And then did you grow up and realize his ignorance led to the death of several superheroes and caused several of the marvel universe's worst problems?
Also, Heath's Joker was the worst portrayal of the joker thus far. I'm not saying Heath was a bad actor, or that he couldn't have done a good job. But the character he portrayed was NOT the Joker. As its own, seperate character, it was amazing. But it just wasn't the Joker.
And at this new kid, calling Batman wimpy or dumb is a bold statement that you can't back up. If you're basing this off of the movie, I still refuse to acknowledge any of the movies as properly portraying Batman. He's beaten Superman, Darkseid, and several other OP beings on numerous occasions, without any powers himself. I don't believe you've read the comics, and thus I disregard your opinion until you do. Because they are the only true portrayal of Batman.