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Social SGD: The hedgehogs are back in town.

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
I also do not generally like Puff play. Hbox is an AMAZING player, but its I don't like the pokey gameplay. I like hit confirm to ****. Recently i've really dug watching Axe play, he showed out at KoC, real talk.

well, then up throw to rest is right up your alley then, huh
as is, pound to jab forced get up rest.
My misteak then. Guess I was fortunate enough to not read much **** talking from them.
you should have seen the thread for the last FC tournament. It was ugly.


Mar 20, 2008
Wichita Falls, TX
well, then up throw to rest is right up your alley then, huh
as is, pound to jab forced get up rest.
Nope. **** to me isn't an auto pilot one hit KO from 0 if the stage situation is right. I dislike puff play for many reasons, and Rest is OP. If she has a stock lead, she can poke you and rest you should she get a grab/you miss a tech. Too harsh of a punish, IMO.

I meant Uthrow, Uair (read the DI), follow up (read the DI) follow up (ect) finish with offstage knee. Falcon's combos aren't all that easy, he has tight links, and its DIable. He doesn't have the extreme shield pressuer of spacies/peach due to no shine or float cancel. You can SHFFL run, SHFFL gentleman, SHFFL grab. Pretty much it, mixing those up.

Honestly, it's why I play Sonic. I like how he plays, love the fast punish game (although frame wise his moveset is slower). Clearly, if I was concerned with winning I'd have put time into a better character like Snake or MK. But good lord, I hate playing as them. Its just not rewarding. I like going absolutley blue balls deep in someone for spamming a Fsmash when im DDing inside/outside their range. Then grab to tech chasing ****. Just brawl means fishing for kills. In Melee, i'm gonna get my kill for your mistake. Sometimes 0 to death off good DI reads and correctly guessed tech chases

TL,DR: I like Melee Falcon in Melee. He is good, but not broken like those above him in the tier list. He can be viable, but he is (imo) the most exciting character to watch


True Blue

Smash Lord
Jan 18, 2011
Stardust Speedway, FL
I suck at melee. So I just play as Pichu the whole time. Unless someone wants me to play REALLY serious then I try to play as Pikachu, Shiek, or Roy. Gotta love the goggles on Pichu. Blue Pikachu looks stupid.. lol

True Blue

Smash Lord
Jan 18, 2011
Stardust Speedway, FL
Probably not even. I don't even know what I do. I know with Pichu I just try to push people off the stage. I'm just like "NAIR! What's next. NAIR! You're off stage. Run off NAIR!" lol. But I was never technical enough to play melee. My fingers are stupid, could never wave dash and junk.

True Blue

Smash Lord
Jan 18, 2011
Stardust Speedway, FL
Well the reason why was cause none of us had the disk nor a memory card with the file for all the characters. And normally I am all for it but Ryo hates it, cause everyone else in our group likes to play Melee. I don't like Melee, compared to Brawl, but I will still play with everyone and lose every game lol.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 10, 2009
Montville Connecticut
Just had a quick question or two that has probably already been gone over.

Do any of you have people that you can consistently practice against offline? I thought I had at least two groups of kids at my college that would be down because I've seen one group play brawl and another talk about smash bros. Unfortunately, the second I asked the first group if they ever used the competitive rule set and got a lot of "what's that"s and "Competitive?". Then the second group only plays melee in a casual fashion as well.

Also, do you guys think I should just play with the people who play brawl casually just to get some form of offline practice? I mean I guess it might help me with the diddy and ROB match up because I would become more familiar with items being used. But I'm still not sure because when I say they're casual players, I mean REALLY, REALLY, REAAAAAALLLLY casual. They were 3v1ing a level 9 cpu charizard and had a kirby that just used down b, a meta knight that just used nado (Which isn't too different from most MKs i suppose lol) and a dk that just used giant punch. idk if they'd help me improve or not, I fear that they'd make me too accustomed to the way they play, and I'd get stomped even harder than usual.

WOW that was a lot of text for me lol. Sorry if I interrupted anything.

NH Cody

Smash Champion
Apr 17, 2010
Kakariko Village, NH
I only have noobs around me too. None of them even want to play. So nope, I just play CPUs and it works for me. I just keep in mind not to get into any really bad habits

True Blue

Smash Lord
Jan 18, 2011
Stardust Speedway, FL
Yeeaaa.... I would try to explain to them the competitive way and maybe show them some vids after explaining the competitive rule set. (Probably combo vids, cause a match may make them lose focus.) And if they can learn the correct way then you can probably get some good practice.
I usually play people at my college to try to improve my ability in reading the opponent because I have none at all when I play matches.
And CPU's can be good, especially when they fight you. (Certain characters for the most part) But the minute you get them off stage they will do dumb things to recover and you should not get use to that. And like Quest said, don't gain any bad habits.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 10, 2009
Montville Connecticut
Alright it's sorta nice knowing that some people are in the same boat as me. I'll probably show them some combo videos, so thanks for that suggestion.

But for now I guess it's wifi and cpu practice lol. Thank you very much Quest for that reminder, I seriously forgot to not let myself fall into bad habits lol. Playing the cpu has gotten me ridiculously easy to predict which I know is a no no for sonic. I'm toats gonna focus on not picking up silly habits.

Thank you guys for replying


Smash Journeyman
Oct 22, 2012
i'd reccomend not showing them combo videos. that would make them not only lose focous but get really impatient waiting for something "cool" to happen in a match.

unless you mean just cv's, then nvm


Smash Journeyman
Jul 10, 2009
Montville Connecticut
Well Froggy I just thought it could spark up an interest. You are right though, it could make them become impatient and bored.

But yeah Quest I'm going to try to get to more tourneys, I planned on going to Apex but and unplanned encounter between my car and a metal mailbox has lowered my funding for that lol. I think the only ones I'll be able to make it to are TAER tourneys and Dissention next summer. You'll probably see me at a tourney sometime next year dude, I'll be putting more of an effort in this game. No more "week long" breaks for me, they usually end up being a few months lol.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 10, 2009
Montville Connecticut
Dude me too! lol I still remember two dudes walking by while it was going on all like "Oh boy sonic dittos, gonna last an hour each match hurrrr". I also recall me losing to a Falco and getting stomped by Vermanubis lol, I still wanna play him again.

You got a lot better since then dude, I've been seeing a few vids of your tink and I remember our occasional wifi matches lol. good times, good times haha


Mar 20, 2008
Wichita Falls, TX
I play extremley sparingly these days. Theory craft, situational thinking, and vids are how I stay with it. Yet whenever I break out my Sonic I feel like I hate Brawl, cause I do everything way to fast from practicing Melee all the time. Then I play just a few friendlies, and it comes back. Then I find I also don't really habe any "habits" excepting loving grab games. Then I copy all the cool things i've seen others do, and things i've thought of trying.

Works well. I still steamroll my state, and made the NE power rankings....


True Blue

Smash Lord
Jan 18, 2011
Stardust Speedway, FL
Dude me too! lol I still remember two dudes walking by while it was going on all like "Oh boy sonic dittos, gonna last an hour each match hurrrr". I also recall me losing to a Falco and getting stomped by Vermanubis lol, I still wanna play him again.

You got a lot better since then dude, I've been seeing a few vids of your tink and I remember our occasional wifi matches lol. good times, good times haha
LOL! I think someone said something along those lines when D1AOS & I played X & XLR8 in that Sonic Team Dittos Money Match at Apex. lol. Too funny.

NH Cody

Smash Champion
Apr 17, 2010
Kakariko Village, NH
Dude me too! lol I still remember two dudes walking by while it was going on all like "Oh boy sonic dittos, gonna last an hour each match hurrrr". I also recall me losing to a Falco and getting stomped by Vermanubis lol, I still wanna play him again.

You got a lot better since then dude, I've been seeing a few vids of your tink and I remember our occasional wifi matches lol. good times, good times haha
Then I find I also don't really habe any "habits" excepting loving grab games.

You probably have a ton of habits lol...don't be too sure there's not lots of room for improvement

Mr. Johan

Smash Hero
Jul 9, 2009
Edmond, OK
I have a severe habit of always completing my Spin Dashes with SDJ -> Fair. Even when I don't hit anything I end it that way and experience the lag.

People have gotten so accustomed to jumping OoS when I hit with Spindash. I should just keep rolling and punish their conditioned action afterward.

True Blue

Smash Lord
Jan 18, 2011
Stardust Speedway, FL
I have learned recently that if they attempt to punish it the first time I will roll threw them next time and attempt to just roll through them or jump out at a later point in time and back air if they tried to chase after me.


Mar 20, 2008
Wichita Falls, TX
Indeed! You probably have a ton of habits lol...don't be too sure there's not lots of room for improvement[/COLOR]
What do you mean? Im saying I don't have habits (tendencies, yes. I did develop a general style from playing...) yes I don't practice the same ppl nor practice for tech skill. So for me, playing is dusting it off, seeing what works, trying new things. If something works, spam till they counter it.

I don't know too many players who take "breaks" and come back without changing up some things. A habit is (more or less) choosing to react to a situation the same way repetitively. Repetitive practice = habits. Play the same 2 ppl for a month daily, and consistently win, and you are most likley gonna form a habbit. Play once a month or less, and watch vids/ go through stuff in your head, discuss on the boards and you will find you likley change your playstyle up to accommodate this progression

Edit: upon thinking, Yes Quest, human nature. I do have habits. But I stand by my contention that I drop more habits and expand my depth/knowledge by taking a step back from playing. If you can't play a wide player base to avoid creating habits, this is another method of improvement.

True Blue

Smash Lord
Jan 18, 2011
Stardust Speedway, FL
I simply ask myself.... "What would Sonic do?" as I look at my WWSD bracelet and then back at the screen to see myself spinning to my death and just realize maybe the bracelet means "What a Way to Self Destruct" then I shake my head at ever creating that bracelet... lol

Nah but the first part I usually do.


Mar 20, 2008
Wichita Falls, TX
So I have a question: Dash Dance Pivot.

How do you guys do it consistently. Because.... I can no longer do it, or at least with enough consistency to make it viable. And I risk spamming DD for spacing because not many do it, so its something some Brawl players aren't ready to deal with since, let's be honest, who SPAMS it for footsies when you risk tripping :awesome:

But i'm having serious trouble pivoting Nair out of DD with my Melee Falcon, but gotten better. But now I can't DD pivot my Sonic at all. Im fairly certain its thrown off my timing in both games, but if anyone has input I could try... (since I have a loaner wii with Brawl for a couple months, my friend deployed. Jackpot ;) lol)


da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
i never was able to do it multiple times consistently.

i just mastered doing a foxtrot away to avoid a move and then running back in to punish. which is easy.



Smash Hero
Oct 28, 2008
The way I see Sonics using DDP is a perfect example of "intoxicating mobility". When you are moving around "just because" and running around with no purpose and often being detrimental to your gameplan. DDP is useless when you could just be shield stopping and trip less/get free powershields.

I see its an old video, but people still do that now.


Mar 20, 2008
Wichita Falls, TX
Yea, I guess I unfortunatley need to go back to no0b school and grind a week of solo dolo practice to get better at both games. It will be the most insanley boring week ever.

And yes KID, in brawl, I subtituted foxtrot <l/r/l/r. Or foxtrot < spindash baiting <shieldgrab (or cancel, and situation is reset. And I have more space so I can react)

But DDP if I could actually DO it, would have a few frames advantage on both of those methods. And I think it'd be a neat tool for my bag of tricks, ultimatley improving the footsies/punish game for me


True Blue

Smash Lord
Jan 18, 2011
Stardust Speedway, FL
Yea usually if I have ever done anything remotely dumb in the sense to throw off the opponent was probably when I just did empty short and long hops and sat there going "I'M A BUNNY!" lol
But I like doing that buffered run from landing after jump. Like what falco's can do when shooting a silent laser if anyone understands what I mean.

Kupo Rose

It's what my cutie mark is telling me ♫
May 19, 2009
Scotland, UK
Slowly walking away > Run right at them is pretty lulzy.

I'm linking vids a lot cause I went through soooo much looking for that bloody specific video KID requested couple of days ago.
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