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SB/SLO Smash: You've just activated my trap card!

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Smash Champion
Apr 4, 2006
Santa Barbara, California
Wait are these bi/triweeklies gonna be held by you huy? I'm down to enter melee.

Cho I'll go to your house to play melee. Let Joe and Ryan know too so they can come.

speaking of which, where were you on sunday? Me and joe tried calling you but got no response. Joe actually got kind of concerned lol.


Chemistry PhD Programs?
Dec 16, 2007
Santa Barbara, CA / San Jose, CA
Wait are these bi/triweeklies gonna be held by you huy? I'm down to enter melee.

Cho I'll go to your house to play melee. Let Joe and Ryan know too so they can come.

speaking of which, where were you on sunday? Me and joe tried calling you but got no response. Joe actually got kind of concerned lol.
They are not run by me but they are running by someone else. The person needs to know the level of interest before getting the venue so he doesn't get ripped off. ;)


N64 Smash:


Chemistry PhD Programs?
Dec 16, 2007
Santa Barbara, CA / San Jose, CA

who is he?
Victor. :) He mains Falco.

Who else is interested in SB Smash biweeklies? It would be on Saturdays. I need enough interest for this to happen so the person getting the venue doesn't lose money.

If this were to happen, the first one would be on 10-2-10.

[highlight]Huy:[/highlight] almost all of them
[highlight]Dante:[/highlight] probably almost all of them because I don't think he missed a single Smash Club meeting. ;)

[highlight]Jaime (maybe):[/highlight] once a month or so.

[highlight]Jaime and his friends:[/highlight] once a month or so.

[size=+5]Brawl +[/size]

[size=+5]Brawl -[/size]

[size=+5]Balanced Brawl[/size]

We need at least 30 people for this to happen. :colorful:

:roll: :joyful: :bluejump: :uzi: :smash: :teleportg :rocket: :bigrocket


Chemistry PhD Programs?
Dec 16, 2007
Santa Barbara, CA / San Jose, CA
Yo Brainshnak I havent been keeping up, whats the MRS scoreboard looking like?
$heen found 7 posts total but it conflicts with one of Brian's requirements so Brian says he has like 1 so I'm not sure how many points he really does have. :confused:
Dante, Brian, Pink Reaper: 2
Caleb: 1

Jun should either update the first post with everyone's points or give control of the thread to me since I am the most active poster in this thread within the last 3 months or so. :)


Smash Master
Mar 22, 2008
more than one place
ask a mod to do it.

i have about 8 smashers that i play with here with varying degrees of frequency so im sure theyd all go

if you advertise on campus youll likely get 30


Smash Champion
Apr 4, 2006
Santa Barbara, California
$heen found 7 posts total but it conflicts with one of Brian's requirements so Brian says he has like 1 so I'm not sure how many points he really does have. :confused:
Dante, Brian, Pink Reaper: 2
Caleb: 1

Jun should either update the first post with everyone's points or give control of the thread to me since I am the most active poster in this thread within the last 3 months or so. :)
lol no i check the boards every day. (i'm not exactly proud of that lol). I'll play you a set for it. >:D


Chemistry PhD Programs?
Dec 16, 2007
Santa Barbara, CA / San Jose, CA
Dante, you need to enable your Google Talk to accept offline messages. I was down in SB recently and we could have played. :( My cell phone was messed up. :( Jun has a new Avatar. :) Also does anyone know if John (Crackle on SWF) logs into AIM at all or he is just invisible? :confused: I wanted to talk with him something about holding the monthly. Does anyone know where to get new N64 Controllers? :confused:

[highlight]Huy:[/highlight] almost all of them
[highlight]Dante:[/highlight] probably almost all of them because I don't think he missed a single Smash Club meeting. ;)
[highlight]Michael:[/highlight] just whenever

[highlight]Jaime (maybe):[/highlight] once a month or so.

[highlight]Jaime and his friends:[/highlight] once a month or so.

[size=+5]Brawl +[/size]

[size=+5]Brawl -[/size]

[size=+5]Balanced Brawl[/size]


:roll: :joyful: :bluejump: :uzi: :smash: :teleportg :rocket: :bigrocket


Smash Journeyman
Nov 8, 2007
Anthony and I are in SB, give Anthony a call whoever has his number and tell him what's going down.

From what I understand there will be biweekly smashfests/tournaments? With Brawl involved? I'm so down to help set this up.


Chemistry PhD Programs?
Dec 16, 2007
Santa Barbara, CA / San Jose, CA

Anthony and I are in SB, give Anthony a call whoever has his number and tell him what's going down.

From what I understand there will be biweekly smashfests/tournaments? With Brawl involved? I'm so down to help set this up.
It can only happen if there is enough interest. If the person is interested, they have to post there name under the list. So far we only have like 4 people for each of the mainstream games. :( If no one posts, then I have to assume they are not interested even though they may feel interested but they are too lazy to put down their name.

Ok so if anyone else is interested, smashfest at my place tomorrow for some melee. Around 11 til 7 my address is 7336 Freeman pl goleta. Text me if interested 8057296920
What is the zip code? :confused:


Smash Champion
Apr 4, 2006
Santa Barbara, California
huy I think you'd have more luck waiting until the fall quarter starts and gauging interest at smash club. We all know that only a small fraction of sb's smashers visit the boards, so if you're depending on 30 people from sb to post in this thread in order to get those biweeklies going, they're not gonna happen, I don't think. I don't think 30 unique people have even posted in this entire thread! But I think we could get 30 pretty easily if we include brawl. just gotta wait til smash club or maybe even the next lan party.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 8, 2007
Yeah on campus advertising is what we did for smash club. That rakes in maybe 20 if you advertise everywhere and not during summer. The best bet for 30 people in SB area is fall quarter, Smash club is where the audience is. There are a lot of people on campus that aren't actually taken by posters, however, and there's also a whole new year of freshman to advertise to via the halls. We'll see how it all goes down.

San Nicolas is holding all FSSP kids that are in starting last week, and San Mig has a lot of the higher year people. Just saying if you want to get started in summer. Lemme know :D


Chemistry PhD Programs?
Dec 16, 2007
Santa Barbara, CA / San Jose, CA
Caleb's Zip Code

huy I think you'd have more luck waiting until the fall quarter starts and gauging interest at smash club. We all know that only a small fraction of sb's smashers visit the boards, so if you're depending on 30 people from sb to post in this thread in order to get those biweeklies going, they're not gonna happen, I don't think. I don't think 30 unique people have even posted in this entire thread! But I think we could get 30 pretty easily if we include brawl. just gotta wait til smash club or maybe even the next lan party.
For the LAN Party that were ran by you that didn't had Brawl, you said in the thread that there was a venue fee, but a venue fee was not needed due to the fact that we didn't have the 2nd room to ourselves. Andrew only charged the venue fee for the Brawl + Melee LAN Party tournament because we had the 2nd room to ourselves. I talked to some people and they said they didn't enter the Melee tournament because they were discouraged by the venue fee. :( Well I guess it was my fault too for not pointing this out in the Melee only LAN Party, but I'm just pointing this out so you don't list a venue fee on accident when there isn't a venue fee.

Yeah on campus advertising is what we did for smash club. That rakes in maybe 20 if you advertise everywhere and not during summer. The best bet for 30 people in SB area is fall quarter, Smash club is where the audience is. There are a lot of people on campus that aren't actually taken by posters, however, and there's also a whole new year of freshman to advertise to via the halls. We'll see how it all goes down.

San Nicolas is holding all FSSP kids that are in starting last week, and San Mig has a lot of the higher year people. Just saying if you want to get started in summer. Lemme know :D
Does anyone know Caleb's zip code? :confused: I'm not going but I know two people are there interested in going.

Also does anyone feel bored playing against the exact same people at Smash Club every week? :confused:

Dante, you need to enable your Google Talk to accept offline messages. I was down in SB recently and we could have played. :( My cell phone was messed up. :( Jun has a new Avatar. :) Does anyone know where to get new N64 Controllers? :confused:

[highlight]Huy:[/highlight] almost all of them
[highlight]Dante:[/highlight] probably almost all of them because I don't think he missed a single Smash Club meeting. ;)
[highlight]Michael:[/highlight] just whenever

[highlight]Jaime (maybe):[/highlight] once a month or so.

[highlight]Jaime and his friends:[/highlight] once a month or so.

[size=+5]Brawl +[/size]

[size=+5]Brawl -[/size]

[size=+5]Balanced Brawl[/size]

:roll: :joyful: :bluejump: :uzi: :smash: :teleportg :rocket: :bigrocket


Smash Lord
Jul 18, 2007
Goleta/Santa Barbara, CA
I'm pretty the zip code is the se as iv's. Well it 93117 but you don't need it to search on google. And who are these ppl huy? Give them my number or something bc I don't want random ppl I don't know coming unexpectedly.

And time of smashfest changed sorry guys it ls going to be from 2 to 7


Smash Champion
Apr 4, 2006
Santa Barbara, California
sorry about not being on aim huy, I've been busy the last week and my IM program isn't working right now for some reason.

Also, don't get it twisted huy, the reason I put the venue fee was twofold:

1. First and foremost because carlos told me to. He said the money would be used to buy extra pizza and whatnot. I'm not privy to the AS tech club's financial workings so I take his word that they actually needed the money.

2. To encourage people to bring setups. The fact that the venue fee would be waived if players brought a setup, and almost no one did speaks to how little people actually care and how little they are willing to contribute. I found it more than a slightly irritating that people showed up without entering and took up stations playing friendlies. I don't think it has anything to do with venue fees, since if they really cared, they would've brought a setup.

I've routinely seen people willingly cough up the extra money in order to forgo a perceived inconvenience, you included. To me that speaks more to people's priorities than it does to the egregiousness of venue fees.

also the people who didn't enter are the kind of people with no competitive drive who don't want to pay to enter a tourney that they're almost guaranteed to be eliminated from. not exactly the kind of people that I think take the game seriously enough to warrant special attention.


Chemistry PhD Programs?
Dec 16, 2007
Santa Barbara, CA / San Jose, CA
Falco Mains

I'm pretty the zip code is the se as iv's. Well it 93117 but you don't need it to search on google. And who are these ppl huy? Give them my number or something bc I don't want random ppl I don't know coming unexpectedly.

And time of smashfest changed sorry guys it ls going to be from 2 to 7
They are both Falco mains. SB has a lot of Falco mains: Caleb, David, Gino, Ryan, the David that went to UCLA, Victor, Sam, and Kevin, etc. They should have done an all Falco tournament instead of an all Captain Falcon tournament last time. :falco:

sorry about not being on aim huy, I've been busy the last week and my IM program isn't working right now for some reason.

Also, don't get it twisted huy, the reason I put the venue fee was twofold:

1. First and foremost because carlos told me to. He said the money would be used to buy extra pizza and whatnot. I'm not privy to the AS tech club's financial workings so I take his word that they actually needed the money.

2. To encourage people to bring setups. The fact that the venue fee would be waived if players brought a setup, and almost no one did speaks to how little people actually care and how little they are willing to contribute. I found it more than a slightly irritating that people showed up without entering and took up stations playing friendlies. I don't think it has anything to do with venue fees, since if they really cared, they would've brought a setup.

I've routinely seen people willingly cough up the extra money in order to forgo a perceived inconvenience, you included. To me that speaks more to people's priorities than it does to the egregiousness of venue fees.

also the people who didn't enter are the kind of people with no competitive drive who don't want to pay to enter a tourney that they're almost guaranteed to be eliminated from. not exactly the kind of people that I think take the game seriously enough to warrant special attention.
K. No worries. Yeah I think we should have kicked them off of the TV stations while the tournament was running (especially that one guy that randomly showed up and played Brawl on Andrew's projector set up). He was this white guy that used R.O.B. to play against a level 9 Snake or something :laugh: IIRC and then Jeff, Andrej, and Kevin showed up to play Brawl teams so he wouldn't be lonely or something but yes you are correct. :shyguy:

Dante, don't forget to claim your free entry to the Ranbat 1.5.

[size=+2]accept[/size] to play you for the set. :bluejump:

[highlight]Huy:[/highlight] almost all of them
[highlight]Dante:[/highlight] probably almost all of them because I don't think he missed a single Smash Club meeting. ;)
[highlight]Michael:[/highlight] just whenever

[highlight]Jaime (maybe):[/highlight] once a month or so.

[highlight]Jaime and his friends:[/highlight] once a month or so.

[size=+5]Brawl +[/size]

[size=+5]Brawl -[/size]

[size=+5]Balanced Brawl[/size]


Smash Ace
Mar 24, 2008
San Luis Obispo
Seriously, these big a$$ posts are poorly presented and annoying. Didn't think there was a way to make this thread sink lower, but you found a way.


Chemistry PhD Programs?
Dec 16, 2007
Santa Barbara, CA / San Jose, CA

I'm pretty the zip code is the se as iv's. Well it 93117 but you don't need it to search on google. And who are these ppl huy? Give them my number or something bc I don't want random ppl I don't know coming unexpectedly.

And time of smashfest changed sorry guys it ls going to be from 2 to 7
sorry about not being on aim huy, I've been busy the last week and my IM program isn't working right now for some reason.

Also, don't get it twisted huy, the reason I put the venue fee was twofold:

1. First and foremost because carlos told me to. He said the money would be used to buy extra pizza and whatnot. I'm not privy to the AS tech club's financial workings so I take his word that they actually needed the money.

2. To encourage people to bring setups. The fact that the venue fee would be waived if players brought a setup, and almost no one did speaks to how little people actually care and how little they are willing to contribute. I found it more than a slightly irritating that people showed up without entering and took up stations playing friendlies. I don't think it has anything to do with venue fees, since if they really cared, they would've brought a setup.

I've routinely seen people willingly cough up the extra money in order to forgo a perceived inconvenience, you included. To me that speaks more to people's priorities than it does to the egregiousness of venue fees.

also the people who didn't enter are the kind of people with no competitive drive who don't want to pay to enter a tourney that they're almost guaranteed to be eliminated from. not exactly the kind of people that I think take the game seriously enough to warrant special attention.
Were the two new people good? :confused: They said that there was a chance they would stay home to watch the Apex 2010 livestream. :falco:


Smash Journeyman
Nov 8, 2007
That livestream was boss. Did m2k lose in Brawl to a japanese olimar? It froze up. And who won melee?


Chemistry PhD Programs?
Dec 16, 2007
Santa Barbara, CA / San Jose, CA

That livestream was boss. Did m2k lose in Brawl to a japanese olimar? It froze up. And who won melee?

1. Hungrybox :jigglypuff: :039: :jigglypuf
2. Armada :peach:
3. M2K :shiek: :fox: :marth:
4. Dr. PeePee :falco:
5. Wobbles :popo:
5: Axe :pikachu: :025:


1. DEHF :falco:
2. Brood :olimar:
3. M2K :metaknight:
4. Lee Martin :metaknight: :lucario:
5: Ally :snake:
6. Lain :popo:

1. A Player that never won 1st place in a 3-day International Smash Tournament before (DEHF/Hbox)
2. International Player (Brood/Armada)
3. M2K
4. Southern Player (Lee Martin/Peepee)
5. IC Main (Lain/Wobbles)
5. Ally/Axe (A name that starts with the letter A)


Chemistry PhD Programs?
Dec 16, 2007
Santa Barbara, CA / San Jose, CA

That livestream was boss. Did m2k lose in Brawl to a japanese olimar? It froze up. And who won melee?
sorry about not being on aim huy, I've been busy the last week and my IM program isn't working right now for some reason.

Also, don't get it twisted huy, the reason I put the venue fee was twofold:

1. First and foremost because carlos told me to. He said the money would be used to buy extra pizza and whatnot. I'm not privy to the AS tech club's financial workings so I take his word that they actually needed the money.

2. To encourage people to bring setups. The fact that the venue fee would be waived if players brought a setup, and almost no one did speaks to how little people actually care and how little they are willing to contribute. I found it more than a slightly irritating that people showed up without entering and took up stations playing friendlies. I don't think it has anything to do with venue fees, since if they really cared, they would've brought a setup.

I've routinely seen people willingly cough up the extra money in order to forgo a perceived inconvenience, you included. To me that speaks more to people's priorities than it does to the egregiousness of venue fees.

also the people who didn't enter are the kind of people with no competitive drive who don't want to pay to enter a tourney that they're almost guaranteed to be eliminated from. not exactly the kind of people that I think take the game seriously enough to warrant special attention.
I'm pretty the zip code is the se as iv's. Well it 93117 but you don't need it to search on google. And who are these ppl huy? Give them my number or something bc I don't want random ppl I don't know coming unexpectedly.

And time of smashfest changed sorry guys it ls going to be from 2 to 7
Does anyone plan to go to the Oxnard Tournament on the 21st which is different from the one Mio has been holding? :confused: Not sure if I would be down to SB by then. They have Brawl and Melee and trying to start a N64 Smash side event if there is enough interest. Also did Kevin came to the smashfest? If so, was he good? Who else came? Sam said he wanted to stay home to watch the Apex 2010 livestream. Melee has a bad stage list though so I'm not sure if the competitive people want to go. :(


Smash Journeyman
Nov 8, 2007
That top five for both tournaments comparison is silly xD

If that tournament has Brawl I'm totally down!


Chemistry PhD Programs?
Dec 16, 2007
Santa Barbara, CA / San Jose, CA
Bad Stage List

That top five for both tournaments comparison is silly xD

If that tournament has Brawl I'm totally down!
Have you been going to the Oxnard biweeklies held by Mio? :confused: They have both Brawl and Melee.

Yeah that tourney huy is talking about is on aib. It was originally going to be in camarillo but they changed it after talking to mio.


here's the link
Who was at your smashfest? :confused: The stage list for Melee is bad though. :(


Chemistry PhD Programs?
Dec 16, 2007
Santa Barbara, CA / San Jose, CA
I think for the set to see who gets control over the SB / SLO Smash thread, we should have a round robin tournament for anyone who is interested at the 1st Smash Club meeting. If the Brawl players want to have a chance at taking control over the thread, then we can do best of 3 smash games to make it fair, but I doubt anyone else besides Dante and I want to play the set for control of this thread. Caleb, are you interested? :confused:


Chemistry PhD Programs?
Dec 16, 2007
Santa Barbara, CA / San Jose, CA
Does SB plan on going to this? :confused: http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=283855 If you are the driver, then put me down as a maybe. Also if you are looking to team, put me down as a maybe too. I will split gas and I need to know the amount in gas money before I make my decision. Also who usually holds the smashfests at SB during the summer? Also, I noticed that Dante doesn't post the results for LAN Parties on the original posts and he doesn't post on AiB. I always forget to tell him this. :(

Victor's car:
Huy (maybe)

Waiting list:

We almost have a full car of 5. :)


Smash Champion
Apr 4, 2006
Santa Barbara, California
Does SB plan on going to this? :confused: http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=283855 If you are the driver, then put me down as a maybe. Also if you are looking to team, put me down as a maybe too. I will split gas and I need to know the amount in gas money before I make my decision. Also who usually holds the smashfests at SB during the summer? Also, I noticed that Dante doesn't post the results for LAN Parties on the original posts and he doesn't post on AiB. I always forget to tell him this. :(

Victor's car:
Huy (maybe)

Waiting list:

We almost have a full car of 5. :)
add me to the list. ;)
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