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Should Metaknight Be Banned? The Poll (LISTEN TO THE SBR PODCAST!)

Should Metaknight be banned?

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King of the Mews
Jul 18, 2002
Cinnaminson (southwest NJ 5 min drive from Philly)
I do think ledge camping is a cheap way to win. I haven't ever used it to win in tourney (only to stall for a few seconds if people are doing something gay or I need to buy a few seconds, NOT to stall to win a match, I fight you the entire time unless you pick a really gay stage). However, I have experimented with it in friendlies enough to know what I'm talking about.

Smooth Criminal

Da Cheef
Oct 18, 2006
Hinckley, Minnesota
I do think ledge camping is a cheap way to win. I haven't ever used it to win in tourney (only to stall for a few seconds if people are doing something gay or I need to buy a few seconds, NOT to stall to win a match, I fight you the entire time unless you pick a really gay stage). However, I have experimented with it in friendlies enough to know what I'm talking about.

You're the best player in the nation and you make posts like this? Opting to ban a tactic that you even admit to using on occasion?

Stop. Please. I'm not trying to troll you M2K, but that's ****ing ludicrous.

Smooth Criminal


King of the Mews
Jul 18, 2002
Cinnaminson (southwest NJ 5 min drive from Philly)
won't be legal for long, Bum is already banning it, Inui banned it, chibo is banning it, FL is highly considering banning it as well.

edit - @ above post, I do not use gay tactics like those in tourney, but maybe I should just to prove a point? So far I have only used them in friendlies, but maybe using them in tourney will make ppl take me more seriously.


Smash Master
Jul 24, 2007
Columbus Ohio
What I said was just based off of what happened earlier this year.

I remember that one tournament where the top 8 was like 6 snakes. It was EC and I think Cort won it with PC getting 2nd/3rd.

Also GB, which is online, but people would just rag on him in feedbacks saying he was so cheap. They're doing that with MK now.

I definitely think G&W would be played a lot though if MK was banned.

M2k also said he doesn't use it in tournament..


Smash Lord
Nov 19, 2007
New Braunfels / San Antonio / Austin, TX
No, you fail, and you're STILL a complete idiot.

Recently I got 2nd place only to teh_spamerer at a 71 person tournament. I defeated Bum, THE BEST DONKEY KONG IN THE NATION, and NinjaLink, THE BEST DIDDY KONG IN THE NATION. 4th place was Atomsk, who I beat, and he's considered a top class Dedede. 5th place was the best ZSS in the nation, Snakeee.
Fact check:

1. Inui likes to make stuff up
2. NL is very inconsistent and has not won OOS
3. Bum is inconsistent and has not won OOS (has he even traveled OOS?)
4. Atomsk has not won OOS (has he traveled?)
5. Snakeee has not won OOS (has he traveled?)

So you got 2nd at a tournament with unproven players. Congrats. Having the top players (who were also the top players in Melee) in your general area does mean everyone in your region is automatically good. This is a scrub mentality and it's an attempt to make yourself feel better. If you disagree with what I say, then you and your friends should travel to other regions and prove yourself. Until then, you are a scrub for your horrible trash talk and stupid logic.

Why do you keep referring to these people as scrubs when they could go to Texas and take 1st at everything?
M2K and Azen, who were 2 of the top players in Melee, came to our state and won. Azen lost to our 2nd best player in tournament and only won their second set in losers when he switched to MK. Just because M2K and Azen are so good does not mean you are good. In fact, trying to say your entire region is awesome because they live there makes you look like a scrub.

Not here LOL. Snakes consistently beat the top MKs.
Really? When has a Snake beat Azen or M2K's MK? Because those are your top MKs. Everyone else is inexperienced in comparison or scrubs.

I still say the majority of ppl that want MK banned is cuz

1) they lost to MK before, which is bound to happen seeing how common he is
2) they don't fight tornado well
Just because most people want him banned for certain reasons does not dispute the validity of arguments presented by people like OS and myself. In fact, people in your camp just ignore our arguments when they are presented because there seems to be no reasonable response other than foolish comparisons to completely different games.

Smooth Criminal

Da Cheef
Oct 18, 2006
Hinckley, Minnesota
edit - @ above post, I do not use gay tactics like those in tourney, but maybe I should just to prove a point? So far I have only used them in friendlies, but maybe using them in tourney will make ppl take me more seriously.
Uh, you even SAID that you ledgecamp for a few seconds to get yourself breathing room while in a match.

(only to stall for a few seconds if people are doing something gay or I need to buy a few seconds, NOT to stall to win a match, I fight you the entire time unless you pick a really gay stage)
Unless I read that wrong.

Smooth Criminal


Smash Master
Jul 24, 2007
Columbus Ohio
Ledging camping an entire game to win =/= ledge camp (i dont think it can really be called that if its for an incredibly short time) a few seconds for breathing room.


Smash Lord
Feb 27, 2008
Towson MD/Moscow ID
I'm pretty sure M2K is just saying he ledge camps for brief moments on occasion during a match. In that case it isn't even ledge camping anymore. Ledge camping until the time limit runs out =/= abusing ledge invincibility for a second in a strategic manner.

Or am I missing the boat here?


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
Fact check:

1. Inui likes to make stuff up
2. NL is very inconsistent and has not won OOS
3. Bum is inconsistent and has not won OOS (has he even traveled OOS?)
4. Atomsk has not won OOS (has he traveled?)
5. Snakeee has not won OOS (has he traveled?)
1. No.
2. NL defeated M2K OOS and was one hit from taking out Azen and winning the tournament. He also got 2nd in VA only to ChuDat.
3. Bum is extremely consistent and has taken 1st at everything he entered besides the one tournament teh_spamerer and I beat him, so I don't know where you're getting that from.
4. Atomsk has beaten InfernoOmni, Snakeee, D1, and ChuDat in tourny. Atomsk beat Forte in three money matches, beat NEO, and beat ChuDat.
5. Snakeee beat ChuDat and Atomsk in tourny and has placed high consistently.

I went to Texas in the early days of Brawl and took 2nd and 3rd in two singles tournaments and 2nd in teams.

I went to a major event in Florida and got 5th/122, going almost all Marth, and I beat Hylian in the process.

I recently went to Ohio and got 1st.

I do well OOS.

Once again, you have proven that you know absolutely nothing about my region. Please stop posting about it, because you've yet to be correct.

Really? When has a Snake beat Azen or M2K's MK? Because those are your top MKs. Everyone else is inexperienced in comparison or scrubs.
When M2K stayed at my house for a week, we went practically even in his MK vs my Snake. I don't know if that means much, but it certainly shows that Snake wins if I can beat a better play half the time.

G-reg's Snake usually beats Forte. My Snake usually beats Shadow and it wrecked Atomsk's Meta Knight in tourny. teh_spamerer is scared of the match.

Azen and Mew2King are CLEARLY the best two players in the nation, so them winning a disadvantageous match-up doesn't surprise me at all.

Just because most people want him banned for certain reasons does not dispute the validity of arguments presented by people like OS and myself. In fact, people in your camp just ignore our arguments when they are presented because there seems to be no reasonable response other than foolish comparisons to completely different games.
MK actually has a bad match and several even/slight advantage ones. That's why he shouldn't be banned.


King of the Mews
Jul 18, 2002
Cinnaminson (southwest NJ 5 min drive from Philly)
Uh, you even SAID that you ledgecamp for a few seconds to get yourself breathing room while in a match.

Unless I read that wrong.

Smooth Criminal
wow you don't get it at all. Using it as a stalling tactic as a primary strategy to stall the timer during matches (like Plank does) is going to be banned by bum, me, chibo, and possibly FL people as well.

Smooth Criminal

Da Cheef
Oct 18, 2006
Hinckley, Minnesota
wow you don't get it at all. Using it as a stalling tactic as a primary strategy to stall the timer during matches (like Plank does) is going to be banned by bum, me, chibo, and possibly FL people as well.
Even when it is possible to get around it, just extremely difficult?

Smooth Criminal

Espy Rose

Dumb horse.
May 31, 2006
wow you don't get it at all. Using it as a stalling tactic as a primary strategy to stall the timer during matches (like Plank does) is going to be banned by bum, me, chibo, and possibly FL people as well.
So, because you can't get around it, even though it's possible to get around, you decide to ban it?

Even when it is possible to get around it, just extremely difficult?

Smooth Criminal
Doesn't M2K's reasoning behind banning ledgestalling resemble the MK ban situation a little too well?

It makes me chuckle on the inside.

Turbo Ether

Smash Master
Apr 12, 2006
There's literally a 0% chance of MK being banned in NJ/NY. Our top players and tournament organizers want him in. I don't know what MD/VA thinks, though we all know Chillin wants him banned. Overall, I seriously doubt MK will ever be banned in Atlantic North as a whole.


King of the Mews
Jul 18, 2002
Cinnaminson (southwest NJ 5 min drive from Philly)
apparantly some characters, like falco, can't get around it. Brawl is a fighting game, not "see how long you can stall the timer at the ledge" game. That doesn't even make it a game anymore, but rather just trying to win money at all costs, and that is bad for the community and will make smash looked down upon. Nothing good can come of this. While they may be my opinion, and I'm having local tourney hosts do this, it doesn't mean you have to. However, I do recommend it.

according to chillin much of VA wants MK banned now (although most top players either don't want him banned or are neutral on it, such as Greg Kirbstir highly against it, Azen thinking it's dumb too, while chillin who also convinced chu want it banned), but NJ/PA/NY/northeast/FL I already know are not having that happen.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
I host by far the largest events in NJ with my crew, and I also host weeklies and other stuff. My crew is firmly against banning MK, as are the rest of NJ's top players, like Yes! and teh_spamerer. Thankfully I'll always have my own state and NY/PA to play in with real rules and Meta Knight being allowed.

<3 Ether.

apparantly some characters, like falco, can't get around it. Brawl is a fighting game, not "see how long you can stall the timer at the ledge" game. That doesn't even make it a game anymore, but rather just trying to win money at all costs, and that is bad for the community and will make smash looked down upon. Nothing good can come of this. While they may be my opinion, and I'm having local tourney hosts do this, it doesn't mean you have to. However, I do recommend it.

according to chillin much of VA wants MK banned now (although most top players either don't want him banned or are neutral on it, such as Greg Kirbstir highly against it, Azen thinking it's dumb too, while chillin who also convinced chu want it banned), but NJ/PA/NY/northeast/FL I already know are not having that happen.

It warms my heart to see that FL is going to keep MK allowed. I'll definitely hit up FL again.

Smooth Criminal

Da Cheef
Oct 18, 2006
Hinckley, Minnesota
apparantly some characters, like falco, can't get around it. Brawl is a fighting game, not "see how long you can stall the timer at the ledge" game. That doesn't even make it a game anymore, but rather just trying to win money at all costs, and that is bad for the community and will make smash looked down upon. Nothing good can come of this. While they may be my opinion, and I'm having local tourney hosts do this, it doesn't mean you have to. However, I do recommend it.

1) Pick someone else besides Falco. Yes, you set yourself up for that one.

2) Aren't we trying to play to win in these tournaments, M2K? If a strategy is effective, people will use it. Is it annoying? Yes. Does it force you to MAYBE use a character that may be able to circumvent this particular tactic? Yes. Do the two things I just mentioned break the game totally? No.

But then again, I don't know. I respect your opinion, man, but c'mon.

Edit: And just for the record, yes, I play this game mostly for the fun of it. There's nothing better to me than going to the tournament and just hanging out with the people there. But I will not look down on somebody who has come with the intention to win and will do anything within the game's parameters to accomplish this goal. Even the fun-loving guy like me will do what he can to win a match.

Smooth Criminal


Smash Master
Aug 11, 2005
"apparently some characters, like falco, can't get around it"

because every character, when pitted against MK, do as well. Of course. You win some, you lose some.

You're willing to ban aspects of the game that have just about the same effect as MK has on the metagame. I don't get it.


Smash Master
Jul 24, 2007
Columbus Ohio
Aren't we trying to play to win in these tournaments, M2K? If a strategy is effective, people will use it. Is it annoying? Yes. Does it force you to MAYBE use a character that may be able to circumvent this particular tactic? Yes. Do the two things I just mentioned break the game totally? No.
Isn't that why people pick mk...? lol
Yea, some pick him cause he's fun...


Smash Apprentice
Oct 26, 2008
According to the argument guide thread, the main argument for MK getting banned at the moment is the following:

"Since Meta Knight breaks the counter-pick system at the core of Smash by having no counters, eventually a very disproportionate amount of players will switch to him as their main or secondary, stagnating the metagame."
According to several sources (see below), including M2K, MK has characters that counter him and disadvantageous stage picks.

DK Can prolly do good vs MK if they play the match right. However, many people now think MK beats DK only cuz bum sucks vs tornado. If he wasn't so bad vs tornado, which is due to lack of experience fighting it (all of us sucked vs tornado at one point) he would do fine vs mk. Wario also does really well vs MK.
i played some mk player umbra today and i beat him taking 45% in tourney match, and he ended up getting 3rd. idk why I'm even good vs MK it's prolly cuz everyone else uses him so I just learned the match. It's not even just MK dittos I'm fine at it with ddd and snake too. I can't believe ppl want him banned, just learn/master 1 matchup.
Boss beat Forte, I think twice (not sure if it was twice or not, but i think it was) Luigi vs MK. Jab up B at 40% apparently kills.


Also, about MK vs Snake, if MK up Bs snake out of Snake's up B, then MK takes 6%, while Snake takes 8%, and that's if the shuttle loop is at max power. If you DI it, it isn't a big deal at all. So now MK has 6% and Snake has 8%, and considering weights, that's about even.
Yoshi's Island Melee is one of my favorite picks against MK.

The slopes prevent dsmash KOs via teching. Shuttle Loop gets stuck in the platforms. And there's only one side for for edgeguarding - both for limiting edgeguard kills and nullifying his recovery. Plus the place is TINY giving you a better chance of killing him.

Green Greens offers some of the same aspects. Blocks prevent dsmash kills, close blastzones allow for actual deaths, stupid MKs will set off the blocks with their ultra-ranged attacks, Praxis wrote some stuff up about it...

I also read somewhere Norfair is good against him, due to the many ledges irritating his edgeguarding.
Thoughts? Do the above arguments nullify the argument to ban MK? And back to my original point: Is it possible that that people are spending too much time complaining about MK and not enough time simply learning his tactics and how to counter them in a match?


Smash Champion
Nov 16, 2002
Thoughts? Do the above arguments nullify the argument to ban MK? And back to my original point: Is it possible that that people are spending too much time complaining about MK and not enough time simply learning his tactics and how to counter them in a match?
Posting the same thing in two different threads is naughty. I'll grab a couple of my quotes from the other, you can click the reference if you want to see the whole thing.
MenoUnderwater is not M2K, those stages have been argued to be fine for MK. M2K has argued that MK has no really terrible stages.
tl;dr: MK gets an almost ensured win due to stage CP'ing and then must win one of two slightly disadvantaged matchups, while Snake must win two slightly advantaged matchups to get the victory. Even if MK is at that base disadvantage to Snake, he is statistically advantaged to win between two equally skilled players just by being MK. And Snake is MK's worst matchup.
So no, that's not enough yet to answer MK dominating the counterpick system. You're shooting yourself in the foot if you don't start as MK (Unless you're a good enough Snake and you *know* your opponent will pick MK -- and they can't counterpick your Snake in return -- though even then, that just causes the example I worked through and is still advantaged to MK. The only way to advantage vs. MK is if you go Snake -> MK -> Snake (On second loss) -- and hey look, to do that you're centralizing the metagame by your secondary being MK)

There may be an adjustment to my example if the Snake player is known to have mastered a second anti-MK, the MK would then want to CP to a stage that Snake *and* that second anti-MK do poorly on, and the example continues relatively unchanged.


Smash Lord
Nov 19, 2007
New Braunfels / San Antonio / Austin, TX
apparantly some characters, like falco, can't get around it. Brawl is a fighting game, not "see how long you can stall the timer at the ledge" game. That doesn't even make it a game anymore, but rather just trying to win money at all costs, and that is bad for the community and will make smash looked down upon. Nothing good can come of this. While they may be my opinion, and I'm having local tourney hosts do this, it doesn't mean you have to. However, I do recommend it.

according to chillin much of VA wants MK banned now (although most top players either don't want him banned or are neutral on it, such as Greg Kirbstir highly against it, Azen thinking it's dumb too, while chillin who also convinced chu want it banned), but NJ/PA/NY/northeast/FL I already know are not having that happen.
The goal is to win. You're not allowed to determine how you win.

And who gives a **** if certain characters can't get around it? We're not catering to certain characters. So what if Falco isn't tournament viable anymore? Maybe we should ban MK since he removes Ganon's tournament viability.

Oh wait. Your argument is exactly the same as mine. Check & mate?


Smash Hero
Feb 10, 2008
Spokane, WA
The problem is stupid TOs banning stuff like Norfair. (No offense TOs who ban Norfair)

Or Green Greens. Seriously, in Brawl, Green Greens is MUCH less offensive than Norfair. It's got a lot more tactical elements that can be utilized and very little to encourage camping since the only cover the stage provides can be blown up.


Smash Master
Oct 31, 2007
Syracuse, NY
I think It would be really interesting if this was a 2 question poll and the second question was "Of those that voted not to ban MK, do you main MK?"
Looking at your join date and post history, I think a "do you have another account here?" question would be viable, as well. >.>


Smash Rookie
Oct 14, 2008
just copying and pasting something i wrote for another topic

mk should definitly be banned for the sake of brawl's future imo.

In a few months from now probably half of the competitive brawl players will use mk, because they cannot figure out how to beat them. This will greatly take away the fun factor and versatility in the game (and can even result in the game's decrease in popularity.) No, I do not think mk is impossible to beat. Looking at things from a realistic perspective, of course mk is beatable. for example, nynjalink beat m2k at Esticle. But does that mean nynjalink will beat m2k in majority of the sets they play in? absolutely not. although m2k is truly better than nynjalink, I have seen great players fall victim to novice mks. This is part of the reason why I think mk should be banned. I mean lets face it, in melee, regardless of what character you used, if one player is better than the other ( the separation in skill level is evident), then, chances are, they are going to win. I know this because I've been to several melee tournies and the people that were expected to place high placed high regardless of their character. At the same time, I see a bunch of random mk players placing high at brawl tournies. Even though I do not think it is entirely neccessary to compare brawl and melee (given that thy're 2 different games), I do believe that all fighting games should have a fair balance. one would be ignorant to say that mk does not have an advantage over every character in the game, and is at a higher level than all of the other characters . In brawl, sometimes the better players will lose to a lower level player simply bc of the fact that the lower player is using mk and is already coming into the match with an advantage. And I really don't consider that fair. Ultimately, MK is becoming ever more powerful (with new strategies, etc.) as well as popular, and this could lead to brawl's downfall. As I mentioned earlier, the game will lack versatility and fun factor if half of the people who played the game used the same character.

And one can ask....if mk is banned then won't everyone just start using snake? Although snake is a great character, as are the other top tiers, he and other top tiers have their evident counters ( so even though they may be some commonly used characters, it won't even be close to the amount of competitive players using mk.) It is very hard to say even months after the game's release that any character has an evident advantage over mk. The other characters aren't as user friendly as mk imo, and thus it is more often that the better player will stand out when matchup up with other top tiers (athough this is not true all of the time.) But, given that, I believe banning mk will still bring more balance in brawl, even if great characters like snake nd g and w were to still be playable.


Apr 16, 2008
Round Rock, Texas
Green Greens isn't even bad for MK, he can still space the dsmashes away from the blocks and kill you at some ridiculously stupid percentage, or spam dsmash while in the middle area and juggle you until you tech. Hell... shuttle loop can kill you at 20% if it catches you there :\


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
No undecided option? I am saddened.
If someone is undecided on something, but do you bother to vote in the first place?

Take a stand, or do nothing at all...

Don't pretend like your undecisiveness means something
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