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Roster Discussion Thread (Closed)

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Banned via Warnings
May 20, 2012
New Jersey
As stated, I think 11 newcomers would be a good number to at least hit the 50 mark, if we can presume that there won't be cuts. If there are going to be cuts, then at least see the number boosted to 14 with the extra 3 as a compensation of sorts. Of course the number is simply a placeholder number, and may become bigger or smaller depending on how things turn out. Just don't expect 20 and be hesitant with 15.

Dark Phazon

Smash Hero
Dec 13, 2012
London, England
Dont get me wrong i dont even want more then 50. i Think 50 absoutly perfect.

With 50 Every single franchise will be well represented no doubt and Maybe Exno/Golden sun/Sin and punishment

one or two of them series could get a rep too and 3 third parties and good retro char representation.

50 is Perfecttt.

But hey they could complete the Roster so all current series are full well represented with 45 chars but that will leave no room for any new series and still...

They just gotta be smart about how they do it sitback and have a good think.


1000000000/ Need a 2nd rep

LoZ & Starfox dont even need one! But needs alotta work in changing the chars moves in those series making em more diverse. GANON&FALCO..

Pokemon is fine Lucario will be cut for who ever.

Earthbound gets nothing

Fire Emblem & Kid Icarus deserve another rep ontop of Pit/Marth/Ike.

Wario & Yoshi series get nothing

2 more retros chars

and so on it can be done in 45 but would be very very tight.


Deleted member

Everyone has seen Brawl Taunts 1-3 Loool but have you lot seen this?


*Click on link
*realize he's on a phone

Not to my knowledge, and I'm sure some would say that's for the best. ;):awesome:

It's only a matter of time before we get "SSB4 (whatever it ends up being called) Taunts" though. Oh joy. :rolleyes:
C'mon, it was funny back in the day, so was Nin10doh!... Minus, that Pokeporn, still dunno what was up with that.

I'm sure they will. Who were the people who collaborated on that anyway, I know that duo, the girl and the dude, are somewhat known on newgrounds or something, they're not Egoraptor level big, but their fairly known.

Also, to correct a mistake I made a couple pages back. I mentioned Guilty Gear had 41 characters, I never really counted the playable characters till I pulled up the game recently and actually counted the roster. GG has 25 characters, 41 if you count the spin-offs and NPCs, dunno what was going through my mind when I said that (thanks for making me look more stupid than usual wikipedia), but holy **** was it stupid.

It's just the GG cast always felt more diverse than the BB cast to me, but now I realize they have almost the same number of characters...


Banned via Warnings
May 20, 2012
New Jersey
Also the reason why I'm anticipating only 11 this time around is because of there being less Nintendo "All-stars" floating around, and as such it would be reflected with the newcomers in question. We already got the established faces for each franchise, and the last thing we need is needless padding with very minor characters like Geno or Majora.
Dec 29, 2012
48 Characters
5 Replaced (Ike, PKMN Trainer, Lucario, Snake, a fifth character)
13 New Spots

5 Replaced = Same from Melee to Brawl
13 New Spots = Added Spots from Original to Melee

4 Third Parties


Ike - Chrom
Red - Gold/Ethan
Lucario - Zoroark
Snake - Simon Belmont
Some Fifth Character (Maybe Lucas)

Newer Spots:

-Isa Jo
-Bowser Jr
-Little Mac
-Travis Touchdown

And the Mii (just its own spot)

Something like that, kind of roughed out and quickly put together, but with a little work it would be good.

@Habanero: It is more time now to use those spots to rep series that are not yet repped. Like Xenoblade, Sin & Punishment, and Golden Sun.


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
C'mon, it was funny back in the day, so was Nin10doh!... Minus, that Pokeporn, still dunno what was up with that.

I'm sure they will. Who were the people who collaborated on that anyway, I know that duo, the girl and the dude, are somewhat known on newgrounds or something, they're not Egoraptor level big, but their fairly known.
Nin10doh was alright (and its sequels too IIRC), Brawl Taunts 1 was... decent, but personally I didn't much care for any of the Brawl Taunts. I'm sure Rina-Chan will milk whatever she can out of future "Taunts" videos, whether Kirbopher is part of them or not (he didn't want to make more than the first). I really haven't been following either of them though, so even if they don't make a follow-up, someone will.

The internet blows up when there's an impending Smash. :laugh:

[COLLAPSE="Roster Stuff"]48 Characters
5 Replaced (Ike, PKMN Trainer, Lucario, Snake, a fifth character)
13 New Spots

5 Replaced = Same from Melee to Brawl
13 New Spots = Added Spots from Original to Melee

4 Third Parties


Ike - Chrom
Red - Gold/Ethan
Lucario - Zoroark
Snake - Simon Belmont
Some Fifth Character (Maybe Lucas)

Newer Spots:

-Isa Jo
-Bowser Jr
-Little Mac
-Travis Touchdown

And the Mii (just its own spot)

Something like that, kind of roughed out and quickly put together, but with a little work it would be good.

@Habanero: It is more time now to use those spots to rep series that are not yet repped. Like Xenoblade, Sin & Punishment, and Golden Sun.[/COLLAPSE]
Are you seriously expecting 11 new series to be added? 11? That's more than we got in 64.

Also, if you don't even have a fifth character you've decided to cut, there's little point in making a cut for the sake of a "pattern".

Plus of course some of those character choices are... questionable, but I've already expressed my opinion on them before.
Dec 29, 2012
Nin10doh was alright (and its sequels too IIRC), Brawl Taunts 1 was... decent, but personally I didn't much care for any of the Brawl Taunts. I'm sure Rina-Chan will milk whatever she can out of future "Taunts" videos, whether Kirbopher is part of them or not (he didn't want to make more than the first). I really haven't been following either of them though, so even if they don't make a follow-up, someone will.

The internet blows up when there's an impending Smash. :laugh:

Are you seriously expecting 11 new series to be added? 11? That's more than we got in 64.

Also, if you don't even have a fifth character you've decided to cut, there's little point in making a cut for the sake of a "pattern".

Plus of course some of those character choices are... questionable, but I've already expressed my opinion on them before.
I am not expecting all of them, although most could happen, but just tossing choices out there. People like Isa, Ghirahim, Shulk, Micaiah, Matthew, Takamaru, and Little Mac for sure though.

Also, I don't have a for sure 5th character, but I did say maybe to Lucas.


Dark Phazon

Smash Hero
Dec 13, 2012
London, England
~ The Cutting it to the Bone Roster ~






12.Link Variation


16.Zoroark/Genesect/Victini/Melotta/6th Gen









26.Captain Falcon




(Not including Sonic or Snake because there fate is 50/50
Im Pick the most likely and popular first so less arguments/Debates.

[Additional Roster Slots]

34.Little Mac
36.Metroid Rep
37.New Retro Rep

38.Kid Icarus Rep

39.Third Party
40.Third Party

See! As you can see i cut it to the bone as hard as possible and were at 40 and still
and still theres no Sign of the Popular

Paper Mario/Waluigi/Bowser J.r
King K.Rool
Samurai Goroh/Black Shadow
3rd Fire Emblem Rep
Possibly another Retro Rep.

And so on That could easily jack it up to 44-46

And that is already a High number plus theres everyone wanting new series in Like

Sin & Punishment
Golden Sun
Advance Wars


Melee Added two Retros
Ice Climbers & G&W

Brawl also addes two
Pit ?

So Sm4sh could? add two or just 1 but still theres loads of possibilitys its not like they cant think of none

Mach Rider
Balloon Fighter
Duck Hunt

My point is that ''Which ever Knife you use to cut the Pizza its still a BIG Pizza''

So 50 Seems much but its gotta be 50. Because if its not then Alotta people are gonna be butthurt more butthurt then they were in Brawl.

And no way in Blue Hell will they pick every char i just listed so 42-45 is Impossible.

Or maybe they dont care about completing the roster or full representation..and just add who ever they like..


Sorry if i sound biased towards your fav char or series but im not! Just showing you how its looking like based on what Sakurai has told us..

Now..What you lot think...


Deleted member


This is what I see as the current pool. Dr. Mario, Young Link, and Pichu are only in because they're Melee veterans and Starfy is only on the list IF he was planned for Brawl (if not, then I feel he's pretty much out). Everyone else I feel have legitimate chances, even if I have doubts towards some of the characters here and I feel those not on the list will not be in.

Barring a possible retro surprise that isn't Mach Rider, I feel as our newcomers will come exactly from this pool and I'd be surprised if I was wrong.
Dec 29, 2012

This is what I see as the current pool. Dr. Mario, Young Link, and Pichu are only in because they're Melee veterans and Starfy is only on the list IF he was planned for Brawl (if not, then I feel he's pretty much out). Everyone else I feel have legitimate chances, even if I have doubts towards some of the characters here and I feel those not on the list will not be in.

Barring a possible retro surprise that isn't Mach Rider, I feel as our newcomers will come exactly from this pool and I'd be surprised if I was wrong.
Thinking pretty highly of your list I see. :mistyface:

Cool list, quite a bit of good choices, but missing possible choices like Isa, Matthew, Andy, Micaiah, Sheriff, Ray Mk3, Mike Jones, and Simon Belmont


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
All eight of those characters have minuscule chances, I wouldn't say any are at the same level as the characters on SSBF's pool.

I'm reluctant to bring them up, but I would add both Waluigi and a spot for a Namco character (Pac-Man I guess, if it had to be a specific character). I don't think either are too likely, but they're probably on par with some of those choices.

Otherwise, I'd agree with that pool (unless I'm forgetting someone).

Dark Phazon

Smash Hero
Dec 13, 2012
London, England
All eight of those characters have minuscule chances, I wouldn't say any are at the same level as the characters on SSBF's pool.

I'm reluctant to bring them up, but I would add both Waluigi and a spot for a Namco character (Pac-Man I guess, if it had to be a specific character). I don't think either are too likely, but they're probably on par with some of those choices.

Otherwise, I'd agree with that pool (unless I'm forgetting someone).

Do you think chars will be replaced? if yes who you think?



Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
Thinking pretty highly of your list I see. :mistyface:

Cool list, quite a bit of good choices, but missing possible choices like Isa, Matthew, Andy, Micaiah, Sheriff, Ray Mk3, Mike Jones, and Simon Belmont
Andy, Micaiah, Mike Jones, and Simon Belmont will 95% not happen.

Isa and Matthew will only happen if Sakurai decides to give their respective series the most current characters for them (though both characters are much less popular than their fathers). I think Ray is going to be passed on due to not having a game since 2006.

Sheriff is plausible as a final bizarre retro pick (like Mr. Game & Watch and ROB), though him possibly having to use a realistic gun to make him work is a huge flaw against him.

Deleted member

Thinking pretty highly of your list I see. :mistyface:

Cool list, quite a bit of good choices, but missing possible choices like Isa, Matthew, Andy, Micaiah, Sheriff, Ray Mk3, Mike Jones, and Simon Belmont
The only possibility in the group is Ray MK III, but his chances are so slim that it's not worth including him in the pool. Maybe SSB5 if he gets a game sometimes this generation, but I think he missed his chance for SSB4. Which is too bad as he's my fifth most wanted character.:(

Other suggestions you've mentioned won't be getting in as they have way too much going against them. I'd say they missed their chances to get into any Smash Bros. game.
Dec 29, 2012
All eight of those characters have minuscule chances, I wouldn't say any are at the same level as the characters on SSBF's pool.

I'm reluctant to bring them up, but I would add both Waluigi and a spot for a Namco character (Pac-Man I guess, if it had to be a specific character). I don't think either are too likely, but they're probably on par with some of those choices.

Otherwise, I'd agree with that pool (unless I'm forgetting someone).
Maybe, I can understand where you are coming from on most but ones like Isa and Matthew still have great chances compared to their dads, especially Isa.

I still can see Isaac, although as an adult, but I think Isa is a way better choice than Saki.

Micaiah still stands some of a chance. Both Mike Jones and Sheriff could make great Retro choices, although less so than Takamaru I would say more than Sukapon, Duck Hunt Dog, Starman, and even Mach Rider to some extent.

I understand Andy and Ray Mk3, but they are from franchises that might/do make sense.

And Simon Belmont has a chance as Castlevania is big on Nintendo still. We can't guarantee Snake stays (and I like Snake).

Deleted member

Well, he doesn't HAVE to use a realistic gun.
The gun could shoot the pixel shots from the Sheriff game instead of bullets, and the gun itself could be exaggerated to the point where it doesn't resemble a type of firearms kids can get their hands on. Kind of like the Ray Gun, but less futuristic.
A Westernized NES Zapper, maybe?

EDIT: If Snake goes, trust me in that Simon will not replace him. (Nor any other Konami character)
Snake got in due to Kojima's request. Taking him out would be sticking a middle finger to him.
And with Kojima now taking charge of the Castlevania series....it's pretty obvious that between that series and Metal Gear, Metal Gear is going to have its character. Your only hope for Simon is if Kojima wants to have him added alongside Snake in Smash 4, which doesn't seem plausible to happen to be quite honest.
Dec 29, 2012
Andy, Micaiah, Mike Jones, and Simon Belmont will 95% not happen.

Isa and Matthew will only happen if Sakurai decides to give their respective series the most current characters for them (though both characters are much less popular than their fathers). I think Ray is going to be passed on due to not having a game since 2006.

Sheriff is plausible as a final bizarre retro pick (like Mr. Game & Watch and ROB), though him possibly having to use a realistic gun to make him work is a huge flaw against him.
And that percentage of not happening is from where? :awesome:

Maybe for Andy and Mike Jones, but Micaiah and Simon Belmont have better chances than them. Putting them on the same level is degrading. :bee:


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
Do you think chars will be replaced? if yes who you think?
Replaced is a word that gets thrown around a lot incorrectly. It's not quite the same as cut. The only character that was actually "replaced" from Melee to Brawl was Young Link, with Toon Link. Other characters that are commonly thought as being replaced, like Mewtwo and Roy, were in reality just lower on the priority list and ended up not making it, they weren't "replaced" as the original intent was to have both Mewtwo/Lucario and Roy/Ike.

So do I think any characters will be replaced? As is stands now, no. The only character I can see getting replaced is Toon Link, and that's only by another Child Link. As there haven't been any others between Brawl and now, unless there's one in development now that Sakurai's knows about, I'd guess there aren't going to be any "replacements".

As for cuts? I think it's possible, but I also think Sakurai will have the intent to carry all 39 characters over from Brawl. Newcomers will get priority over some of the veterans, and it's possible some might end up on the chopping block again. If I had to speculate as to which characters have the best chance of being cut, I'd probably go with Lucario firstly, then Ike. To be clear, I don't think either of these characters will end up getting cut, I just think they'd be lowest on the priority list, of the Brawl characters. Of course, this isn't counting the 3rd parties. I think Sakurai and Nintendo will be fine with them returning, but the decision, of course, will be up to Sega and Konami. Some people think that either we won't get third parties in SSB4, or the two we have will be cut for new ones, but I'm not of that view. Personally I think all Brawl characters will return, and if any don't, it will be limited to Lucario (or Toon Link if he gets replaced by another Child Link).

Deleted member

I'm reluctant to bring them up, but I would add both Waluigi and a spot for a Namco character (Pac-Man I guess, if it had to be a specific character). I don't think either are too likely, but they're probably on par with some of those choices.

Otherwise, I'd agree with that pool (unless I'm forgetting someone).
Both are possibilities, but as with Ray, I think the chances of either showing up are so slim that I don't feel comfortable including either. Maybe if Waluigi gets an important role in Luigi's Mansion 2 will he have a more substantial chance, but for now, his lack of importance is what keeps him off the pool

As for a Namco rep, I've gone over why I doubt one, no need to be a broken record.
Dec 29, 2012
Both are possibilities, but as with Ray, I think the chances of either showing up are so slim that I don't feel comfortable including either. Maybe if Waluigi gets an important role in Luigi's Mansion 2 will he have a more substantial chance, but for now, his lack of importance is what keeps him off the pool

As for a Namco rep, I've gone over why I doubt one, no need to be a broken record.
The only way Waluigi has a chance of getting in are:

-He gets into a main Mario game
-He gets into a Wario Land or WarioWare game
-Like you said, he is in Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon
-He gets his own game (that is a big game and not a DDR game)

Deleted member

I still see people acting as though Mega Man is a sure bet while a Namco one like Pac-Man "is doubtful".

This thought really irks me as the logic is heavily flawed to the point that in reality either BOTH are doubtful, or both are likely depending on how it's looked at.


Smash Ace
Dec 1, 2011
Some small and insignificant country town, WA.

This is what I see as the current pool. Dr. Mario, Young Link, and Pichu are only in because they're Melee veterans and Starfy is only on the list IF he was planned for Brawl (if not, then I feel he's pretty much out). Everyone else I feel have legitimate chances, even if I have doubts towards some of the characters here and I feel those not on the list will not be in.

Barring a possible retro surprise that isn't Mach Rider, I feel as our newcomers will come exactly from this pool and I'd be surprised if I was wrong.
Biases included I would personally swap Professor Layton with Lloyd Irving. Though I really hate to admit it but Pac-Man might also have a chance as well.
I also feel like Zero from the Megaman series also has a better chance than a few of the characters mentioned in that list though we're obviously not going to see the inclusion of two Megaman characters. Otherwise I'd fairly inclined to agree that this pool will contain most of our newcomers for the next Smash.


Smash Champion
Sep 11, 2012
Hyrule Fields
I still see people acting as though Mega Man is a sure bet while a Namco one like Pac-Man "is doubtful".

This thought really irks me as the logic is heavily flawed to the point that in reality either BOTH are doubtful, or both are likely depending on how it's looked at.
peoples blind fanboyism in Megaman is actually funny at times. he is far from a sure thing. I just love that peoples only argument against Pac-Man is "I find him boring."


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
Maybe, I can understand where you are coming from on most but ones like Isa and Matthew still have great chances compared to their dads, especially Isa.

I still can see Isaac, although as an adult, but I think Isa is a way better choice than Saki.
Perhaps I was a bit hasty in saying Matthew and Isa have "minuscule chances", but honestly their chances aren't nearly as good as Isaac or Saki, and they themselves don't have the best chances. The latter two are much more well-known and popular, and in Isaac's case represent his series much better. Isa might've received a worldwide release, but technically Saki did as well, eventually, plus he has the distinction of appearing in Brawl to significantly raise his profile. Plus, S&P2 bombed pretty hard, while S&P seemingly did quite well on the VC. The only way I see Matthew/Isa getting in over their counterparts is if Camelot/Treasure requests it.

Adult Isaac won't get in. Regular Isaac is much more iconic to his series, plus is the playable version. If Sakurai/Camelot wanted DD representation, they would just pick Matthew.

Micaiah still stands some of a chance. Both Mike Jones and Sheriff could make great Retro choices, although less so than Takamaru I would say more than Sukapon, Duck Hunt Dog, Starman, and even Mach Rider to some extent.
Micaiah, I have nothing more to say on, but you're vastly overrating her chances.

Sheriff I suppose could make a nice obscure, Nintendo-history character like G&W and ROB, but I still wouldn't say he's at the same level as the characters on that pool. Mike Jones didn't even get release in Japan. He is one of the most unlikely characters that gets thrown around in Smash speculation. Sukapon, DHD, and Mach Rider all have much better chances than him, even if he would make an interesting character (though so would those three). Starman... the one from... Pro Wrestling? (I'm assuming you're not referring to the Mario or Mother Starman) He... he has no chance, so I guess Mike Jones is a better pick there...

I understand Andy and Ray Mk3, but they are from franchises that might/do make sense.
While the franchises are notable, for various reasons they aren't at the same level as series that actually do have a chance right now (Punch-Out, Xenoblade, GS, S&P, Starfy), so they might be viable picks in the future (assuming they get new games that are at least decently received), but not now.

And Simon Belmont has a chance as Castlevania is big on Nintendo still. We can't guarantee Snake stays (and I like Snake).
If MGS made it in over Castlevania (due to Kojima), then it's not likely to change now. If we get a character from Konami, it's going to be Snake first and foremost, even if Simon is a "better fit". Chances are it'd be Snake or nothing anyway (from Konami), it's not like Simon is popular or requested enough to be noticed and added over other 3rd parties.

Super Smash Bros. Fan said:
Both are possibilities, but as with Ray, I think the chances of either showing up are so slim that I don't feel comfortable including either. Maybe if Waluigi gets an important role in Luigi's Mansion 2 will he have a more substantial chance, but for now, his lack of importance is what keeps him off the pool

As for a Namco rep, I've gone over why I doubt one, no need to be a broken record.
Fair enough. I do however, think a Namco rep has a better chance than Layton, but it's your pool. ;)
Dec 29, 2012

I just think if Isaac is picked, they would pick his most recent form. Adult in Dark Dawn. That game is the start of the "main story" so I assume they would pick from that regardless if it is Isaac or Matthew.

Saki may have been released worldwide as a Japanese import, but it was still physically localized with Isa's game (in the same gen it was released, not 3 gens later). Both are known but I think, at least worldwide, Isa is more known from his game as I think a lot of people wanting Saki (not saying all because that wouldn't be true) seem to really only care for him and even know about him just from being an AT in Brawl. On top of that, Isa has the jetpack which would add to his move-set.

I still believe Micaiah has quite the chance, being one of the more popular females in Japan and being quite recent in the last few games. A lot of people just count her out way too much for other choices. It is not like she is a guarantee but she is likely, as likely as a Lyn or Lucina. Maybe even Chrom.

Sheriff would just be an interesting choice. I can see where you are coming from for Mike Jones (although there is always the chance they go for an exclusive character not from Japan this time, although unlikely). Yes Starman from Pro Wrestling, unlikely but an interesting choice. But if we wanted a character that has wrestling abilities, Travis Touchdown would be a better choice in that regard.

Sukapon is already from a fighting game but a ton of Retros are better than him. I just don't see why people want Duck Hunt Dog other than the fact they want to beat the crap out of him. He is better for an AT. Mach Rider would be awesome though.

Advance Wars and Custom Robo are not as likely, but they could still get a rep. If so, Andy and Ray Mk3 are the obvious choices. The likes of Isa, Little Mac, Matthew, and Shulk are higher though.

I could see what you are saying for the Belmont and Snake but there is always the possibility. Although Snake Eater 3D Snake now would be interesting.


Smash Champion
Sep 11, 2012
Hyrule Fields

I just think if Isaac is picked, they would pick his most recent form. Adult in Dark Dawn. That game is the start of the "main story" so I assume they would pick from that regardless if it is Isaac or Matthew.

Saki may have been released worldwide as a Japanese import, but it was still physically localized with Isa's game (in the same gen it was released, not 3 gens later). Both are known but I think, at least worldwide, Isa is more known from his game as I think a lot of people wanting Saki (not saying all because that wouldn't be true) seem to really only care for him and even know about him just from being an AT in Brawl. On top of that, Isa has the jetpack which would add to his move-set.

I still believe Micaiah has quite the chance, being one of the more popular females in Japan and being quite recent in the last few games. A lot of people just count her out way too much for other choices. It is not like she is a guarantee but she is likely, as likely as a Lyn or Lucina. Maybe even Chrom.

Sheriff would just be an interesting choice. I can see where you are coming from for Mike Jones (although there is always the chance they go for an exclusive character not from Japan this time, although unlikely). Yes Starman from Pro Wrestling, unlikely but an interesting choice. But if we wanted a character that has wrestling abilities, Travis Touchdown would be a better choice in that regard.

Sukapon is already from a fighting game but a ton of Retros are better than him. I just don't see why people want Duck Hunt Dog other than the fact they want to beat the crap out of him. He is better for an AT. Mach Rider would be awesome though.

Advance Wars and Custom Robo are not as likely, but they could still get a rep. If so, Andy and Ray Mk3 are the obvious choices. The likes of Isa, Little Mac, Matthew, and Shulk are higher though.

I could see what you are saying for the Belmont and Snake but there is always the possibility. Although Snake Eater 3D Snake now would be interesting.
I wouldn't compare Micaiah to Chrom but yeah she probably ranks around Lyn and Lucina.

ive never liked the idea of Duck Hunt Dog or Sukopon either. and Custom Robo kind of missed its shot in Brawl imo. the series hasnt really done anything since Arena I think and Rays support has really died down.

I have no opinion on games like S&P or Golden Sun as i kinda feel that neither will get a character


Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
From what I see, there seems to be eight major factors when determining newcomers:

- Anatomy (appropriate means of fighting and locomotion)
- Origin (video game characters only, no characters from anime, cartoons, books, etc.)
- Party (1st or 2nd or 3rd party development teams)
- Popularity (fan demand)
- Recentness (major roles in post-Brawl games between 2008-2012)
- Region (international or Japan or West)
- Relevancy (overall importance to the series and/or to Nintendo)
- Sakurai (his four criteria, his friends, his biases, may be used to triumph other factors)


Smash Hero
Mar 25, 2012
Wales, United Kingdom
From what I see, there seems to be eight major factors when determining newcomers:

- Anatomy (appropriate means of fighting and locomotion)
- Origin (video game characters only, no characters from anime, cartoons, books, etc.)
- Party (1st or 2nd or 3rd party development teams)
- Popularity (fan demand)
- Recentness (major roles in post-Brawl games between 2008-2012)
- Region (international or Japan or West)
- Relevancy (overall importance to the series and/or to Nintendo)
- Sakurai (his four criteria, his friends, his biases, may be used to triumph other factors)
Definitely agree with this.


Smash Hero
Jul 23, 2012
So this is the rumored Diddy Kong Racing reboot's roster:
So not just using Mario/DK/Wario/Yoshi characters.....but going into other franchises? lolololololol
(I'd use the MOTHER character the most if it was real)


Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
Don't be so cruel, Yani. Be still, my heart! Meowth!! In Diddy Kong Racing!!! For the Wii U!!!! :awesome:

Dixie Kong, Mallo, and Meowth confirmed for SSB4. :troll:

But seriously, I would be shocked if this turns out to be true.


Smash Hero
Jul 23, 2012
If this was real, that would make Pokemon part of the Mario/DK/Wario/Yoshi universe.........GOOMBA CONFIRMED AS A NEW POKEMON! :troll:
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