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Sauga Presentz: ~The Alphamale Biweekliez!~ ' Next Date: TBA MELEEE!

What's your vote for Bimonthly name?

  • The Alphamale Bimonthlies

    Votes: 3 25.0%
  • Unleash Your Madnan!! Bimonthlies

    Votes: 3 25.0%
  • Adnan DOES HATE getting stroked

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • *insert the name of some seriously gay club + Chocolate *****es*

    Votes: 5 41.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Smash Journeyman
May 18, 2008
Greater Toronto Area, Ontario
I wana play some Melee becuase it looks fun but i dun wana play if bug doesn't cause its only fun playing games if i have some1 to compete with on a daily basis lol but il probaly stick to brawl cause bug doesnt like melee to much


Smash Legend
Nov 18, 2007
Spiral Mountain
I wana play some Melee becuase it looks fun but i dun wana play if bug doesn't cause its only fun playing games if i have some1 to compete with on a daily basis lol but il probaly stick to brawl cause bug doesnt like melee to much
i'm sure if you prodded around you could find someone to play with if bug doesn't want to -.-

edit: our community is pretty large (in terms of where it reaches) and it's summer coming up. you could very easily find someone to practice with.


Smash Ace
Feb 24, 2008
kingace makes my head hurt! srsly!
- lawlz at everyone who gasps when i die, lose, dont ****, or make a mistake. i recall one of my matches i cud hear all the *gasps* and whispers. it was funny and frustrating as hell hahaha. im no je$u$ man, im human too lol
- hurrayz to me and my EPIC failures. (ambrose you need to see my new SD, its too good lol)
- praises too grey, GI, danny you guys improved WAY beyond my expectations
- hail ups to bug and kingace. u guyz dont really need it cuz i watch you improve all the time but nonetheless im more then proud to call you guys saugas finest (i still think kingace is gay)

edit: it will be a few days before i get da vids up. im pretty **** busy this week. i can promise it will be up before friday tho.

also i hope everyone is up for wednesday casuals! i told u the pwr training works! everyone who came to practice at my place and got matches recorded improved 10x i swear! GI you are my proof!

so uhhh kirbykaze... u wanna teach me some melee sheik? *wink wink, nudge nudge* =)


Smash Champion
Aug 6, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
I can't believe cpus!!! This pisses me off as I have done the ridiculous to improve and you are at home slapping mindless drones around, gaaayyy as hell, this is one of the examples as to why Melee is better.

Anyways, next time I'll do better, I know I could have ranked higher, I wanted fourth so badly as it would be awesome if I followed the rest of the crew in the top spots. Whatever, **** happens.


Smash Ace
May 13, 2008
Sauga, Ontario
Rae, I can only come to play casuals if its like 12-7...cause I got exam thursday.

(i still think kingace is gay)
No arguements there lol


Rae - I keep getting closer and closer every single match we play, I still feel that if I stuck with GW on that last match I couldve taken it but I ended up picking lucario and I had the match in my palm with seconds remaining until some gay move called up tilt killed me -.- always fun playing matches against you, you play with style unlike someone (kingace) lol.

KingAce - we called it, ez road in doubles..cant wait till next time, maybe ill actually play u in singles next time. Pizza was good lol.

GI - im speechless, this guy plays with IC and Bowser and gets *****..im literally threatening this guy to use wario since thats his "third main" and what happens? Surprises everyone there and takes round 1 off rae and was so close round 2...stick with wario man, thats all I have to say..drop bowser and IC now.

Danny - Your snake keeps improving man, keep it up...good use of projectiles. Everytime I see you at these tourneys, you improve ALOT.

Jack - man..those were very intense matches, It was funny cause we were both afraid of going near eachother cause one hit and we were dead. Hope to see you at the next bi weekly for brawl.

Matt - I was surprised you got eliminated, but the thing about you is that you adapt to peoples playstyle quickly so next time you will go far in the tourney.

Erix - lol you and your gay MK strat -.- sit there and wait for me. It works but its gay, almost as gay as kingaces MK. good games though, it was stressful playing you.

Meehow - you suck period. lol.

Tall black melee player (sorry dont know your forum name) - I saw that one match with adnan, it was pretty crazy..I guess I would be willing to try and learn melee but if it takes too long to get to a high level, I might let it go cause I have previous commitments to other games, not just brawl. I appreciate you offering training for me and meehow.

Adnan - Lol, it pretty jokes to see you recruiting brawlers and transformation em to melee'ers. It was good to see you again, hope fully you and the other guy can teach me melee and i hope I can adapt really fast.

If I forgot anyone which I know I did then im sorry.

Funniest moment of the tourney: GI's little brother is beside rae harrasing him with words while we are playing our tourney match, rae dies and says "CAN YOU SHUT THE FVCK UP, IM TRYING TO FVCKING PLAY MAN" LOLLOLOLOL

Adnan, heres me playing one of the last series against the other guy who was also considered the best so we played a best of 9 series's to truly see whos the best and I ended up winning 5-2. Heres a good set that we played.


I should host MSC AND SMASH tourneys in one lol! That would be jokes.


Smash Rookie
May 10, 2008
ya that was fun, good thing I brought a tv and melee, no offence to brawlers would of been very dry :p fun times it was good playing with adnaan and i.b , getting ***** is fun


Smash Lord
Apr 14, 2007
When a couple guys who were up to no good started making trouble in my neighborhood
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