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Should Metaknight Be Banned? The Poll (LISTEN TO THE SBR PODCAST!)

Should Metaknight be banned?

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Smash Lord
Jan 4, 2008
Jackson, Tennessee
Oh goodness.
If you can't beat him, YOU'RE DOING IT WRONG.
I know: There are good Metaknights out there.
It doesn't mean you can't beat them!
Like Melee Fox.
Have you SEEN some of the foxes out there?
The amount of stuff he can do with the shine is not even funny.
He has the perfect balance of Kill moves and Stall moves for combos!
Granted these two do NOT have a recovery like Metaknight's, but my point is that they are BEASTLY in the right hands, but they can be beaten in those hands as well.
Unless there is some new thing that LEGALLY (I mean no infinite DC) makes Metaknight untouchable and severely overpowered, there is no way in heck that I'm voting toward his ban.

Playing against Meatknight actually IMPROVES your skill.
You MUST become faster to win.
If you lag, you fail.
Come on, people!
It's exactly what you wanted: Another Melee!
And you got it.
Yet you want it banned?
Ganon vs. Fox.
Ganon can still win...but he has to have strategy and mindgames.
Without skill, he cannot win.

So in conclusion, if you want his ban, whatever.
You'll never be as good as you could be if you could fight him and build up a good enough strategy and fast enough reactions to beat him.

If you vote against it: Excellent.
Why be afraid of a walking face?
Because there is nothing to fear but fear itself.
And you shouldn't fear at all as the Bible CLEARLY states "God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind".
Power: Use your skills to their maximum!
Sound Mind: Be calm and DO NOT let your emotions get mixed with your play!
Love: (quoting Touhou, but bending it around a bit) MK is not difficult......*skip a few lines* NOW UNLEASH YOUR ANNIHILATION OF LOVE!

That's it.
If you don't get it, or are too lazy to read, I'm sorry.
This is smashboards, people.
We shouldn't need Tl;Dr.
If you found this site on your own and were able to make an account, you have enough of a brain to read a paragraph and at the very least halfway understand it.


Smash Champion
Nov 16, 2002
Playing against Meatknight actually IMPROVES your skill.
You MUST become faster to win.
If you lag, you fail.
Come on, people!
It's exactly what you wanted: Another Melee!
In Melee my opponent had to become faster to win after I got faster to win.

If I'm going vs. MK that's not exactly the case, now is it?


Smash Lord
Jun 2, 2008
Westchester, NY ; Cornell University in the school
Oh goodness.
If you can't beat him, YOU'RE DOING IT WRONG.
I know: There are good Metaknights out there.
Too many because it's too easy to be a "good" MK.

It doesn't mean you can't beat them!
Like Melee Fox.
Have you SEEN some of the foxes out there?
The amount of stuff he can do with the shine is not even funny.
He has the perfect balance of Kill moves and Stall moves for combos!
Granted these two do NOT have a recovery like Metaknight's, but my point is that they are BEASTLY in the right hands, but they can be beaten in those hands as well.
Unless there is some new thing that LEGALLY (I mean no infinite DC) makes Metaknight untouchable and severely overpowered, there is no way in heck that I'm voting toward his ban.
But neither of these characters dominated and were so incredibly easy to pick up as MK. Using MK basically doubles success (not skill) overnight.

Playing against Meatknight actually IMPROVES your skill.
You MUST become faster to win.
If you lag, you fail.
Come on, people!
It's exactly what you wanted: Another Melee!
And you got it.
Yet you want it banned?
Ganon vs. Fox.
Ganon can still win...but he has to have strategy and mindgames.
Without skill, he cannot win.
Actually, playing against MK isn't like playing any other character, so it really doesn't help you much. You deal with all kinds of crap other characters can't throw at you and you never have the advantage. Playing faster isn't always the best strategy for beating an opponent, every match-up is different. And MK's raw speed isn't really what makes him so devastating. Maybe the speed at which his attacks come out.

So in conclusion, if you want his ban, whatever.
You'll never be as good as you could be if you could fight him and build up a good enough strategy and fast enough reactions to beat him.
There's only so fast the game will allow you to be. Moves have natural lag. But regardless, once again, this isn't about speed.

If you vote against it: Excellent.
Why be afraid of a walking face?
Because there is nothing to fear but fear itself.
And you shouldn't fear at all as the Bible CLEARLY states "God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind".
Power: Use your skills to their maximum!
Sound Mind: Be calm and DO NOT let your emotions get mixed with your play!
Love: (quoting Touhou, but bending it around a bit) MK is not difficult......*skip a few lines* NOW UNLEASH YOUR ANNIHILATION OF LOVE!
You just quoted the Bible in a Smash thread............................................ *facepalm*


Smash Legend
May 8, 2008
I can't believe you all thought he was serious.

If he was serious, I pity you.


Smash Champion
Nov 16, 2002
I can't believe you all thought he was serious.

If he was serious, I pity you.
If he wasn't serious he needs to learn to insert things that are actually detectable as spoofing.

We've seen worse go by already that was completely serious.


Smash Hero
Aug 14, 2005
Northwest NJ
Oh goodness.
If you can't beat him, YOU'RE DOING IT WRONG.
I know: There are good Metaknights out there.
It doesn't mean you can't beat them!
Like Melee Fox.
Have you SEEN some of the foxes out there?
The amount of stuff he can do with the shine is not even funny.
He has the perfect balance of Kill moves and Stall moves for combos!
Granted these two do NOT have a recovery like Metaknight's, but my point is that they are BEASTLY in the right hands, but they can be beaten in those hands as well.
Unless there is some new thing that LEGALLY (I mean no infinite DC) makes Metaknight untouchable and severely overpowered, there is no way in heck that I'm voting toward his ban.

Playing against Meatknight actually IMPROVES your skill.
You MUST become faster to win.
If you lag, you fail.
Come on, people!
It's exactly what you wanted: Another Melee!
And you got it.
Yet you want it banned?
Ganon vs. Fox.
Ganon can still win...but he has to have strategy and mindgames.
Without skill, he cannot win.

So in conclusion, if you want his ban, whatever.
You'll never be as good as you could be if you could fight him and build up a good enough strategy and fast enough reactions to beat him.

If you vote against it: Excellent.
Why be afraid of a walking face?
Because there is nothing to fear but fear itself.
And you shouldn't fear at all as the Bible CLEARLY states "God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind".
Power: Use your skills to their maximum!
Sound Mind: Be calm and DO NOT let your emotions get mixed with your play!
Love: (quoting Touhou, but bending it around a bit) MK is not difficult......*skip a few lines* NOW UNLEASH YOUR ANNIHILATION OF LOVE!

That's it.
If you don't get it, or are too lazy to read, I'm sorry.
This is smashboards, people.
We shouldn't need Tl;Dr.
If you found this site on your own and were able to make an account, you have enough of a brain to read a paragraph and at the very least halfway understand it.

This post is auto fail because he compared MK to Melee's Fox. You can't compare 2 different video games.

Seriously, you don't know what your talking about.

MK's recovery isn't the only thing that surpasses Marth and Fox in melee, he surpasses them in just about everything else. If he was in melee, he would still be the best character in the game by far.


Smash Master
Feb 16, 2008
He wants to be the best Jackson in Tennessee.

I don't remember jackson being in Brawl.


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
@Argument above: Arguing that perfection is legit is a bit silly. Everyone makes mistakes due to being human, and nobody can do the perfect thing in every sitation. Super Theory Fighter Brawl is a lame game LOL.
The issue is that this is a technical thing. Jab gives you more then enough frames to react before the up-b comes out, so it's not a case of mindgaming people, it's just a case of knowing and having tech skill.

At the top level of fighters, once you have everyone at perfect tech skill, what does it come down to? Mindgames, spacing, brick walls, the basics.

Characters that put you in a better position to do those basics are inherently better.


Banned via Administration
Sep 14, 2006
Piscataway, NJ
Oh goodness.
If you can't beat him, YOU'RE DOING IT WRONG.
I know: There are good Metaknights out there.
It doesn't mean you can't beat them!
Like Melee Fox.
Have you SEEN some of the foxes out there?
The amount of stuff he can do with the shine is not even funny.
He has the perfect balance of Kill moves and Stall moves for combos!
Granted these two do NOT have a recovery like Metaknight's, but my point is that they are BEASTLY in the right hands, but they can be beaten in those hands as well.
Unless there is some new thing that LEGALLY (I mean no infinite DC) makes Metaknight untouchable and severely overpowered, there is no way in heck that I'm voting toward his ban.

Playing against Meatknight actually IMPROVES your skill.
You MUST become faster to win.
If you lag, you fail.
Come on, people!
It's exactly what you wanted: Another Melee!
And you got it.
Yet you want it banned?
Ganon vs. Fox.
Ganon can still win...but he has to have strategy and mindgames.
Without skill, he cannot win.

So in conclusion, if you want his ban, whatever.
You'll never be as good as you could be if you could fight him and build up a good enough strategy and fast enough reactions to beat him.

If you vote against it: Excellent.
Why be afraid of a walking face?
Because there is nothing to fear but fear itself.
And you shouldn't fear at all as the Bible CLEARLY states "God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind".
Power: Use your skills to their maximum!
Sound Mind: Be calm and DO NOT let your emotions get mixed with your play!
Love: (quoting Touhou, but bending it around a bit) MK is not difficult......*skip a few lines* NOW UNLEASH YOUR ANNIHILATION OF LOVE!

That's it.
If you don't get it, or are too lazy to read, I'm sorry.
This is smashboards, people.
We shouldn't need Tl;Dr.
If you found this site on your own and were able to make an account, you have enough of a brain to read a paragraph and at the very least halfway understand it.
I thought this was a joke till I read your signature.

Btw, I think you are the best Jackson in TN, hands down.


Smash Cadet
Sep 20, 2008
Absolutly not! You can't ban MK Brawl has not even been out for a year. I gess I am to asume that becus his name is meta Knight his metagame is superier.


Smash Champion
Jun 7, 2008
Lmao, Bibles, screw those. PASTAFARIANISM IS THE TRUTH GUYS!!! BECOME PASTAFARIANS. Thy Spaghetti God shall not ban Metaknight, but he shall throw pasta in his face. IT IS FAIR TO ALL! BECOME PASTAFARIANS NOW!!!!!!!


Smash Ace
Mar 19, 2008
Absolutly not! Brawl has not even been out for a year. This is jumping to concluesins don't you think. I gess I am to asume that becus his name is meta Knight his metagame is superier to ever one else. This is compleat madness in my opinin!:psycho:
this is probably the worst post i have ever read.


Smash Master
Feb 16, 2008
Lmao, Bibles, screw those. PASTAFARIANISM IS THE TRUTH GUYS!!! BECOME PASTAFARIANS. Thy Spaghetti God shall not ban Metaknight, but he shall throw pasta in his face. IT IS FAIR TO ALL! BECOME PASTAFARIANS NOW!!!!!!!
Isn't Meta Knight's Fair the best in the game, or am I missing something.


Smash Cadet
Sep 20, 2008
this is probably the worst post i have ever read.
Meta Knight meta game get it? Never mind what I am getting at is baning MK so soon is not that smart. Give me three more months then I will make my finale decision is MK is not right. Now if you temporarily ban him for a while like three months and the game gets a lot better that I see. But if MK is needed for the meta game bring him back. Simple as that. This riming stuff is getting on my nerve! Until MKs three months are up I will remain Completely and faithfully A supporter of non baning MK.


Smash Champion
Oct 21, 2007
st catharines, ontario
there shuld be a seprate poll for mk users wanting mk banned or not and a poll for non mk users to get mk banned or not so we can see the bias
Edit: that wuld nvr werk


Smash Journeyman
Jun 4, 2008
Champaign, IL
lol, this thread fails then

/reported. seriously find better things to do with your life
Just FYI - could you edit your post to remove the link that he put up from the quote? Don't want to encourage him by spreading it around to even more posts.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
What in Brawl, besides the grab infinites (seriously now, don't get grabbed, and ban Corneria. Simple, no?), makes Corneria unplayable?
Fin camping + wall infinites + extremely low ceiling + lasers = bad competitive stage.

Jigglymaster said:
As votes grow everyday the awnser NO leads by 200 votes. I think the awnser has been decided for quite long enough.
Too bad you live in NJ. :laugh:

Maybe I'll just **** you with Snake next time instead LOL.


Banned via Administration
Sep 14, 2006
Piscataway, NJ
Absolutly not! Brawl has not even been out for a year. This is jumping to concluesins don't you think. I gess I am to asume that becus his name is meta Knight his metagame is superier to ever one else. This is compleat madness in my opinin!:psycho:
this is probably the worst post i have ever read.


Smash Lord
Feb 27, 2008
Towson MD/Moscow ID
Meta Knight meta game get it? Never mind what I am getting at is baning MK so soon is not that smart. Give me three more months then I will make my finale decision is MK is not right. Now if you temporarily ban him for a while like three months and the game gets a lot better that I see. But if MK is needed for the meta game bring him back. Simple as that. This riming stuff is getting on my nerve! Until MKs three months are up I will remain Completely and faithfully A supporter of non baning MK.
Meta Knight doesn't rhyme with meta game. Do you have downsyndrome or something? Seriously, what the hell.
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