I never see Marth's using Utilt.
This move is very underrated. It has the same great range, comes out fast, and sure it doesn't kill anymore (Brawl, Melee), nor is it lagless (Melee) but the trap situations are real. Utilt can put people in some really nice trap situations. Utilt to grab, Fsmash, dancing blade, shield breaker. Reverse Utilt to Bair, Grab, Ftilt, etc. Get the reverse hit from a roll dodge read for example.
Now I absolutely HATE the damage output, the extreme levels of end lag, and how the front animation goes right through your opponent's head before it actually hits (like Brawl). I mean this move is so laggy when comparing to almost every other Utilt. For something that comes out so fast, it lags like a smash attack. So why does it do 6% damage? Idk. I mean, at low percents, Utilt isn't even safe on hit (like freakin downsmash/Usmash)!! You'd be punished for hitting them if they are smart enough to use offense. These are the weaknesses we are familiar with, but I still think this move needs to be used a lot more. It's ability to stop approaches from all angles didn't change. It needs to be used for this.
The good thing is, people are not used to Marth's Utilt, nor do they have his frame data memorized. Sometimes I'll get away with an Utilt on shield without punish because they are not bold enough to try.