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Saddest part of a pokemon game?


Sep 21, 2001
Viridian City
While the Pokemon games may not feature heavily on storyline I think it's fair to say that we have all become attached to some part of them. Whether it was the Pokemon we raised or characters we met, it seems like there's something in every game that pulls at your heartstrings.

One moment that comes to mind was beating Red in the original Gold and Silver games. I had done everything in that game and when I finally beat Red I felt kind of empty. This was the end. I was now beating the hero that I had been when I played RBY. The way Red leaves with just a "..." only made it more difficult. There was no congratulatory speech, no E4 champion *** kissing. Just silence.

So PC, what about you guys? Anything that's touched you (appropriately)?


Smash Champion
Feb 6, 2009
Three Rivers, MI
Lavender Town, and pretty much any other graveyard area in the games.

I'm fascinated by the concept of death and all that it is, but the thought of being dead is extremely woeful for me for some reason. In fact, just earlier this year I discovered that I have thanatophobia, which is about the most ******** phobia you can get (******** because it's almost always there and can be extremely hard to "cure"). So ****ing yay.


Smash Master
Sep 11, 2007
North Carolina
Lavender Town, and pretty much any other graveyard area in the games.
Yeah, walking into Lavender Town in Gold Version and visiting the Soul House was pretty depressing (and the kind of sad music added to it). Especially (IIRC) the old lady whose Growlithe died and she treated it like her child. That was pretty sad.

And then walking into Pallet Town the first time in the same game. You come all that way and end up right back where you started years before, and the music is just so nostalgic. :(


Banned via Warnings
Jun 17, 2009
Releasing Pokemon. I always feel pretty bad when I have to release a Pokemon, even if I just caught it for the hell of it >__>


Smash Journeyman
Oct 19, 2009
PMD1's ending. PMD2 was sad as well... but it didn't do it as much for me, for some reason. Perhaps because the journey through Sky Tower was setting me up for more of an impact due to the rather wistful music...? Or the fact that your partner was... more visibly and loudly sad, I guess. :/

Also, beating Red. They couldn't have made more impact, really. Making him speak and adding flair would've made things less... final showdown-ish.


Smash Champion
Feb 6, 2009
Three Rivers, MI
Somehow you guys talking about Red's silence just made me realize something else that makes me very sad.

Gary Oak. Because he reminds me that there really are ******* out there who would be that mean to a mute kid.

Actually, battling Red did always make me sad. Just because he didn't speak. He's supposed to represent you in the way you played him in the original game (you never speak throughout the game; the most you say is yes or no which can just be covered with a shake or a nod). My biggest problem is that every time I envisioned him standing there not speaking, I pictured him with those glazed over eyes that they use in animes to show someone who's been brainwashed. And because of that I start thinking about how true that brainwashed reflection is in a sense. And then I get kinda depressed.

**** Red man.


Smash Hero
Nov 18, 2008
in Makai
In the original Pokémon Red/Blue, when you encounter your rival in Lavender Town he asks whether or not you know what it's like to have one of your Pokémon die. At this point in the game, he no longer has his Raticate that he used in previous battles.Your rival battle before this took place aboard the S.S. Anne. Your rival's Raticate sustained serious injuries from the battle...but, because crowding and confusion on the luxury liner, he was unable to make it to a Pokémon Center in time and the Raticate passed away. The real reason your rival is in Lavender Town to begin with is to lay his deceased friend to rest.Despite all of this, your rival never outwardly tells you that you're responsible for the death of his Pokémon. He hides his grief and instead channels that energy into the motivation he needed to continue his quest to become Indigo League Champion. The death of his Raticate effectively destroys your rival's impish, childhood innocence. Although he tells himself that he doesn't hold you responsible, he subconsciously holds a great deal of resentment towards you which further fuels his ambitions.Tearfully swearing upon his Raticate's grave to not fail in what he set out to do, he trains hard in hopes of becoming better than you...defeating you...and to eventually make it to the Pokémon League. Mere moments after he became Indigo League champion, he was defeated...by you. Although he fulfilled his promise to his fallen Pokémon, it was only for a painfully brief instant.In the end, your rival is scolded by his grandfather while you receive the professor's praise. During the course of the game, you steal your rival's innocence, crush his dreams, and ultimately snatch away the love of his own grandfather. Oh, and by the way, your rival doesn't have any parents. He's an orphan.

I don't think I can ever play those pokemon games again...
What are your thoughts on this?


Level 55
Jul 10, 2007
North Carolina
The only part of the above that I feel may be true or remotely sad is the fact that Blue's Raticate may have died. All that other stuff is just.....it kinda makes the situation silly to me.

The endings to the Mystery Dungeon Games are very sad, though.


Apr 13, 2008
I think what really yanks at us is that our fondness for certain Pokémon is directly related to our relationship experiences with pets of our own. The absolute hardest thing to do in a Pokémon game is to let a Pokémon go. Then you replace them with another one, just like you might do when your dog dies.

Even the sludgiest and un-animalistic of Pokémon like Muk can be hard to let go. Unless your boxes are full, you don't even have to let your Pokémon go—which makes doing so even harder. It's all on you. It's your decision.

Know what would be really interesting? Is if they implemented a feature so that once you let your Pokémon go into the wild, you could re-encounter it by chance. The longer you wait, the higher the chance that the specific Pokémon will have traveled far away from the Poké Center that you let it go at. Another interesting idea would be a Pokémon that based on the previous idea, could only be caught after letting it go—meaning that you catch Pokémon A, train it to a required level, then let it go. You may then re-encounter the Pokémon in the wild, but it will have evolved into a new species that could otherwise not be obtained by any method. To strengthen the effect of loss, the evolved Pokémon could be this vicious, feral version, or even a ghost.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
Probably the fact that Red hasn't called his mother in years and how she lives completely alone not knowing whether her son is alive or dead.

Add in: Come to think of it, there's a lot of depressing things in (Heart/Soul) Gold/Silver/Crystal:

1. The Pokemon Tower has been replaced with the radio tower and its replacement is a crappy little shack.
2. The Safari Zone is gone because the Warden retired. (Don't even begin to think about what happened to all the pokemon.)
3. Cinnabar Island was destroyed in a volcanic eruption and Blaine loses his gym. (Again, try not to think of what happened to all the Pokemon in the Pokemon Mansion.)
4. Blue is still bitter about losing to Red.
5. The Mimic girl still has no friends.
6. The Bike Salesman had to open up a new branch because sales were in the toilet in Kanto.
7. That one magician guy who has tried to capture Suicune his whole life watches as you catch/defeat it.
8. The Dojo Master was sick of losing, gave up, and abanonded the dojo.
9. Clair has spent her whole life trying to pass a test it takes you two minutes to pass.
10. Silver (your rival) never patches things up with his father.
11. Lance loses his spot as the Champion for at least the third time in his life.
12. The Electric Plant was renuvated. (More pokemon kicked out of their homes.)
13. Giovanni lives in a cave because he'd probably spend the rest of his life in prison if he didn't.
14. Bruno's legs are still glued to the floor (either that or he's paraplygic and had his wheelchair stolen).


Finally a legend
Aug 26, 2008
London, England
When you realise that you’ve spent 100’s of hours in game and have barely achieved anything.

Also releasing pokes :/


stuck on a whole different plaaaanet
Jun 12, 2008
It's weird but in RSE credits when it's playing that awesome music and it gets to the slide where it shows your starter, it makes me kind of feel happy sad. It's got to be the music though.

The Real Gamer

Smash Hero
May 7, 2008
Atlanta, Georgia
4. Blue is still bitter about losing to Red.
5. The Mimic girl still has no friends.
7. That one magician guy who has tried to capture Suicune his whole life watches as you catch/defeat it.
8. The Dojo Master was sick of losing, gave up, and abanonded the dojo.
9. Clair has spent her whole life trying to pass a test it takes you two minutes to pass.
11. Lance loses his spot as the Champion for at least the third time in his life.
14. Bruno's legs are still glued to the floor (either that or he's paraplygic and had his wheelchair stolen).
I legit lol'ed at these.


Smash Legend
Feb 16, 2006
Blue never lost to Red, she lost to Professor Oak in the league semi-finals, but when Oak disqualified himself, she got third place.


Level 55
Jul 10, 2007
North Carolina
Lance only lost his championship once before to Blue. Blue lost it to Red, then Lance became Champ again when Red went to Mt. Silver. Gold beats Lance. Therefore, Lance only lost Champion status twice, despite losing to 3 total people (Blue, Red, Gold)

Also, I think another sad aspect of Red/Blue is the burglarized home in Cerulean. I mean, that house is never repaired throughout the game. Those people have to live with a gaping hole in their home for the rest of their lives. Likewise, whatever happened to all the people living on Cinnabar? Burnt to a crisp? Escaped? Became encased in magma and evolved into Magcargo?

Master Xanthan

Smash Champion
Jul 19, 2008
New Jersey
Laaaaaaaaaaavender Toooooooooown.

**** **** **** **** ****

Lavender Town.
I saw your thread about Lost Silver. I heard of another interesting hack called Pokemon "Creepy" Black that was pretty interesting, but you probably heard of it already.

Anyway, yeah I think the fact that the lady's Growlithe died is pretty sad. Even more so now since my dog died a little more than a year ago. I also found it sad how an NPC mentioned in Platinum how Cyrus was like a genius or something like that meaning he had the potential to be a great person that could contribute a lot to society but instead chose to try and destroy the world and create a new one.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
I also found it sad how an NPC mentioned in Platinum how Cyrus was like a genius or something like that meaning he had the potential to be a great person that could contribute a lot to society but instead chose to try and destroy the world and create a new one.
Cyrus reminds me of Ozymandias from Watchmen. They both had their own ideas about what made a perfect world and carried things out in an attempt to create it, even if potentially cost the lives of millions of people. Both situations bring up the question of whether or not utilitarianism is truely a good moral standard to follow.

You know what else is also sad? The fact that Misty is a recovering cancer patient in Gold/Silver/Crystal and has to wear a wig to try to hide it.


cactus in the valley that's about to crumble down.
Nov 21, 2010
Oro Valley
Usually for me, it is the ending to the games. Such as right after beating the Elite Four, your pokemon are added to the hall of fame, and I find it cool because it really gives you a sense of flash back, seeing how far you got your team and what you have accomplished. Then after that, it is just over, there isn't much else you can do from that point.


Sep 21, 2001
Viridian City
I'm not sure about any sad parts but in terms of music Relic Forest from Pokemon Colosseum gets me every time. I played this game when I was little so it makes me think of my childhood a lot and how much I've grown up, as corny as it sounds.

That's a good one. I remember going back there hoping somehow I'd catch a glimpse of Celebi. Yeah, I was one of those kids. :/

You know what's going to be hard one for me this time? Transferring my pokemon from Diamond to Black or White. I never had much fondness for RSE so I didn't really care much when I transferred over the few pokemon I had. DPPt ,on the other hand, was my first competitive gen. My save file has over 700 hours, I have literally hundreds of IV bred, trained and traded pokemon on Diamond. I rank those games right up there with the originals. What am I going to leave my Diamond trainer with? Nothing? My starter? When I transfer my pokemon it's going to be like the end of an era.


Smash Apprentice
May 18, 2010
Augusta, Georgia
Lavender Town, and pretty much any other graveyard area in the games.

I'm fascinated by the concept of death and all that it is, but the thought of being dead is extremely woeful for me for some reason. In fact, just earlier this year I discovered that I have thanatophobia, which is about the most ******** phobia you can get (******** because it's almost always there and can be extremely hard to "cure"). So ****ing yay.

This. Not only that. Lavender Town's music is sad.


Smash Hero
Aug 16, 2007
SoVA 757
Blue never lost to Red, she lost to Professor Oak in the league semi-finals, but when Oak disqualified himself, she got third place.
When he said Blue he meant the rival or AKA Gary.

The only part of the above that I feel may be true or remotely sad is the fact that Blue's Raticate may have died. All that other stuff is just.....it kinda makes the situation silly to me.

The endings to the Mystery Dungeon Games are very sad, though.
I can't believe you never seen the png..


It's actually very believable due to the events and it's meaning to the plot. Also kinda explains why his sprite looks different after the SS Anne battle.


Smash Master
Jan 13, 2007
Binghamton, NY
obviously Lavender Town, the graves, the music, the sad setting.

Also all the fisherman that can only manage to to catch 6 lv 5-15 Magikarp and nothing else, you'd think they fish somewhere else.


Smash Hero
Nov 18, 2008
in Makai
I always feel bad for the scam artist who can only sell 1 magikarp because you're the only idiot "stupid" enough to buy it.

Even though it's arguably one of the best things you can do since a gyarados at lv. 20 makes cerulean gym ridiculously easy instead of kind of annoying.


Smash Master
Sep 11, 2007
North Carolina
That's a good one. I remember going back there hoping somehow I'd catch a glimpse of Celebi. Yeah, I was one of those kids. :/

You know what's going to be hard one for me this time? Transferring my pokemon from Diamond to Black or White. I never had much fondness for RSE so I didn't really care much when I transferred over the few pokemon I had. DPPt ,on the other hand, was my first competitive gen. My save file has over 700 hours, I have literally hundreds of IV bred, trained and traded pokemon on Diamond. I rank those games right up there with the originals. What am I going to leave my Diamond trainer with? Nothing? My starter? When I transfer my pokemon it's going to be like the end of an era.
That reminds me of what I did in Pearl Version; I borrowed my friend's Sapphire Version for a couple of weeks one summer because I'd never played RSE before, and I beat the game with a team of Sceptile, Gardevoir, Ninjask, Camerupt, Ludicolo, and Delcatty. Then my friend had to leave and he wanted his game back, so I only had time to take 6 Pokemon from the game and transfer them to Pearl. I chose Sceptile, Gardevoir, Ninjask, and Camerupt...but I decided to take the Kyogre and Regice I caught in the game for Pokedex purposes. So I left Ludicolo and Delcatty behind in Sapphire. The last thing I did in the game was hole my character up in my secret base on Route 113 with just Ludicolo and Delcatty, and that's the last I ever saw of them. :(


Level 55
Jul 10, 2007
North Carolina
I actually found that more funny than sad tbh :/
Like I said, the part about the Raticate dying = true or whatever, but the rest about "swearing upon the Raticate's grave" and "crushing your Rival's innocence" still makes it rather silly.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
That reminds me of what I did in Pearl Version; I borrowed my friend's Sapphire Version for a couple of weeks one summer because I'd never played RSE before, and I beat the game with a team of Sceptile, Gardevoir, Ninjask, Camerupt, Ludicolo, and Delcatty. Then my friend had to leave and he wanted his game back, so I only had time to take 6 Pokemon from the game and transfer them to Pearl. I chose Sceptile, Gardevoir, Ninjask, and Camerupt...but I decided to take the Kyogre and Regice I caught in the game for Pokedex purposes. So I left Ludicolo and Delcatty behind in Sapphire. The last thing I did in the game was hole my character up in my secret base on Route 113 with just Ludicolo and Delcatty, and that's the last I ever saw of them. :(
I'm oddly sentimental like that with my pokemon games too. For example, I only save inside buildings because I imagine that the character is stuck in that place until you play the game again. I've also transferred every team I've made since the 3rd generation to the current generation.


Smash Champion
Jan 17, 2010
Northern Virginia
The most emotion I've ever felt in a Pokemon game was when I beat Red in Heartgold. I've never played any of the older Pokemon games besides Emerald. Red's silence and his disappearance after the match and that I knew that it was the end of the game made me just sit there for a minute. I'm not exactly sure what emotion it was actually.


Level 55
Jul 10, 2007
North Carolina
You really wonder where Red goes after you beat him. I know he reappears, but that's simply for replayability. You know he departs, but to where? I mean, let's face it, he's essentially dethroned entirely from being #1, he's not Champion anymore, so.....?
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