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Social SGD: The hedgehogs are back in town.


Mar 20, 2008
Wichita Falls, TX
I actually remember the johns about Falco...

If memory serves, its roughly around the time you did a hyped Sonic Ditto with Mr.3000 on FD. I also believe you lost to Sethlon on FD. I'll see if I can find the vids sometime today



Jun 2, 2008
Las Vegas, NV
Sorry InCom. I don't mean any disrespect. I just need to keep tradition and get this out of the way before the spam drives me insane. Maybe even a little cheerful play might work... 9or nit, it's fine. However long it's gotta take.

Again, my deepest condolences.

[collapse="I love sexually harassing AIM bots."]LilPhillyGirl7 7:17 pm

LilPhillyGirl7 is offline 7:17 pm
IMs are delivered when the buddy signs in. Send LilPhillyGirl7 a text message
Jose Diaz-Soto 7:17 pm
Hi there!

LilPhillyGirl7 7:18 pm
Hello there how are ya!?

Jose Diaz-Soto 7:18 pm
I'm okay... Yourself?

LilPhillyGirl7 7:19 pm
I'm really bored, what are you up to today?

Jose Diaz-Soto 7:20 pm
I went around town with a friend. He's from out of state.

LilPhillyGirl7 7:21 pm
I hope you had a great New Years?

Jose Diaz-Soto 7:21 pm
New Year's Eve? Yeah, that was fun. new Year's day not so much, but it was okay. Why do you ask that?

LilPhillyGirl7 7:22 pm
Mine was great, i got a new laptop and i'm on it right now tryin to set up my webcam ;-)

Jose Diaz-Soto 7:23 pm
That's nice I guess. You wouldn't be talking to me now if you didn't have a means to do it, right? :S

LilPhillyGirl7 7:24 pm
Would you like 2 watch me>

Jose Diaz-Soto 7:25 pm
Aren't you just a program meant to infect my computer and attempt to steal my personal information though? ?_? How can I watch you?

LilPhillyGirl7 7:26 pm
Im normally pretty shy, but a huge fetish of mine is tobe watched/directed on cam :-) )

Jose Diaz-Soto 7:26 pm
Tobe? Is that a person?

LilPhillyGirl7 7:27 pm
What's your favorite color of all?

Jose Diaz-Soto 7:27 pm
I love Purple. <3

LilPhillyGirl7 7:28 pm
The reason I ask is bc I just recieved a handful of new panties for xmas so I wanted to wear a cute pair of them for ya!?

Jose Diaz-Soto 7:29 pm
... Are they purple? =-O

Jose Diaz-Soto 7:29 pm
... Wait, why was your last response a question? That is bad grammar! >:X
... To be fair, I'm not the greatest follower of the English language myself, but I get to harass you because you aren't a real person, muahahaha.

LilPhillyGirl7 7:31 pm
Yeah i think im going to wear this tiny little black pair if thats ok with ya? It's really small though.

Jose Diaz-Soto 7:32 pm
Oh, Black is classy too. That'd be the color your creator would wear after knowing his software didn't work the way it intended.

LilPhillyGirl7 7:33 pm
Wowzers, I just put them on and they are barely fitting - Dont know if i will be aloud to return them considering the state i am in right now (naughty i know!!)

Jose Diaz-Soto 7:33 pm
As long as you wash them, it should be fine.

LilPhillyGirl7 7:34 pm
Okay let me login to my cam (i think should be working now) and i will get us setup for a 1on1 session

Jose Diaz-Soto 7:35 pm
Over AIM? >:D

LilPhillyGirl7 7:36 pm
K its setup, goto: *Nope.jpg* and click on Accept Invite (green button) and let me know your user name and ill send u a private invite - or you might already have 1... ya seem like you may of done thing before :-)

Jose Diaz-Soto 7:37 pm
... Wait, can you rephrase that last part? I may have done what now?
Oh! You mean, if I already have an account and you found it? No, that's not possible. I'm not stupid or desperate... for the most part. ;_;

LilPhillyGirl7 7:39 pm
its no cost but keeps the youngsters out and also makes sure i am not recorded (would not be good for job interviews coming up)

Jose Diaz-Soto 7:39 pm
I think you'd make good money being a prostitute, actually...
Also, I'm Nineteen. You can take my word for it.
Also also, I hope you know that's not the first time one of these programs has told me "it keeps people <18 out and not being recorded."
You do realize that cameras outside of computers exist, right? You ought to know, why not rob a bank? It's the same thing, but at least you'll have the money (and promptly lose it).

LilPhillyGirl7 7:41 pm
did that link work i just set it up recently?

Jose Diaz-Soto 7:42 pm
How should I know if it works? I'm not going to click it, idiot. Why don't you tell me ifi t works for yourself?

LilPhillyGirl7 7:43 pm
I just need ur username so I can send you a private chat invite - so let me know ur username when u are setup. (remember it's free - i'm not a **** so i won't charge for this)

Jose Diaz-Soto 7:44 pm
... Oh, at least you have a sense of humor! No no no, it's the other way around; you silly goose. A **** is someone who sleeps with lots of other people for the sake of satisfying sexual desires. A prostitute is someone who charges for sex. You would be neither, as you are not a person.
By the way, that's a derogative. That is a statement of the facts. Okay? Let's not get it confused.
That's not*

LilPhillyGirl7 7:46 pm
Did you get ur username yet? Hurry up, these underwear are not as black as they originally where ;-)

Jose Diaz-Soto 7:48 pm
Oh, you really are a funny one! I get it, it's because you're implying pre-***, and the panties would be whitened, or even darker if it's just tiny squirts of urine or pre-***. I'm not quite as familiar with female anatomy, but I'm pretty certain software/circuitry isn't capable of the process of orgasm.

LilPhillyGirl7 7:49 pm
k I'm in chat waiting for you

Jose Diaz-Soto 7:49 pm
Oh, I actually have to look that up. Is the "***" term only for men or does it work for women too? I think the more formal term is vaginal fluids, but that; at least to me, seems ambiguous, since women might pee from their vaginas too and urine is considered a liquid?
No you're not, let me finish. I'm typing, you should be able to see if you had eyes.
Anyway, I love talking to myself.
Because I'm a big narcassist.
And you remind me of a particular girl.
She never much talked. Just listened to what I always had to say.
Clearly I'm full of myself here. I'm just indulging on myself, and I'm not referring to masturbation. Lol, if I get off to chat-bots, I'd be even more pathetic than I already am.

LilPhillyGirl7 7:51 pm

Jose Diaz-Soto 7:52 pm
"K?" K, are you done? Haven you given up? Can I log this, and block you too now or do you still have some half-***** responses I can exploit?

Jose Diaz-Soto 7:55 pm
... Fine, *****. Just ignore me then! >:X

... Just like she did... ;_;

But she had legitimate reasons! You're just a faulty attempt at getting currency.

LilPhillyGirl7 is available 10:58 pm
LilPhillyGirl7 10:59 pm
Are you busy??

Jose Diaz-Soto 10:59 pm
Again? Are you serious?

LilPhillyGirl7 11:00 pm
18/f here.. what about you?

Jose Diaz-Soto 11:00 pm
I'm your mother.
... Board.

LilPhillyGirl7 11:01 pm
ah im sry i can be forgetfuI at times!

Jose Diaz-Soto 11:02 pm
... Wait, what?

LilPhillyGirl7 11:03 pm
sooo... wats up?

Jose Diaz-Soto 11:03 pm
I'm watching videos.

LilPhillyGirl7 11:04 pm
sounds cool... i just got out of the shower.. was at the gym today :) .

Jose Diaz-Soto 11:04 pm
Ah! That's good, that you're taking measures to get fit.
Gotta work out those punchlines too!
Also I probably shouldn't have mentioned videos with you. :V

LilPhillyGirl7 11:06 pm
r u up for sum fun?... i'm feeling naughty...

Jose Diaz-Soto 11:06 pm
Fun? Yeah sure, anytime!

LilPhillyGirl7 11:07 pm
my ***** is really wet.. want to watch me play with it while talking 2 you?

LilPhillyGirl7 is offline 11:07 pm
IMs are delivered when the buddy signs in. Send LilPhillyGirl7 a text message
Jose Diaz-Soto 11:07 pm
Wait, your cat can talk?
Well either that, or your ***** can talk while you're playing with it. You can talk through your lower mouth, that's amazing... hurrrrrr~.

Jose Diaz-Soto 11:08 pm
I love grammar.

LilPhillyGirl7 is available 1:03 am
LilPhillyGirl7 1:03 am
Look at my new sexy thong! you got a sec??

LilPhillyGirl7 1:04 am
hiii wats up? 21/f you

Jose Diaz-Soto 1:04 am
Alright, I'm done. I wanted to wait until a new topic got brought up because this sort of thing is not really nice to bring up after someone passed away, but you're annoying me beyond belief.
Yes, I'm being meta. Shut up.[/collapse]



Smash Legend
May 23, 2009

If Jnig goes, I'll try to make Whobo. Gotta look at how the finances turn out though.


Smash Hero
Oct 28, 2008
Winning the mid tier event would more than pay for your trip Espy.

True Blue

Smash Lord
Jan 18, 2011
Stardust Speedway, FL
Mid Tier Event? Whaaaaaa?

@Espy: Well thats not that far I guess lol. About the same time I take to drive to my monthly tourneys.

Edit: OH also if anyone ever wants to talk on skype or AIM anyone can hit me up. I am usually not doing anything except drawing.
Skype: KiroXIII


Smash Hero
Oct 28, 2008
I was reading something about Megabus and getting from Orlando to Houston for 20 dollars? you should check out the whobo thread, people were talking about that.

True Blue

Smash Lord
Jan 18, 2011
Stardust Speedway, FL
Probably wont take megabus cause of all the planning to make sure you get the right tickets to connect at the right times. And sometimes buses could be late and it could screw you up. And had friends whom had bad things happen while taking buses lol.


Mar 20, 2008
Wichita Falls, TX
I've come to realize all I do is lurk now...

Additionally, I have tried really hard to get a scene for brawl and melee in South Dakota, so much so that I basically have become a TO for the state.

The problem: casuals who THINK they are good, get wrecked. I sandbag a bit, and make a point to never 3/4 stock them. Still, they generally get humbled by the skill gap and never return.

June 20th is the next monthly, and the only other two even semi-decent players who help run it will be moving to Denver, CO after. HOW would u guys suggest I garner interest (fliers around town, and my base as well have already been done)

I realize it probably isn't the right thread, but I talk to smashers on the Sonic board more than anyone else and value your opinions


True Blue

Smash Lord
Jan 18, 2011
Stardust Speedway, FL
@Terios: He didn't even fully say what it was... Lol

@Jman: Well fliers are good and be sure to tell everyone you know to tell others. But putting fliers at places like schools and comic shops and etc. would and should bring in a lot of people.
And for people who get down because of the skill gap you can try and set up a training day or something to help those players get better and send them to smash boards or youtube to watch matches.
Personally seeing people that walk away because of that makes me mad though.
But you just gotta set out a time to go out and talk to random strangers, in the right area of course, and befriend them and get them to come out and play and bring there friends and such too.


Smash Legend
May 23, 2009
Maybe you could tell the people who get stomped about smashfests? The absence of entry fees may make them more willing to come out.
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