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Social SGD: The hedgehogs are back in town.


Smash Hero
Oct 28, 2008
dang kid i was hoping you would come to whobo since u always seemed like a pro ban, ah well

anyone interested in whobo, could you rsvp in the tournament thread (click my sig), I think thats one of the only useful features we got in the move to xenoforo and i hate to see it so overlooked that a tournament with 7 rsvps has 40 entrants. while its not the case for whobo, some events/side events risk being cancelled if interest is never voiced.


Jun 7, 2009
Spruce Grove, Alberta
i didnt miss the point, but like I said, I wasnt sure if the moment has passed to whether people even feel like talking about it further or not.

and Im not trying to turn you in to anything. im jsut saying me and you really arent that different despite what everyone seems to think.

This is between you and Espy, but as someone whose talked with and hung out with both you and Espy? Definitely different. At least in real life. What I'm about to say isn't exactly a bad thing either, but here's the thing. Your ego, both IRL and here are a lot more apparent. You can tell the tone through text sometimes. It's a strong presence and yes, you are good and it's your way of doing things. Keep doing what you do. Whatever works for you, whether I agree with it or not.

Espy, on the other hand, when we talked or played, things were a lot more lax. We'd talk about other things, troll Trent with MLP, and I never heard Espy say anything once that was outright egotistical so much as it was confidence. And even that he didn't talk much about. Espy greeted me so casually when we first met, and along with Slush, K Prime, Nike, Paw, Big Boss, everyone from San Antonio... You guys made me feel welcome and part of the gang. Things like that are the reason why I want to come back to WHOBO.

You and I didn't do too much talking outside of Smash, or the first thing you greeted me with was,

Me: I'm Cloud.
KID: Really. ...you're a lot more short and filled out then I thought you'd be.

Something along the lines of that. I didn't take offense to it, but it was a weird way of saying hi and stuff.


TL;DR, you and Espy are pretty different.


Someone who has met both of you


vidja gaem dramaz.

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
Well that was my fault, I was hanging out with so many people. Its hard to fit everything you want to do into two days.

I noticed that I hadnt really acknowledged you at all, which is why I made sure that the last thing I did before I left the venue was play with you.

and Tesh, I was honestly planning to until yesterday.
I just found out that a large tournament in my region that Im helping to run is scheduled for that same weekend... If it was anything else, I would have made sure I was there just to support the MK ban. But for what its worth, since Im running the smash events at my tournament, MK is going to be banned there too.


Mar 20, 2008
Wichita Falls, TX
Hai gaiz

Whats up and whats new? Where have I been? Prepping hard for evo. Got a xapture device but have not recorded brawl as I've not been able to host an event for awhile. Youtube channel is JMan8891 if anyone wants to check some out.


Jun 7, 2009
Spruce Grove, Alberta
So guys, I've been struggling with this for a while. And it's not like I'm a top level player, but that fire for Smash has always been there for me.

That being said, I'm contemplating retiring from Brawl soon, and making WHOBO 5 my final event until Smash 4 comes out. I'll keep playing with friends and all, but I won't be doing tournaments afterwards. I know I'm just one guy in the world compared to everyone else, so it shouldn't mean much, but a part of me wonders what your guys' opinion on the matter is.

I've qualified for brackets in a lot of places I travelled too, as much as I've choked and drowned in pools. I've had my moments but ultimately have succumbed to my own mediocrity. Despite that, I've been able to place and be noticed to an extent. But there's something that's always crossed my mind, but I've never fully pursued it. And I don't say this out of arrogance either.

What if I stopped holding back?

When I went to Impulse and got 25th, I did so while being able to take some friendly games off of Leon and share in some rather fun and close matches with the likes of Holy, Croi, heck until he busted out his Fox I played some fun and tight friendlies with Weon-X in Project: M.

What I didn't exactly talk about though was my activity in Smash in general. I barely go to monthlies here in my own province, and most of the time I just rarely head out to visit and play with KillLock. For training but more importantly, just playing and having fun. But he kept me sharp. It had been a good few months since I had been to something more intense. Despite that, when I do show up to monthlies in my area, I usually secure myself 4th place and the occasional 3rd place spot. Beaten out by Alphicans, KillLock, and usually coming down to me vs. Fiji. Some of you guys remember I even went to Sunrise. While my placing wasn't anything to write home about, I qualified out of single-match pools with about 10+ people in it. Got "humbled" by Nietono, needless to say. But the funny thing about that? Before I went to Sunrise, I hadn't practiced as much as I would have wanted to. Not saying that if I trained more and played more things would have been better, but it always makes me wonder...

What if?

Should I go all out, attending as many smashfests and tournaments as I can here, build up towards WHOBO 5 and go out with a bang? I have a feeling I can do it. That if I can do as good as I have been WITHOUT the hard work others have put in, that maybe things could be different if I tried. I have a feeling that a place like WHOBO 5 (yes it's MK banned but I love the Texas crew) is the last place I can go to where I can truly tell if it would be different if my mindset was different.


Sorry for the long rant there. Here's my question to you guys in short. :p

Do I make WHOBO 5 my final event, and go in expecting to place very well if I can play more? I wanna promise you guys that like people such as Espy, X, Meek and whatnot have done before, I'll put on a show if I do this. It's for you guys, but it's also for me to find out where I really stand as a competitive gamer.

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
In terms of how much effort you want to put in the game, nobody can answer that for you but yourself. Theres also the fact the the way brawl is, staying consistent is easy but improvment typically come very very slow after you nail the fundamentals down. So its entirely possible that you train your heart out for the next 3 months, and get exactly the same placing as you would have otherwise.

What I will say is that this whole 'im going to stop playing smash for a while until smash 4 comes out' idea is not unique. my last tournament that I ran for smash had 10 people for brawl and 10 people for melee in my region. I am completely confident that that number will jump to AT LEAST 60-70 as soon as Smash 4 drops. I know SOOOOO many people that are just waiting for that game to jump face first back into the scene that its mindboggling. Between the people that still play now, the people that dont play but plan to come back, the people that will pick the game up and get into the competitive aspect, and the FGC people who are going to give it a legitimate shot after seeing the kind of numbers we put up at EVO (700 people, by far biggest smash tournament ever and 3rd most entered game after SF and Marvel at EVO) that game is going to explode. So its completely acceptable to falll back a little bit until then.

Just know that when it comes, its going to be a whole new world of competition.

Exceladon City

Smash Hero
Dec 2, 2008
The Lonesome Crowded Midwest
I have plans to go to WHOBO. I don't plan on practicing though. I'll do that when I get to WHOBO and put it to good use in pools. Sometimes you've gotta go in head first and power through whatever comes your way. You're already traveling mad far for this tournament, you may as well go for broke; triumph or die.

Figuratively speaking.


Smash Hero
Oct 28, 2008
so you want to travel far and not practice?

i hope you aren't coming here to prove something, TX is super free.

venue looks like fun though, i wish it was a 3 day event so i had more time to goof on with the various stuff downstairs instead of just brawl


Smash Master
Sep 4, 2007
Nah... I've fallen off & was depressed over life.

Now I got a new laptop. I got a new job. My DJing skills have me boasting with more confidence than when KID motivated me to play my ass off.

I've been practicing Sonic tech so now I can do about everything I see.

& I can travel finally... If I lose I will lose I'll be going down while turning heads.

I WILL be at Come 2 Papa, WABA, WHOBO, APEX & Hopefully SKTAR. & Possibly a tourney in Chicago so I can find Kain and get sum Wolf exp fighting him.

I want to at least win a tourney before smash 4. The countdown has begun and the only way it wont happen is if I focus WAAAAAAAAAAY more on DJing.


Exceladon City

Smash Hero
Dec 2, 2008
The Lonesome Crowded Midwest
so you want to travel far and not practice?

i hope you aren't coming here to prove something, TX is super free.

venue looks like fun though, i wish it was a 3 day event so i had more time to goof on with the various stuff downstairs instead of just brawl
I'm going because it's a mini vacation and my 24th birthday is the week after this. It's a gift to myself. I gave up trying to prove something in Brawl after all the Sonics in the MW quit. I would like to take a name or two. Which I think I'm capable of provided I mash together everything I've learned from playing Marvel and Playstation Balls Stars with my Smash wits and whatever I pick up from playing you, Espy and Cloud.


Smash Champion
Jul 19, 2009
Holding side-B against Cheese until he quits.
So hey gaiz. I'm playing this game again methinks. Just because why not.
However, I'm coming back primarily playing MK and Falco because Sonic is bootycheeks. Still playing Sonic for specific matchups where I think he bodies people though, i.e. ICs, Pit, Zelda/Sheik, DK, Marth, Ike. You know, the ones that I can just camp people in because I'm a super douchebag.
However, I still have a better Sonic than all of you.
<3 You Goggles bby. Stay stylish, you viewtiful man you.


Smash Champion
Jul 19, 2009
Holding side-B against Cheese until he quits.
Oh crap my bad goggles, I didn't see that. Just looked and saw it now.
What I can say is that you do seem to have a plan with the team and that there is some definite synergy there.
I can understand joe and morrigan working together, and it's not just because of Kevin's team. It works.
I have a problem seeing how laura fits in there. Your laura is actually pretty good when you don't drop combos. I feel like she isn't exactly the best fit to go along with your joe and morrigan though.

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
lol @ those 2 options.

and wedge, my team is more about intrinsic help rather than blatent obvious buffs.

for example, morrigans meter build assist allows me to

1. mach speed out of bad situations almost any time I want, and DHC enough times to make it safe.
2. assassinate people with laura's level three much easier.

And while kev does well enough without them because he plays so defensive, having a low otg assist is great for both characters. It lets Joe open people up with unblockables, and lets him combo into slow with combos that actually do damage. it also gives morrigan more opportunities to suck peoples meter mid-combo.

Laura in place of strange just turns joe and morrigan from hyper defensive characters, into highly competent offensive characters.

I've actually been working on some stuff with Morrigan on point with the other two behind her, and its pretty gross.


Smash Champion
Jul 19, 2009
Holding side-B against Cheese until he quits.
I know about the laura assassination stuff, honestly that's how I think the character is meant to be played. Kill the first character, xfactor the second character, bring in laura with all the meter you build and murder the living **** out of the third one. I just think Joe is played better defensively than offensively, that's all. You definitely have the joe combos down though.

Exceladon City

Smash Hero
Dec 2, 2008
The Lonesome Crowded Midwest
Speaking of Marvel, I've started running Doom on anchor and dropping Frankie Knuckles. Spencer/Rocky/MF Doom is pretty stupid team. Log Trap/Missiles backing up Spencer is honestly the best thing I've done since playing Spencer.


Smash Champion
Jul 19, 2009
Holding side-B against Cheese until he quits.
If you wanna start point spencer, drop Rocky for something with arrows like taskmaster or hawkeye, because Spencer with arrow assists is freaking ******** good. Or if you don't mind where you play spencer, drop Rocky for Chris and then play spencer 2nd with grapple assist and doom missile anchor.


Smash Champion
Jul 19, 2009
Holding side-B against Cheese until he quits.
Yo is there anyone going to SKTAR2 that would want to team with me?
I might be actually. I'd be playing MK though, unless I feel I need my Sonic for the matchup.
Why don't any of you play Vergil?
Because I have a pocket vergil with loops and all for when I need to counter a strider team. Shhh. Nobody's allowed to know about it.

True Blue

Smash Lord
Jan 18, 2011
Stardust Speedway, FL
Dang thought you quick wedge lol. Though Alex talked to me and said he wanted to team with me so gonna be teaming with me unless another last minute thing happens. lol

Oh also if ANYone wants to help out, it would mean a lot to minute.
I am crowdfunding this t-shirt design that I wanted to get printed out and it can be ordered here. And if you can send it to everyone else that would be awesome too! I need more people to see this!


Smash Hero
Oct 28, 2008
would you even be allowed to sell that? isn't it kind of infringing on the property of 2 major companies

anyway, cute idea, not something i would wear

True Blue

Smash Lord
Jan 18, 2011
Stardust Speedway, FL
Well for one thing, if the copyright thing was a problem then sites like TeeFury and RedBubble that make tons of money off parody shirts like this would be shut down.
And the second thing is the fact that I drew this I can still put it on a shirt to sell as long as people know that Eevee is property of Nintendo and Wolverine is property of Marvel.
Also I think conventions would be shut down too with all the people in the artist alley having nothing but copyrighted drawn things. lol

But heck I may be wrong, but that is just my take on all of this.

Exceladon City

Smash Hero
Dec 2, 2008
The Lonesome Crowded Midwest
If you wanna start point spencer, drop Rocky for something with arrows like taskmaster or hawkeye, because Spencer with arrow assists is freaking ******** good. Or if you don't mind where you play spencer, drop Rocky for Chris and then play spencer 2nd with grapple assist and doom missile anchor.
Right now, I'm messing with Spencer/Rocky/Doom, Spencer/Task Manager/Doom and Task Manager/Rocky/Doom. I like Rocky and Spencer both, so I'm gonna build teams around them separately as well.

UPDATE: Doctor Doom is the key to my Rocket Raccoon's playstyle. Missiles allow for me to play the match on a lower playing field and much slower pace. I can plan out my opponent's movement on the ground since Rocky can control the lower portion of the screen really well. I couldn't quite do that with Frank West.
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