Forgot to post it sooner, but I got 9th out of 36 at Don't Blink 2012 last weekend.
I used mostly Sheik believe it or not...mainly because I had to fight 3 Diddy Kongs in a row in Losers. 2-0'd Zwarm, 2-1'd JJRockets (who's ranked 4th in IL/WI, one spot above me), then lost 0-2 to Zinoto.
Against JJ, I beat him game 1 with Sheik, and lost game 2 when I lost focus after the 2nd stock. You can kinda see me crash and burn during my 3rd stock in the video below lol...Sheik vs Diddy is exhausting. I felt like I wouldn't be able to focus long enough to use Sheik in game 3, so I decided to go MK in game 3, which I won.
Then I tried going Sheik against Zinoto game 1 next round, but a combination of me being burned out and Zinoto having lots of Tutu practice led to him kinda wrecking me (not to mention he's a good player). Then I took him to last hit with MK game 2 but still lost.
Anyways some videos:
Vs. Zwarm:
(Quality is pretty awful because my laptop ****ed up the recording...if you don't want to watch the whole thing then at least watch the first stock of game 2, it was pretty sick)
Vs. JJrockets:
(better quality; I won game 1 which wasn't recorded)
Honestly I'm not unhappy with how my Sheik did, considering it's the first tournament I've used her in...but I'm definitely not satisfied. I'll see if I can get some better videos for next time.