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San Diego Lovin' - Triweekly XXXII - December 1st


Smash Master
Nov 1, 2005
San Bernardino/pomona
i saw the set
joey won first round
went marth the 2nd (and lost)
3rd round went green greens and Adam managed to stay alive long enough for the bombs to kill joey lol

i got ***** fun sets none the less =]


Smash Journeyman
Jan 9, 2009
ugh, we needed more tvs BADLY

socal needs to step it up

i'll do shoutouts when results are posted, do it east coast style


Smash Champion
May 25, 2005
San Diego, CA
Oh man **** tournament... 64 singles 28 teams.

1: Mango
2: Zhu
3: Lucky
4: Lovage
5: TheBOSS
5: NeighborhoodP
7: Atlus
7: Fly Amanita
9: Azn Lep
9: Luigi
9: Kouryuu
9: Pnoy
13: Doodles
13: Tran
13: PsychoMidget
13: Futile
17: LHG
17: SK
17: Sherigami
17: Abyss
17: Tofu
17: Kira
17: Fabian
17: Nasty Nate
25: Deth
25: Plan 9
25: JDM
25: SD Reaper
25: ASP
25: Pat
25: Jesse
25: Izzy
33: GAT
33: The Great Leon
33: Angry Fist
33: Soid
33: Deleten
33: Pmos
33: Pyro
33: Teet
33: Pnaleek
33: Fred
33: nawnscence
33: Orbit
33: BOK
33: PBS
33: DCMoney
33: Vader
49: Oliwonder
49: BW
49: Sykex
49: Cal
49: Oats
49: JR
49: Gatz
49: DI Guy
49: Genocide
49: Biggy
49: Awex
49: Fate
49: Jew
49: Rez
49: RadicalDreamer
49: Magneto

1: Cameron Gets Carried Banana Banana Teracada Pie (Mango + PsychoMidget)
2: Lucky Feet (Zhu + Lucky)
3: I'm Sorry Futile (Tofu + Lovage)
4: Pup'n Suds (Neighborhood + Atlus)
5: SD Represent (Pnoy + TheBOSS)
5: Luigi Drives Really Slow (Fabian + Luigi)
7: Donkey Punch (Anto + MCP)
7: We're Dead (SK + Jun)
9: Nice Aid Smash (Futile + Kouryuu)
9: SD Reaper + Kira (SD Reaper + Kira)
9: SK Telecom (SA2Jeff + Judd)
9: Speeding Ticket (Abyss + Pyro)
13: Twin Blazes (LHG + Angry Fist)
13: Jackpot (Doodles + ASP)
13: Leon X Plan 9 2gether 4ever (The Great Leon + Plan 9)
13: 2men (Nasty Nate + JDM)
17: Level 9 Lep (Lv 9 CPU + Azn Lep)
17: Helix Smash (Pmos + Fate)
17: Alaskan Pipeline (PBS + GAT)
17: Barrio Havokz (Soid + Oats)
17: Team Scrub Hitler was right (Jew + Genocide)
17: Cute Marshmallows (Deth + Vader)
17: Righteous Kickass (Tran + DCMoney)
17: Female Body Parts (Rez + Fred)
25: Invincible Luck (Deleten + Jesse)
25: FRE (Gatz + Sykex)
25: Dr. Pepper (BOK + Pnaleek)
25: Tukid (Bearclaw + Chinky)

shoutouts tomorrow, i'm tired


Smash Champion
Oct 31, 2007
Irvine CA
I did pretty decent at this tourney imo.

I'm droping sheik for fox now.

I'll do shoutouts when I get on the comp.


Smash Champion
May 25, 2005
San Diego, CA
haha yeah that was a b*tch move on sherigami's part. All sherigami did was tell mango and me to DQ lovage.

"Give him 10 minutes"

"It's been 10 minutes DQ him now"

"45 seconds"

"45 seconds is up DQ him"

Futile, Tofu, Lucky, and Lovage all come back late and we tell them according to the rules they should be DQ'd but we'll leave it up to the opponents (hoping people weren't that f*cked up.) Then sherigami goes up to lovage "You're DQ'd" ah ****.

Then I think he got 4 stocked twice in his next match. One of them was on Pokefloats too... against ICs, yikes. Hahaha. Naaahhhh sherigami's a pretty ok guy, i'm just messin'


Treat Yo' Self
Jul 30, 2007
haha yeah that was a b*tch move on sherigami's part. All sherigami did was tell mango and me to DQ lovage.

"Give him 10 minutes"

"It's been 10 minutes DQ him now"

"45 seconds"

"45 seconds is up DQ him"
I'm NOT impressed Sherigami.

Then I think he got 4 stocked twice in his next match. One of them was on Pokefloats too... against ICs, yikes. Hahaha. Naaahhhh sherigami's a pretty ok guy, i'm just messin'


Smash Journeyman
Jan 9, 2009
1: Mango: Dayumn we didn't play at all today =( Good **** running the bracket
2: Zhu: Your Fox is good, I wanna mm it some more
3: Lucky: I don't lose to Marth =) Green Greens might be my favorite stage in the game now
4: Lovage: Dayumn you look all pro, fourth place in singles and third in doubles with 64 people. It's so weird having you be one of the best of SoCal
5: TheBOSS: Lmao nice bracket
5: NeighborhoodP: Dayumn you beat Lucky
7: Atlus: I shoulda attacked less and kept us together more. I need work on teaming with Jiggs. But meh, we lost to who I think are the best two teams partners in SoCal, non Lucky/Mango edition
7: Fly Amanita: Hey I'm coming over Friday, let's mm
9: Azn Lep: Let's mm
9: Luigi: Let's mm
9: Kouryuu: We mmed four times. Your Peach is legit, so ****ing gay. The more I played it with Marth though the more I learned. Marth's too good
9: Pnoy: Daaamn I wanna play friendlies with this guy
13: PsychoMidget: Good **** beating Tofu
13: Futile: MM me for $5 like Kouryuu, the sets get so intense
17: Sherigami: Come over
17: Tofu: Gotta step it up =(
17: Kira: Yay I learned how to play Sheik dittos again
17: Fabian: Pssh I wanted my $5. But either way maybe now you'll stop talking ish
17: Nasty Nate: Come over

**** I'm getting lazy. Good **** everyone


Smash Hero
Apr 15, 2007
good **** lovage

rep that 805, homie
you know, dogg!!!!!!!!!!!!!

this tourny was fun :bluejump:
tofu is a gangsta
atlus is G
lucky is technical
and p is smart

playing azn_lep and then fly right after each other gave me good training so i learned the matchup later in the set vs. fly. you gotta shiine a lot!!!!
me and tofu were a PRETTY **** team....for anyone who wasnt watching losers finals knows....we got second [

no johns :(


Smash Champion
Aug 15, 2008
Is Celph P... ?

Anyway here are my shoutouts:

Mango - <3 I'm glad I'm one of your favorite Smashers. Your definitely one of my favorite smashers too. Oh and Cactuar *****!

Pat (aznlep) - **** tourney.

Cameron - "Let's do the fork in the garbage disposal!" *CLANK CLANK CLANK* LMAO! Our set was pretty fun. I really did not know which one of us was going to win. We just kept going back and forth. You're spacing is pretty **** good lol.

Kira - I love your Sheik. WD out of shield Ftilt... ahhhh ****. You were seriously DSFing it up in your set against Lovage.

Lovage - LMAO! 50% tech skill, 49% Fox and 1% mindgames. It's like Mango says, it's only a matter of time until Socal catches up to you. But seriously, good **** getting top 5... again! Oh... and I'll make your ***** a$$ MM me one day.

Lucky - I just can't beat your Fox. I don't know what else to say. You seriously **** when you go all out. Hopefully I'll get good enough to put up more of a fight.

P - Our MM's were hella fun. Your Marth is definitely learning the match up. Next time, we'll settle the tie breaker with a fifth MM. Until then, I'll work on my execution of FC's out of shield. And I'll learn to gay it up a notch lol. So until then.

Zhu - I'm glad I got to know you better. Never really had the chance to really talk to you. Let's play a few matches or MM's the next time we meet.

Tofu - Chocksies!! You had that last match in teams. Remember, grabs are good! Lovage is much better in teams than me so I guess you were better off teaming with him.

Derek - Jak and Daxter *****!!!

Brendon - <3

Pat - Your fox got better. Reminds me a bit of Cactuar. Keep it up.

Fly Amanita - your shirt *****.

Sherigami - I don't like you.

Boss - LOL. I heard what happened in your bracket. Sorry but you placing 5th is NOT legit LMAO!


Everyone else - good ****.

Red Robins was ****. Talking about Genesis really got my blood stirring. It's about time I step my game up.


Smash Lord
Nov 7, 2007
San Diego, CA
Today was a lot of fun.

Oats and I bombed and had a blast doing it. Melee and the community is too good. I want to train and become more technical, just get better at melee in general. :]

Props to everyone, especially 805. Love you guys. ;D

Seeya at MLK monday


Smash Ace
Nov 6, 2008
Altadena, CA
Lovage STILL got top 5 even when Sherigami got him DQ'd LOL
That is why I DQ'd him lol

I need to learn more matchups... all I know now is Marth and Sheik(thanks P :)) and everything else is horrible. I still haven't lost to a Marth of Sheik in tourney yet.

DCMoney-Why would you go falco? I wanted to play your Marth or something.



Psychomidget- you have a nice leg

Plan 9- <3

Nasty Nate- Thanks for the ride

P- I hope that frosty was good

Little Fumi- I wanted to play you :(

Noobs who were playing sets during warm ups- **** you


Smash Champion
Oct 31, 2007
Irvine CA
Mango: Let's play some real football sometime :)
Zhu: I didn't get to MM you.
Atlus/Lucky: That shake plus fries combo was the most amazing thing I have ever tasted. I'm getting a shake from now on everytime we goto red robins.
Fly: lol NSer is soo trash.
Azn Lep: Great tourney and was nice to meet you.
Tran: Nice too see another Irvine smasher. I shoulda went fox on CF cause now I know I suck *** against CF with marth. Lets play sometime again.
Cameron: Thanks for the ride. I feel bad for you not taking my gas money :(
Sherigami: That set against lovage was amazing lol.
Tofu: Fun teaming with you in friendlies.
Kira: I'm changing my vote for smasher who can't stay awake to you now.
Fabian: Thanks for the drink.
Nasty Nate: Thanks for teaming with me at the last second. Our one team combo on pokemon stadium was too good.
Plan 9: I'll show you an ANGRY FIST!!!
Pat: Nice hair.
The Great Leon: You're a pretty cool guy.
Pyro: Nice to see you at the tourney. We should play again.
Oats: You're sexy.
DCMoney: Lets play sometime in Irvine.
Awex: Your drawings are too good.
Lucky(again): My Hardcore >>>>>>>> your "hard"core

This tourney ***** even though there wasn't enough setups. I'll for sure come down to the next one.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 23, 2006
woooa i played horrible bah nice to meet everyone and see you again guys see ya the next tourney


Smash Rookie
Dec 16, 2008
I did horrible, but it was my first tournament and I had a great time. Seeing all the top players in SoCal has inspired me to do better, and I can't wait for the 19th. Thanks everyone for making it a great experience
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