4 priority(that means it comes out pretty fast) so Snatch will very likely hit him.
So it does or doesn't have infinite range? Sonic is mad fast, and would it hit him if he was in the middle of a warp from chaos control? And remember, even with its plus 4 priority, items have more, so in priority terms the transformation would beat it if they occured near each other (plus, just the general speed of Sonic's transformation).

Embargo? You know he can use it again if it wears off. He has items that fill his PP so Sonic will have a hard time without his emeralds. And you know, no Emeralds=no Chaos Control.
Sonic's transformation is THAT fast. If Embargo wears off, M2 has to be already using it to make sure Sonic doesn't use his emeralds. Since Embargo's priority is 0, what if Sonic just warps away at the start of the battle? Or just flat out transforms? (Item usage has more priority in Poke games) Either should beat embargo's startup time (http://www.smashboards.com/newreply.php?do=newreply&p=9884628 , about 2 seconds, while Sonic's transformation is less than one. If he uses embargo or taunt from the beginning, sonic will outspeed it). And if M2 used snatch first, and snatched a warp, he'd basically give Sonic a transformation.

I agree. He is a force to be reckoned with and can be a threat to everyone here. But you should never underestimate a Pokemon with a large moveset.

Even if Sonic outspeeds Mewtwo normally he can still use Trick Room. With Trick Room he will always be faster than Sonic. You should keep that in mind.
M2 is limited to four moves correct? I know his movepool (hope that's the correct term) is large, but true to their games, he's still limited to four. And AFAIK, he has snatch, trick room, taunt/embargo already in there.

So trick room will make M2 FASTER than Sonic, or always have attack priority? If the first is true, unless M2's attacks will magically move faster too, it shouldn't be that much of a problem. Plus, when trick room wears off, Sonic will outspeed him by a significantly large margin, and the startup for trick room would be enough for time stop/transform.

But the CEs going inside him is a part of his transformation. In almost all of his games it took more than 1 second for the transformation. It was always shown in cutscenes. Cutscenes are more canon than gameplay(and it was just one time).

Anyway it doesn't matter because Mewtwo has a very high reaction time. It was shown in the movie(although it's not canon it should give you an idea how high Mewtwos' speed is).
The CEs went inside of him in the Sonic 2 transformation, Sonic 3, and Sonic 3 and knux transformation (Not one time). I personally disagree on the cutscenes being more canon than gameplay ( I can actually do it in game, how is it less verified?). If Sonic is in the same exact conditions as he was in Sonic 3, why should his transformation time be any different? Do the old games contain less canocal evidence or something? Plus, if we're going off of one time occurances don't count, Bowser doesn't get his star rod since he got it in one game and got it taken away.

M2's reaction time may be high, but Sonic's is really high too (running at hypersonic speeds). For example, at the start of the battle, Sonic could just watch M2 watch M2. If he tries to embargo/taunt, his transformation can beat it. If he prepares to snatch, Sonic could stop time or just charge him. If he does anything else, Sonic can transform.

Trick Room? Mewtwo will be faster than Sonic thanks to that. Aura Sphere will always hit no matter what. Mewtwo has the power to outspeed Sonic and he has an attack that hits him for sure. How is he going to run away from that? And Embargo can be used again if it wears off.
Trick room isn't permanent, and unless embargo is going (which Sonic's transformation can beat in startup), he'll transform. Aura sphere will always hit, but, unless embargo is going (which Sonic should be super if it is, and wouldn't have to worry about attacks anyway), couldn't Sonic just warp away, or warp the attack away? Plus, unless trick room slows sonic down, he could probably outrun the sphere.

Embargo and Taunt can shut it down.
I think I replied enough to embargo and taunt.

I'm not ignoring his abilitys. Mewtwo just has a lot of options to shut Sonic down.
Actually, Sonic dictates this battle from the start. His transformation SHOULD beat snatch (item priority + startup), embargo, and/or taunt. If you disagree with it beating snatch (def. beat embargo/taunt), Sonic just has to wait for M2 to move. If he attacks, Sonic transforms. If he embargos or taunts, sonic outspeeds it by transforming. If he sets up for snatch, sonic charges him.

Mewtwo is not that kind of a Pokemon who lets his guard down so easily. He is made for fighting after all. And if he doesn't transform right away he has to deal with Embargo. That means no emeralds for quit a while.
Like I've said, Sonic's transformation SHOULD beat embargo's startup time. I've presented canon evidence of Sonic's transformation being under one second, while embargo takes longer (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_dzUyz4em-4)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_dzUyz4em-4He can use Hypnotic Orb to put Sonic into sleep or Foe Petrify Orb to paralyze him(and both of these items work on the whole stage). He can use One Shot Orb to finish him off(yes it's a 1HKO but you have to be in front of your foe to activate it). And in MD you can learn a TM move while your fighting someone. That means if one move doesn't prove to be effective he can just replace it with another move. Mewtwo becomes unpredictable now.
From Sonic Chronicles, Sonic can use the immunity idol, which protects from all status effects. The one shot sounds effective, but it shouldn't work on Super Sonic, and all normal sonic has to do is not be infront of him (should be pretty easy). Plus, sonic can generate his own shields (And a load of other crap)


Sonic can
-speed boost (unleashed speed tops it, so kinda irrelevant)
-INFINITE TIME SLOW, and it works on bosses, AND the timer (meaning it's a real time slow). It even works on attacks, so how's AS going to hit sonic now?
-Mini Sonic- He can fly
-Warp with GUN drive (even through impassable barriers, it seems)
-Homing smash- float i guess
-INFINITE LIGHTNING SHIELD- takes one hit, no damage to sonic, regenerates almost instantly. Unless you have rapid fire, you won't be hurting Sonic.

AFAIK, the only thing is that he can't use more than one at a time.

This really makes me question how Sonic lost to Ike (and Ganon to an extent, or at least I would like a better reason)

And finally, TMs are not instant either. M2 would be a sitting duck. And if he's limited to 4 moves, and snatch, trick room, and embargo/taunt are a "must", what's he going to give up?


Smash Master
Aug 9, 2008
A really hate it when people state a mewtwo strategy using MORE THAN 4 MOVES.

You can't have Snatch/Taunt/Embargo/Trick Room AND attacking options.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Mewtwo will however be adapted to Sonic's 'moveset' as that is also according to his game mechanics.


Smash Master
Jun 2, 2006
I'm in your house, dsmashing your tv
And in MD you can learn a TM move while your fighting someone. That means if one move doesn't prove to be effective he can just replace it with another move. Mewtwo becomes unpredictable now.

Suddenly I'm starting to want to use PMD mewtwo format. =D

And mewtwo learns so many tm's <3

Shame it does not apply to move tutor moves.

I don't see any way mewtwo would be disallowed of this option, as you don't need a trainer to do it. And we've meshed up plenty of game mechanics from many games as well.

A limit however would be 1 use of certain TM, he cannot use a tm, discard it for another move and then relearn tm without the tm-item he used up. Also would take a bit of time to learn those tm's as well, but not prolly much.

the king of murder

Smash Lord
Dec 23, 2009
In a bizarre legend
Anyway I will mainly talking about Mystery Dungeon Mewtwo here.

So it does or doesn't have infinite range? Sonic is mad fast, and would it hit him if he was in the middle of a warp from chaos control? And remember, even with its plus 4 priority, items have more, so in priority terms the transformation would beat it if they occured near each other (plus, just the general speed of Sonic's transformation).
It has probably. In Mystery Dungeon it affected anyone(except allys) who are in the same room. Since Sonic is at the same stage as Mew2 it will very likely affect him. If you don't believe me, here is my proof.
Search for the Snatch condition.

And I tested the Snatch animation in MD. It takes less than a second to activate it. SS transformation and Snatch both takes less then 1 second to activate. But Snatch lasts some turns so Sonic has to waite a little bit for the transformation. Btw he can attack during his Snatch status so he can use Trick Room at the same time. That and it has +4 priority meaning it could go even faster(I'm not saying it will 100% work ) than SS transformation.

(Item usage has more priority in Poke games)
Do you have proof for that statement? As far as I know items doesn't have priority at all.

Either should beat embargo's startup time, about 2 seconds, while Sonic's transformation is less than one. If he uses embargo or taunt from the beginning, sonic will outspeed it). And if M2 used snatch first, and snatched a warp, he'd basically give Sonic a transformation.
Do you know Embargos fastest startup time? It's almost the same as Snatch maybe a little bit longer. But it is definitely not slow. Maybe it can't beat the transformation but it will beat Chaos Control.

M2 is limited to four moves correct? I know his movepool (hope that's the correct term) is large, but true to their games, he's still limited to four. And AFAIK, he has snatch, trick room, taunt/embargo already in there.
If he snatchs SS invincibility away the worst thing that could happen to Mew2 would be a tie. He doens't need Embargo then.

If Mew2 uses Embargo, he can shut Sonics' most powerful items down for quit a while.

Even if he needs Embargo and Snatch at the same time, Mew2 still has the Snatch-Orb. It's an item and has the same propertys as the move Snatch. He can have more than 1 Orb.
With that Mew2 can have 2 free attack moves.

And you forget that he can replace his other moves with new TM attacks during the battle.

So trick room will make M2 FASTER than Sonic, or always have attack priority? If the first is true, unless M2's attacks will magically move faster too, it shouldn't be that much of a problem. Plus, when trick room wears off, Sonic will outspeed him by a significantly large margin, and the startup for trick room would be enough for time stop/transform.
They are switching speed. The faster Sonic is normally the slower he will get during Trick Room.

The CEs went inside of him in the Sonic 2 transformation, Sonic 3, and Sonic 3 and knux transformation (Not one time). I personally disagree on the cutscenes being more canon than gameplay ( I can actually do it in game, how is it less verified?). If Sonic is in the same exact conditions as he was in Sonic 3, why should his transformation time be any different? Do the old games contain less canocal evidence or something? Plus, if we're going off of one time occurances don't count, Bowser doesn't get his star rod since he got it in one game and got it taken away.
Cutscenses are closer to the story. Gameplay has many things that can't be explained.

But I'm OK with it. I will not disagree with you.

M2's reaction time may be high, but Sonic's is really high too (running at hypersonic speeds). For example, at the start of the battle, Sonic could just watch M2 watch M2. If he tries to embargo/taunt, his transformation can beat it. If he prepares to snatch, Sonic could stop time or just charge him. If he does anything else, Sonic can transform.
If he transforms, Mew2 will snatch it away. If he uses CC, Embargo will do the work. If Sonic attacks him, Mew2 will counter him with an item. If he runs away, Mew2 will use Trick Room and outspeed him. Seriously we are going on a circle of hoping to find an end.

Trick room isn't permanent, and unless embargo is going (which Sonic's transformation can beat in startup), he'll transform. Aura sphere will always hit, but, unless embargo is going (which Sonic should be super if it is, and wouldn't have to worry about attacks anyway), couldn't Sonic just warp away, or warp the attack away? Plus, unless trick room slows sonic down, he could probably outrun the sphere.
Aura Sphere always hits. Trick Room is slowing him down. It can be used again after it wears off. And Mewtwo can teleport as well you know.

Actually, Sonic dictates this battle from the start. His transformation SHOULD beat snatch (item priority + startup), embargo, and/or taunt. If you disagree with it beating snatch (def. beat embargo/taunt), Sonic just has to wait for M2 to move. If he attacks, Sonic transforms. If he embargos or taunts, sonic outspeeds it by transforming. If he sets up for snatch, sonic charges him.
Snatch has the same startuptime as SS. Sonic doesn't dictates anything here. Mewtwo can wait as well and react to Sonics'attck.

Sonic can
-speed boost (unleashed speed tops it, so kinda irrelevant)
-INFINITE TIME SLOW, and it works on bosses, AND the timer (meaning it's a real time slow). It even works on attacks, so how's AS going to hit sonic now?
-Mini Sonic- He can fly
-Warp with GUN drive (even through impassable barriers, it seems)
-Homing smash- float i guess
-INFINITE LIGHTNING SHIELD- takes one hit, no damage to sonic, regenerates almost instantly. Unless you have rapid fire, you won't be hurting Sonic.

What does Mewtwo have?
IQ skills(like attacking 2-times in a row with regular attacks)
Powerful moveset for attacking and other stuff
He is powerful as hell
He can link an attack with another(that means he can use Snatch and Trick Room almost at the same time. Chain move FTW) If you don't understand it, here is a link
Powerful Orbs(like the One Shot Orb)

I don't see Mewtwo losing this especially if he has chain moves.(I mean someone like Mewtwo using two attacks in a row gives almost anyone trouble).

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC

Suddenly I'm starting to want to use PMD mewtwo format. =D

And mewtwo learns so many tm's <3

Shame it does not apply to move tutor moves.

I don't see any way mewtwo would be disallowed of this option, as you don't need a trainer to do it. And we've meshed up plenty of game mechanics from many games as well.

A limit however would be 1 use of certain TM, he cannot use a tm, discard it for another move and then relearn tm without the tm-item he used up. Also would take a bit of time to learn those tm's as well, but not prolly much.
But you know, Mewtwo already learned himself moves in Stadium on N64. The first one at least, he didn't appear as a boss fight anymore in 2.

In Stadium Mewtwo somehow learned himself Thunderbolt and Blizzard, just for the hell of it. Mewtwo's canon surely isn't in conflict with him learning moves by himself either. He could very well act as his own Trainer.

Likely Mewtwo will end up higher than the Trainer anyway, cause the Trainer is so easily to kill.


Smash Master
Dec 11, 2007
Erm, moves don't have priority in PMD...

EDIT: Mind you guys, the double attack thing for M2's IQ is just for normal attacks (i.e, the 'Tackle'-like attack). Wait, Quick Striker or the other one? Extra Striker occurs only sometimes...

Actually, here are M2's IQ skills obtained: http://serebii.net/dungeon2/iqskills/C.shtml

EDIT2: I'ma try to get rid of some misconceptions.

Anyway I will mainly talking about Mystery Dungeon Mewtwo here.
It has probably. In Mystery Dungeon it affected anyone(except allys) who are in the same room. Since Sonic is at the same stage as Mew2 it will very likely affect him. If you don't believe me, here is my proof.
Search for the Snatch condition.
Yeah, it will. Go find a 1-floor monster house, it counts as a room.
And I tested the Snatch animation in MD. It takes less than a second to activate it. SS transformation and Snatch both takes less then 1 second to activate. But Snatch lasts some turns so Sonic has to waite a little bit for the transformation. Btw he can attack during his Snatch status so he can use Trick Room at the same time. That and it has +4 priority meaning it could go even faster(I'm not saying it will 100% work ) than SS transformation.
Priority doesn't work in PMD... in fact, it doesn't even exist. Speed is the only priority there, in a way.
Do you have proof for that statement? As far as I know items doesn't have priority at all.
Items have the most priority in Pokemon Version games. Just use one, it always goes first!
In Dungeon games, it depends on your Speed.
Do you know Embargos fastest startup time? It's almost the same as Snatch maybe a little bit longer. But it is definitely not slow. Maybe it can't beat the transformation but it will beat Chaos Control.[/quote]

Embargo is limited to the foe being in front of M2, I think. So it might not play such a huge role if Mewtwo can't Speed up.
If he snatchs SS invincibility away the worst thing that could happen to Mew2 would be a tie. He doens't need Embargo then.
NO. If Snatch doesn't take away Transform, why should it take Sonic's SS transformation? It doesn't.
If Mew2 uses Embargo, he can shut Sonics' most powerful items down for quit a while.
What, 2-5 turns? Not that long in the PMD verse, dunno about Sonic verse. Compare the two and reach a decision?
Even if he needs Embargo and Snatch at the same time, Mew2 still has the Snatch-Orb. It's an item and has the same propertys as the move Snatch. He can have more than 1 Orb.
With that Mew2 can have 2 free attack moves.
But it also takes up some of the items in his pack. Not much, but it can be somewhat annoying.
And you forget that he can replace his other moves with new TM attacks during the battle.
Which take up space. Too much space taken = Less Elixers and Reviver Seeds
They are switching speed. The faster Sonic is normally the slower he will get during Trick Room.
Trick Room, in PMD, increases your Speed three stages and decreases all foe Speed levels by 3 (need some agreement with this, I forgot some of it). Actual Speed from the version games are thrown out the window.
If he transforms, Mew2 will snatch it away. If he uses CC, Embargo will do the work. If Sonic attacks him, Mew2 will counter him with an item. If he runs away, Mew2 will use Trick Room and outspeed him. Seriously we are going on a circle of hoping to find an end.
Already accounted for above.
Aura Sphere always hits. Trick Room is slowing him down. It can be used again after it wears off. And Mewtwo can teleport as well you know.
MEWTWO CANNOT TELEPORT. Something interesting is that Aura Sphere travels in a straight line. If anything is in that line, that foe cannot pull off some freaky matrix **** and will always get hit. Otherwise, Aura Sphere doesn't home in to foes; it will fail if a foe is not in the direction you want the Aura Sphere to go.
He is powerful as hell
Not without item abuse. 999 in all stats is possible, although tedious.
He can link an attack with another(that means he can use Snatch and Trick Room almost at the same time. Chain move FTW) If you don't understand it, here is a link
Always fun. Sometimes annoying though, b/c you don't always need to spam the same two moves over and over again.
Powerful Orbs(like the One Shot Orb)
Some of the orbs have a high failure rate, while others are plain useless in most situations. And some even require that the foe is directly in front of M2 as well.


Smash Master
Aug 9, 2008
Mewtwo will however be adapted to Sonic's 'moveset' as that is also according to his game mechanics.
To what extent?
Seriously, if this trend continues then Pokemon literally dominate this topic.

I HAVE played Mystery Dungeon(s) and I can confirm that they CAN teach themselves TM's.
It's a tad ridiculous to assume that they have all TM's on them.

A limit however would be 1 use of certain TM, he cannot use a tm, discard it for another move and then relearn tm without the tm-item he used up. Also would take a bit of time to learn those tm's as well, but not prolly much.
I think a limit on using TM's themselves should be in place. Or better yet I can see banning TM use. But that's only if things go to far. (which they are, Mewtwo dominating Mewtwo? Next are you going to say he dominates Ness, Samus etc?!?)

If he transforms, Mew2 will snatch it away. If he uses CC, Embargo will do the work. If Sonic attacks him, Mew2 will counter him with an item. If he runs away, Mew2 will use Trick Room and outspeed him. Seriously we are going on a circle of hoping to find an end.
This is what I feared. You've already given him 3 NON ATTACKING MOVES. What else Calm mind too?!? That leaves him defenseless.

These are the rules for Mewtwo that need to be imposed or else discussing Mewtwo becomes ridiculous. (yes even MORE ridiculous than the Samus' speed boost)

~Mewtwo can only use four move.
~TM's may be used a total of 4 times. Mewtwo is also COMPLETELY undefended here. (making such tactics against most characters useless)
~Mewtwo should use taunt over Embargo. Taunt allows him to stop Sonic from using Super Sonic (he doesn't use it) AFTER the transformation is up.
~Mewtwo is slower than Sonic anyway you slice it. Sonic will get off a transformation (every single time)
~Mewtwo's not that bulky in comparison to his other attacks. Sonic has many high powered attacks that can easily take it down (LOLOL I HAZ RECOVER TOO ALONG WITH EVRYTHING ELSE-no.)
~Snatch is just a wasted moveslot. Sonic can easily take him down WITHOUT Super Sonic i'm positive that Mewtwo doesn't snatch Super Sonic boosts.
EX: Mewtwo cannot snatch Cherrim's ability boost when using Sunny day. (The pokemon barely transforms etc)

Embargo is a stupid move that's transcended message boards everywhere.
Taunt is seriously much better in nearly everyway, stopping characters from outright healing at times.

PS: For ****s and giggles. Remember that one item in Sonic Adventure 2? The magic gloves?!? Sonic could use these (weird) gloves to trap enemies in a ball and throw them. (instant KO) He can just use that to KO every other fighter here!


Smash Hero
Apr 28, 2008
I think you missed the point where I brought up that Wario has a habit of entering different dimensions and leaving them quite freely as far as his games go (Wario Land 3 is sort of an exception, but canon wise Wario has a pocket size dimensional teleporter lying around) after all, he is in the same universe with Mario, a guy who already takes saving the planet/universe/existence as a job, so of course he’ll have to find “work” elsewhere.
You don't mention any of the games, nor do you provide proof. I really cannot watch YouTube videos or any other kinds of videos without some kind of proxy, since this isn't my computer. The same goes for some pictures. I would really love to have proof about Wario walking in about out of dimensions freely. Besides, maybe you missed the memo. The dark dimension Samus creates sends her enemies into oblivion.

What is oblivion?

1. The condition or quality of being completely forgotten: "He knows that everything he writes is consigned to posterity (oblivion's other, seemingly more benign, face)" (Joyce Carol Oates).

Can it be this first definition? Maybe. Maybe not. It's kind of difficult to become completely forgotten or unknown if the character at hand is just going to decide to get out somehow. By the by, I wonder if this dimensional teleporter allows Wario to escape any dimension.

2. The act or an instance of forgetting; total forgetfulness: sought the great oblivion of sleep.

Perhaps this is what is meant by being sent into oblivion. If those who are sent to the dark dimension become totally forgetful, one might wonder if even having some kind of dimension controller would even be useful. Think of it this way. Imagine when you were not born. Well, actually, that's kind of difficult, considering that you lacked consciousness. I wonder if Retro Studios, being the kind of people who use Greek and Norse ideas in the Metroid Prime trilogy had something like Lethe in mind when it came to this.

3. Official overlooking of offenses; amnesty.

It obviously cannot mean this.

So, what does Wario beating a foe like that (who can polymorph the entire world and become the “god” of it on top of that) say?
You throw around the word "god" way too much. But, I digress. We can talk about the greatest feats each character did, and it would still be irrelevant in the end.

So, why didn’t the SA-X just enter the higher security areas again right from the start if it was hunting Metroids is my 1st question for you in response to this?
Well, the SA-X being a copy of Samus Aran herself, I don't think the SA-X was aware of Metroids onboard of BSL. We know Samus wasn't. It is my understanding that the SA-X followed Samus to the Restricted Area. Again, Samus wasn't aware of this location. She just somehow managed to find herself ending up in that area. I also think that the SA-X was trying to kill Samus, since she was a threat to the SA-X. Remember, one of the X parasites took one of the humans on the BSL in order to cause self-destruct just to preserve the other X parasites on planet SR388. And that, _clinton, is my answer.

I’m pretty sure the SA-X/X in general (as in "mainly," because I’m aware that it breaks a container at the start of the game and flees the area) just destroying locks that have been open already is not that impressive.
Well, it did blow down a wall, something you don't see Samus doing with her Super Missiles in Fusion. -.-;

As said locks that are being busted do not have high level security clearance on them at the time for more reasons than just game mechs. (and it is proven when Adam says that activation of higher locks may have been a mistake, because of what happens to the areas that weren’t infected before).
I don't think that has to do with Super Missiles blowing down high security hatches. Samus isn't able to do this in any Metroid game, not even "higher locks." By that I mean that the weaker doors, even the hatches in Metroid Fusion cannot be blown to bits by Samus herself. I understand this as being that it's just how the game works. The reason why Adam thinks it's a bad idea to unlock other hatches is because the X parasites will invade them. And yet, he and Samus really have no choice if they wish to stop the threat of the X parasites.

I mean if you think that the speed booster is the way it really works, than how come the SA-X didn’t just launch herself in Samus’ direction with shinespark at the start of the game? (after all, the thing is mimicking Samus at full power according to the game, and the X have been shown to be able to mimic “intelligence” as well after a certain point).
Well, for one the SA-X never showed any signs of using the Speed Booster. That isn't to say that the SA-X didn't have the Speed Booster, yet at the same time, it's no proof that it did. Also, we're discussing about video game characters. We have our way of thinking. There are those moments where we see a character struggling, and we think to ourselves, "Just use this and that, and you'll win." Of course, it's probably just plot-induced stupidity. (I mean, have you seen the SA-X AI in Metroid Fusion? I swear, that thing is stupid.) :chuckle:

Of course I do hope you really don't think that the SA-X busting up the area hasn't been shown with Samus, because she has been seen busting up things: bomb blocks, screw attack blocks, speed booster blocks, power bomb blocks, ect. and she has also been seen blowing open doors in general in the games as well when you look at the number of hatches you have to bust up in Metroid/SM.
Well, with Samus, these particular walls are set up in the game. The programmers made walls for these things. I doubt in the Metroid Universe these things really do not exist. What I mean to say is that I am sure a Power Bomb would make a crater, but this isn't displayed in any Metroid game. In Metroid Prime, in Chozo Ruins, you can use the Power Bomb to blow up the ground and use the half-pipe. When it comes to the manga, this thing will be blowing things up. The purpose for these things like breakable walls is so that Samus can collect items. You won't find any item collecting in any Metroid fanfic, let alone the manga.

About the hatches in Metroid and Super Metroid, there aren't any that you can obliterate. You have Red, Green, Yellow, Blue, and Gray doors, each of which take certain weapons to open up. These doors, however, are still intact once Samus is done with them. What SA-X shows is entirely a different story. I trust that the abilities or weapons of any character are truly greater than they are displayed in the video games. And I am not just talking about Samus alone.

And all those things show us is that Samus can bust up areas, as long as there are "flaws in the designs" of it at the time (such as a door w/o anything locking it up like in MF after the locks are turned off with the SA-X).
I am Samus Aran. I am using Super Missiles on doors that no longer have high security. It doesn't make sense.

Oh and before you say how it doesn't make sense that the game has things like "blocks" in general, let me remind you that games like MP backs it up for why they work in their definition of what they are made out of and such, and also remind you that things like the normal "bomb blocks" don't hold up at all when things like the speed booster/screw attack go through them in games like SM/ZM/MF, thus showing "resistance in the structures" can be different for the things (as in some stuff does break easier than other stuff).
I am glad to know that the BSL uses Sandstone for construction. You gave your example. Now I shall give mine, but with just the opposite. You see, that Sandstone is weak against Bombs. I'm sure Power Bombs will work as well. However, unusally, the Sandstone lacks thickness. Remember, a measly Bomb can blow this thing down with ease. Yet, a Super Missile cannot even faze it. The material might exist in the Metroid Universe, but the way it works in-game really doesn't mean much. The same with Brinstone, which takes one Missile to destroy, and yet even though it says that "even the smallest concussive shockwaves." I wonder if the Power Bomb cannot destroy it, either.

Metroid Fusion and Zero Mission are both beyond 2 seconds and in fact closer to 3, they aren’t just two seconds like you are saying (in fact both games use the same mechs. for the speed booster at least when it comes to turning the thing on), and Super Metroid is closer to 2 seconds as well, in fact it is right under it, it isn’t just 1 second like you’ve said before.
If by 1 second and 50 centiseconds, you mean "closer," uh huh. Not that this centisecond, let alone a millisecond would matter. Neither are a second, therefore it's not 2 seconds, nor 3.


Smash Legend
May 23, 2009
Ok, here I go...lol I'm such a Sonic supporter. First of all, we need to remember that M2 only has the use of 4 moves at a time Most of my arguements have been countered with Trick Room, Snatch, and Embargo/taunt. If the 4th is psyche up, M2 has no attacking moves, and if it's not, then he can't copy Sonic's status after he transforms. Keep his four move limit in mind guys.

Mewtwo will however be adapted to Sonic's 'moveset' as that is also according to his game mechanics.
Explain this.

Suddenly I'm starting to want to use PMD mewtwo format. =D

And mewtwo learns so many tm's <3
That's great, but unless the method for learning TMs changed in MD, M2 is a sitting duck when he uses them. Not really a wise option against Sonic.

Anyway I will mainly talking about Mystery Dungeon Mewtwo here.
Thanks for clarifying, because I assumed mainstream M2 unless stated otherwise.

It has probably. In Mystery Dungeon it affected anyone(except allys) who are in the same room. Since Sonic is at the same stage as Mew2 it will very likely affect him. If you don't believe me, here is my proof.
Search for the Snatch condition.
All right, Snatch will most likely hit Sonic.

And I tested the Snatch animation in MD. It takes less than a second to activate it. SS transformation and Snatch both takes less then 1 second to activate. But Snatch lasts some turns so Sonic has to waite a little bit for the transformation. Btw he can attack during his Snatch status so he can use Trick Room at the same time. That and it has +4 priority meaning it could go even faster(I'm not saying it will 100% work ) than SS transformation.
Ok, Sonic has to watch for snatch, but what if he creates a shield or tries to teleport during snatch's duration? Wouldn't snatch steal those effects and leave him open for a transformation (especially if he uses trick room after) ? And again, normal Sonic could just charge him, or slow down time with the red gem, or just stop time (not affecting himself, so wouldn't be snatched).

Do you have proof for that statement? As far as I know items doesn't have priority at all
I thought we were talking about mainstream pokemanz. But, according to Powerbomb, speed determines priority, meaning that Sonic would have priority unless under the effects of trick room.

Do you know Embargos fastest startup time? It's almost the same as Snatch maybe a little bit longer. But it is definitely not slow. Maybe it can't beat the transformation but it will beat Chaos Control.
Again, I was looking at the mainstream Embargo. If it is faster in MD, show me. But like you saiditwouldn't beat Sonic's transformation, meaning M2 would be forced to snatch (which Sonic could get rid of by making a shield or trying to warp). He'd have to snatch from the beginning to stop Sonic from transforming.

If he snatchs SS invincibility away the worst thing that could happen to Mew2 would be a tie. He doens't need Embargo then.
I would agree. But the question is can he snatch it successfully? Especially consd=idering Sonic can eat snatch with other status moves.

If Mew2 uses Embargo, he can shut Sonics' most powerful items down for quit a while.
But like you just said, his transformation would beat embargo, and then he wouldn't need his items. Embargo wouldn't work on the gems either since they are equipment.

Even if he needs Embargo and Snatch at the same time, Mew2 still has the Snatch-Orb. It's an item and has the same propertys as the move Snatch. He can have more than 1 Orb.
With that Mew2 can have 2 free attack moves.
Ok, but that gives up trick room, meaning Sonic will have move priority and be a lot faster than M2. If he snatches and then embargos, Sonic can just slow time with a gem color and attack M2 while he's in slow mo (mid move). Sonic could still eat snatch with another status move (shield or warp).

You'd have to tell me which attacks M2 would have, and then they would have to be REALLY fast or Sonic could just eat them up with lightning shields.

So, Sonic eats snatch, then transforms, beating embargo.

And you forget that he can replace his other moves with new TM attacks during the battle.
Again, unless I have the wrong image of TM learning in my mind, M2 is a sitting duck. He won't take more than a couple of hits from Sonic moving full speed (and M2 would be slowed down).

They are switching speed. The faster Sonic is normally the slower he will get during Trick Room.
So will Sonic actually run slower, or just lose move priority?

If he transforms, Mew2 will snatch it away. If he uses CC, Embargo will do the work. If Sonic attacks him, Mew2 will counter him with an item. If he runs away, Mew2 will use Trick Room and outspeed him. Seriously we are going on a circle of hoping to find an end.
For snatch to work at the beginning, he'd have to initiate it immediately. Every time he uses snatch, Sonic can make a shield or try to warp, and get rid of the snatch, then transform. CC takes as long as it takes Sonic to say, "Time Stop!". Or, if M2 is using embargo, Sonic could transform since it's faster. Or, Sonic could slow M2 with gem power and just rush him with unleashed boosting.

Sonic wouldn't run away if snatch has near infinite range here. And that moveset you just posted is 3 out of 4 slots. What about attacking? He could use a TM, but he would be asking to get rammed hard.

Aura Sphere always hits. Trick Room is slowing him down. It can be used again after it wears off. And Mewtwo can teleport as well you know.
About AS

Aura Sphere inflicts damage and is unaffected by modifications to the Accuracy stat and Evasion stat. It will not hit a Pokémon during the semi-invulnerable turn of moves such as Dig and Fly.
So a teleporting Sonic could avoid it, or a flying mini sonic. Plus, if it is affected by protect, why wouldn't Sonic's shields stop it?

M2 can't learn teleport.

So trick room will actually slow Sonic's speed down? Even if yes, what if Sonic uses gem power to slow time, and the AS itself? Everything moved pretty slow in that vid i posted.

Snatch has the same startuptime as SS. Sonic doesn't dictates anything here. Mewtwo can wait as well and react to Sonics'attck.
What happens if Sonic's first move is to stop time? It can't be snatched since it's not directly affected Sonic. What's M2 going to do about that? If he embargos, Sonic can transform before it takes effect.

IQ skills(like attacking 2-times in a row with regular attacks)
You saw how fast Sonic's shields regenerate/ Or Sonic could slow M2 down and make it easy to dodge.

Powerful moveset for attacking and other stuff
He's still limited to 4 at a time though. TM's would be a bad choice vs. Sonic

He is powerful as hell
So is Sonic in a way.

He can link an attack with another(that means he can use Snatch and Trick Room almost at the same time. Chain move FTW) If you don't understand it, here is a link
Powerful Orbs(like the One Shot Orb)

I remember chain moves. If he snatches and trick rooms, Sonic can do some status move to take the snatch, and then transform mid trick room. Or, Sonic could charge/stop time/slow time.

I doubt the orb will hit Sonic, and it if it fails against protect, it should fail against Sonic's shield as well. Plus, Sonic could slow it down with gem power.

I don't see Mewtwo losing this especially if he has chain moves.(I mean someone like Mewtwo using two attacks in a row gives almost anyone trouble).
Explained why he would still have trouble above.

Erm, moves don't have priority in PMD...
Sorry, I was in mainstream mindset.

Priority doesn't work in PMD... in fact, it doesn't even exist. Speed is the only priority there, in a way.
Well, Sonic has priority unless he's under trick room. But tot set up TR without Sonic transforming, he'd have to link TR with snatch or embargo, and I've explained how both of those strategies could be beaten.

Items have the most priority in Pokemon Version games. Just use one, it always goes first!
In Dungeon games, it depends on your Speed.
Basically responded above, but in mainstream, Sonic's items would have priority.

Embargo is limited to the foe being in front of M2, I think. So it might not play such a huge role if Mewtwo can't Speed up.
Seriously? That's a HUGE problem for M2 then. Embargo becomes near useless.

What, 2-5 turns? Not that long in the PMD verse, dunno about Sonic verse. Compare the two and reach a decision?
Sure I guess. I was think like every action would equal a turn or something like that.

Trick Room, in PMD, increases your Speed three stages and decreases all foe Speed levels by 3 (need some agreement with this, I forgot some of it). Actual Speed from the version games are thrown out the window.
Ok, so it will slow Sonic's running speed. However, 3 stages for Sonic probably isn't that much, and he can still use lightning shields, time slowing and stopping to deal with attacks.

MEWTWO CANNOT TELEPORT. Something interesting is that Aura Sphere travels in a straight line. If anything is in that line, that foe cannot pull off some freaky matrix **** and will always get hit. Otherwise, Aura Sphere doesn't home in to foes; it will fail if a foe is not in the direction you want the Aura Sphere to go.
Sonic stays away from infront, simple. Plus, he can still slow the attack down, or shield it.

Always fun. Sometimes annoying though, b/c you don't always need to spam the same two moves over and over again.
Sonic can beat linking anyway.

Some of the orbs have a high failure rate, while others are plain useless in most situations. And some even require that the foe is directly in front of M2 as well.
If this includes the one shot orb, it'll probably never hit coupled with time slows and such.

I HAVE played Mystery Dungeon(s) and I can confirm that they CAN teach themselves TM's.
It's a tad ridiculous to assume that they have all TM's on them.
Unless TM speed changed in MD, M2 is going to get hit hard if he uses one.

This is what I feared. You've already given him 3 NON ATTACKING MOVES. What else Calm mind too?!? That leaves him defenseless.
Remeber the four move limit people. Most of M2's attacks would be able to be stopped or avoided by Sonic anyway.

~Mewtwo should use taunt over Embargo. Taunt allows him to stop Sonic from using Super Sonic (he doesn't use it) AFTER the transformation is up.
Taunt is not permanent either, and it can be affected by protect. Why can't Sonic just shield taunt?

...Wait, if bulbapedia is accurate, Embargo gets stopped by protect too. If taunt and Embargo both get stopped by protect (this case, Sonic's shield, all Sonic has to do is generate a shield at the start of the battle. If M2 does either of the two former otpions, they get stopped by the shield, giving sonic a free transformation. If he snatches, Sonic just generates another shield and snatch takes that.

What's M2 going to do about shields?

~Mewtwo is slower than Sonic anyway you slice it. Sonic will get off a transformation (every single time)
I agree. Sonic has too many responses to M2. If he gen. a shield at the start, M2 is screwed.

~Snatch is just a wasted moveslot. Sonic can easily take him down WITHOUT Super Sonic i'm positive that Mewtwo doesn't snatch Super Sonic boosts.
I agree, M2 will go down pretty fast once he starts getting hit. You're the second person to think that snatch shouldn't work on SS.

EX: Mewtwo cannot snatch Cherrim's ability boost when using Sunny day. (The pokemon barely transforms etc)
Someone counter this.


Sonic gen. a lightning shield as soon as the battle starts. If M2 snatches, he takes the shield, giving Sonic a free transformation. If he trick room/embargos/taunts first, the shield will stop the latter, and Sonic could just transform if he trick rooms first.

I have Sonic's responeses to most other scenarios in the post.


Embargo is a stupid move that's transcended message boards everywhere.
Taunt is seriously much better in nearly everyway, stopping characters from outright healing at times.
Explained above why both will fail to stop Sonic.

Magic hand doesn't work on bosses.


Smash Master
Dec 11, 2007
Mind you, I don't mean 'Normal' mainstream priority when I talk about Speed. In the Dungeon games, every Pokemon has a uniform Speed 'stat', bar a few. The stat goes from levels of -3 to +3 (or some number around that, though I think it's a bit more). -3 means that for every move you do, the opponent gets to do 3. Likewise, +3 means that for every 3 moves you execute, the opponent completes 1.

Now, as for the Pokemon that don't follow normal uniform Speed stat moves...
Regigigas for one; Slow Start drops his Speed stat by 1 for a few turns.
Doexys-Speed in his Dungeon in the first game had the capability of moving quite a few times faster than you.
Speed Boost Pokemon have their Speed randomly boosted, obviously.
Chlorophyll/Swift Swim Pokemon. In actuality, during their weather condition (Sun/Rain respectively) they don't really increase in Speed, but rather, have the ability to execute two attacks in one turn.

In PMD2, certain items will boost your movement speed by one (depends on the Pokemon). These items are usually Pokemon-specific, such as the Chari-Fang (or whatever they're called). Most of the time, they'll require a weather condition: clear, foggy, cloudy, sunny, rainy, sandstorm, or hailing. Clear, raining, and sunny are the weather types that are usually selected for this kind of stuff. Mewtwo does not own an item like that in PMD2, so his Speed is usually constant.

Mewtwo's item is the Havoc Robe, which increases PP consumption by foes, in addition to that of Pressure. Mewtwo can also use the general types of items for Psychic-type Pokemon:

Gold Silk: Increases Special Attack and Special Defense
Psyche Dust: Increases Attack and Special Attack
Psyche Gem: During Fog weather, Psychic-types cannot be afflicted with status (not useful here)
Psyche Globe: Prevents Dark-type moves from hurting Psychic-types.

And so on, so forth.

EDIT: I also didn't realize this before, but items are subject to the current Speed of the Pokemon as well: If the Pokemon is at +4 Speed, that Pokemon can use four items against a +0 Speed Pokemon, whereas that Pokemon can only use one.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Snatch would work on both time freezing and Sonic going Super Sonic, so there goes his 2 best options. Regular Sonic still would beat Mewtwo in Speed, but Mewtwo has power and techniques Sonic cannot answer.

Moveset for this could be:

Trick Room

And it'd cover most things up. If Mewtwo manages so Snatch either a time stop or Super, Sonic goes down after wards.

@ Mariobrouser: What I meant with Mewtwo being adapted to Sonic, is that you can only have 4 moves of coarse, so they have to be carefully planned. You see this to in the Battle tower esque fights in the main games, later on the better Trainers' Pokemon have moves to mostly cover up all their weaknesses and adapt to their opponents strenghts. For example, a Raichu having Surf to beat Ground and Rock.

EDIT: As for Mewtwo not being able to Snatch Cherrim's transformations, it's bascially the same as Ditto. It'd have gameplay issues. The creators would also have to make a Rain, Sandstorm and Sun Mewtwo, and every other Pokemon learning Snatch to allow this.

That'd be just weird. Besides, Ditto and Cherrim actually transform by ability, Sonic does it by using items (Chaos Emeralds). So the Chaos Emeralds would be Snatched, nothing else.


Smash Legend
May 23, 2009
Snatch would work on both time freezing and Sonic going Super Sonic, so there goes his 2 best options. Regular Sonic still would beat Mewtwo in Speed, but Mewtwo has power and techniques Sonic cannot answer.
No, it wouldn't work on Time Stopping. Sonic is not buffing himself, but he's affecting the area around him. Snatch doesn't work on rain dance, so it shouldn't work on CC. And if snatch can't stop CC, all Sonic has to do is use it then transform (can't snatch if frozen in time). OR, Sonic could make M2 snatch something temporary, like a lightning shield or a warp with CC (which would also give Sonic room for a transformation.

With Gem power that I posted, even normal Sonic is a handful for M2.

Moveset for this could be:

Trick Room

And it'd cover most things up. If Mewtwo manages so Snatch either a time stop or Super, Sonic goes down after wards.
Snatch can get absorbed by generating a lightning shield or Sonic trying to warp himself. That would take away snatch, then Sonic could transform. Snatch is also beaten by Chaos Control since it can't snatch it (can't snatch rain dance, and chaos control doesn't buff Sonic himself). If M2 gets frozen in time, Sonic transforms.

I'm not going to bother with trick room, because Snatch gets beaten and he has no way to stop Sonic from using his emeralds. If Sonic gets a transformation, it's pretty much over for M2.

@ Mariobrouser: What I meant with Mewtwo being adapted to Sonic, is that you can only have 4 moves of coarse, so they have to be carefully planned. You see this to in the Battle tower esque fights in the main games, later on the better Trainers' Pokemon have moves to mostly cover up all their weaknesses and adapt to their opponents strenghts. For example, a Raichu having Surf to beat Ground and Rock.
Ok, give me the four moves, and I'm almost positive Sonic has a way around it to transform.

I agree that Snatch would work on SS transformation.

And I read your post Powerbomb, and I understand. But, until someone finds a way to dissprove my proposal for Sonic's counter to Snatch/embargo/taunt, I don't think he'll have to worry about it.


Smash Master
Dec 11, 2007
EDIT: As for Mewtwo not being able to Snatch Cherrim's transformations, it's bascially the same as Ditto. It'd have gameplay issues. The creators would also have to make a Rain, Sandstorm and Sun Mewtwo, and every other Pokemon learning Snatch to allow this.

That'd be just weird. Besides, Ditto and Cherrim actually transform by ability, Sonic does it by using items (Chaos Emeralds). So the Chaos Emeralds would be Snatched, nothing else.

Transform is not an ability. It is a move. Cherrim's transformation is an ability, not a move. Snatch only steals certain non-damaging moves.

Go look on smogon.com for Snatch. The list I posted is at the top of the page before this.

Snatch cannot steal Transform. Oh there we go, Sonic can transform into Super Sonic now. Snatch also doesn't steal the weather condition moves... Time Stop can be seen as somewhat like a weather condition move as it alters the environment in a way. Snatch wouldn't be at all helpful.

EDIT: Snatch cannot steal items!

the king of murder

Smash Lord
Dec 23, 2009
In a bizarre legend
Ok, here I go...lol I'm such a Sonic supporter. First of all, we need to remember that M2 only has the use of 4 moves at a time Most of my arguements have been countered with Trick Room, Snatch, and Embargo/taunt. If the 4th is psyche up, M2 has no attacking moves, and if it's not, then he can't copy Sonic's status after he transforms. Keep his four move limit in mind guys.
I already told you that he doesn't need Snatch as a move. He has it as an item already.

Well I didn't think about Psych Up that much. But when I think about it more deeply it's even better than Snatch and Emabargo. It even works after SS transformation so it's startup time doesn't really matter. Psysch Up is able to copy boost effects. Since SS becomes invulnerable(And I'm sure we will agree on that) he is able to copy his invulnerability. Invulnerability is just another word for infinite defense. If Sonic beomes super, his defense raises to infinity. That's why Psych Up should work. (I'm not saying he will copy his transformation, I'm saying that he will copy his invulnerability). And it's effect won't wear off until the end of the battle.

That means Mew2 just has to wait for Sonic to become super. He will copy it's infinite defense and done. He just has to wait for him to run out of rings and then finish him.

That's great, but unless the method for learning TMs changed in MD, M2 is a sitting duck when he uses them. Not really a wise option against Sonic.
You do realize the reason it lasts so long is because of all the interruptions like ,,Shall this Pokemon learn TM x,, or ,,Your Pokemon has forgotten move x and learned move y,, . If we're ignoring this, it will end a lot faster.

And yes in MD it takes less time to learn a TM. He isn't really all that defensless if we are ignoring the things I listed above and the fact it takes less time in MD.

What you forget is that he has IQ skills like Quick Dodger that makes dodging Sonic a lot easier and Mew2 has dodged fast foes before or Counter Hitter that gives some of the received damage back at Sonic(it won't work on SuperSonic LMAO Psych Up FTW, but definitely on normal Sonic).

I'm not a fan of huge wall of posts so I will respond to your other posts later when I have time.


Smash Master
Aug 9, 2008
Snatch would work on both time freezing and Sonic going Super Sonic, so there goes his 2 best options. Regular Sonic still would beat Mewtwo in Speed, but Mewtwo has power and techniques Sonic cannot answer.

Moveset for this could be:

Trick Room

And it'd cover most things up. If Mewtwo manages so Snatch either a time stop or Super, Sonic goes down after wards.

@ Mariobrouser: What I meant with Mewtwo being adapted to Sonic, is that you can only have 4 moves of coarse, so they have to be carefully planned. You see this to in the Battle tower esque fights in the main games, later on the better Trainers' Pokemon have moves to mostly cover up all their weaknesses and adapt to their opponents strenghts. For example, a Raichu having Surf to beat Ground and Rock.

EDIT: As for Mewtwo not being able to Snatch Cherrim's transformations, it's bascially the same as Ditto. It'd have gameplay issues. The creators would also have to make a Rain, Sandstorm and Sun Mewtwo, and every other Pokemon learning Snatch to allow this.

That'd be just weird. Besides, Ditto and Cherrim actually transform by ability, Sonic does it by using items (Chaos Emeralds). So the Chaos Emeralds would be Snatched, nothing else.
Terrible moveset. Walled by Dark Spiny sonic lawl.

And there's just no way Snatch steals the effects from Chaos Emerald.


Smash Master
Aug 9, 2008
I already told you that he doesn't need Snatch as a move. He has it as an item already.

Well I didn't think about Psych Up that much. But when I think about it more deeply it's even better than Snatch and Emabargo. It even works after SS transformation so it's startup time doesn't really matter. Psysch Up is able to copy boost effects. Since SS becomes invulnerable(And I'm sure we will agree on that) he is able to copy his invulnerability. Invulnerability is just another word for infinite defense. If Sonic beomes super, his defense raises to infinity. That's why Psych Up should work. (I'm not saying he will copy his transformation, I'm saying that he will copy his invulnerability). And it's effect won't wear off until the end of the battle.
A Mewtwo fan who doesn't know the mechanics of his own move? Psych up copies stat boosts. Attack, Defense... NOT INVULNERABILITY. Defense 6+=/=invulnerability. Does Psych up copy Substitute? The stat changes from using TRANSFORM?

It shouldn't work.

That means Mew2 just has to wait for Sonic to become super. He will copy it's infinite defense and done. He just has to wait for him to run out of rings and then finish him. Screw Embargo and stuff he has a better option now.
And if Sonic doesn't go super (he doesn't need it) he can kick the crap out of your gimmicky Mewtwo sets.

You do realize the reason it lasts so long is because of all the interruptions like ,,Shall this Pokemon learn TM x,, or ,,Your Pokemon has forgotten move x and learned move y,, . If we're ignoring this, it will end a lot faster.

And yes in MD it takes less time to learn a TM. He isn't really all that defensless if we are ignoring the things I listed above and the fact it takes less time in MD.
He is still stationary learning the TM. We AREN'T ignoring that because then we could ignore just about every item/move starttup.

What you forget is that he has IQ skills like Quick Dodger that makes dodging Sonic a lot easier and Mew2 has dodged fast foes before or Counter Hitter that gives some of the received damage back at Sonic(it won't work on *SuperSonic LMAO Psych Up FTW, but definitely on normal Sonic).
I think IQ skills should be banned. Nearly every pokemon learns it, its the equivalent of teaching every pokemon the same move.
*(Please pretend that your not biased for Mewtwo.)

the king of murder

Smash Lord
Dec 23, 2009
In a bizarre legend
A Mewtwo fan who doesn't know the mechanics of his own move? Psych up copies stat boosts. Attack, Defense... NOT INVULNERABILITY. Defense 6+=/=invulnerability. Does Psych up copy Substitute? The stat changes from using TRANSFORM?

It shouldn't work.
OK, invulnerability is infinite defense. That he can't go over the 6+ limit is simply game mech because they don't want to overpower your Poke and there must be a clear limit. Super Sonic raises one of states(defense) into infinity. PU copys boost power.

And if Sonic doesn't go super (he doesn't need it) he can kick the crap out of your gimmicky Mewtwo sets.
What makes you so sure? Trick Room outspeeds him and he has 2 free attack slots and a bunch of items. CC might be a problem but that doen't mean he will completely **** him.

He is still stationary learning the TM. We AREN'T ignoring that because then we could ignore just about every item/move starttup.
I guess you didn't read the other MUs then.

I think IQ skills should be banned. Nearly every pokemon learns it, its the equivalent of teaching every pokemon the same move.
*(Please pretend that your not biased for Mewtwo.)
So just because every other Pokemon can use IQ skills, it should be banned? It's not a game mechanic or something. Oh and almost everyone can learn protect and substitute. Now should we ban all the moves that a lot of Pokemons can learn?

Yes, maybe I'm a bit biased but I won't complain if my fave chara loses against clear facts. You are not really better than anyone else here.


Smash Master
Aug 9, 2008
OK, invulnerability is infinite defense. That he can't go over the 6+ limit is simply game mech because they don't want to overpower your Poke and there must be a clear limit. Super Sonic raises one of states(defense) into infinity. PU copys boost power.
Invulnerability is completely outside of the defense stat.
Psych up has it's fair share of flaws. For one, it's maximum output is 6+. So even IF invul provided defenses (which it doesn't) it would surely not make Mewtwo invincible.


What makes you so sure? Trick Room outspeeds him and he has 2 free attack slots and a bunch of items. CC might be a problem but that doen't mean he will completely **** him.

You are loosely using Trick room.

1. Trick room lasts for 5 turns.
2. Mewtwo is still slower BEFORE HE USES IT
3. 3. TRICK ROOM IS TERRIBLE. 2 attack slots of what. Tell me please. Bunch of items? He can only use one.

I guess you didn't read the other MUs then.
They weren't worth looking into at first. I missed a couple of good ones.

So just because every other Pokemon can use IQ skills, it should be banned? It's not a game mechanic or something. Oh and almost everyone can learn protect and substitute. Now should we ban all the moves that a lot of Pokemons can learn?
Um... IT IS A GAME MECHANIC. Lol think before you speak. Regigigas doesn't learn protect and Magikarp doesn't learn substitute. Your point is moot. IQ skills are stupid and ridiculously broken anyway (yes I've played the game)

I think we should stick to the main games instead of some spin-off game.

Yes, maybe I'm a bit biased but I won't complain if my fave chara loses. You are not really better than anyone else here.
You are incredibly biased and miss out on a huge amount of points made by me and others.

My favorite character is Ness and I don't parade around believing that he is some sort of god, nor do I ignore key points.

Anyway. Mewtwo loses here due to Sonic's sheer skill and versatility. Sonic is faster (unless Mewtwo forgoes the useless TR) And can use Chaos Control or Sonic Tornado before he can.
Super Sonic is a clincher but shouldn't be used as it is not necessary.

(There's no way that Mewtwo can hypnotize himself into believing he is a golden.)
Mewtwo has speed and power and if he forgoes (his best set)

Calm Mind
Aura Sphere

he can put up a decent fight. Especially if he has a few calm minds. Taunt Sonic before he uses CC or Super Sonic and attempt to sweep with Calm Mind. Sonic's speed doesn't help though, and he can easily outlast taunt and SS.

the king of murder

Smash Lord
Dec 23, 2009
In a bizarre legend
Invulnerability is completely outside of the defense stat.
Psych up has it's fair share of flaws. For one, it's maximum output is 6+. So even IF invul provided defenses (which it doesn't) it would surely not make Mewtwo invincible.

I know he doesn't have to transform. And invulnerability can be viewed as a defense. The more defense you have, the less harm you will receive. If your defense is infinite, you receive no harm.

Actually I don't want to argue anymore because we will bring up the same arguement over and over again.

You are loosely using Trick room.

1. Trick room lasts for 5 turns.
2. Mewtwo is still slower BEFORE HE USES IT
3. 3. TRICK ROOM IS TERRIBLE. 2 attack slots of what. Tell me please. Bunch of items? He can only use one.
1. TR can be used again.
2. Right.
3.He can use more items in MD. But of course the TR condition is different there.

Um... IT IS A GAME MECHANIC. Lol think before you speak. Regigigas doesn't learn protect and Magikarp doesn't learn substitute. Your point is moot. IQ skills are stupid and ridiculously broken anyway (yes I've played the game)
That's why I said almost. I know that those Pokes can't learn it. You said that it should be banned because almost everyone can learn it. So I gave you some examples why it shouldn't be

And a lot of stuff in this thread is broken.

I think we should stick to the main games instead of some spin-off game.
MD is considered canon.

You are incredibly biased and miss out on a huge amount of points made by me and others.
My favorite character is Ness and I don't parade around believing that he is some sort of god, nor do I ignore key points.
I never said Mew2 is a god. I just stated my opinion why Mew2 wins. I argued with Mariobrouser about who should win and we both gave our opinion why we think so. I respect others opinions even if they disagree with me. So I apologize if I really sounded ,,wrong,,.

You, however, should stop looking down on people like that.


Smash Legend
May 23, 2009
Sorry if you're not a fan of long walls of text.


Transform is not an ability. It is a move. Cherrim's transformation is an ability, not a move. Snatch only steals certain non-damaging moves.

Go look on smogon.com for Snatch. The list I posted is at the top of the page before this.

Snatch cannot steal Transform. Oh there we go, Sonic can transform into Super Sonic now. Snatch also doesn't steal the weather condition moves... Time Stop can be seen as somewhat like a weather condition move as it alters the environment in a way. Snatch wouldn't be at all helpful.

EDIT: Snatch cannot steal items!
Well, another arguement in Sonic's favor.

I already told you that he doesn't need Snatch as a move. He has it as an item already
Ok, my bad. Sonic can still beat it though, or if Powerbomb is correct, doesn't even have to worry about it.

Well I didn't think about Psych Up that much. But when I think about it more deeply it's even better than Snatch and Emabargo. It even works after SS transformation so it's startup time doesn't really matter. Psysch Up is able to copy boost effects. Since SS becomes invulnerable(And I'm sure we will agree on that) he is able to copy his invulnerability. Invulnerability is just another word for infinite defense. If Sonic beomes super, his defense raises to infinity. That's why Psych Up should work. (I'm not saying he will copy his transformation, I'm saying that he will copy his invulnerability). And it's effect won't wear off until the end of the battle.
However, Pokemon stats in game have never reached infinity. You can spam any stat raising move all you want, but it won't go past +6 in any game (or at least mainstream). Is there any example of it going past +6? If not, it may be a true limit.

That means Mew2 just has to wait for Sonic to become super. He will copy it's infinite defense and done. He just has to wait for him to run out of rings and then finish him.
Replied above, and if it does come down to M2 waiting out Sonic's rings, I have an arguement for Sonic's ring limit as well.

Plus, Sonic does not have to go super.

You do realize the reason it lasts so long is because of all the interruptions like ,,Shall this Pokemon learn TM x,, or ,,Your Pokemon has forgotten move x and learned move y,, . If we're ignoring this, it will end a lot faster.
Yeah, I'm talking about the actuall animation. Like in pearl and diamond, the TM would be placed on the pokemon, buzz for a sec, then be done. I know it's not very long, but Sonic is so fast that 1 second could mean a loss.

And yes in MD it takes less time to learn a TM. He isn't really all that defensless if we are ignoring the things I listed above and the fact it takes less time in MD.
Unless it's instant, he will be open for a second. Plus, Sonic can stop time or slow it down with gem power while he's using it, which would leave him open.

What you forget is that he has IQ skills like Quick Dodger that makes dodging Sonic a lot easier and Mew2 has dodged fast foes before or Counter Hitter that gives some of the received damage back at Sonic(it won't work on SuperSonic LMAO Psych Up FTW, but definitely on normal Sonic).
Ok, but Sonic will get the hit on eventually (and garunteed if time is slowed or stopped). Does counter hitter work like counter in the game? If it does, how would it get past Sonic's lightning shield?

And there's just no way Snatch steals the effects from Chaos Emerald.
Another person that thinks snatch won't work.

A Mewtwo fan who doesn't know the mechanics of his own move? Psych up copies stat boosts. Attack, Defense... NOT INVULNERABILITY. Defense 6+=/=invulnerability. Does Psych up copy Substitute? The stat changes from using TRANSFORM?
I think PK nintendo has a point here. No matter what you do in PKMN, stats can't go higher than +6. It's probably a true limit.

And if Sonic doesn't go super (he doesn't need it) he can kick the crap out of your gimmicky Mewtwo sets.
That would depend on M2's moveset.

He is still stationary learning the TM. We AREN'T ignoring that because then we could ignore just about every item/move starttup.
I said this too. Every second counts vs. Sonic.

OK, invulnerability is infinite defense. That he can't go over the 6+ limit is simply game mech because they don't want to overpower your Poke and there must be a clear limit. Super Sonic raises one of states(defense) into infinity. PU copys boost power.
What's your proof that psyche up can copy more than +6?

And still, Sonic could stay normal.

What makes you so sure? Trick Room outspeeds him and he has 2 free attack slots and a bunch of items. CC might be a problem but that doen't mean he will completely **** him.
CC is a serious problem. That's a free hit from a hypersonic speed hedgehog. Plus, Sonic could continously stop time or slow it to stop psyche up (if it works).

Invulnerability is completely outside of the defense stat.
Psych up has it's fair share of flaws. For one, it's maximum output is 6+. So even IF invul provided defenses (which it doesn't) it would surely not make Mewtwo invincible
This too.

This too. Even normal Sonic has enough options to win vs. M2

You are loosely using Trick room.

1. Trick room lasts for 5 turns.
2. Mewtwo is still slower BEFORE HE USES IT
3. 3. TRICK ROOM IS TERRIBLE. 2 attack slots of what. Tell me please. Bunch of items? He can only use one.
Plus, Sonic could transform while he uses TR, and stop time, which would pretty much be GG M2.

Taunt Sonic before he uses CC or Super Sonic and attempt to sweep with Calm Mind. Sonic's speed doesn't help though, and he can easily outlast taunt and SS.
I doubt taunt's startup is faster than SS's


M2's best bet is psyche up to try to steal Sonic's super effects. BUT, Sonic doesn't have to transform, and if M2 comes with psyche up in his move slots, that's one wasted. If he tries to TM it, Sonic can probably finish him.


Smash Master
Dec 11, 2007
the king of murder said:
MD is considered canon.
It shouldn't be, but Samochan won't look away.

Because EVERYONE knows there is a canon region in the Pokemon world in which Pokemon are analogous to humans... >_>

IMO, I believe that PMD is not canon to the Version games, but rather, is canon to itself.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Well, since this is all canon battle now and no more 'true to the games' aka comparing game mechanics which we did for a long time- should Pokemon be allowed more moves than 4?

Because characters like Mario for example can also use a Mega Mushroom (New Super Mario Bros.) and say, the 2D/3D dimension warp from Super Paper Mario, so he can 'combine' his stuff. I've done this before in the Kong matchups, but should we? Personally, I see nothing against it.

Take Donkey Kong. He doesn't have the Coconut Gun from DK64 in Jungle Beat, but does that mean he cannot both do the sound wave clap and shoot the Coconut Gun? I don't think so.

So why Mewtwo and other Pokemon cannot combine Mystery Dungeon with version game stuffs?


Smash Master
Dec 11, 2007
Because I don't think PMD is canon to the series? And because when you combine those two, something strange comes out. Way stranger than just Mario stuff (because usual Mario battle mechanics are the same) and Samus stuff (still generally the same, just in a 2-D format at times).


Smash Master
Aug 9, 2008
Too true.

That's like combining the Mario party mechanic. (and their ridiculous minigames)
IQ skills literally make Mewtwo (and Pikachu, Jiggs or ANY POKEMON) way to powerful.

PMD is a bit ridiculous as a whole and simple DPPT/HGSS is easier to write about.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 18, 2009
Considering that the worst match-up in brawl is Ganon Vs. ICs, it's just hilarious to see them last and Ganon first in this thread.


Smash Master
Jun 2, 2006
I'm in your house, dsmashing your tv
I really don't see how PMD = uncanon. Many of the same game makers, same pokemon... only the setting and game mechanics are obviously different. It's kinda big duh, cause it depicts pokemon from their perspectice as opposed to human and it's battling system is different as well. But hey guess what folks, the mewtwo here has no trainer, aka it's completely viable to use PMD has a source for him cause he's his own character there, not to mention very much canon to the original series, speaking of how he was made in a lab etc. Changing locations between games =/= uncanon. No time frame is ever given either. Princess Peach is not stuck in her castle either. And really, it's not mario party, not even close. It's a game, not some flipper like Metroid Pinball or racing game... the comparison is way off and absurd. It's not a minigame or a game with no plot.

Many other games have different settings as well. Characters in different worlds and elements and mechanics. And they're as good as any other source.


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2006
if the last bosses of games (or even the minions, as a matter of fact) were truly representatives of the power the story gives them, then no single human player would be able to beat the game.
So, you’re saying Giygas doesn’t pull Ness and his team into a dark dimension when his full power is unleashed by Porky? Because I’m pretty sure he did.

Oh and his full power being unleashed is just him losing control over it, which only does more to boost my point about his “relationship with Ness” because the power he uses when he has control over his powers somewhat is low level PK Rockin, how about that?

Seriously, haven't you wondered how some bosses have a move or two that causes the player lots of trouble, but they barely ever use it continuously?
Maybe because of the same reason why your characters in general just can’t use their big attacks 100% all the time, “limit break” ring a bell for what they imply?

I mean let’s take pokemon for a quick example with moves like Zap Cannon, a 120 attack power (special if you want to be anal about it), and a 100% paralysis rate. Notice how the move has some big downsides with it compared to a move like thundershock? Such as having a low “PP” and low accuracy count?

Usually they space out their attacks between each other... Could you imagine how tough the games would be if every single Last Boss/minion would use their strongest power(s) constantly?
Can you imagine how easy the game would be if all of your characters could use their strongest power constantly?
(on another note, why is Barret so awesome? “Good bad bugs” are awesome huh?)


If Eggman's robot was truly as powerful as the game makes it out to be, why didn't Eggman prove this by atLEAST destroying every walkable terrain and beating Sonic?
I wonder how much Eggman ****ed his robot by destroying ½ the stage? I mean in realistically that seemed like a very big “desperation” move.

Hell, same thing goes with Mario in his games... In SPM he fights an enemy capable of manipulating dimensions, yet they beat him anyway... Why didn't Dimentio just create/send them into a dimension where everything that entered died? Or why didn't Dimentio transport them into the giant black hole that was eating everything? Face it: last bosses and minions are stupid, and they definitely DON'T represent what the story makes them out to be.
In regards to Dimentio I bring up the Pure Hearts.

I mean look at how the story works, he was winning before the pure hearts ****ed him up like Count Bleak in case you can’t tell.

So, this goes back to Lucas... What proof do you have that Lucas and the enemies aren't just "taking turns" hitting each other? I think that's how turn-based games work, and that's how the whole game is played.
So why do you think they are just taking turns hitting each other anyway? They don’t show the battle, you have NO idea what is going on besides logically what little you have control over it, but my view has things such as proof from looking at things such as the world map and how they act there. Hell in battle they don’t take turns hitting each other as well, the “combo system” says hi, the “speed” stat says hi, the fact that some foes such as Claus attack more than once a turn as well helps. Hell even things like Mother 2 have it, Multi-bottle rockets have 20 hits on them overall for their “one turn.”

Of course the turn system works on Ness/Lucas’ foes as well based off how the game works, I wonder what Samus would look like in a “turn system” sense you seem to be throwing Ness into questionable BS and assuming nothing would change despite the fact that something like Mario has about 10 different ways of working behind it.

Breathing and going to the bathroom aren't moves, because the game doesn't make them moves.
So what is “toxic” again?

Samus is invincible while speed boosting, and the only things that harm her are those programmed to harm her no matter what she's doing.
So, pokemon are “programmed” to have only 4 moves at a time as well, how about that?

She is also unstoppable when it comes to enemies walking in front of her, unless they're programmed to stop Samus from speed boosting/.
The game is programmed to stop pokemon from holding onto more than 4 moves as well. And the “turn system” is a game mech. in general is designed to be fair to both sides (for all of the areas it shows up).

I don't see how enemies stopping samus from speed boosting (lol barrels, note chozo tech as well) or some random walls that cannot be busted for gameplay reasons have any relevancy in this discussion.
Random walls can be busted for “gameplay reasons” as well how about that? I mean what do you think bomb blocks, missile blocks, and such are saying in the 1st place? I mean do I really have to bring up the fact that the super missiles bust away things that are by far more durable than what regular missiles do according to the game mechs.?

Most characters we see here certainly don't have speed booster resistance, unless they're invincible themselves.
I don’t see how having a ton of bulk/physical resistance such as “barriers” isn’t equal to not being able to stop the speed booster once it gets going.

Neither does the ground have any obstacles to prevent samus from moving around.
Yes, because characters can’t create obstacles and such for the stuff here huh? (I mean that is my point about “Earthquake”)

Sonic could easily run the hell away, but then again that would provide mewtwo enough room to trick room sonic and lol catch up to him.
I wonder why people keep thinking Mewtwo is slow again? I mean IT is a more powerful clone of a pokemon with the “genetic code” of all pokemon in it. Something like that should mean it is “part of things” such as Ninjask, Pidgeot, Garchomp, ect. (as in things that are clearly faster than the speed of sound).

(Oh and I guess it has things like Slowpoke and such as well lol ^_^)

But yeah, going on with the fact that the Genesis pokemon is a “psychic type” is another point I’d like to make about why psychics are awesome, but not right now ^_^

You don't mention any of the games, nor do you provide proof.
You say below that you cannot watch YouTube videos or any other kinds of videos, so saying that I’m not “providing proof” with games doesn’t make sense (and btw I’m sorry if I forgot that you can’t watch videos, I’m not trying to be rude by posting them, I just forget small things like that).

The same goes for some pictures. I would really love to have proof about Wario walking in about out of dimensions freely.
Mario 64 DS, Wario Land 3, and things like Wario Land 4 deal with alternate dimensions. Mario 64 and Wario Land 4 have the same “painting idea” for entering worlds really, in fact Wario Land 4 is set in a place that when you beat the final boss it is destroyed.

(Yes the final boss of Wario Land 4 is this:

Also just because it is awesome, the person Wario is helping in Wario Land 4 is “Mr. Game & Watch” (Princess Shokora actually, but one of her forms that she has besides the cursed cat form is something that looks a lot like G&W).

Also just because I feel like it, here is a picture of fat Wario for no real reason:

The dark dimension Samus creates sends her enemies into oblivion.
What is oblivion?
To be fair, I’d rather look at what the game says about the weapons in general with the background info instead of just looking at the broad terms behind it like you are saying (and unless you want to try and find another reason for why the Darkburst can be resisted in the 1st place you should as well).

I could have sworn they were being “pulled into oblivion” because they were being sent into “another part” of MP2’s Dark dimension that its game has.

I mean the foes that the weapon mainly works on are “weak” to the “dark side” in the 1st place right? However, the foes it doesn’t work on are clearly resistance to it because they are a part of said “dark dimension” that you are trying to screw them over in the 1st place with (which not only does it not make sense if used in the dark world anyway really, unless you are just trying to throw the foes into another part of the area of course).

I mean look at why the dark beam/dark energy wasn’t good on them in the 1st place according to the game’s canon:

Scan Info:Our studies of the Ing revealed the source of their attacks as
dark energy. We built weapons to use this energy, thinking it could overload
the enemy targets and eliminate them. We soon learned our error, as the Dark
Beam was not of great effect on the Ing.
Anyway going on about the move in case you won’t just accept my point about it that the game gives, how is the thing going to be effective vs. a foe like Wario who has been seen rebuilding himself somehow when he is destroyed? (or for that matter other characters like the psychics who can self heal (and the game even hints that the dimension that Giygas makes is meant to **** you as well, and it doesn't with them, so how is Samus' little by comparison one going to do it?) or even Mario who has control over "dimensions" as well?)

I mean Wario clearly has auto healing skills like at least comparable to other characters in fiction like Cell from DBZ or something.

I’ll just point out some other things that Wario has been seen to not be harmed by:
http://www.mariowiki.com/Flaming_Wario (the end result of this has him burned to dust in the wind and he just reforms)

http://www.mariowiki.com/Flat_Wario (Any foe trying to crush him isn’t going to work)

http://www.mariowiki.com/Bouncy_Wario (Spring Mario sucks compared to this, Wario becomes a living spring)

http://www.mariowiki.com/Zombie_Wario (being made undead, sunlight and water dissolve him as seen in Wario Land 4, but he just reforms to normal)

http://www.mariowiki.com/Vampire_Wario (yeah Wario has more than one undead form, and him being completely destroyed here from the basic stuff that kills vampires just reforms him as well to normal)

http://www.mariowiki.com/Frozen_Wario (if you think Samus can just freeze Wario and then break him with a missile or something, you’re wrong, because this ends with him being busted and he reforms from this as well)

You throw around the word "god" way too much.
Hey don’t blame me the games are the ones who use it (or give very strong hints about it, I mean really just look at what is censored in them usually in the past), I’m just repeating what they are saying.

We can talk about the greatest feats each character did, and it would still be irrelevant in the end.
I disagree; someone who is packing universal destroying powers should beat someone who barely has world destroying powers.

Well, the SA-X being a copy of Samus Aran herself, I don't think the SA-X was aware of Metroids onboard of BSL. We know Samus wasn't. It is my understanding that the SA-X followed Samus to the Restricted Area. Again, Samus wasn't aware of this location. She just somehow managed to find herself ending up in that area. I also think that the SA-X was trying to kill Samus, since she was a threat to the SA-X.
Your theory only works if you assume that Samus was the “only human” on board the BSL at the time (and you also assume that none of them knew about the Metroids being made), but you are aware that she wasn’t I hope (what with how the game makes that a point that Samus is the only real “food” left for Samus besides her “friends”).

Remember, one of the X parasites took one of the humans on the BSL in order to cause self-destruct just to preserve the other X parasites on planet SR388.
I always just thought that the thing did that because of what Adam said about it (that their survival instincts are in conflict with their new found intelligence)

Well, it did blow down a wall, something you don't see Samus doing with her Super Missiles in Fusion. -.-;
Instead you see Samus blow up an area with the power bomb if the stuff is weak enough for it compared to other areas, and there are super missile blocks (and the only real reason they reform when Samus leaves the area is because of game mechs. really, because what if you blow up something you didn’t want to blow up and the game saved it all the time? Chances are you’d be ****ed don’t you think, one shot to get power ups sucks you know, oh wait the game does save it when it comes to some other areas, notice how a ton of “blocks” do disappear for good in some of the games?)

I don't think that has to do with Super Missiles blowing down high security hatches. Samus isn't able to do this in any Metroid game, not even "higher locks."
These doors, however, are still intact once Samus is done with them.
Yeah, please look at what the hatches are meant to do.
Hatch: Security doors have been installed throughout the fortress to keep intruders out. They can be opened by firing at them with beam weapons, but some can only be opened by missiles. (See page 29)
Super Metroid’s book pretty much says the same thing (but they forget to use the word “security” because the thing sucks compared to MF and MZMs and makes tons of small errors like that all over it and some that people take seriously because of it).
(Page 26 for the actual book, 15/21 for the scan to see my point about the SM manual being outdated some more)

But yeah I hope you see from this that it is clear by game play mechs. that Samus blowing things up is clearly happening from her and the only reason the blast “isn’t like the SA-X’s is clearly” just because its overall stupid to program something like that when you have a much simpler way of doing it (oh and you wouldn’t always want that as well in truth TBH, although for Super Metroid I certainly wouldn’t mind it because of how the Speed Booster was programmed I guess).

The reason why Adam thinks it's a bad idea to unlock other hatches is because the X parasites will invade them. And yet, he and Samus really have no choice if they wish to stop the threat of the X parasites.
Because the SA-X/X in general were trying to prevent Samus from regaining full power by destroying the machines that where providing power ups for her in low level areas.

Well, for one the SA-X never showed any signs of using the Speed Booster. That isn't to say that the SA-X didn't have the Speed Booster, yet at the same time, it's no proof that it did.
The SA-X is a copy of Samus at full power according to the game, is the speed booster a part of Samus when she is at full power? Because I’m pretty sure Samus needs it in all three games that it appears in.

What SA-X shows is entirely a different story. I trust that the abilities or weapons of any character are truly greater than they are displayed in the video games. And I am not just talking about Samus alone.
I know the abilities and weapons of any ability for any character can be far greater than they are displayed in a video game, games have flaws just like any other media source when it comes to displaying things (in fact more flaws really can come out because unlike other media sources games have a by far larger role when it comes to how they work, sense the person is in control over it).

However, personally I like the SA-X’s example of what happens to a wall/door that is weak to the Super Missile in that said cut scene, it’s nice to see what Samus is really doing to things that have weak points in their structure to the point where they can’t hold back a blast like that.

I am Samus Aran. I am using Super Missiles on doors that no longer have high security. It doesn't make sense.
Well the SA-X clearly wasn’t in full understanding of itself just yet according to Samus’ thesis on it. Of course because of what it did it did block off access to that part of the BSL for like ½ the game, so maybe it was doing what it wanted to do.

I am glad to know that the BSL uses Sandstone for construction.
Here is what you are doing with this before I start off on this part:

Personally your example isn’t going to work in general though because your point can be explained with something else you said as well:
I trust that the abilities or weapons of any character are truly greater than they are displayed in the video games. And I am not just talking about Samus alone.
Now the fact is the game clearly gives my point (that some things are stronger than some other things and that the speed booster not blasting through everything is clearly because it isn’t invulnerability/and so on) by far more ground because all I have to do is point out the other example of some basic hatches again (in that red hatches require 5 missiles, but can be busted with only one super missile, that clearly the game mechs. saying that the stuff super missiles can break are made out of stronger stuff I hope, because those hatches are “the same type” of hatch, just one is made with stronger stuff).

If by 1 second and 50 centiseconds, you mean "closer," uh huh. Not that this centisecond, let alone a millisecond would matter. Neither are a second, therefore it's not 2 seconds, nor 3.
But it’s closer to 3 in regards to the speed booster in MF/ZM and that is all I care about ^_^

Because EVERYONE knows there is a canon region in the Pokemon world in which Pokemon are analogous to humans... >_>
Considering how several entries in the dex clearly point out that people don’t know everything about the pokemon world such as Cubone/Marowak having a bone graveyard and such that no one knows about and other pokedex entries would disagree with you about some other things (I mean people have been turned into pokemon according to the dex, but are aware that they once were human).

Take Donkey Kong. He doesn't have the Coconut Gun from DK64 in Jungle Beat, but does that mean he cannot both do the sound wave clap and shoot the Coconut Gun? I don't think so.
Well I have no problem with him having both of them, but do note that his attack options are limited when having the gun out though.


Smash Master
Dec 11, 2007
I really don't see how PMD = uncanon. Many of the same game makers, same pokemon... only the setting and game mechanics are obviously different. It's kinda big duh, cause it depicts pokemon from their perspectice as opposed to human and it's battling system is different as well. But hey guess what folks, the mewtwo here has no trainer, aka it's completely viable to use PMD has a source for him cause he's his own character there, not to mention very much canon to the original series, speaking of how he was made in a lab etc. Changing locations between games =/= uncanon. No time frame is ever given either. Princess Peach is not stuck in her castle either. And really, it's not mario party, not even close. It's a game, not some flipper like Metroid Pinball or racing game... the comparison is way off and absurd. It's not a minigame or a game with no plot.

Many other games have different settings as well. Characters in different worlds and elements and mechanics. And they're as good as any other source.
Maybe because the Mewtwo in Melee is -> anime -> based off of the Version games?

the king of murder

Smash Lord
Dec 23, 2009
In a bizarre legend
Well, another arguement in Sonic's favor.
I'm not done yet.

However, Pokemon stats in game have never reached infinity. You can spam any stat raising move all you want, but it won't go past +6 in any game (or at least mainstream). Is there any example of it going past +6? If not, it may be a true limit.
It's clearly a game mechanic. There must be limit or else some Pokemons could be (almost)unstoppable with the right strategy.

And if we allow the limit for Mew2 then we should allow (Young)Link freezing time with Nayrus' Love or his ocarina because it was never disproved in Zeldagames that it can't freeze time when he prepares Nayrus' Love or plays his ocarina. Of course I know that it's a game mechanic but if we consider one canon, we should't ignore the other.

Replied above, and if it does come down to M2 waiting out Sonic's rings, I have an arguement for Sonic's ring limit as well.
I'm not the one who will argue this though. I read the rules and it says that Sonic can maintain his superform for 2-3 hours.

Yeah, I'm talking about the actuall animation. Like in pearl and diamond, the TM would be placed on the pokemon, buzz for a sec, then be done. I know it's not very long, but Sonic is so fast that 1 second could mean a loss.
It's not that extreme. He is fast as hell but that doesn't mean he can OHKO someone in less than a second. If anything Sonic wouldn't KO someone so easily(even with stuff like CC) like let's say Bowser who is durable as hell(surviving a sun explosion).

Of course, if you don't think so it's OK.

Unless it's instant, he will be open for a second. Plus, Sonic can stop time or slow it down with gem power while he's using it, which would leave him open.
It depends if Mew2 quickly decides which move he wants to forget. It's instant if he will execute it fast otherwise it lasts longer. But we are talking about his full potential so...

Ok, but Sonic will get the hit on eventually (and garunteed if time is slowed or stopped). Does counter hitter work like counter in the game? If it does, how would it get past Sonic's lightning shield?
I don't know how to explain it to you. It kinda works like counter but weaker. He will receive 1/4 of the damage.

And I don't think his shield will work because the moment Sonic touchs Mewtwo, is the moment he gets counterd.

Another person that thinks snatch won't work.
Well the majority thinks that Snatch works.

I said this too. Every second counts vs. Sonic.
That may be true but Sonic is not the only one who is so ****ing dangerous. In fact almost anyone in this thread have abilitys that gives anyone trouble.

What's your proof that psyche up can copy more than +6?
Addressed that already.

CC is a serious problem. That's a free hit from a hypersonic speed hedgehog. Plus, Sonic could continously stop time or slow it to stop psyche up (if it works).
If he slows Mewtwo down, Trick Room will be even nastier for Sonic(reverse Speed).

This too. Even normal Sonic has enough options to win vs. M2
And so has Mew2 against Sonic.

Plus, Sonic could transform while he uses TR, and stop time, which would pretty much be GG M2.
Keep in mind that Psych up can be used after his transformation. And if he stops time, Trick Room will never wear off because well the time stops after all.

I doubt taunt's startup is faster than SS's
I agree with you on that.

BUT, Sonic doesn't have to transform, and if M2 comes with psyche up in his move slots, that's one wasted. If he tries to TM it, Sonic can probably finish him.
He has whole bag of items for attacks, traps and healing. One move slot wasted is not that bad. He has more attack options than you think.


Smash Master
Jun 2, 2006
I'm in your house, dsmashing your tv
Maybe because the Mewtwo in Melee is -> anime -> based off of the Version games?
And whatever does the mewtwo in melee have anything to do with this discussion, seeing as neither melee mewtwo or anime has no place in actual pokemon game canon? >_>

And by that logic, because melee mewtwo is based on anime, anime would be legit source to use here. :p

Apparently how a character is shown in melee or brawl is the deciding factor which games are canon to their gameworld, in your opinion. I guess Samus should definitely be stuck with her Super Metroid armanents then due to the fact her Smash bros appearances are based on Super Metroid, not a single thing from Prime games. Isn't this what you are implying, restricting a character to certain versions of the game universe because it's based on some certain version of a game?

How a character appears on the smash universe matters little (unless it's link, with his multiple versions an obv. exception), because we're talking about the canon of certain game universe, which both RBY FRLG version and PMD Mewtwo is canon to. PMD Mewtwo is certainly not some AU aka alternate universe, it's made clear the very second he gets his dialogue and in pokemon canon, there is only one mewtwo as well.

And ****, even if it were some god knows what alternate universe hocus pocus, while apparently it isn't and humans still exists and all... it's still Mewtwo we're talking about and not some alterration of him like Mewthree or something. He's apparently the same clone they make him to be on the original games, I don't see how some.. game mechanics or change of location (and still staying true to his original habitat lol, sticking to caves) would make him any different. Hell, Paper Mario is much more AU.


On another note, now that it's "canon tournament" instead true to their games, anime should seriously be considered to be canon for the series. It does have quite many of the same game makers and exact same producers. One cannot say for example, the attacks are portrayed much differently from the games when it has the same head art director Ken sugimori.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
I think that yes, maybe anime could be considered as canon. Or at least, other sources than the games themselves. _clinton is gonna dominate this topic now, that's for sure. :p

Do we have any canon proof of Mewtwo flying or teleporting? Cause he'll need that now in this matchup.

the king of murder

Smash Lord
Dec 23, 2009
In a bizarre legend
Mewtwo learns teleport in generation one. I'm not sure about flying.

And I find it silly that Mewtwo isn't allowed to have his moveset in generation one and generation four at the same time. Because from what I read, everyone is allowed to do that so why not Mewtwo?


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2006
And I find it silly that Mewtwo isn't allowed to have his moveset in generation one and generation four at the same time. Because from what I read, everyone is allowed to do that so why not Mewtwo?
Because they said so, sucks doesn't it? (yeah there is no good reason I know) ^_^


Smash Master
Dec 11, 2007
I actually don't get why you keep bringing up Teleport. To be frank, IT SUCKS. It's not like a DBZ style Teleport, it's just 'warp to last Center visited'.

EDIT: Why should anime be considered canon again? Really?


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2006
I actually don't get why you keep bringing up Teleport. To be frank, IT SUCKS. It's not like a DBZ style Teleport, it's just 'warp to last Center visited'.
That is just how the game uses it for game play, in battle it has a much different use (running away), and the definition of it is different as well and that makes it a lot better than what you are saying (sort of like how EB's is a lot better than what you guys think it is).

Other pokemon media clearly shows it as something better than you think it is as well.

Also on another note I still don't give a **** about the anime.

And I still want to know why you guys think M2 is slow when he is a clone of a pokemon that has the genes of all pokemon in him which includes several buggers that move at beyond the speed of sound and on top of that is a more powerful clone of said "Genesis Pokemon" and is also build for battle.
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