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Sirias discussions: Currently (???)


Smash Champion
Dec 1, 2006
Sydney, Australia
It's what I do.
If you don't care, then don't involve your...
Sigh, it's already boring.

What should the next topic be, anyway?

Oh! Did you hear, some time ago, some scientist woman was making something (wow, specific) that'll stop brain cells from dying.
Was that real?


Smash Hero
Jul 7, 2008
I think the next topic should be:

Political Sex Scandals.

Do you think politicians are entitled to a private life?
Are you outraged when a "scandal" occurs?
Do you think that the media outcry is justified?


Banned via Warnings
Nov 24, 2008
Adelaide, Australia
Sirias said:
Blah ra derp blah
lol k, you'll get over it. Be happier. ^_^

Edit: The media will never leave people alone (lol Chris Crocker) - they need juicy stories to sell papers/articles/shows to err, readers.


Smash Champion
Nov 3, 2005

Let's talk about Paypal.

I know how much you love Paypal.

Also Footballer sex scandals are alot better than politicial ones. Besides, turn on your TV and there's one on going ALREADY.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 17, 2009
Shadow Temple, trying to find the mirror shield
Sex scandals are for the people involved to worry about and not us. Papparazi are the lowest form of scum on this earth. Think about it, their job is to invade people's privacy at every possible oppurtunity and plaster the unfortunate celebrities faces all over the media. Also, the more embarassing, scandalous and private the photos are, the more money these parasites get. IMO they should go get a job which doesn't put them below the mosquito on people best friends lists.


Smash Ace
Nov 7, 2008
Iso appreciation society headquarters
Sex scandals are for the people involved to worry about and not us. Papparazi are the lowest form of scum on this earth. Think about it, their job is to invade people's privacy at every possible oppurtunity and plaster the unfortunate celebrities faces all over the media. Also, the more embarassing, scandalous and private the photos are, the more money these parasites get. IMO they should go get a job which doesn't put them below the mosquito on people best friends lists.
your regular paparazzo is just a regular dude that failed photography at tafe trying to feed his family. i myself would prefer there to be paparazzi out there hounding famous dumb sluts, getting paid by gossip magazines (that are bought by total morons) than bludging off the dole or taking jobs from other australians that can't bring themselves to undertake such a hated profession

IF YOU THINK ABOUT IT the real bad people are the editors of these magazines and the people that buy them

NEXT YOU"LL BE BLAMING PEOPLE THAT WORK AT SERVICE STATIONS FOR SELLING CIGARETTES instead of being angry at the corporations that make money manufacturing them

REALLY YOU'RE JUST FOLLOWING THE POPULIST VIEW PUT FORWARD BY CELEBRITIES THAT ARE SCARED OF GETTING ON THE BAD SIDE OF THE TABLOIDS so they instead lash out at these unfortunate pawns that would much prefer to be photographing beautiful sunsets or cute baby animals BUT CANT BECAUSE THIS IS THE ONLY JOB OPPORTUNITY that caters for the enormous amount of photographers that can't score an elusive job with a respected firm or don't have the skills to go freelance

REALLY YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELF for making generalisations based on third hand heresay from spoiled celebrities.

THAT BEING SAID it looks like being a wonderful day today in melbourne, i may go for a nice walk and distribute some questionairres for a national survey on drug strategies WILL YOU HATE ME FOR THAT BECAUSE I'M ANNOYING PEOPLE AT THEIR HOMES???



Smash Master
Dec 27, 2008
Western Sydney
the one problem with your analogy of cigarettes is simple

the person selling them is supplied by the corporation

the publication here is supplied by the people


Smash Journeyman
Oct 17, 2009
Shadow Temple, trying to find the mirror shield
The point is Tim, these people invade peoples privacy for a living. It's sickening. I don't give a rat's right buttcheek what celebrities have to say about the papparazi, their job is morally wrong. People have a right to privacy, thats a constitutional law. To violate that for money is the same as me getting paid to gag people if they speak out against one person or another in a way that doesn't favour my employers.

Let me tell you something, I have seen a interview with a professional paparazzo. He says he will sit for 6 hours or more, outside a celebrities apartment or hotel room or house or whatever, just to get the pictures of them at their worst.

I know everyone has their ups and downs. I know I hate my hair in the morning because it looks feral etc. Celebrities are people too, not the godlike beautiful angelic creatures that they are made out to be. Why aren't they allowed the privacy that we get? Being in the public eye shouldn't include having to make sure you don't go on your balcony for a cigarette in the morning, because your afraid of paparazzi snapping a shot of you in your boxers. That's an obscure example but similar things happen all the time.

How would you like it if your face was all over the glamour magazines when you have 5am stubble and bags under your eyes? It's pathetic that people have made a buisness out of revealing peoples private lives.

Best example of the media being ridiculous: Tiger Woods. Around the world, thousands of people cheat and get cheated on by wives/girlfriends/husbands/boyfriends etc. This is one man who happens to be the worlds greatest golfer. It was the exact same thing as what happens around the world, but because he is famous every man woman and child has to know what happened, the exact details; how many women, what they looked like, 100 times over.

This is the media not directly related to paparazzi but the same princaple applies. They take pictures of people at their worst - normal people who just happen to be known because of their talents - and sell them for money, knowing full well that their shot will just serve to expose and humiliate these people.

I agree and disagree with Tim on the point that the editors are to blame, aswell. But editors don't wait outside people houses to get seedy photos of them, paparazzi do. If they don't have the skills to get into a firm, or go freelance then they shouldn't be photographers. It's as simple as that. You aren't a photographer because you have a camera and take pictures, everyone does that. You become a photographer because you have skill with your camera and take photos that are considered art. Britney spears smoking in her pajamas is not art, nuff said.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 17, 2009
Shadow Temple, trying to find the mirror shield
man the **** just dair tipper dem whales every time.

Whaling is bad but it also feeds alot of people who might go very hungry without cheap whale meat, and might not see without blubber candles. Apart from that they are killing one of the greatest species on earth.


Smash Lord
Sep 22, 2009
Um, whale meat is considered a luxury in japan. They are not going to go hungry if they don't have any.


Jan 17, 2002
man the **** just dair tipper dem whales every time.

Whaling is bad but it also feeds alot of people who might go very hungry without cheap whale meat, and might not see without blubber candles. Apart from that they are killing one of the greatest species on earth.
The consumption of whale is more a cultural thing, it actually apparently doesn't taste that good and if you go to Japan, it's quite hard to find in supermarkets, restaurants etc. And if you do find it, it's in fairly small quantities. Strange considering how big the **** thing is.

As Ellipsis says, it's more a luxury thing and as I said, more a cultural thing, it's mostly the older generation who grew up with whale who are still eating it, rather than the younger generation.

And seriously, one whale is huge, if they kill just one whale and freeze it, it could probably feed an army for some time. (or well not an army. But you get my drift)

Besides, there are so many animal species that we research by keeping them alive, not killing them. And I think by now we'd be pretty familiar with the anatomy of a whale. I highly doubt that's gonna change for another 100 years or so. If they are still even around then.

Tuna belly is just so much moar delicious. People should nom that.


Smash Champion
Dec 1, 2006
Sydney, Australia
**** is an offensive term, kthx. c:

I don't see MUCH of a problem with whaling, I don't know much about it, though...
As long as it's not like... the genocide of the whales, lol. d:
Genocides are never a good thing.
Unless it's to do with mosquitos. D:<


Banned via Warnings
Nov 24, 2008
Adelaide, Australia
Lol Smashboards & its Censor.

Edit: On the topic whaling I don't really have an opinion. I doubt I'd ever eat it myself, but I wouldn't stop others from doing so. Fur Coats, I dunno, if they're Cruella DeVille type coats, then I'm definately against them (I love dogs, in fact I just realised I know nothing about coats... >_>), other animals I doubt it'd bother me much. :/


Smash Champion
Jul 28, 2008
Brisbane, QLD, Australia
so its about your personal feelings? its ok unless its cute? its ok unless its my pet?
what about animal rights?
i am not too big on animal rights.. but i am against any unessiary slaughter.

anyway new topic? something on racism? =P
considering **** =P i think it originates from that pearl harbour time. kinda like chinks or something said in gran torino.


Smash Champion
Jul 28, 2008
Brisbane, QLD, Australia
zzz they used it in WW2. as a catchy slogan... so yeah its offensive.
'Rap the ***' or 'Let's Blast the *** Clean Off the Map'"

but yeah to the untrained eye, i didn't think it was. just people being lazy.
and i am pretty sure they would be more upset if you called them koreans.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 17, 2009
Shadow Temple, trying to find the mirror shield
zzz they used it in WW2. as a catchy slogan... so yeah its offensive.
'Rap the ***' or 'Let's Blast the *** Clean Off the Map'"

but yeah to the untrained eye, i didn't think it was. just people being lazy.
and i am pretty sure they would be more upset if you called them koreans.
Lawl dem ****. Saying **** is easier than saying Japanese people, even then it bring the tone of the sentence from being light hearted and joking to being serious and stuff. IMO we call Australian's: ozzies, Japanese: **** and Americans: idiots. ^_^ Jokes <3 america

Hahah it is true they don't like korea very much, but then, alot of Koreans hate Korea, well maybe just the opposite end but you get my drift. People don't like korea very much because the general populous is crazy. Anyone who is korean, and takes offense to this, I apologise vehemently.


Smash Lord
Sep 22, 2009
Lawl dem ****. Saying **** is easier than saying Japanese people, even then it bring the tone of the sentence from being light hearted and joking to being serious and stuff. IMO we call Australian's: ozzies, Japanese: **** and Americans: idiots. ^_^ Jokes <3 america

Hahah it is true they don't like korea very much, but then, alot of Koreans hate Korea, well maybe just the opposite end but you get my drift. People don't like korea very much because the general populous is crazy. Anyone who is korean, and takes offense to this, I apologise vehemently.
What the hell are you on about. Do you know anything about Japanese-Korean relations over the past few hundred years. And yes saying **** is racist as it was used as a derogatory term.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 17, 2009
Shadow Temple, trying to find the mirror shield
What the hell are you on about. Do you know anything about Japanese-Korean relations over the past few hundred years. And yes saying **** is racist as it was used as a derogatory term.
Quite obviously I don't, I am just making a joking statement about the topic. This debate has been had thousands of times and isn't all that interesting.

**** wasn't used BY ME as a derogitory term so it isn't racist. Get over it <3


Smash Champion
Jun 30, 2007
"****" is considered a racial slur, Surgi. Regardless of your intentions, it's offensive. If you aren't Japanese then someone who is will take it in a derogatory fashion.


Smash Ace
Dec 30, 2008
Melbourne, Australia
Woah seriously? One of my best mates is japanese and him and his friends frequent refer to themselves as ****, and on sundays they go to "***" school. Seriously in this era of political correctness the words we can use to describe people are getting less and less.
I think its getting overboard.


Smash Ace
Oct 21, 2005
Sydney, NSW, Australia
"****" was used especially back in WW2 as a derogatory term against the Japanese, who were seen as the enemy. It's got a history of intended insult behind it. But it's all relative. Kind of like how African Americans appropriated the N word to suit themselves.

I'm of the mind that it's the intention behind the words that incite personal offence. In the worlds of George Carlin, "the words are innocent". They're just words.

If someone called me a Chink I'd laugh it off in all honesty.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 17, 2009
Shadow Temple, trying to find the mirror shield
Un is right, words don't do the damage, the meaning behind them does. If a Japanese person takes offense let him come talk to me about it, not just have people tell me I'm racist coz they feel like I am. I ruv everyone in der whoooole world, except people I hate, of which there are many, but not because of their race XD

What's funny is the topic went from whaling to '****' XD
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