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San Antonio Brawl Thread: "K Prime's a ******" - Paw, 2014

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Espy Rose

Dumb horse.
May 31, 2006
Guys, Zigsta's thing is this Saturday, isn't it?
So...who was going, and how are we getting there? :applejack:


Smash Hero
Sep 18, 2006
SA-Town, Texas
Guess I'll be updating everyone here on my Nuzlocke Journey. Using these rules:

Nike. said:
-If a Pokémon faints, you must release it as soon as possible.
-You can only catch the first Pokémon you encounter in a route / cave / town / area. If you defeat the first pokemon you see, tough ****, you get nothing from this area.
-You must nickname your Pokémon.
-If a town you go to contains a body of water or a gift, pokemon like Bill’s Eevee in G/S/C/HG/SS, that may be considered a Pokemon of a new area.
-If your entire party faints, they all must be thrown away. If you have a pokemon left in a box somewhere, you may continue, otherwise you must start your game over.
-You are, under no circumstance, allowed to use healing items outside of battle.
-You may not switch out before the enemy trainer sends in a new Pokemon.
-You are not allowed to use legendaries in battle.
Chapter 1: Close Calls Already

Version: Heartgold
Trainer: Nike (Almost went female)
Badges: 0
Location: New Bark
Status: Prepping for the journey to Violet.

SR'd for a Modest Cyndaquil, since it's the only chance in the game that I'll be able to. I named him Blaze. Did the errands for the professors. ***** my rival who I named Reigun. Got my first poke balls and found the first route for pkmn. Rattata/Geodude/Spearow roams the area. Wanted anyone but Rattata, guess who pops up? I named him Penis cuz I realized how much of it I'd receive this challenge. However, Penis has an adamant nature, so he's growing on me.

Next route was hoping for anything not rattata. Spinarak. Penis gets poisoned after first tackle. Second tackle will put him in yellow/red. Crithax, Spinarak dies. Walk to the next patch of grass to initiate a battle to heal. When I make the grass, 1HP. Heartgold automatically heals poisoned pkmn at 1HP but you still have to sacrifice them if they get to zero. So I made it barely.

Went to the route past Violet City. BEGGING for a Mareep that I know won't pop up. Hoppip. Yuck. Named it wind, though she's PC fodder for now with her splash/synthesize movepool.

At this point things aren't looking good for the Gastly I want in Sprout Tower. Every move I have is normal/fighting, leveling for anything else will OHKO at that point. I can get Zubat for stall catch with leech life or unknown for hidden power. Check dark cave. Geodude. Though I needed zubat this oneee time, at least Geodude makes a nice addition. Named her Rammus (lol).

Unknown is my last chance. Caught one and named if Life. Went to Sprout Tower. No idea what type HP is, god forbid it ends up super effective. Game was nice enough this time to let me see my 85% rate gastly (srsly, **** cubonehax). HP does half life. First pokeball catches it, a strike of luck.

Burned through Sprout Tower til my starter evolved into Quilava. Got rock throw with Rammus and ***** the gym. Got togepi egg afterwards.

In a perfect world I'd have gotten Geodude/Mareep/Gastly, so getting 2/3 isn't that bad. REALLY gonna miss not having Mareep, though :(

For the road ahead, Eevee is free in Goldenrod. Abra's in the route before then. Taunt is in Ilex Forest, so I'll teach that to Gastly. Combined with Hypnosis and Night Shade (no crithax) and just maybe I'll get my Abra. Lapras is free in Union Cave (repeling during first runthrough lol). Won't be using the free Dratini since I'm hardcapping my team at 42 for the Elitefour, and Dragonair sucks at that point. Few routes with Abra/Mareep/Flaffy before then, could get lucky. By then I'll know what to evolve my Eevee into.

As for now:

Current Team said:
Blaze lvl 14
Penis lvl 9
Ramms lvl 12
Sweetooth lvl 3
Off to Azelea.


Smash Hero
Oct 28, 2008
Guess I'll be updating everyone here on my Nuzlocke Journey. Using these rules:

Chapter 1: Close Calls Already

Version: Heartgold
Trainer: Nike (Almost went female)
Badges: 0
Location: New Bark
Status: Prepping for the journey to Violet.

SR'd for a Modest Cyndaquil, since it's the only chance in the game that I'll be able to. I named him Blaze. Did the errands for the professors. ***** my rival who I named Reigun. Got my first poke balls and found the first route for pkmn. Rattata/Geodude/Spearow roams the area. Wanted anyone but Rattata, guess who pops up? I named him Penis cuz I realized how much of it I'd receive this challenge. However, Penis has an adamant nature, so he's growing on me.

Next route was hoping for anything not rattata. Spinarak. Penis gets poisoned after first tackle. Second tackle will put him in yellow/red. Crithax, Spinarak dies. Walk to the next patch of grass to initiate a battle to heal. When I make the grass, 1HP. Heartgold automatically heals poisoned pkmn at 1HP but you still have to sacrifice them if they get to zero. So I made it barely.

Went to the route past Violet City. BEGGING for a Mareep that I know won't pop up. Hoppip. Yuck. Named it wind, though she's PC fodder for now with her splash/synthesize movepool.

At this point things aren't looking good for the Gastly I want in Sprout Tower. Every move I have is normal/fighting, leveling for anything else will OHKO at that point. I can get Zubat for stall catch with leech life or unknown for hidden power. Check dark cave. Geodude. Though I needed zubat this oneee time, at least Geodude makes a nice addition. Named her Rammus (lol).

Unknown is my last chance. Caught one and named if Life. Went to Sprout Tower. No idea what type HP is, god forbid it ends up super effective. Game was nice enough this time to let me see my 85% rate gastly (srsly, **** cubonehax). HP does half life. First pokeball catches it, a strike of luck.

Burned through Sprout Tower til my starter evolved into Quilava. Got rock throw with Rammus and ***** the gym. Got togepi egg afterwards.

In a perfect world I'd have gotten Geodude/Mareep/Gastly, so getting 2/3 isn't that bad. REALLY gonna miss not having Mareep, though :(

For the road ahead, Eevee is free in Goldenrod. Abra's in the route before then. Taunt is in Ilex Forest, so I'll teach that to Gastly. Combined with Hypnosis and Night Shade (no crithax) and just maybe I'll get my Abra. Lapras is free in Union Cave (repeling during first runthrough lol). Won't be using the free Dratini since I'm hardcapping my team at 42 for the Elitefour, and Dragonair sucks at that point. Few routes with Abra/Mareep/Flaffy before then, could get lucky. By then I'll know what to evolve my Eevee into.

As for now:

Off to Azelea.
I will follow this closely. All the fun of playing pokemon without the hours of being bored to death. Thank you Nike.


Smash Hero
Sep 18, 2006
SA-Town, Texas
Chapter 1: Close Calls Already

Chapter 2: The Slow Grind

Naturally, while wandering through Route 32 the second time, every ****ing wild pkmn was a Mareep -_- Got a Shell Bell at the Union Cave entrance, a nice item for nuzlocke. Also got Bullet Seed and Miracle Seed. Hippop became semi-viable for Water pkmn since my team gets ***** by them (the bridge I just did was surprisingly scary).

Repeled through all of Union Cave. Saving this area for Lapras later, easily the best water pkmn pre elite four.

Route on the other side. Another Rattata. Named him Morepenis. Boxed (hopefully for life).

15% rate for Slowpoke in the well. Found a Zubat, named her Batman (wtf was i thinking). Got the Fast Ball from Kurt, which is going to be extremely useful for catching Abra (not that I'll ever see him with my luck). Cleared the Gym except for Bugsy. Togepi evolved around here. Named him Aight cuz I was like "Aight" when it happened.

Took on Reigun outside Ilex forest. This parts funny. Bite from Penis eats Gastly up. Rei sends out Crocnaw, which is 4 lvls over me.

Croc flinches.
hardly any damage was done, I'll do tail whip and spam quick attack.
Tail Whip.
Crow uses Scary Face.
Quick Attack.
Water Gun.
Does 2/3'rd life to Penis. At this point I'm ready to sacrifice him to get that extra damage.
Quick Attack.
Croc uses Scary Face.
Quick Attack.
Croc fainted.

Reigun, you suck at this game. Took out the remaining Zubat. I now have a newfound love for Penis (I dare someone to make that line their new sig) for soloing Croc while underleveled. What a champ.

Went to the forest for Cut and a new pkmn. Oddish would be GREAT since Hoppip sucks bawls.

Wild Zubat Appeared.

I just ran away. I didn't need him and he didn't need me. Afterwards, I saw 10 Oddish in a row. I swear the pkmn gods lay awake at night, thinking of ways to torture me. Anyway, got Cut, picked up Charcoal, and ready to fight Bugsy. I've been sending out Gastly first for leveling up lately, figured I'd do the same for his Metapod/Kakuna. What I completely forgot, however, was that in Heartgold Bugsy sends out Scyther first. I freaked out, but realized that Rammus walls him pretty hard. Easy badge.

Outside of getting a much needed fast ball (lol) and Penis soloing the Croc, nothing big in this chapter. This part was always kinda slow whenever anybody plays it. Next chapter is gonna be huge since it affects 1/3 of the team I want for the Elite Four and ****ing cowzilla from the gym. Still thinking out a strategy for that thing.

Current Team said:
Blaze lvl 17
Penis lvl 15
Rammus lvl 15
Sweetooth lvl 11
Wind lvl 10
Aight lvl1
Gawdddd I hope I see Abra.


Smash Hero
Sep 18, 2006
SA-Town, Texas
Just battled her. The pokemon gods seriously have the biggest vendetta against me. It can't be possible to have luck this bad.


Smash Hero
Sep 18, 2006
SA-Town, Texas
Chapter 1: Close Calls Already
Chapter 2: The Slow Grind

Chapter 3: Hunting before the Storm

Made the quick journey through Ilex Forest. Picked up a useful Taunt at the end. Taunt/MeanLook/Hypnosis/NightShade on Gastly will make anythng for the next few areas easily catchable, mainly Abra. Night Shade is at lvl15, though. And since Cowzilla is at the next gym, I need to be high enough to stand a chance. I breeze through every trainer in the route below Goldenrod, Underground Tunnel, National Park, and the 2 Routes surrounding it.

After I cleared all of that, it was time to collect some well earned prizes. First Area has Abra at 10% and Drowzee at 50%. Rest is Rattata and 5% Ditto. REALLYYYYY hoping for an Abra, but Drowzee is acceptable. I pray to the gods for no rattata.

Wild Drowzee Appeared. Caught her and named her Grimm.

Next route. 10% for Abra, 60% for the Nidorans. I'm a Nidoking/queen fan, so I wasn't too upset when female showed up. Still, no Abra :(

Next route has Nidorans and Growlithe. Though I have Quilava, Growlithe would make a nice backup. No Roarhax with taunt either. However, ANOTHER Nidoran female -_-

National Park was last. Hoothoot is 100% at night. Since I have no legit flying type, I took him and named him Wootwoot.

Cleared the Gym except for Whitney. Nothing else to do but tackle her. I had to plan every last move/detail for her Miltank because:

  • Stomp, Rollout, Attract, Milk Drain
  • Ability "Scrappy" makes Stomp hit Gastly
  • Stomp in general is stupid strong from STAB
  • Rollout will obliterate Quilava/Gastly/Raticate when it builds
  • Most of my team consists of horny males
  • Her lack of super potions won't matter cuz of Milk Drink

In past experience (non nuzlocke), I'd Kamikaze Quilava with Smokescreens and kill her with someone else while she misses. Can't do that now. Or Gastly Curse Kamikaze.

However, there was hope. Rammus (Geodude) is female, so attract is gone. Stomp and Rollout are both not very effective. Sweet, Miltank is walled. She also knew Rock Smash, super effective ticky tack damage but lowering that important defense stat. So I decided to send Rammus out against Clefairy, Defense Curl a few times, use "X Attack" 2 times (I had em so why not lol), pop a lemonade, and sweep.

As precautions, I withdrew nidoran and drowzee. Taught drowzee reflect in case I need to shave off the damage for 5 turns and buy time. Nidoran for Growl/Tail Whip and Poison Barb when she stomps. They'd die in 2 turns, but they can buy me time to heal someone else or get that important buff/status change. A nice stall out strategy. Bought about 6 Lemonades, Bringing my total potion count to 8. Should be enough.

Placed Rammus up front, saved, took a deep breath and started.

Current Team said:
Blaze lvl 21
Penis lvl 20
Rammus lvl 20
Sweetooth lvl 17
Sona lvl 12
Grimm lvl 12


Smash Lord
Jan 21, 2010
I've never seen so many contingency plans for one fight. That was more detailed than some of the competitive metagame. :o

Saturday is Zigasta?! I'm offfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff. **** yeah.

Malice Chains

Smash Journeyman
Oct 18, 2011
I was wondering what happen. That same guy kept running away from us then the 2nd time "OH LOOK SLUSH IS RUNNING INTO A WALL, FREE KILL"

I'll get better tho, already doing better today then before.


Smash Hero
Sep 18, 2006
SA-Town, Texas
Chapter 1: Close Calls Already
Chapter 2: The Slow Grind
Chapter 3: Hunting before the Storm

Chapter 4: Whitney

Current Team said:
Blaze lvl 21
Penis lvl 20
Rammus lvl 20
Sweetooth lvl 17
Sona lvl 12
Grimm lvl 12
I like the new design they did to this gym :) Sent Rammus up first. The plan is to stack defense curls and use 2 "X Attack" items, then re-heal up and sweep both pkmn via Magnitude/Rock Throw. She also knew Rock Smash for the super effective ticky tack damage, but it lowers the defense stat in case the cow still has too much life. Also female, so attract won't work. The plan was perfect.

Rammus used Rock Smash.
It's super effective.
Clefairy's defense was lowered.
Clefairy used Mimic.
Clefairy learned Rock Smash.

Well another Rock Smash will kill her. Her getting Rock Smash isn't that bad, it won't do any damage. Stacking Defense Curl's will take a little longer however, but no biggie.

Next 5 turns I used Defense Curl while she used Rock Smash. After 5 turns, I was +2. Kinda slow, but not in danger at least. Everything's going as planned.

Rammus used Defense Curl.
Clefairy used Metronome.

Oh sweet, got a free Defense boost. Now I can use those 2 "X Attack's". Wonder what move she-

Clefairy used Bubblebeam.
It's super effective.
Rammus fainted.

Here's me for the next minute: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gdPHPt3Yey4

I took a few minutes to collect my thoughts after going through the most intense inner rage I've had since the Cubonehax in the last challenge. Blaze actually had trouble killing the *****. Super Potion + 2 Metronomes put him at half health. Finally, she's gone.

Miltank time. Gulp.

Smokescreen will be extremely useful here. Occasional misses from Stomp/Rollout, but Rollout count resets if it misses in the middle of a combo. That is a very big deal.

Miltank used Attract.
Blaze fell in love.
Blaze is immobilized.

**** **** ****ity **** **** ****. Cmon dude. You've got flames coming out of your back, and she's a COW :( Withdrew and sent out Drowzee. He's def dieing to a few stomps, but he can get off an important Reflect. Withdrew him, sent out Nidoran. Backup plan #2: Get Miltank poisoned from Poison Barb.

Nike withdrew Grimm.
Nike sent out Sona.
Miltank used stomp.

****, even with Reflect, that still took more than half. Worst of all, no poison.

Miltank used stomp.
Sona fainted.

You gotta be ****ing me. Your telling me that I can go outside, stomp on some poison barefoot, and be okay? Thank you for inspiring me, Nintendo.

So no poison. Sent out Grimm, but she just dies next turn.

Current Team said:
Blaze lvl 21 half health
Penis lvl 20
Rammus lvl 20
Sweetooth lvl 17
Sona lvl 12
Grimm lvl 12
Every single plan and precaution I took for this battle failed at this point. Bubblewtfbeamhax + No Smokescreen + No Poison after 2 Stomps. At this point, things are looking grim. When Reflect goes down in 2 turns, I'm completely exposed. Maybe I should send out Quilava and pray that Smokescreen hits before getting too horny from the sight of utters. If so, I could heal, hope for a miss, Leer that defense, and repeat. But his health is already half. Can't sacrifice him in a nuzlocke in case things don't go as planned (I lol'd, when did anything work?)

Nike sent out Penis.

Newly evolved Penis is the only pkmn that will attack first. Sporting Rock Smash, Bit, Hyper Fang, Cut. I could Rock Smash spam for the lowered defense. Just going for pure damage will constantly be negated by Milk Drink. Bite for flinching won't be worth it cuz she'll still heal up in later turns. No, I have to grind it out with Rock Smash and get that defense lowered. Only then can I do damage, and also give Blaze another move with Quick Attack. Sweetooth is completely worthless outside of unreliable Hypnosis. Glass Cannon, would die to 2 hits and I need him for later.

Despite my last ditch effort of Rock Smash, the catch: Attract will make life a living hell.

Penis used Rock Smash.
Miltank used Attract.

No lowered defense and Attract. Let the games begin. Penis, please fight your urges.

Penis is in love.
Penis is immobilized.
Miltank used stomp.

Penis is in love.
Penis used Rock Smash.
Miltank's defense was lowered.
Miltank used Milk Drink.

YESSSSSS, that's one. Idc about Milk Drink, just hoping for lowered defenses at this point. Penis can take 2 stomps before needing a heal. Don't think he could survive 3.

Penis is in love.
Penis used Rock Smash.
Miltank used Stomp.

Maybeeeee he'll live if I use him an extra turn. I shouldn't be tempting fate already, but I'll go for it.

Penis is in love.
Penis is immobilized.
Miltank used Milk Drink.

Penis is in love.
Penis used Rock Smash.
Miltank used Stomp.

Oh ****, 3 HP. I'm scared, but at least he's alive. I healed.

For the next 13 turns, I either healed, was immobilized by love, or connected a Rock Smash that didn't lower defense (5 of them).

So here I am, 1 Lemonade left. I've hit with 8 Rock Smashes, only ONCE did it lower defense. I'm losing the stall war because of this. In about 4-5 turns, Penis will die and my Blaze will get *****, gg.

Penis is in love.
Penis used Rock Smash.
Miltank's defense was lowered.
Miltank used Milk Drink.

Holy ****, it worked for once.

Penis is in love.
Penis used Rock Smash.
Miltank's defense was lowered.
Miltank used Rollout.

OMG. Another lowered defense, brings the count to 3. What I also hadn't realized was that Miltank was losing PP to stomp and Milk Drink. She was also stalling, and it finally clicked on me. If she did have any left, she just locked herself into Rollout with 1/3'rd health. Rollout will kill me in 2 turns. Also down to one Lemonade, no more stalling. I need one successful Rock Smash (Hyper Fang is too inaccurate at this point). Goddddd, please let my Penis ignore the utters and hit her in the next 2 turns.

Penis is in love.
Penis is immobilized.
Miltank used rollout.

****. Ths next rollout is going be very stong. If I heal, rollout will bring me to less than half anyway. I'd still be relying on one turn to hit. If it fails, Quilava is at half health and Gastly will be OHKO'd. It'd be over. Literally, I win the game if I hit right here or I lose the game if I'm immobilized by love. This is it.

Penis is in love.
Penis used Rock Smash.
Miltank fainted.

Probably one of, if not, the most intense ingame battle I've ever had.

Penis for President.
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