There is a lot of crap that was posted while I was still in Raleigh. Brawl sucks, Brawl+ is better but still sucks. Play Melee. Play Falcon. Money match me. Good.
I'm going to do shout outs because I never do because normally they take forever.
Kevin, you are really really good. I have no idea what to do against your Falco. I just get hit so much. Don't ever worry about playing up to your best, it's the way you got so good and it's the way I wanted to play you. I'll get better (hopefully) and I'll see how that's going soon enough. You are an incredibly nice guy and I was glad I got to sit and play you and hang out etc.
Alex, you beat me with Mewtwo. I probably should have just played Falcon but I squandered and you beat me straight up so no johns. I had never fought a real Mewtwo before so my match up experience cost me. Really good stuff in teams though, and even better stuff in Brawl. I was really impressed and I have never had that much fun watching anybody play Brawl ever. I will long remember the birth of Floppy Chops. Also, you are sweet. Keep doing that.
Matt, your beard is more manly that mine. I wish we could have played Monopoly SO bad. I'll be back to hang out again super soon. Good match in brackets. Such an epic mindgame when you told me that it actually wasn't tourney afterwards. hahah Love you boy.
Jim, money match soon, I really wanted to play you. Nice Ganon.
Brackets, thank you for making me play PeePee second round and then Alex shortly after. I would have been about 3 spots higher in the other half of you. You are a jerk.
The curly haired falcon player who I think is Mask(?), nice Falcon man. Keep playing, and we'll MM again soon. It was good to meet you; you were a really cool guy.
Dark Hart, it was fun playing you. You're much better than people give you credit for and think you let everybody get to you way too much. Don't sweat it, you're sweet.
Other people who people who I played: I'm glad I played you; I hardly ever get to play people. So much variety and competition is definitely nice. Keep playing Melee, and not Brawl.
Whoever invited the 14 year old girls: Don't invite them next time.
14 year old girls: Stay home next time.
Austin, my TV is still at your house and I never made it back there today. I'll probably have somebody grab it from you sometime soon, but if not sooner, you can give it to Adam or someone at Billfest. Take care of it for me. Oh yeah, and thanks for hosting. But the thanks is revoked for playing MK, what an *******. >______>
I think that's all. Sorry if I threatened to kill anyone, I'm a very irritable Melee player sometimes, especially when I'm playing Kevin >:E.
I have never seen floppin' like this before.