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Sakurai does not want Smash to be a competitive franchise


Banned (62 points)
Jul 11, 2005
Edmonds, Washington
change my mind about the contents of this thread? no - it's clear that sakurai doesn't want this game to be competitive.

also - brawl is still pretty horrible. lol


Smash Hero
Jan 3, 2006
He means change your mind about giving up on Brawl. And yes, it is pretty horrible.


Smash Lord
Aug 1, 2008
I hope brawl goes on the same road as melee did. In 1-2 years becoming more hardcore...
probobly not though.


Young Link Extraordinaire
Jul 21, 2005
Personally, I'd be all for tournaments that hosted Melee singles and Brawl doubles. I hate Melee doubles and Brawl singles.

Eddie G

Smash Hero
Nov 24, 2006
Cleveland, OH
I'm trying desperately to dig deeper into Brawl's possibilities, but so far...no such luck. I've already started playing Melee again for the most part. The Melee tournaments give me more of a competitive rush anyway. Brawl tournies make me yawn. :(


Smash Rookie
Feb 28, 2008
There is way too much pessimism here. Sure, Sakurai doesn't want us doing what we're doing, but that's no reason to not do what we enjoy doing. I love Smash way too much to give up Brawl. I've been playing since SSB. Back in the day, I'd practice with my Fox just to beat my cousin. Then I found Melee and years later the competitive scene. While I had not had a chance to compete, I actively practiced, played against my friends, watched videos and paid attention to the competitive scene in general. With Brawl here, I don't want that to change. I'm looking into the competitive scene again but I come here and everyone's trying to put each other down. This thread is way too negative.

Shut up and play.


Smash Ace
Jul 28, 2008
West Coast
There is way too much pessimism here. Sure, Sakurai doesn't want us doing what we're doing, but that's no reason to not do what we enjoy doing. I love Smash way too much to give up Brawl. I've been playing since SSB. Back in the day, I'd practice with my Fox just to beat my cousin. Then I found Melee and years later the competitive scene. While I had not had a chance to compete, I actively practiced, played against my friends, watched videos and paid attention to the competitive scene in general. With Brawl here, I don't want that to change. I'm looking into the competitive scene again but I come here and everyone's trying to put each other down. This thread is way too negative.

Shut up and play.
Your attempts at peace talk are futile.
Pessimism and testosterone are the two most common things you'll find on the internet.

Smooth Criminal

Da Cheef
Oct 18, 2006
Hinckley, Minnesota
Your attempts at peace talk are futile.
Pessimism and testosterone are the two most common things you'll find on the internet.

Follow your own advice and just play the game. If you don't wanna sully yourself in the midst of our debates, then don't. As I recall, this forum was designed to be a medium for these sort of talks--especially in SPECIFIC threads like this one.

Smooth Criminal


Smash Hero
Jan 3, 2006
There is way too much pessimism here. Sure, Sakurai doesn't want us doing what we're doing, but that's no reason to not do what we enjoy doing. I love Smash way too much to give up Brawl. I've been playing since SSB. Back in the day, I'd practice with my Fox just to beat my cousin. Then I found Melee and years later the competitive scene. While I had not had a chance to compete, I actively practiced, played against my friends, watched videos and paid attention to the competitive scene in general. With Brawl here, I don't want that to change. I'm looking into the competitive scene again but I come here and everyone's trying to put each other down. This thread is way too negative.

Shut up and play.
And here, ladies and gentlemen, we see the wild scrub in his natural habitat. The wild scrub usually doesn't thrive in areas that have a large competitive population, but it seems that, somehow, more and more are arising every day. The wild scrub usually only leaves its nest to either feed, or ***** and moan about competitive gamers.

Smooth Criminal

Da Cheef
Oct 18, 2006
Hinckley, Minnesota
And here, ladies and gentlemen, we see the wild scrub in his natural habitat. The wild scrub usually doesn't thrive in areas that have a large competitive population, but it seems that, somehow, more and more are arising every day. The wild scrub usually only leaves its nest to either feed, or ***** and moan about competitive gamers.

*points at the wild scrub.*

Smooth Criminal


Smash Hero
Oct 20, 2006
Tempe, AZ
This is Coreygames with SA-X Action News,

It seems moderators arrived on the scene of this thread today to find quite the disturbing picture. It appears that heat was high in downtown Brawl when an unnamed stranger try to beat conviction into the minds of the people here. While somewhat use to the treatment of such tourists, the folks here didn't take to kindly to those words.

*I'm standing here with Texasluv2885, a witness to the day's events. Now, tell us, what exactly happened?
-It was horrible. He *sniff* was just walking down the street when all of a sudden a bunch of Melee vets jumped him. Oh my god... oh my god..
*Can you describe what they did?
-They each held a torch and then beat him down with it. *rubs eye* It happened so fast. I can't believe it. I can't believe it. Why? Why...
*What did you do?
-I got on my phone and called the mods. They came over to this thread and infractioned the jerks. Those *** holes. They had it *sniffle* coming.
*What about the victim mam?
-Well, some other people from the 08 bus gave him a ride back to Meet & Greet general hospital. Thanks god for them. *Wipes tear*
*Thank you, god bless you.

And there you have it. The war torn city of Smashville puts another one in the books. How much longer must we endure though? When will the breaking limit be reached?

Be sure to catch our follow up report next Tuesday when we also look into other crimes reported in Smashville such as spamming, censor bypassing, and ban dodging in our 3 hour special, "Obvious Troll is Obvious" starting at 8pm. Now, back to the news room with Gimpyfish. Gimpy?

The Slayer

Apr 16, 2007
New World
There is way too much pessimism here. Sure, Sakurai doesn't want us doing what we're doing, but that's no reason to not do what we enjoy doing. I love Smash way too much to give up Brawl. I've been playing since SSB. Back in the day, I'd practice with my Fox just to beat my cousin. Then I found Melee and years later the competitive scene. While I had not had a chance to compete, I actively practiced, played against my friends, watched videos and paid attention to the competitive scene in general. With Brawl here, I don't want that to change. I'm looking into the competitive scene again but I come here and everyone's trying to put each other down. This thread is way too negative.

Shut up and play.
Well done jolly good fellow! You know how to put those whiners in there place. It's people like you that makes this forum a better place for everyone.



Smash Lord
Aug 6, 2006
This thread has been a "Melee vs Brawl" thread in disguise for about 113 and a half pages. No one even cares about Gimpy's original point. Gimpy, don't let this once meaningful thread fail any harder than it already has. Put this puppy to sleep.


Smash Champion
Aug 24, 2008
Not wasting countless hours on a 10 man community
This thread has been a "Melee vs Brawl" thread in disguise for about 113 and a half pages. No one even cares about Gimpy's original point. Gimpy, don't let this once meaningful thread fail any harder than it already has. Put this puppy to sleep.
You do know Gimpyfish is banned and thus can't close the thread right?

Edit: *Checks his posting record, sees him still posting, notices the amount of points is same as the number after username*

. . .That some sort of joke or something?

Golem the Stern Father

Smash Champion
Jan 26, 2008
TyfighterLAND. Location#2: Illinois? Yeah.
You do know Gimpyfish is banned and thus can't close the thread right?

Edit: *Checks his posting record, sees him still posting, notices the amount of points is same as the number after username*

. . .That some sort of joke or something?
Amusing mindgame is amusing.
Yes, it is a joke (or something). Premium members, mods, ect. have the ability to change the sub-title below their username.

This thread will be closed, the only question is when. We're going in circles, already proving that Sakurai does not want Smash to be competative-based (mainly from Iwata Asks). This is strikingly similar to the same thing that happened in the "Meta Knight Should/Will Be Banned" thread, oh AlphaZealot...


Smash Champion
Mar 18, 2008
Switch FC
This is Coreygames with SA-X Action News,

It seems moderators arrived on the scene of this thread today to find quite the disturbing picture. It appears that heat was high in downtown Brawl when an unnamed stranger try to beat conviction into the minds of the people here. While somewhat use to the treatment of such tourists, the folks here didn't take to kindly to those words.

*I'm standing here with Texasluv2885, a witness to the day's events. Now, tell us, what exactly happened?
-It was horrible. He *sniff* was just walking down the street when all of a sudden a bunch of Melee vets jumped him. Oh my god... oh my god..
*Can you describe what they did?
-They each held a torch and then beat him down with it. *rubs eye* It happened so fast. I can't believe it. I can't believe it. Why? Why...
*What did you do?
-I got on my phone and called the mods. They came over to this thread and infractioned the jerks. Those *** holes. They had it *sniffle* coming.
*What about the victim mam?
-Well, some other people from the 08 bus gave him a ride back to Meet & Greet general hospital. Thanks god for them. *Wipes tear*
*Thank you, god bless you.

And there you have it. The war torn city of Smashville puts another one in the books. How much longer must we endure though? When will the breaking limit be reached?

Be sure to catch our follow up report next Tuesday when we also look into other crimes reported in Smashville such as spamming, censor bypassing, and ban dodging in our 3 hour special, "Obvious Troll is Obvious" starting at 8pm. Now, back to the news room with Gimpyfish. Gimpy?
This was an awesome report.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 8, 2008
This is Coreygames with SA-X Action News,

It seems moderators arrived on the scene of this thread today to find quite the disturbing picture. It appears that heat was high in downtown Brawl when an unnamed stranger try to beat conviction into the minds of the people here. While somewhat use to the treatment of such tourists, the folks here didn't take to kindly to those words.

*I'm standing here with Texasluv2885, a witness to the day's events. Now, tell us, what exactly happened?
-It was horrible. He *sniff* was just walking down the street when all of a sudden a bunch of Melee vets jumped him. Oh my god... oh my god..
*Can you describe what they did?
-They each held a torch and then beat him down with it. *rubs eye* It happened so fast. I can't believe it. I can't believe it. Why? Why...
*What did you do?
-I got on my phone and called the mods. They came over to this thread and infractioned the jerks. Those *** holes. They had it *sniffle* coming.
*What about the victim mam?
-Well, some other people from the 08 bus gave him a ride back to Meet & Greet general hospital. Thanks god for them. *Wipes tear*
*Thank you, god bless you.

And there you have it. The war torn city of Smashville puts another one in the books. How much longer must we endure though? When will the breaking limit be reached?
The outside world is frightening. :O

Excluding the obvious flaming going on, what I think the guy was trying to say (even if he let his irritation get the best of him) is that we shouldn't dismiss competitive Brawl an impossibility or failure.

And RDK didn't actually give me an answer to my questions. :(


is a social misfit
Sep 2, 2008
Gimpyfish had some good points.

But all this thread has degenerated into is a Melee VS. Brawl argument, that isn't leading anybody anywhere.

Drop it. People are going to have their preferences, and that's not going to change, no matter how many faults, or points you can find about that game.

Sheesh. >_>

They are both good games.

Seriously, they are.

Jack Kieser

Smash Champion
Jan 11, 2008
Seattle, WA
Agreed wholeheartedly.
Disagree wholeheartedly. One is the best game ever made, a beautiful work of art delivered to Earth by the all-caring hands of God himself, while the other is a blood-soaked abomination, a swirling maelstrom of pain and suffering brought forth by the 3rd wife of Beezelbub with the sole purpose of destroying our immortal souls.

I'm sure you can gather which is which.


Smash Hero
Jan 3, 2006
And RDK didn't actually give me an answer to my questions. :(
That's because it was a stupid argument on your part and there really was nothing to reply to. You kind of refuted yourself.

That's either massive sarcasm, or RDK got a hold of Jack Kieser's account.
^ Mad hax.

Edit: Ah, what the hell. I'm bored.

That's fine then. Just one question if I may: what if you lose?
Then that means I probably deserved to lose, and the person I was playing against probably deserved to win. The problem with Brawl is that the player who deserves to win doesn't 100% of the time. Bad for competitition.

I'm not sure you're using play in the proper sense there. 'Work' sounds like a more appropriate verb: I play lightly, I play for myself when I'm playing by myself, but when I'm playing with other people I want them to have fun too. Like you said, who the hell are you to decide for me what's fun and what's not fun? :D
Then don't p!ss and moan about competitives ruining the experience for you. If that's how you want to play, that's perfectly fine. Find a group of casuals who have the same principles as you. But I can tell you right now that the tournament scene is probably not the place for you.


Smash Champion
Jul 6, 2005
Raleigh, NC
LOL_Master, I don't understand why you haven't been banned yet. I don't think you've ever actually contributed to discussion ever. <3 /hug. You're awesome.

oh guys btw, what does sakurai think of THIS BOOK



Smash Champion
Mar 18, 2008
Switch FC
Sakurai probably read it...

Then did Brawl...

Think about it.


You know what? I am good.
Apr 7, 2008
This is Coreygames with SA-X Action News,

It seems moderators arrived on the scene of this thread today to find quite the disturbing picture. It appears that heat was high in downtown Brawl when an unnamed stranger try to beat conviction into the minds of the people here. While somewhat use to the treatment of such tourists, the folks here didn't take to kindly to those words.

*I'm standing here with Texasluv2885, a witness to the day's events. Now, tell us, what exactly happened?
-It was horrible. He *sniff* was just walking down the street when all of a sudden a bunch of Melee vets jumped him. Oh my god... oh my god..
*Can you describe what they did?
-They each held a torch and then beat him down with it. *rubs eye* It happened so fast. I can't believe it. I can't believe it. Why? Why...
*What did you do?
-I got on my phone and called the mods. They came over to this thread and infractioned the jerks. Those *** holes. They had it *sniffle* coming.
*What about the victim mam?
-Well, some other people from the 08 bus gave him a ride back to Meet & Greet general hospital. Thanks god for them. *Wipes tear*
*Thank you, god bless you.

And there you have it. The war torn city of Smashville puts another one in the books. How much longer must we endure though? When will the breaking limit be reached?

Be sure to catch our follow up report next Tuesday when we also look into other crimes reported in Smashville such as spamming, censor bypassing, and ban dodging in our 3 hour special, "Obvious Troll is Obvious" starting at 8pm. Now, back to the news room with Gimpyfish. Gimpy?
This is awesome. I look forward to the "Obvious Troll is Obvious" special.

Excluding the obvious flaming going on, what I think the guy was trying to say (even if he let his irritation get the best of him) is that we shouldn't dismiss competitive Brawl an impossibility or failure.
People have been saying "Oh, just give Brawl more time!" for months now. Yes, it hasn't been a full year or two yet. But no, Brawl still hasn't proven itself to be worthy.
Once a few years have passed and Brawl still hasn't proven its worth, you'll know me very well...

I'll be the guy saying "I TOLD YOU SO!!!"
Then again, I'll probably still hear "JUST GIV BRALW MOAR TIEM GUISE!"

They are both good games.
Opinion. :p

Wow, you take every thing in an absolute or not at all way. Its either all or none for you isn't it? Either your with me or against me is how you seem to think. You might want to reread and rethink Jack Kieser's arguement.
Yeah...RDK speaks the truth.

Sith > Jedi.

I don't see why...if Brawl is so bad....why people are still playing it and complaining. No one's forcing them to play, so just put the Wiimotes down and play Melee to your hearts content and quit complaining.
Because it's new? Because it's shiny? Because everyone and their grandmother is playing it and you're likely to have more of an opportunity to play and/or make money if you play Brawl, not Melee?
I could go on.

And no, I'm not going to stop complaining. I can't wait until I make a blog rant about idiots telling you you're not to complain about things, I'll just link to it every time this happens.
I already play Melee. I still want to complain. Oddly enough, I don't need your approval to do so. Isn't it funny how unfair life can be sometimes?

Disagree with me, fine, as long as your points aren't idiotic. Tell me I'm not allowed to make my opinion vocal, NOT fine.

The most annoying thing is when people complain about things like this. They have the choice to play it or not, yet they continue to play despite everything they say if wrong with the game. Smash isn't meant to be competitive. The creators have said over and over that its for the casual player, which means the competitive crybabies or out of luck with their soundless cries for a more complex game.
Metroid isn't meant to be sequence-broken (except for Zero Mission), speed ran, or 1% ran either. But the dedicated Metroid fans do those things anyways, despite the fact that it may be a little difficult to pull it off.


Nintendo is targeting the hardcore audience. Don't let that E3 performance fool you.
If I had a penny for every time I heard some moron assume E3 is the only thing that might make someone believe that Nintendo's not targeting the hardcore players...I still wouldn't spend a cent of it on 90% of the Wii's library.

With the Wii? The hell you smoking?
And this.

Three things being done wrong:

1.The hatred towards Sakurai
2.The hatred towards Brawl
3.The hatred towards 08ers because of Brawl
1. More anger and disappointment than hate, but whatever. Either way, we're allowed to have an opinion and you can't tell us it's wrong; it's an opinion. I know, there's life being unfair again, right?

2. Again, life's unfair. We're allowed to hate Brawl. This is the most stupid thing I've ever heard, saying that it's WRONG of us to hate Brawl.

3. There are some people who stereotype against '08ers because of Brawl. Others hate '08ers once they've proven their stupidity. I don't really ever target anyone because they're an '08er, as that would be hypocritical, but...it's not wrong to hate '08ers once they prove stupidity.

See, it's stuff like this that confuses me about 'competitive Smash'. If anyone would have the right to define the 'natural' or 'correct' way to do anything, shouldn't that right be assigned to the game designer? I mean, it's fine if we don't agree, but shouldn't only he have the right to say, 'No, this is how it's supposed to work.' After all, he designed the game. He knows what the design documents say (he wrote them), and how the game is supposed to operate on a base level.

Anything we do that contradicts the design documents, by very definition, is automatically 'unnatural', even if the game allows it because 'supposed to' and 'natural' assume intention, and even game programming can contradict design intention.
Yeah...except he said the natural way to play competitively. Since, as you pointed out, they didn't design competitivity, I think we can invent what's natural for competitivity.

It's not hate, it's disappointment. He made a great game, then he made a better game, and then to top it off he... made a worse game. Well, are we suppose to pat his back and say, "Thanks champ?" I don't hate him, but I wish that he had kept the series going in the direction it was heading instead of making it twist harder than an M Night movie.

Brawl is the black sheep in the family. The other games were great fighters as well as balls on the wall fun to play. Brawl is only fun to play as the competitive part has been gimped in an effort to please a different crowed from our own. In essence, he was trying to avoid us doing what we are trying to do now, and he's succeeding. We don't like Brawl because we are fighting IT instead of each other when we play.

No, I hate 08ers that come here thinking that because they are the best out of their group of 4-8 friends that they know just as much as people that have been around here for years. They throw out their opinions and ask for equality when they don't even know what they are talking about. Most haven't even been to a tourny but want to make decisions on how we play the game in tournaments. Almost every 08er right now is a contradictory competitive player who came here to play a casual game semi-competitively.

If you don't know anything, don't say anything. Sit back and learn for once.
I agree with this all. Including the '08ers part, despite that, again, I'm an '08er.

1. I'm not a typical 08er I go to tournaments and I do good. Like I said check the threds to see the hatred towards Sakurai.
Clearly you don't do "good" in English class. Or didn't do "good", if you somehow managed to graduate with that kind of spelling/grammar.

At the end of the day I know just as much (if not more) about competitive smash as you. There's nothing you can teach me.
No, you don't. Nice try, though.
(Not talking about me, talking about coreygames, just in case there's any confusion.)


1. You are the definition of an 08er. A Brawl fanboy with little understanding of the history and philosophy of competitive Smash built up in this community by years of playing Melee.

2. This is an internet forum. It is made for b/tching and moaning.

3. Brawl is the black sheep because it is a regression from Melee in terms of gameplay advancement. Smash 64 was a great competitive game. Melee was wildly superior as a competitive game. Brawl is less complex and rewarding as a competitive game than the prior two. Where Melee was loaded with gameplay improvements, Brawl is loaded with glitz and glam, stickers, boring single player modes, and other such crap. It's fine for casual play, but for a competitive game, it is shallow and disappointing considering the amazing game that Melee was.

4. Screw reviewers.

5. What does Super Mario Bros 2 have to do with anything?

6. Brawl has plenty of moves that could be referred to as advanced techs, but very few are useful.
A combo is a string of attacks that is inescapable once it starts. Besides chain grabs, Brawl has very few true combos thanks to the lack of hitstun.
And no one says there is no strategy in Brawl.

7. Your last statement is quite questionable.
Agreed on all 7 points. And the eighth, most accurate one, "*facepalm*".

But I ask this: what makes a "good" game? And, if Melee is so much better than Brawl, why, as a community, are we playing the "lesser" of greatness? It still bewilders me...
Again. It's new, it's shiny, and more people are playing it. Enough said.

NO, he's already ashamed of us, that's why he made Brawl.
You speak truth.

I just can't shake the idea that he literally put the E4All demo out there to see competitive players' reactions to the gameplay mechanics, and then changed them accordingly to make Brawl more "casual friendly". What an enormous douchebag.
Yeah, I'd be shocked if he didn't. In your words, what an enormous douchebag.

Sakurai's an epic troll.
Yes, he is. Unlike the regular troll, he's the trollus incognitus. Not obvious troll is not obvious. Not obvious troll has manged to dupe unsuspecting victims and screw over the ones not duped. Not obvious troll sucks.

No offence bud, but hardcore gamers do put way too much emphasis on the winner.
Oh my god, I'm sorry, they should DEFINITELY distribute the prize money evenly at tourneys, right? They should have someone at the exiting door of the tourney there to shout out "Good job, everyone!", like Sakurai does, as they walk out, right?


They're COMPETITIVE GAMERS. What the hell do you expect them to do?

The negativity towards the game almost entirely focused on tripping comes across as hypercritical, (yes I'm well aware I have everyone fuming at me now). It's like when the health inspector comes in to inspect your office, and everything from the paperwork to the furniture and plant is in perfect order. Then he bends down to that miniature hula-girl toy by your desk and spots a tiny stain of coffee, for which he immediately fails you and has you fired.
Except...this is one of those arguments somehow turned into "This is your only point, and it's not bad enough to justify the hate." There are other arguments. You're just ignoring them.

At the worst, Brawl's professional circuit isn't as closed as Melee. Not necessarily worse, but it means that more people (casual or no) can join in on the game, meaning that the pro-pros don't get to circlejerk as much as they used to.

Which means it's the end of the world, of course.
If it's not as closed and set up so anyone can be competitive, that means it's less competitive. Which would mean that the competitivity is worse.

The whole point of Sakurai dumbing down the game was to take the empasis off of actually playing the game to achieve a specific purpose (I.E, WINNING, which is pretty much what games are for, Sakurai, you ****ing ******) and putting the emphasis on "fun". The only problem was that his idea of fun isn't everyone's idea of fun.
This is so full of truth.

Why is there an object of the game if you're not supposed to want to win? I swear to god, next game the results screen will be gone and each time one players loses a stock, the other one does too. That way, no one can lose!

Bet Sakurai's going to buy 20 copies of Wii Music. Anyone else want to take any bets on that?

Nobody ever said or suggested anything remotely close to that, certainly not me. A competitive and an intense fight against an evenly matched opponent is indeed a beautiful thing, (I tried Bowser out for the first time against my friend's Fox when I finally convinced him to play a no-items game, and it was one of the most intense things ever) but it's not who wins that makes it important. In fact, the mantle of victor is and should be considered completely irrelevant the moment the game begins, and that's what Sakurai is trying to say.
And Sakurai is wrong.

Winning should NOT be irrelevant. Winning being irrelevant is just for those poor soccer moms and 5 year-olds who can't stand a self-esteem drop, which is why Zelda has to be made more accessible. God forbid the poor casual gamers can't solve a puzzle, they may be discouraged. We can't have that, now can we?

EDIT: Not really, no. There's a difference between having winning as the objective and playing just to win. You gotta enjoy it, or else you become a fun-sucking zombie the size of a skyscraper. And not only will nobody want you for good company, you'll have the US Air Force all over your sluggish decaying carcass.
I'm sorry, I'll make my objective to lose next time, would that be better?

I love how aiming high makes you a fun-sucking zombie.

Shut up and play.
More of this "YOU CAN'T COMPLAIN BAWWW" crap.

My reply? No.

oh guys btw, what does sakurai think of THIS BOOK
He probably burns it every night as part of his bedtime routine.
Jun 4, 2006
Long Beach,California
I don't understand the random stereotyping of 08er's myself actually. It makes no sense. You SHOULD be stereotyping everyone from October 07 down cus they're just scrubs/n00bs who joined for E4All info.
I never really thought of it that way...

I miss the demo too much. =(

Firus just ***** this thread with awesome.

Smooth Criminal
Smooth Criminal is Smooth

Smooth Criminal


You know what? I am good.
Apr 7, 2008
I don't understand the random stereotyping of 08er's myself actually. It makes no sense. You SHOULD be stereotyping everyone from October 07 down cus they're just scrubs/n00bs who joined for E4All info.
You bring up a good point. But then again, the '08ers (at least those from March on) are the ones who'd played the game and THEN joined because of it.

But there's nothing to say that people who joined in anticipation of Brawl's release aren't just as much of Brawl noobs as the ones who joined once it came out. Definitely an interesting thought that I've actually never heard brought up.

Firus just ***** this thread with awesome.

Smooth Criminal
Proof that not all '08ers are stupid. Good ****.
Thanks, guys.
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