Ed you played really well in that set IMO. The only thing I noticed as the set progressed was that Ryo was successfully shielding/air dodging your attacks more often. I'm not sure if it was him predicting better or you punishing more sloppily, but either way, it's something you want to avoid.
I think the biggest piece of advice I can give is to learn how to gimp Ike more effectively. It seems like a lot of times you could have gotten a gimp with a good read, you jumped right at him and threw a Bair out or something, which he almost always read with an air dodge. Not only did this make you miss a gimp, but he was also able to land with immunity and get great stage control.
The most effective way to edgeguard Ike is to bait an air dodge. If you jump at Ike while he's recovering (or in a vulnerable position in the air), the only real option he has to avoid damage is his air dodge. His aerials are too slow to cover his landing
unless he knows that you'll stay in one place. So if you jump at him, you'll usually outspeed any aerials he has and force an air dodge. If you're on stage, jump at him to force an air dodge, then super fast fall to the ground and you'll land right as his air dodge is ending, then you get a free punish with tippered Usmash, any aerial, any tilt, etc.
If he's offstage, just full hop at him from the stage and fall with him, a bit below him and out of his Fair range. If he air dodges, wait for it to end and double jump Fair him. If he Fairs you, wait for it to end and double jump Fair him. If he doesn't do anything for a while, just double jump Fair him because it's too fast for him to react to and it will hit him unless he gets a lucky read. Most of the time, any of these will result in a gimp.
Another effective (though somewhat risky) way to edgeguard Ike is to go for a stage spike while he's recovering with up B. If you know the timing, it's very possible to do this consistently. A little confidence goes a long way here.
Basically, you want to Fair Ike out of his Aether
as he's rising. The easiest way to do this is to
get behind him before he starts his aether. You want to grab the ledge, drop offstage as he's starting the aether so that you're behind him, and then double jump Fair him into the stage as he's rising. Since he's facing the stage, his sword hitbox shouldn't be near you, and you should be free to hit him with whatever aerial you want. Even if you do trade with him as he's rising, the hitbox will send you up instead of down, so there's no reason that it should gimp you. And the best part about this is that if you land the Fair, you're probably going to kill him no matter what % he's at, even if you don't stage spike him. If he's at low %, Fair will still have enough knockback to hit him under the stage where he can't recover anyways.
One caveat is that you don't want to do this if Ike has enough room to recover with reverse Aether, because obviously the hitbox will be facing you and you'll likely get gimped. If you see him spacing for reverse aether, get the **** outta there because it's not worth it.
Let me know if you need me to clarify anything... I might not be super clear right now since I'm on my phone. Chicago has been Ike Capital USA since 08, and I live with an Ike main right now (Kirk), so I know the MU very well.