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Sirias discussions: Currently (???)


Smash Champion
Jul 28, 2008
Brisbane, QLD, Australia
k euthinasia it is.

my stand is in the patients pain stricken state it is hard to decifer whether its a logcial decision ecspecially when they get depressed. I believe no one really wants to die, and needs help if they do. that being said they can refuse medical treatment but they shouldn't be allowed to order someone to kill them or to suicide or assisted suicide.

whats the difference between dieing in 2 minutes by injection or dieing naturally in 10 or more minutes?

doctors aren't always right they can botch the diagonisis then a termial patient would be fine.. a pity if they sded before noticing that. giving up hope is very depressing -,-

padetive care is cool... sad place tho. so dieing with diginity? (not being a mess, losing control of your body etc...) i think its worth hanging in there.

its sad to see loved ones in that pain... yes it is. just be there for them..

if euthanasia was legalised, old people would be pressured to die. like hes lived long enough we must conserve resources etc.

probably got lot more to say but someone else go.


Smash Hero
Jul 7, 2008
whats the difference between dieing in 2 minutes by injection or dieing naturally in 10 or more minutes?
What about 1 minute by injection, or an indeterminable period of time of incredible, unbearable pain?

if euthanasia was legalised, old people would be pressured to die.
Your strawman really isn't getting you anywhere and pretty much proves that you have absolutely no idea about what euthanasia actually is. Euthanasia is the practice of ending a life in order to relieve pain and suffering. I don't see how you came to the conclusion that it "encourages old people to die".

Euthanasia is a choice that one may decide to make when they are in a situation of indescribable pain and suffering. It's a choice that someone makes with THEIR OWN life. It's where someone chooses to end what they have now with dignity and peace, rather than a miserable experience of drug-sustained existence.

My opinion, if not clear, is that people should be given the opportunity to choose, if they are so unfortunate to be put into that situation.

Also please do not try the slippery slope argument of devaluing life. eg. If euthanasia is ok why isn't suicide/infanticide/whatver ok too?


Smash Champion
Jul 28, 2008
Brisbane, QLD, Australia
Example 1: an elderly person in a nursing home, who can barely understand a breakfast menu, is asked to sign a form consenting to be killed. Is this voluntary or involuntary? Will they be protected by the law? How? Right now the overall prohibition on killing stands in the way. Once one signature can sign away a person's life, what can be as strong a protection as the current absolute prohibition on direct killing?

being a burden is such a pain so i should end my life. i am in pain so ill get euthansia since i dont want to suicide.
you say it is voluntry but its not really you a pressured into a bad matchup.

you say that it doesn't relate to old people.. old people do die you know... when you get old organs start to fail, do you want to fall apart in front of vistors or die with dignity.
terminal what is it? expected to cause death... by a euthinasia law all people in that catorgory can choose to die.

is there something wrong with choosing suicide then?
i think yes.


Smash Ace
Dec 30, 2008
Melbourne, Australia
If someone is terminally ill, and in a terrible condition (read pain, unable to function properly etc) with no chance of recovery. Then yes I agree with assisted suicide if that is truely the patients choice.


Smash Champion
Apr 13, 2008
Gold Coast - Australia
You'd be surprised, when you say "nobody really wants to die" and suggest that it's just the patient being in pain / depressed.

I did a community placement a few weeks ago and had to go nursing at peoples houses. We went to one house where a guy had cancer in his throat and couldn't eat a meal. On top of that he was losing weight rapidly, but besides that he was perfectly fine, he wasn't in constant pain, and he wasn't upset about life, he was actually rather cheery.

He was chatting for ages about everything, and followed by telling me that the other week he went to the hospital to find out if he could die just because he didnt want to carry on with a poor quality of life.

The truth of it is, some people value the quality of life so much that they don't WANT to live. I say, if people value quality of life and they aren't happy with the quality of life they are given, then they should be allowed to make the decision to be euthanized.

What's the point of prolonging death if the person doesn't have the same quality of life they desire? "Health" describes both physical and mental wellbeing, so being rid of disease doesn't really make you healthy, or happy.


Smash Champion
Jul 28, 2008
Brisbane, QLD, Australia
you think they are logical in that no hope, pain stricken state? there is always a chance of recovery.. and pulling the plug by their choice will most probably kill them but it will be a natural death which ide be ok with.


Smash Hero
Jul 7, 2008
Example 1: an elderly person in a nursing home, who can barely understand a breakfast menu, is asked to sign a form consenting to be killed.
A child could tell you that's not consensual. They're not in the right frame of mind to even make that decision. That is never going to occur. That is not what euthanasia is.

being a burden is such a pain so i should end my life. i am in pain so ill get euthansia since i dont want to suicide.
Although fundamentally correct, you are drastically oversimplifying the concept of euthanasia. It's not as simple as "ow, I might still be in pain tomorrow, or the next day, or in a week". It's "I am going to live the rest of my life in misery and pain.". Being drug-dependent and bed-ridden until the end of your days is not dignifying for some, if not most people. Also euthanasia is assisted suicide.

you say it is voluntry but its not really you a pressured into a bad matchup.
********. Pressured by who, you say?

by a euthinasia law all people in that catorgory can choose to die.
They should be given the right to make the decision for themselves.

AussieROB is also on point about the quality of life.


Smash Champion
Jul 28, 2008
Brisbane, QLD, Australia
they can stop their drugs and treatments if thats what they want.
why do you want to speed up death?
not happy about your quality of life? if no you can die. great solution.
your Qol can get better. you can fight for your friends =P


Smash Champion
Jul 28, 2008
Brisbane, QLD, Australia
pressured by young people, doctors, others that believe, oh you should be put out of your misery.

"oh that guy in room 2a, still hasn't been euthanized yet. what a waste of resources"


Smash Hero
Jul 7, 2008
they can stop their drugs and treatments if thats what they want.
why do you want to speed up death?
not happy about your quality of life? if no you can die. great solution.
your Qol can get better. you can fight for your friends =P
So you'd rather them not take pain killing drugs and practically force them to endure unbearable suffering UNTIL THEY DIE, than for them to choose for themselves.

You seem to be missing the entire meaning of the word choice. No one is forced to be euthanised.

pressured by young people, doctors, others that believe, oh you should be put out of your misery.

"oh that guy in room 2a, still hasn't been euthanized yet. what a waste of resources"

Now you're just pulling stuff out of your ***. Might as well say Jesus wants you to euthanise so you can get to Heaven quicker.


Banned via Warnings
Nov 24, 2008
Adelaide, Australia
I will probably kill myself in a storm or some kind of benzo-opiate cocktail when I get over life (probably before 50).
My views are always shrugged off though.
I live for the moment and love it when people get annoyed with my opinion, pretty much, because they'll never change it.
I don't see a point in these debates on here; ignorant bàstards (the majority) will stick to their views no matter what they're told.

I'm not making sense, but the point of this post is: This is just an E-pissing contest topic, pretty much.
It's pointless unless you want to waste time.
And that's the meaning of life.

Edit: LOL wtf Moose.
What are the odds of us both saying 50 randomly. :S


Smash Champion
Jul 28, 2008
Brisbane, QLD, Australia
pressured. is not forced.
it still creates death where it shouldn't b. jesus isn't in it. plus suicide isn't really acceptable in heaven.

maybe but its interesting gaganova.

when i say off the meds and pull the plug, i mean that you are off life sustaining junk. you can have your pain killers. pallitive care -,-


Smash Master
Feb 8, 2008
New World
Well we kinda have to put it in our views aswell.

If we were in pain and suffering and just wanted to end it already would you? Or would you try to live as long as possible?


Smash Hero
Jul 7, 2008
I cannot possibly say what I would do since I am not in that situation, nor planning on it or even hoping that maybe one day I'll ever experience it just so I can have a perspective on it. The essence of what I'm saying is that any person who is in that situation should have the right to make the decision for themselves.


Smash Master
Dec 27, 2008
Western Sydney
Well we kinda have to put it in our views aswell.

If we were in pain and suffering and just wanted to end it already would you? Or would you try to live as long as possible?
Wanting to do it, and going through with it are different, but if the option were there for a person in extreme displeasure to a terminal illness or other kind of lifelong suffering. It's torture to not give them the option to end it.

It's a religious view to say suicide is murder, and that's your choice. However denying someone the option because of a single groups perspective is no different to being a Nazi.


Smash Master
Feb 8, 2008
New World
That is certainly true.

Everyone has a right to do whatever they want with their lives but is it ok for us to end their lives if they want us to? Should we be allowing that person to make that choice and let him follow on with it or should we be trying to prevent that person from confirming that choice?

Is it Murder for the person who does do it to them?


Smash Champion
Feb 6, 2009
Land of Ooo
If my quality of life was such that death would be preferable, then yeah I would try to kill myself. Or rather, ask someone to kill me, since I would most likely be able to do ti myself.


Smash Master
Feb 8, 2008
New World

Theres people out there in our world who have tried it and have survived after it which led them to have second thoughts about their life.

What type of life long sufferings are there btw? This might help more to see whether or not euthanasia is good or not.


Smash Master
Dec 27, 2008
Western Sydney
If a person wishes to end their lives because of exceptional circumstances, the act of taking their life should be theirs alone except in such a case where it is physically impossible.


Smash Champion
Jul 28, 2008
Brisbane, QLD, Australia
and you would be ok about telling your loved ones who dont want you to die...
seems abit selfish to me :/

well they can end their life.. suicide isn't exactly punishable.

so they must have pain.. they dont have to be in the right state of mind.. to get euthanasia.. way to hard to regulate.

fun nazi fact: nazis were against abortion.. of thier "pure race" (blonde hair blue eye thingo) but for abortion with all other races.


Smash Master
Feb 8, 2008
New World
Well telling your loved ones isn't really selfish as it's somthing you want to do in general.

But what you have to think about is how much effect it's going to have on your loved ones.


Smash Master
Dec 27, 2008
Western Sydney
and you would be ok about telling your loved ones who dont want you to die...
seems abit selfish to me :/

well they can end their life.. suicide isn't exactly punishable.
>Insinuating you wouldn't talk to them first
>Insinuating they didn't know you were suffering
>Insinuating they're dumb enough to want you in pain
>Insinuating you're not prepared to euthanise yourself before having all the necessities your family requires


Smash Ace
Jul 19, 2008
Melbourne/Gold Coast
Chris' Do Not Want Diseases List
-Multiple Sclerosis
-Beta thalessemia Major
-Tetralogy of Fallot
-Familial Hyperlipideamia
-Huntingson's Disease
-Any chromosomal abnormalities
-Familial Dementia
-Childhood Polycystic Disease

-Off the top of my head and could add like hundreds more, and yeah oldmandorf is right


Smash Master
Feb 8, 2008
New World
They would rather want you in pain then have you dead though swordsaint.

**** yeah we got a doctor in here.

Amatersasu are those diseases the ones that you would end your life if you had them? Since your good in the doctor side just explain some of the things that are so bad that would want someone to end their lives instead of suffering from them.
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