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Q&A Sheik Strategy & QnA


Smash Lord
Jun 29, 2009
Rochester, NY
Yeah, idk, that was the main question.

It's slightly faster, and it looks pretty flashy (plus you can change directions).


Smash Master
May 28, 2008
San Jose
Speaking of which, I'm a big fan of just short hopping directly onto Yoshi's/Stadium side platforms to continue stuff (instead of wavelanding).


Smash Lord
Jun 29, 2009
Rochester, NY
You can do it yourself pretty easily. Go under a side platform (battlefield or something), full hop, tap down on the control stick , and then start charging needles. You should be standing on the platform charging instead of charging in the air if you did it right. The timing is pretty tight, but you should get it fairly quickly.

omgwtfToph said:
Speaking of which, I'm a big fan of just short hopping directly onto Yoshi's/Stadium side platforms to continue stuff (instead of wavelanding).
This for sure. Wavelanding feels so slow (those 10 frames), so I try to avoid it when I can just do an instant double jump or a short hop to land on the platform immediately. It's all about optimization, and I feel like if I can optimize needle snapping (or w/e it's called) it'd be a good bit faster than the typical waveland.


Smash Ace
Jun 28, 2005
Fox da worst... I feel like I need to have such good reaction time or make such good guesses to beat the really good ones...


Smash Legend
Nov 18, 2007
Spiral Mountain
I'm jealous of Tope's green name.


Nobody quote anything by bubbaking in here (here referring to this thread and my MU guide thread). I've ignore listed him. I don't want to be in any way compelled to answer his questions in my threads.


Smash Legend
Nov 18, 2007
Spiral Mountain
What do I like to do following a spaced f-tilt?

SH - I could have said fair here but there's so much you can do with a SH. Essentially this is the best way to continue the pressure chain if you're trying to exert a lot of pressure on the opponent. SHing opens access to fairs and such, and allows you to transition into her air > ground pressure, which is kind of cool. That said, it can get tempting to get into a cycle of spamming moves this way and Sheik ultimately wants to grab and do less to win so keep that in mind. The safety of fair's range & AC is tempting though - I much prefer starting pressure in the air with her. Jump options are vulnerable to some shield counterattacks (think something like Peach nairing forward OOS to stuff the common fair timing, or Ganon uair OOS for the same reason) and aggressive WDs OOS by some characters (ICs, Sheik sometimes, etc).

F-tilt - You can do it again effectively vs a lot of characters but there are occasions where this is a really bad idea (ultra low percent, vs the back of some characters' shield you open up chances for shield DI > bair OOS, or bair OOS period, and so forth). It catches jumps OOS fairly decently, also good for punishing WDs OOS between the swings, and starts combos on hits so that's cool too and makes it really strong vs people with meh OOS games and who panic shield grab and crap like that.

Grab - It's kind of of like f-tilt but requires a bit of a predict because it only really works if they come into you or if they shield grab or whatever and miss you. You can sometimes be aggressive about grabbing into their shield with dash grab or walk forward and do it if you get them conditioned to hold shield after spaced f-tilt.

D-tilt - Underrated option that is kind of misunderstood. Its best feature is its ability to shield poke into ultra combos at convenient percents and the body contortion gives it some utiltiy in terms of protecting you from high counterattacks in certain positions (think really tall shield grabs a la Marth & Falcon, and SH aerial OOS a la Zelda, Puff, etc). Otherwise the other stuff is probably better in general sense. The shield poke can be really good.

Smooth Criminal

Da Cheef
Oct 18, 2006
Hinckley, Minnesota
This is going to sound like a silly question, KK, but would a spaced d-tilt be good for whiff punishes in certain situations? Against flubbed aerials or grounded attacks?

Smooth Criminal


Research Assistant
Mar 25, 2007
Convex Cone, Positive Orthant
Nobody quote anything by bubbaking in here (here referring to this thread and my MU guide thread). I've ignore listed him. I don't want to be in any way compelled to answer his questions in my threads.
I found this way funnier than I should have LOL.

Can't wait to chill with you this weekend Dave :3c

I expect a silly giggling hug or something.


Research Assistant
Mar 25, 2007
Convex Cone, Positive Orthant
I didn't actually think about how that could be mean haha.

My bad didn't mean it like that.

I just found it funny he just blatantly just said it.

He was just like, "Yea, I did went there. I'm KK what can you do"

Toph - We'll chill at Apex at least! :D


Smash Hero
Mar 30, 2010
Baldwin, NY, USA or Alexandria, VA, USA (Pick one)
Lolz, it's fine. I've been around these boards before, and I remember causing a stir by giving a new Sheik some advice that was on the OP. Man, I don't think I could have made him any more upset... :facepalm: Perhaps he still hasn't forgotten that, but I think it was more that discussion we just had on the DK boards. I was trying to get some people to pick up Samus and he was like, "Fool! Why would you suggest Samus when they could just play Sheik!" :p


Research Assistant
Mar 25, 2007
Convex Cone, Positive Orthant
Hahaha yea, don't let it get to you.

If it helps I'm plenty aware there are a lot of people here that hate me.

Its just how the world works. Some people like you, some people don't.

Can't make everyone happy.


Smash Lord
Jan 3, 2012
Corvallis, OR
Random things:

'Teczero is inescapable' is the coolest name of any combo video I've seen.

Sheik is fun.

I like how Tafokints uses F-smash.

Chaingrabs are mean.

Techchasing is probably one of the coolest way to beat bads.

I find myself playing Sheik more often lately. . . anything cool I should do?


Smash Lord
Jan 3, 2012
Corvallis, OR
Ooh! I had a question!

If you're techchasing, and want to grab techchase a spacie, but they can no longer be jab reset but they miss a tech, why don't you just wait for them to do something? (shield grab getup attack, boost grab rolls and regular grab stand)


Smash Hero
Mar 30, 2010
Baldwin, NY, USA or Alexandria, VA, USA (Pick one)
He's 1000% correct though.
Not if you looked at the context of the discussion. :p One of the DKs was depressed over losing with DK, especially against spacees, so he was considering picking up Jiggs, the personal mortal enemy of all DK stands for. I was like, "Yo, I hear you like DK, who's a heavy charge char. Well, Samus is a heavy charge char, and she's floaty like Jiggs." :troll:

Obvious diabolical ploy to recruit more members for our lovely community. :awesome:

Edit: Although Samus does actually go even with both spacees..... :p

Ooh! I had a question!

If you're techchasing, and want to grab techchase a spacie, but they can no longer be jab reset but they miss a tech, why don't you just wait for them to do something? (shield grab getup attack, boost grab rolls and regular grab stand)
Well, you could do all these things but you generally don't have enough time to think about it, 'cause they'll act immediately after missing the tech (to avoid the jab/DA/whatever's waiting for them). If you shield right in front of them and they roll instead of attacking, you'll lose your followup, unless you can WD OoS. I mean, if they miss a tech, they're a lot easier to catch than if they teched, but it's still not easy street.


Smash Master
May 28, 2008
San Jose
"Charge character" isn't an applicable term in Smash.

Edit: Also, Samus does not go even with either space animal, sir.


Smash Champion
Feb 7, 2011
Gensokyan Embassy, Munich, Germany
Ooh! I had a question!

If you're techchasing, and want to grab techchase a spacie, but they can no longer be jab reset but they miss a tech, why don't you just wait for them to do something? (shield grab getup attack, boost grab rolls and regular grab stand)

Get up attack comes out frame 17 in the most cases (at least in PAL I think Falco tends to land on his back most of the time, and you are in front of him in a tech chase situation, so that is the hit box that's relevant most of the time), so if you're confident you can get up your shield before that, you can shield grab them on reaction. I personally hate discerning between get up attack and regular getup, so I'd rather avoid having to react to that (I'll usually go for a dtilt if I call a missed tech, but I'm not sure how good that actually is).
Discerning tech stand vs rolls is faaar easier because of the movement and stuff (also they don't automatically hit you if you misinterpret :D)
If you care for more frame things concerning the get up options of people, there's an awesome post by the god of frames himself: http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=206469


Smash Master
May 28, 2008
San Jose
sheik, samus, dk, mewtwo

they all have moves you can charge and store at will
yeah that is definitely not what "charge character" means

oh yeah and btw soap nice to meet you this past weekend ^_^

HugS believed she does and I don't see it being any worse than 60:40 (on a bad stage). I believe some other notable Sami stated that it was even or close to that, as well. It's definitely better than DK's MUs vs them.
Samus mains are unique in terms of Smashers in that, contrary to players of all other characters, they believe that their character is better than she really is. Samus is not a good character lol.
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