yea i should have clarifiedThis is where I got the misunderstanding from. Skill is a very broad term, it doesn't just imply tech skill. Of course I would misunderstand if you say the above quote.
Also, when most people say "He is skilled," it means he has an overall skill that is relatively impressive not exactly his tech skill. If I want to say he has tech skill specifically, I would say he has tech skill not just say skill.
i just like to shorten things
and use bad grammar
yea i dont :[ kinda sadI heard you dont have a game anymore or something.
But I just thought it was funny. I assumed it was the raptor boost but thought u meant just a ledge cancel and not referring to the specific edge of yoshis story.
@jona. Skill is the term you are looking for. Tech skill is precision in the button presses that you do. A common misconception is that flashyness=techskill. But for the most part its consistency. It also has a direct influence on your game speed. Mindgames are how u use those button presses to force your opponent into doing what you want or to confuse them.
You would just say that person was way better than me unless it was a specific thing that messed u up. They had too much tech skill and played to fast or they didnt leave enough room for error. They are too consistent. Or u can get mindgamed lol.
but yea, im trying to say something like that
its just the way i say things is different
and it confuses people