umad KID. It has several obvious usages.
1. if someone is above you on a platform
2. if someone whiffs an approaching SH aerial
3. comboing off uthrow at 0%
4. if you are in certain situations in the Sonic ditto
Froggy is right too. I actually want to save uair as an extra option for the kill.
1. Nair, fair, up air, bair, VSDJ, and up smash are all better options.
2. Side b, fair, nair, up air, up smash, up-angled f smash and up-angled f tilt are all better options. You cant even beat SH aerials with up tilt. It has ZERO horizontal range. The only way youre going to beat an aerial with up tilt is if its wario and hes coming directly on top of you with a dair. At which point, fair beats it anyway and you might as well just up air and frame trap him into a grab anyway.
3. Lets break this down, because you dont seem to be smart enough to understand this.
Up throw to up tilt does 23% and gives you no follow ups because its so laggy
Up throw to nothing gives you stage control for follow ups including another up throw, which does 23% and actually sets up for more damage. Since you put them in the exact same situation. That you can do over and over. Hell, you can even do up throw then punish their airdodge with side b footstool spring dair jab lock (that is a KID original btw)
Up throw up air combos into double jump up air for 30% and gives you the position advantage. Which allows you to set up for more follow ups
So you can either take mediocre damage and get nothing out of it.
You can take mediocre damage and a GREAT set up
You can take great damage and get a good follow up.
Fk up tilt, its effing bad.
The Sage of up throw has spoken.
4. ***** fk outta here with that sonic ditto bullcrap. Nobody cares. How often do you have to play a tournament match against another sonic? Whats that? Its only happened one time ever? At mlg? Okay, so i guess that means its super relavent now huh?
No. Stop that up air for kills? What are you, high?
Stuff like that make me a. Feel like none of you know anything about this character and b. I shouldnt even bother trying to help people
Go back to that low budget anime wannabe abortion toon link